
By NightBeforeLight

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Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Try Get Me

119K 886 163
By NightBeforeLight

All Rights Reserved

Hello Everyone!! First Chapter and I Hope you Enjoy it!!!


Picture of Leigh on the side>>>>>>> (Lucy Hale)


Chapter One

"Shit, is that?"

"I swear she was a boy"

"I thought she died..."

More of those comments echoed the walls of the School and they  bounced off and leaped into my ears. Yes, they were all about me. I bowed my head down, though Kyliee my best friend noticed and nudged me, making me tip my head back up again. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I never attracted attention before. Not before I had the (pause for dramatic effect) "makeover"

And I wanted to punch the person who swore that I was a boy! Yeah well for your information, mate. Last time I checked I did not have a d*ck! The anger that was inside of me wanted to burst out so badly, I thought I was going to explode.

Finally after a few wolf-whistles and death glares, we made it to my locker and I hid behind it, letting out a long sigh of relief that that was over. Kyliee was grinning in front of me.

"Damn girl-"

"Don't start Kyliee. I am still angry with you" I warned her.

Kyliee pouted enlarging her blue eyes. But I shook my head. No way was I falling for that trick. Again! That was one of the reason of why I did the stupid "makeover" Kyliee and her pretty face can become pretty persuading when it wants to...But no! I am never going to fall for that face again.

"Oh fine then," Kyliee huffed, but then that grin came back on her face. "But cookie, you do look hot"

I rolled my eyes at her and looked down on myself. I was wearing pale pink sandals with a bit of a heel (Kyliee wanted me to go for these gigantic heels, but I immediately protested) and a cute white dress that was sleeveless and had a light pink belt around the middle. The dress was nice, I guess but I never would have dreamt of wearing it before. Then there was that same silver ring that I wore everyday around my left index finger. I always wore that ring, no matter what.

My brown hair was curled and some locks lay softly on my shoulder. My fringe had been pinned back to my dismay. I have a heavy fringe that I would always hide behind, but "someone" - meaning Kyliee forced me to pin it back. As I said Kyliee can be quite persuading when she wants to. I wore pink eye shadow that Kyliee had put on and eye liner. And some clear gloss for my lips. I hardly ever wore make up- actually I don't remember ever wearing make up before. I absolutely hated it! To me, it was just a waste of time. But when I whined that to Kyliee who was about to put it on me, she actually slapped me! Yes, Kyliee hit me for bad-mouthing make up. Make up was not even a human being for christ's sake! Oh and my cheek had turned red and when Kyliee saw that she tried to make a joke out of it saying. "Oh at least you won't need any blusher," and she got a deep scowl from me in return.

Although I loved Kyliee. She was an awesome best friend. And she was incredibly pretty. With her beach-blonde hair that was naturally wavy. Sky blue eyes that could immediately go into puppy/persuading mode. And natural tanned skin that I was jealous of.

On the other hand I had light brown hair that never listened to me. And brown eyes that always go dark whenever I am angry, pissed or wanting something- sexually. I took that thought away from me. I had pale skin that never tanned which annoyed the crap out of me. So I was a normal looking girl.

But now I looked- nice. And I actually thought I did too. Suddenly I felt someone smack my butt. Furious I turned around and looked into a pair of dark eyes.

"I haven't seen you before, sexy. Why don't we go to the toilets for a quickie?" He smirked looking at me up and down.

Kyliee was laughing like a maniac and I slapped him on the chest, while he let out the laughter that he was trying to hold in.

"Oh shut up, Jace," I scolded Jace who was still laughing.

I glared at my two idiotic best friends who were laughing. There was Jace the jock. Hah, never thought of that. They both start with a J...Anyway Jace was a jock. A popular jock who was attractive. With his dark eyes and dirty blonde hair. Yes he was attractive.

When Jace stopped laughing, he gave me a look of approval. "But seriously, Leigh. You look hot,"

Sticking out my tongue at him, I replied. "Okay, I got enough of that this morning. You of all people can stop,"

Jace shook his head at me and Kyliee  was looking around. So I asked who she was looking for.

