the spy life is the high life...


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When he turns 19, Yugyeom follows his father's footsteps in becoming a secret agent, a spy working for the go... More



111 14 7

Things move a bit faster than they probably should in this chapter but Haha(tm) I dont care 😎

Things for the next month or so were calm for Yugyeom. He fell into a routine of spending a precious amount of time with Bambam and a generous amount of time keeping track of criminals.

Bambam hadn't brought up the whole "secret" debacle and Yugyeom hoped he wouldn't. He had no idea what he would say.

Yugyeom's tiring routine only took a turn one day when he and Rainy were sneaking in to spy on an Mnet meeting in a stereotypical hidden warehouse.

If it weren't for the fact that Yugyeom hadn't seen his face, and maybe even that he hadn't met Bambam, Yugyeom would say Rainy was his makeshift best-friend.

Going on missions teamed up with him made everything so much easier than if he went with Jinyoung or Mark. No offense to his hyungs, but Rainy was his much preferred partner.

This specific job started like any other. The two snuck in and peeked around corners, talked with Jaebum and Youngjae, and ultimately all seemed fine. The meeting was just about to start and they had planted the sneak mics where they shouldn't be able to be seen by anyone, but things don't always go by the book in this line of work.

The mic was about the size of Bambam's hand, if Yugyeom were to size it. Maybe even Rainy's hand honestly. It was gray to match the approximate color of the floor, so Yugyeom just stuck it beside a bunch of boxes that looked empty and hightailed it out of the room.

Much to Yugyeom's surprise, the boxes actually had a use. Although Yugyeom couldn't fathom why, especially when all the audio went to 2jae not him, the men all started off to the back and started picking up boxes and hauling them to the front of the large empty room used for the meeting. Though Yugyeom and Rainy were behind a closed door, he heard shuffling and soft talking coming from the other side. Yugyeom furrowed his brows in confusion, temporarily forgetting the mic broadcasting the message to the members.

Yugyeom turned to ask Rainy but the man was sitting beside him disinterestedly, scrolling through his phone. Yugyeom rolled his eyes and hit Rainy's arm gently before nodding his head to the door.

"What do you think they're doing?" He whispered quietly.

"Maybe they're building a box fort. It's what I would do."

"Oh yes, all knowing Rainy. Rainy knows best." Yugyeom sighed, and then sighed once more hoping that Rainy understood the disappointed but not surprised laced in it.

"What? I don't make the rules, bro."

Yugyeom was about to retaliate back when he heard all the shuffling and talking behind him stop. He held a finger up to shush Rainy and pushed his ear up closer to the door.

"...planted a mic... jyp..." Yugyeom paled and grabbed Rainy's hand and yanked him off the ground.

"Ow, what the heck?"

"They figured us out, we gotta blast," Rainy's jaw dropped and he pulled his hand out of Yugyeom's. They shared a look but no more words before they started running down the hallway of the warehouse that led to the entrance.

Rainy stopped before they hit the front door and opened a random door to the side suddenly.

"What are you doing?" Yugyeom hissed nervously. "We need to get out of here!"

The elder scoffed. "Do you think they don't have snipers waiting outside?"

Yugyeom opened his mouth to say something but Rainy dragged him into the closet without another word.

The closet was so dark that he could barely make our Rainy even when there was still light shining in through a hole in the warehouse wall outside the door. It wasn't suffocatingly small, there was enough space for the both of them to sit down.

"Hide up against the corner... no, the other corner... Ach, just come sit by me." Rainy dished out instructions that Yugyeom found hard to follow.

Yugyeom tried to contact Jaebum or Youngjae, but the signal was being interrupted so they were left by themselves. Their sides were pressed together and they sat silently.

The door opened all of a sudden. A familiar man poked his head into the closet and closed it quickly before Yugyeom and Rainy even had a chance to be frightened, let alone acknowledge the man.

But Yugyeom had caught his eyes. The man had seen them no doubt
Yugyeom glanced at the direction of where Rainy must be sitting tensely.

"They must have got out. Lock all the doors so they can't get back in and we'll continue the meeting." There was a click, and before Yugyeom could process it they were stuck.

Yugyeom looked at Rainy with wide eyes. "I think they locked us in here."

"It's just a door-- we can knock it down. What the heck just happened anyways? He knows we're in here"

"It's pure metal, brainy. If you wanna ram into it and break your skull, be my guest, and I have no idea."

Rainy huffed and relaxed against the wall. "Did you try texting or calling Youngjae and Jaebum?"

Yugyeom shook his head (although he wasn't sure how well Rainy could see) and pulled his work phone out to surf through it. He pulled up the messenger app and found Youngjae in his recently messaged.

Chat: Youngjae ☀️

Browny: hey... we're in a sticky situation

❌ Message not sent

"I don't think I'll get service." Yugyeom said exasperatedly. Rainy sighed his face lit up with his phone's light as he tried sending a message to Jaebum, to no avail.

