Dance First (Dance Moms ALDC...

Par anon-sirekl20

59.1K 607 323

Aurelia was a prodigy of many talents. After taking a break, she has now appeared back in the limelight with... Plus

B A C K S T O R Y + C H A R A C T E R S
P A R T o n e
chapter uno
Character Outline
The New News
A Day of Dance Moms
Dancing in Drama
Reckless Awards
Sad Goodbye, Happy Hello
Walking the Carpet
When it goes Wrong
The Other Side to Them
Luck is Half the Game
Winners Don't Lose
Gone Like the Wind
Finally Having to Fight
Exposing Truths
We're Nothing More Than Friends
I'm a Rockstar
Laughter is a Cackle
Uh Oh Go Back to being Plastic

Intro, Interviews and Pyramids

4K 53 7
Par anon-sirekl20

I dress in a white diamond gemstone (fake gems obviously) dance top and plain silk dance shorts.

As I get in the car I start to regret my decision of agreeing. My mother goes over the plan with me.

"Okay, so when we get there we won't be doing homeschooling at all today because we will be too busy. The producers will give you an hour to get ready and then they will take you through to be interviewed. They will ask you lots of questions about your past and dancing and be as honest as you can. Then the producers will run you through what will happen during pyramid. Got that!"

I nod my head and start reading one of the new books I bought from the airport yesterday.


When we finally arrive I am greeted at the door by a woman I know as Miss Abby, or Abby as everyone seems to call her.

"Hello Aurelia Ellery and your mother Idella Ellery. Welcome to my studio, it's such an honour for you to come and I hope we can work together in the future." To me it all sounds a bit rehearsed but I say thanks and follow her in. They do my hair and makeup and then I go into the interviewing room.

"Hello, I'm the producer of Lifetime. Now, we are going to ask you some questions and you'll answer them, making sure to look at the camera. Is that okay?" I nod and he starts.

"Please introduce yourself."

"Hi, I'm Aurelia Ellery," I start confidently - I'm used to talking to a camera. "I'm twelve years old and I live here in Los Angeles, although the last studio I was at was in Ohio."

"Have you won any national titles? Have you ever beaten or been beaten by Maddie Ziegler?"

I know they know the answers, because they're the ones who haven't aired all the competitions I beat Maddie in.

"Well, I started dance when I was three, which is generally a year later than most dancers, and started competitive dance when I was four. My first national title I went for was in tap when I was five years old and I won it. Of the six years I've been competing, I've only come second twice in nationals and that was to Maddie Ziegler. I have won pretty much every competition I've danced in except for a few and won national titles in all styles except hip hop."

I smile at the camera and the producer looks pleased. "Okay," he says expectantly. "Now we are going to ask whether you're excited to be on the show please answer in present tense."

"If I'm completely honest," I touch my hair for comfort, an old habit of mine I've never broken out of. "I didn't really know about ALDC before a few days ago." It was only a slight exaggeration. "But I did some research and when I found out I was going to be on Dance Moms I was bewildered. I'm so honoured to be here and called in especially by Abby - I finally get to be like my brothers! However, my only concern is that I hope my mother doesn't go too crazy because like a few of the mothers here are a bit melodramatic if you get what I mean." I chuckle awkwardly at the camera.

"Right we're done with the interviews. You're a real natural at it, I must say. All the other girls were terrified in their first interview." I grin widely, letting my teeth show.

"Well, being the younger sister of the Ellery brother's does have its perks."

The producer quickly goes about explaining the Pyramid and when I should go in. He glances down at his watch and looks up anxiously.

"The girls will be here in ten minutes, so go hide in the interviewing room for a while until I tell you to come out." He tells me and then shouts to his crew members, "Get the cameras ready and rolling."


"Welcome girls, congratulations all of you for Saturday. I was very pleased." I watched the screen from the interview room. For some reason, as I count the cards on the mirror in the pyramid, there seems to be one extra including myself.

"On the bottom of the pyramid, Kendall." I watched Kendall's face as Abby ripped off the paper to reveal her head shot. "You danced well in the group dance, but you didn't stand out. Next we have Mackenzie." Mackenzie glanced nervously at her mother, Melissa, holding in tears. "Your solo placed third, and you know how much I dislike third.

"Next is Kalani, you were second, and second is the first to lose, but you really shone in the group dance. Next is Jojo and Maddie. Well done girls, you placed first in the duets but neither of you had the right sort of energy. The duet was about old friends and you made it seem like you were both on holiday. Then Brynn. You were an amazing lead in the group dance and brought us to victory, and although your duet didn't win, it brought tears to my eyes."

"Hang on," droned a voice from the side of the room, who identified as Jessalyn, Jojo's mom. "That's hardly fair when Jojo and Maddie won it and they're below her."

Abby scoffed. "Jessalyn, maybe if you listened you'd know why. Besides, I don't see Maddie complaining, do you?" Abby continued, ignoring Jessalyn as she rolled her eyes.

"In the middle is Mackenzie, you were the highest scoring soloist in your category."

I knew what was coming next, so I started to make my way to the Studio A when I saw another girl standing outside it as well.