"Shawn," Kyliee answered.

"I need to go, catch up with you two later," Jace said right after Kyliee spoke. He walked unusually quick to leave.

"What's his problem?" Kylie wondered aloud, while I wondered that in my mind.

I shrugged in response, I honestly didn't know why Jace hurried off. But the next time I saw him, I was going to ask him. And Shawn was Kyliee's boyfriend. Shawn was a nice guy, but he was one the those "jocks" The player one. The one that gets laid several times a week. He was nice to Kyliee and Kyliee really liked him. Personally I didn't trust him one bit. But I wouldn't tell Kyliee that because Shawn makes her happy and I want her to be happy.

"Shawn!" Kyliee squealed making me hit my head by the sudden outburst. Trust Kyliee to get happy over him. And trust me for hitting my head.

Shawn walked over to us and Kyliee literally jumped at him, kissing him full on the lips. Um, hello I am still here.

"Er Kyliee..." I said awkwardly and she got out of the kiss, looking at me with a smile as if nothing had happened.

"Who are you?" Shawn asked me, his eyes raking over me making me uncomfortable.

"It's Leigh, baby" Kyliee spoke, smiling.

His eyes widened and he gave me a smile, that made me squirm slightly. "Leigh" He said as if he was trying to remember who I was. Typical.

"Leigh. Kyliee's best friend" I answered for the question he never asked.

Remembrance came over his face "Right, you're the tomboy"

I thought the urge to roll my eyes, so I nodded instead. I looked at Kyliee for help to get me out of talking to him, but she was gazing at Shawn like he was her hero or something.

"Why the sudden change, Leigh?" Shawn wanted to know, his face having an emotion I could not read.

"Why do you want to know?" I replied rudely.

"Leigh! Be nice," Kyliee scowled at me, telling me off like I was a five year old.

"Nah it's okay, babe" Shawn waved it off, still looking at me.

I felt really uncomfortable with the way Shawn was looking at me. It was weird, and I hated it.

"Um, Kyliee I'm going to head off to class" I told Kyliee and hurried off before she could tell me to stay.

Shuddering slightly, when I remembered the way Shawn was looking at me, I was walking quickly when I bumped into someone.

"Shit," I swore, rubbing my shoulder from where I bumped someone.

Instantly I recognised him. He was Shawn's best friend and he freaked me out. What was his name... Aha Lewis!

Lewis looked up at me and confusion filled his face. "Are you new?"

"No" I replied irritatedly and I moved to get out of his way, but then he caught me by the arm.

"No wait, I ha-"

"Get your hand off me before I rip it off," I stated through gritted teeth.

He let go of my arm muttering something about me being crazy. I gritted my teeth even more. Does he seriously want a punch or something? Because if he does, I will be more than happy to be the one who does it. As I was walking to my class, I heard wolf whistles and comments like "she's hot" and "I'll tap that" directed at me. I rolled my eyes. Don't these boys have anything better to do? No wonder most of them can't even get more than fifty percent on their work. When I walked into class, there were only two  people there. A girl and a boy. I recognised the girl, but not the boy.

I went to my seat and sat down when my phone buzzed. I looked at it and noticed that I had a text. It was from Kyliee. I opened it and it read:

hey slut! Thnxs 4 leaving me alone with Shawn :))))  see u in a bit xxx

We always called each other name when we text. It was a thing that we do, and neither of us get offended which was good. And I only left her with Shawn because he was creeping me out.  I replied back to her.

hi and i left u alone with shawn 4r a reason bitch!!  come quickly xxx

 I put my phone on the table, knowing that the teacher would not come in a bit and Kyliee would have a reply for me in a bit. I rubbed my ring, closing my eyes thinking about it. It bought my heart to break so I took my finger away from the it. I looked down at myself. I only changed because of- it hurt me to just think of it. Kyliee knows about it and so does Jace, but Kyliee was the one who requested the makeover. And now that I had the makeover, I felt different. And not just in appearance.

