strip that down for me;)

By 221bgaykerstreet

12.9K 350 93

prompts from a friend :) More

greaser!lock shite
stripper!john bby pt. 2
different teen!lock
five sweet things
bottom!john tease

stripper!john bby

2.1K 47 11
By 221bgaykerstreet

john sat at his vanity, sighing deeply as he grabbed the makeup remover wipes. he started to remove the makeup as he checked his phone, seeing that his mother had texted, asking how his day was going. he ignored it and continued to rub his face with the wipe to take off the glitter off his cheeks, leaving them raw when he finished. he got up and grabbed his bag, going to the dressing room and changing out of the fish net tights and the tiny spandex shorts he had to wear and into a pair of sweat pants and his nasa graphic tee. he went back to his vanity and saw that the others had came into the back.

"hey victor." john said to the stripper who sat at the vanity next to his. he set his bag in his chair and started to bag up his things.

"how much did you make tonight?" victor asked as he combed out the hair spray in his hair.

"same as last night and every other night." john said and sat down again, starting to put his shoes on.

"i'm telling you john, if you give yourself up, you'll make a lot more." victor said.

john shook his head. "i'm not like that." he said and stood up. "besides, if i keep this rate for the rest of my uni career, i'll have enough to pay it off."

victor turned and looked at the boy. "your mother is loaded like a baked potato! she can pay for your stupid uni!"

"i don't like asking her for money." john said and tossed his bag over his shoulder.

"you totally should." victor said in a sing-song voice, turing back to his mirror.

john gave him a timid smile. "see you tomorrow victor." john said and playfully pushed his head to the side.

"see ya johnny boy." he said and watched john leave out the back exit. he got to his car and got in before texting his mom back.

Worked late, now leaving. I'll text you in the morning.

his mother texted back right away.

Alright, love. Have a good night.

john read it then tossed his phone into the passenger seat before pulling out of the car park. he hadn't told his mom he was a stripper, he had told her he was working at a restaurant to help pay for his tuition. his mother has always been offering him money, but he never excepts it. besides, he liked being a stripper. he made a whole lot of money every night, even more when he did private dances, but he never had sex with clients or touched them or let them touch him. he gave lap dances, danced on a pole, wore a shit ton of glitter and that was it. between dancing shifts, he'd go to the back and work on his assignments so that way when he got back to his dorm they were finished, or they were almost finished. most the time he finished them at work so when he got to his dorm, he took a shower then went to bed. and that was exactly what he did when he got home.

"hey, sherlock!" greg called, banging on the door to the his flat. "i know you're in there so open up!" he said and continued to pound on the door with his fist.

sherlock swung the door open and stared at greg. "what?" he asked sourly. "you're not supposed to be here yet. you said nine."

"and is." greg said. "you have a watch, look at it some time. now grab you're coat and i'll be in the car." greg said then disappeared down the steps.

sherlock sighed and grabbed his coat off the back of the door and put it on as he walked down the steps and out to the street. he got in greg's car, sitting next to mike in the back seat. "do we really have to do this?" he asked.

"yes." greg said as he started to drive.

"i prefer not to go to strip clubs for my birthday." sherlock said.

"oh you'll like this one, mate." mike said and grinned.

sherlock sighed and slouched in his seat, looking out the window.

they got to the club and sherlock was glad to see it wasn't one filled with women, but it was men. he was still upset that he wasn't allowed to spend his birthday by himself in the four walls of his very comfortable flat. they sat at a booth and greg and mike and henry were all grinning from ear to ear.

"what are you lot so excited about?" sherlock asked.

greg pulled something out of his pocket and slid it across the table. "go through the curtains and you'll find your room."

sherlock took the key with a plastic tag attached to it with a number. he rolled his eyes and stood up, taking his jacket off and leaving it in his spot. he walked through the sea of people and to the curtain covered door way. he walked down the corridor, hearing muffled moans and loud music, looking for the room number that was on the key. once he found it, he unlocked the door and saw the small blond boy sitting on the love seat, on his phone. sherlock cleared his throat and the boy looked up, smirking.

"i take it you're sherlock?" he asked as he stood up.

sherlock nodded and watched him.

"greg told be about you. i'm john." he said as he walked over to him. "he told me how your brain stops functioning when you see something you like." john smirked and started to pull him to the love seat.

"t-that doesn't happen." sherlock said and shook his head, looking down at the blond.

"oh i'm sure." john said sarcastically. he turned them around and pushed sherlock down onto the love seat, getting into his lap. "no touching, just enjoy the show." he whispered into sherlock's ear.

sherlock let him do what he wanted, watching him closely the entire time. watching his hips roll so smoothly, his ass when it was pushed out and rubbing against him, the way he looked in the fishnet leggings and the gold spandex shorts, how his face looked as he danced, how the silver glitter on his cheek bones brought out his bright blue eyes. this boy was bloody perfect in sherlock's eyes. the dance soon came to an end and john got up pulling on a robe that was discarded on the floor. sherlock stood and grabbed john by the wrist, pulling him to him.

"what're doing?" john asked, not trying to escape sherlock's hold.

"asking for your number?" sherlock responded sheepishly.

john made eye contact with the tall man. "i don't give my number away."