"Hey," I greet her awkwardly, it suddenly clicking in my head why there is another headshot up. "You must have been called in by Abby as well! I'm Aurelia Ellery." I block out the sound of Abby and Jess fighting, knowing quite well that it was all staged.

"Like for real? You mean Aurelia Ellery the sister of the Ellery Brothers?" I nod my head. She is a pretty girl with freckles, flaming auburn hair and grassy eyes. "I'm Amy and I'm really happy to be here, Abby called you in too?" I smile grinning as we hug. Suddenly, I am snapped back to the commotion in Studio A as we both hear our cue.

"Nia, you were the overall high scoring winner of your soloist category and this makes up for your duet. You were perfect in the group dance...but the reason you're not up here," Abby pointed to the two covered headshots side by side at the top. "Is because I have invited two more dancers to come along."

The door opens and we both plaster fake smiles on our faces, our mothers trotting in behind us to join the other moms. None of the girls run up to us, but Amy and I weren't expecting it. Maddie gasps when she sees me.

"Introduce yourselves girls," Abby snaps at us.

"I'm Amy, thirteen years old and it's a pleasure to be here with you guys!"

They all look at me and I give them my no nonsense stare. "Aurelia Ellery," I say casually. "Twelve, and I hope to work with you in the future." Abby looks pleased at my drilling tone.

"Okay girls, this week one of these two will be going home, or maybe if they're both so good, it'll be one of you." She glares menacingly at them with the cameras zoned in on us and her. Amy and I join the girls' ranks.

"I know it's a long way off to nationals, but we need to prepare, and I need my best dancers out there. Also, as another surprise, Elliana and Lilliana will be working with us this week, but they are currently in a photo shoot so they will be here later this afternoon." All the girls squeal except for Maddie, Mackenzie, Kalani and I who are dead serious. We all want to win.

"Moving on, there will be six solos this week. The first goes to Lilliana, which will be a sassy hip hop piece called I Know, and another one will go to Elliana, obviously and will be a lyrical contemporary piece with the title Moving Forwards, Striving Higher. I only want one of them to go to nationals. Our third and fourth solo go to Nia as jazz with the title We Never Hit the Floor and I have a musical theatre piece called In the Glass that was going to go to Jojo, but since your mother has annoyed me it will go to Kalani." We clap and Jojo and Kendall hug Kalani.

"Another solo will got to Aurelia, it will be a jazzy acro dance named Spider Catch, " I smile calmly as if I'd been expecting it; I hadn't. "And I was going to give a jazz solo to Amy as well, but you turned up late, and I don't need lazybones; that's why I have Jill." Jill gasps melodramatically but quickly laughs, hoping her lack of argument will give Kendall the solo. It doesn't. "But," Abby pauses for suspense. "Since it is your first day I will be lenient and allow you to keep it. The title is Meadow Girl."

Amy murmurs a thanks and we both share excited looks, though mine is far more collected than her bright ecstasy.

"We also have three duets and a trio. The trio is a musical theatre about growing up called Sassy Socks. It will go to Maddie, Jojo and Kalani." Maddie's former expression of disappointment turns to one of thrill and the three run together. Our first duet goes to Elliana and Mackenzie. It will be a ballet piece and is called Perfection isn't Perfect. Our second duet is Lilliana and Kendall with the title of Little Me and is a lyrical contemporary piece. Our final duet is also a lyrical contemporary piece called One Breathing, Another Heaving. This will go to Brynn and..." Brynn smiles and everyone claps with trepidation, wondering who will join her. Abby's eyes scour the junior elite team.

"I think," She says slowly, biding her time. "We'll have Aurelia. I'm going to be stretching all of you girls, so don't let me down."

We all nod and Brynn runs up to me and we squeeze each others hand.

"The lead of the group dance will go to Kalani. It is about someone who has just received their driving licence and is very reckless. It's called Pretty Reckless."

"Hang on Abby,"calls Jill as we all turn to leave. "I don't think it's fair that Kalani gets a solo, a trio and be the lead of the group," She whines. Even Kendall glares at her. I don't think Jill realises how lucky all the girls are to either be doing a solo, or be in a duet or trio.

Abby motions for us all to get out and prepare, but we can hear the shouting from the den.

"Well that was tense," chuckles Jojo warmly. "I can't believe we all get to do something outside the group dance!" We all murmur our agreement.

Mackenzie seems rather excited. "Are you really the sister of the Ellery Brothers?"

"Yeah," I grin. "I get to boss them around twenty four seven."

"I know, I saw your live last night," Mackenzie pauses. "Speaking of which do you wanna do one now?"

Before I can reply Nia comes up behind her and slings her arm around her. "We need to go in a few minutes but we can all do it afterwards because Maddie, Jojo and Kalani will be doing their trio."

"Sure." Brynn, Mackenzie, Nia, Kendall, Amy and I all agree.

"Until then," Amy states as we walk into Studio A and fix our faces with silent masks.


A first taste into Dance Moms and plenty more exciting dance and drama next chapter

Please feel free to comment, vote or ask questions because I love getting feedback and constructive criticism.

By the way, none of my chapters will have been properly edited so please point out errors



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