Before I had the makeover, I used to be the ultimate tomboy. It was like I was a boy. I dressed up like one and one boy thought I was actually a boy. He was cute and he asked me out. I accepted and went out with him. But it turned out that he was gay and I told him that I was a girl...Awkward. I was friends with him, said greetings but there was nothing more. It was a bit uncomfortable around us. And that was quite embarrassing for me! Someone saying I was the other sex!

I used to play football, basketball, cricket and well you get the point. I was a very sporty girl, so I was slim, but I liked to eat a lot. Luckily I have a very high metabolism. I guess my appetite is like a dudes one. Though I had to give that all up, because of Kyliee. Even though it is the first day of the makeover, I miss my sports so badly, it actually hurts. And according to Kyliee, I had to be more of a girl. I hit her for that, saying I don't have a d*ck! Isn't that girl enough for you? But then she hit me back, using her very colouful language. Kyliee and me are quite abusive towards each other, but that is why we get along so well. I think.

Looking at my lock that hung down over my shoulder, I frowned at it. Why couldn't everything just stay how it was? My eyes burned, but I blinked harshly. i wasn't going to cry here. I am now a changed girl. And I should act like that girl. My index finger with the ring jerked and I looked at it and smiled sadly. I will never forget you, I told it mentally.

More of the class was starting to come in and Kyliee finally decided to show up. She plopped herself next to me and smiled. I noticed that her lips were a bit swollen. Hm, I wonder why they are like that? *Note the sarcasm.

"Hey cookie, how is your pretty face doing?" Kyliee asked me and I rolled my eyes.

"Not that good. You know Shawn's friend, Lewis?" Kyliee nodded. "Well he bumped into me, said if I were new, then I told I wasn't and then I went to go and he grabbed my arm and I threatened him," I explained in short to her.

Kyliee looked at me and frowned. "You dumbo!"

I made a face. "What?"

Kyliee let out a frustrated sigh "Leighton,"

I cringed because when Kyliee or anyone used my full name, I knew I was in for it. Time for some trouble. I thought.

"Guys are going after you, and you're doing nothing but turning them down!" Kyliee exasperated. "You know why we did this makeover, Leighton. You need to get out of that shell and see the real world!"

"Well maybe I want to stay where I am, Kyliee!" I argued back, my voice louder than normal.

"Leighton, you can't and you know why. You need to let go," Kyliee reminded me.

"I know, Kyliee," I said, my voice quieting down.

Kyliee noticed my voice getting lower and she knew that I was upset. "Leigh, I'm sorry, but you need to do this,"

I closed my eyes tightly, before opening them as I said. "I know and I will,"

Kyliee gave me a squeeze on my shoulder and I smiled at her. We had a little fight, but we were okay now. But where did we have the fight? In class. And Mr Harley decided to show his stupid ass when we were shouting.

"Now girls, this is English not drama," Mr Harley sneered, making the whole class snicker.

"Oh go fuck yourself," I whispered so that only Kyliee could hear and she giggled.

"What was that, miss..." Mr Harley asked. Stupid old fart, didn't he know who I was?

I stood up from my seat, feeling confident for nothing and replied. "Miss Fell. Leigh Fell and you asked me what I said before so I will tell you. Go fuck yourself- sir," The class let out "oooo"s and gasps and I let a smile on my lips.

I heard Kyliee gasp and I just smiled. I was a changed girl after all.

"Principle's office. Now!" Mr Harley demanded.

"Gladly because it means I won't have to see your face for those precious minutes," I imagined myself saying and it was on the tip of my tongue for saying that. But I knew that I already created too much trouble for myself. I nodded my head and gave Kyliee a reassuring smile and walked out of the class, heading to the Principle's office, with my head held high. Yeah, I felt pretty bad-ass right now.

When I made it to Principle Blackwellt's office, I sighed before knocking on the door. After a few intense moments, I heard his voice say "Come in," And I breathed out a breath before twisting the knob and entering the room. For some reason this felt kinda scary to me. I mean with the change and now going to the Principle's office. I mean I have been in the Principle's office many times before, but I was never alone. And now I felt alone. Though I wouldn't be surprised if the Exorcist theme song came on right now.