"it's for a personal reason."

"we have hotlines for that."

"not for that." sherlock said and let john go. "for like a date." he said shyly.

john started at him with a slight smile. "you're asking a stripper out on a date?"

sherlock nodded. "i am quiet fond with you, and i can tell you're not very open with clients and you're still in uni and this is how your paying for it, but you take pride in it 'cause you actually enjoy it. and i'm babbling off, sorry." sherlock said and gave him an apologetic smile.

john giggled at him softly. "give me your phone." he said and held his hand out.

sherlock reached into his back pocket and took out his phone, unlocking it then giving it to john.

john looked at him as he took the phone, putting his number in then texting himself. "here." he said and gave sherlock his phone back. "very brave of you, asking for a stripper's number."

"well when they're as cute as you, it's hard to resist." sherlock said, causing john to look down at his feet, blushing.

"i get off at one. i'll text you then." john said and gave sherlock a smile before leaving.

sherlock smiled to himself and pocketed his phone before leaving the room. he went back to the table, but the only person there was henry and he was completely wasted, hitting on the server that was at the table. sherlock told henry to shut up and ordered him another pint then gave the server the key before going over to the stage where one of the men were performing on a pole. he found a seat on the side and sat down, waiting for john to come out.



Enjoy the night, birthday boy?

You made it a hundred times better.

Did I?

Very much so.

How does a date sound? I don't know your schedule so I can't set an actual date yet.

I don't have classes Wednesday until noon, so how about some breakfast?

That sounds good. Shall I pick you up or should we meet some where?

We can meet at the cafe near campus if that works for you.

It does. Eight?

Eight works.

Goodnight, John.

Night, Sherlock.

wednesday morning, sherlock arrived to the cafe before john, but john was only a few minutes behind. since sherlock arrived first, he chose a table out side and ordered john a plain black coffee when he got there. john sat down and sherlock smiled at him.

their first date was a bit awkward, but soon they warmed up to each other and it got ten times better. john ended up being late for his class and sherlock gave him a ride to it, asking him if he wanted to go out again and john said yes.

the next date was friday night, but john was working so sherlock planned to have john over for dinner at his flat.

"where are you going in such a hurry?" victor asked john as he watched him pack his things quickly.

"i have a date." john said as he pulled his hoodie on.

"a date? at three in the morning?" victor asked. "you must really like this guy."

john gave him a side eye and sighed. "it's the guy from wednesday." he said and looked at victor, putting his bag over his shoulder.

"oh really?" victor said over exaggerated. "tell me more, johnny."

john scoffed and rolled his eyes. "see you tomorrow, loser." he said then started for the back door. he walked out and saw sherlock standing outside of his car, watching for him. john smiled and walked over to him. "should we go?" he asked.

sherlock nodded and opened the passenger door for him, smiling at him as he got in. then he got in quickly. "so the menu for tonight is pasta with alfedo, or if you don't like that i have some day old take away in the fridge."

john smiled at him. "alfredo is good."

"good." sherlock said then started to drive.

when they got to sherlock's flat, john sat on the sofa, flipping through the channels on the telly to find something good to watch while sherlock made the bowls of alfredo. he walked over with the bowls and gave john one. "did you want anything to drink?" sherlock asked as he set his bowl on the coffee table.

"just some water would be fine." john said as he started to eat. he was very hungry and devoured the entire bowl, not caring that sherlock was right next to him, watching him.

"hungry, are we?" sherlock laughed softly, putting a water bottle on the coffee table in front of john.

john wiped his mouth and blushed a bit. "yeah. it was busy tonight, i didn't get many breaks." he said softly, looking into his lap.

"did you want more?" sherlock asked.

john nodded. "that'd be great." he said and handed sherlock his bowl.

sherlock went into the kitchen and got john more then brought it back out to him, sitting next to him as he ate his own. they sat quietly, eating as they watched reruns of the twilight zone. after they finished, sherlock took their bowls into the kitchen then went back to the couch, sitting next to john a bit closer this time. john didn't mind, he liked it. he liked how warm sherlock was and the scent of his colonge. he liked sherlock in general, ever since he came into the club that night. he rested against sherlock and sherlock wrapped an arm around him, holding him closer. john took a shot and placed his hand above sherlock's knee, feeling sherlock shift a bit. he grinned then shivered, thinking about sherlock fucking him. he remembered the night sherlock came in and then thought about the tent in sherlock's pants and how large it was. he moved his hand to sherlock's inner thigh and looked up at him, getting a look back, then he kissed sherlock, getting a kiss back.

john moved into sherlock's lap, the kiss getting more heated as john rolled his hips and sherlock bucked his. john grinned and pulled away, rubbing the tent in sherlock's sweat pants. "do you want me to suck you?" he asked in his ear, nipping at it.

sherlock growled softly, gripping john's hips as he bucked his up, rubbing his hard on against john. "i just wanna fuck you."

"oh god yes." john gasped softly. "please do it." he begged.

sherlock stood up, picking john up as he did. he felt john wrap his legs around his waist tightly then carried him to his bedroom. he laid john down and kissed him, grinding down on him and getting a soft noise from him. sherlock did it again and john bucked his hips this time, wanting more friction.

there will be a pt. 2, don't worry

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