"I guess we'll just have to wait for them to come looking in a while or for Mnet to leave and release their hold on the earpiece signal here. I'm sure Mark or Jinyoung will show up." Rainy reasoned. He locked his phone and slid it back into his pocket.

They sat awkwardly for another minute, neither knowing what to do in this situation.

Finally Rainy spoke, but Yugyeom wished he hadn't.

"I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when you get tired."

Yugyeom gasped and shot his head towards the other. "In this situation you're going to sleep? Does that make any sense?" Rainy just shrugged. "It isn't even comfortable in here. I barely have room to breath."

"Actually, you're right. Hmm..." Yugyeom stalled and nervousness built in his stomach. What is it this time? "It sure would be nice if I had a pillow."

And just like that, Yugyeom became a pillow. With a sigh he accepted his fate and sat boredly as Rainy drifted to sleep.

Time seemed to go by slower than it had even when he sat at home alone while Bambam went who knows where. He tried amusing himself by visualizing choreographies and thinking about what to get Bambam for his birthday or as a thank you for caring for him recently. (He wasn't rich or anything, but the whole spy job was bringing in a lot more money than he needed so he wanted to spoil Bambam a bit.)

After about an hour and a half (or so, Yugyeom wasn't too sure) Yugyeom was sure he couldn't stay awake at this point. He got up at 4 in the morning for extra training and it was 9 already since the Mnet meeting happened late.

He patted Rainy's shoulder gently. "Hey. Idiot." He whispered. Rainy didn't budge an inch. Yugyeom furrowed his brows and wished he had a glass of water or something.

He leaned in closer and shook his shoulders and whisper-yelled to him to wake up. If only he knew if Mnet agents were still in the building.

He pulled his mask down over his mouth since he figured it was too dark for Rainy to see and he would sound louder.

"Rainy! Hey, wake up!" He poked his cheeks and finally the boy's eyes fluttered open drowsily. His eyes met Rainy's and he felt something traitorous flutter in his stomach at the sight of his eyes, but he was so tired he could barely comprehend what was happening to him. When Rainy muttered "What are you doing here?" softly Yugyeom became confused.

Bambam? Was this not Rainy but Bambam?

Rainy... Bambam? Yugyeom wasn't sure, whispered , "I missed you." He sat up from his nap and pulled his mask down onto his chin. "I missed you too," Yugyeom whispered breathlessly, suddenly overwhelmed.

Of course it didn't make sense for Bambam to be here, why would he, but Yugyeom couldn't think straight because he smelled Bambam's perfume. It had gotten so dark that he couldn't see a thing  and he worried that if he squinted to try to see everything would fade and he would fall asleep.

Bambam leaned forward. Yugyeom didn't see him but he felt him lean forward. The weight of the room shifted. Something was floating in the air, a feeling Yugyeom had never felt outside of the comfort of his home.

The black blob Yugyeom believed to be Bambam mumbled a final, "You should be resting," before leaning up and closing the space between the two of them.

As Yugyeom felt a pressure on his lips that he naturally reacted to, he slipped off his cap and twisted his head a little bit. Bambam reached his left hand a little bit and cupped the younger's face. He directed Yugyeom's chin in a familiar way that had him swooning.

When Bambam put a hand on Yugyeom's hip, something clicked.

This wasn't Bambam.

He pulled his head out of Rainy's hand and pushed the other male back panting.

Did he really just make out with some man that wasn't Bambam? He felt a pressure in his chest and he pressed himself against the wall guiltily.

Rainy just sat silently. Yugyeom remembered Rainy has a boyfriend too.

"What the heck, Rainy?"

The other man silently pulled up his mask and Yugyeom took the hint to do the same. He also put his cap back on.

"I was... I don't know..." Yugyeom grabbed his phone out of his pocket and tapped the flashlight on. Rainy was looking at the ground with wide eyes. "I guess I wasn't thinking straight." He finished a moment later.

"That's no excuse." Yugyeom spat back harshly. His chest was thumping wildly. It was as if he couldn't breath. Rainy paid no attention to his pleas, however.

"How will I face him now?" A whisper came from his mouth instead of an apology. "I won't be able to look at him straight. I can't believe I just did that."

"I'm in the same boat." Yugyeom sighed and leaned back, having given up on getting any kind of apology.

"So why did you do that?" He asked. Rainy shrugged. "I just... I thought you were him but there's no way..."

Yugyeom pursed his lips but he paused before answering. The drowsiness was returning. "I thought the same. I'm just as at fault."

Rainy shook his head. "What did you do? You were tired and I came onto you."

Yugyeom was listening but his head was dropping and his eyes were sewing themselves shut and he couldn't think straight to feel as he should then.

The last thing he heard before his head dropped forward was the turning of a lock.

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