Principle Blackwell looked at me "And you are?"

"Leigh Fell," I answered.

He nodded and got out a big, and when I say big, I mean big folder and opened it. He past through pages and he looked at me, then the page, then me and his grey eyebrows were raised.

"Quite the change, Miss Fell," Principle Blackwell spoke and I shrugged.

Did he have my picture in there or something?

"And why are you here?" He asked, having a bored tone. Hey, I don't want to be here either, I silently agreed.

"I may have said somethings to Mr Harley that offended him," I answered, smiling on the inside.

"Said somethings. Care to elaborate, Miss Fell?" Principle Blackwell more or less demanded.

I put on an innocent face "But my mummy said not to use that kind of language, sir," I put on a smirk after I said that.

Principle Blackwellt's face turned angry and when he opened his mouth to give me a lecture, the door opened, showing a guy. A hot one, might I add. With a capital, H, O and T!

He had the darkest shade of brown hair that I had ever seen. It almost looked black. And it was styled it that typical way that said "I just got out of bed..." But damn it looked sexy! He had dark eyes, but I could see that they were green. The darkest and deepest of all greens. Bloody hell, I'm turning poetic! His skin was a natural, healthy looking tan. But his lips were so dark and dare I say it- kissable. I slapped my self repeatedly, mentally for thinking like that. But they looked so inviting. What the heck, Leigh!? Though I was pretty sure I knew him, at least saw him around School. But I just couldn't quite put my finger on it. Who was this hot  Greek god of a boy?

"See something you like, missy," The boy smirked at me and I flushed.

Oh shit! There is nothing more humiliating when a boy catches you checking them out. Wait, was I checking him out? No I wasn't, I was just dreaming of his lips on mine- yeah, I was so checking him out.

"Yes," He raised his eyebrows. "Those sunglasses," I pointed to the ones that were clipped on his shirt.

The Greek god's eyes flashed with something.

"Right, Damian, what happened this time?" Principle Blackwell questioned and I could tell that- Damian was here regularly.

"Well sir..." Damian got into explaining of what he did wrong, but I could not focus on the words that were coming out of those lips. I was focusing on those lips.

Damian finished with a smirk that was directed at me and I rolled my eyes, but then it hit me. Damian...Damian...Damian. Aha!

"You're Damian Lysander! The one that got chucked out of seven School!" I gasped, jumping back.

"The one and only," Damian said cockily and I rolled my eyes.

"Damian! That isn't something to be proud of, now I will hope to see you attend some of your classes and detention," Principle Blackwell snapped.

"Yes sir," Damian saluted like a soldier and I giggled silently.

"Miss Fell, you will attend detention as well. Now both of you get to your classes and I don't want to hear anymore trouble from you two again!" Principle Blackwell dismissed.

I bopped my head at the Principle and walked over to the door, that Damian held open for me. I gave him a small look and went out of the door, not feeling suffocated any more.

"Hey, missy," Damian called out to me and I turned around.

He walked over to me and gave me a cocky smile. "So what's your name,"

I raised one of my eyebrows doing the Count Olaf thing from Series of Unfortunate Events. You gotta love Lemony Snicket!

"That's for me to know and for you to find out- bad boy," I teased, suddenly feeling the urge to.

Damian stepped forward and I felt my heart pick up the pace "Well missy, I like the sound of being a bad boy. Would you like me to be a bad boy to you?"

Oh holy crap! Think of something clever to say, Leigh! Oh goddamn it!

I tapped my chin thoughtfully "Hm, maybe later. I need to go to class," And with that said as coolly as I could say, I turned away, feeling good.

Without warning, I could feel his hot breath near my ear and I shivered as he spoke in a deep voice "I like a girl who fights back,"

I took one step and said "Well bad boy, you're going to love me. Because I always fight back,"

And with that I started walking to wherever, I mean I didn't even know where I was walking. I just had to walk away from Damian so it would be cool and dramatic. And as I walked around the corridor, I could hear his musical chuckle echo the halls.

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