The Emerald-Steel Collection


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A collection of one shots and prompts about the ship many people had no idea they needed: SuperArrow. (multip... More

1. The Masquerade
2. Role reversal
3. Two times Oliver almost proposed and the one he did.
4. Secret Weapon
5. Would you be my date?
6. Work out
7. With a little help from a friend
8. The Interview
9. The Secret
10. The Girl Who Fell On Earth
11. Nevertheless She Persisted
12. Red light
13. Is not that hard to say "I love you", except it is.
14. The Aftermath
15. Duet... Sort of
16. The Auction
17. World's Finest
18. Jealous
19. A little competition doesn't hurt... Or does it?
20. The Proposal
21 - I know you from somewhere
22. Invasion
23. Crush
24. Together, at last
26. The Difference
27 - Teenage Nightmare
28. The Wizarding World of... Multiverse?
29. All Or Nothing
30. I've Just Seen a Face
31. Light at the end of the darkest day
32. Imprisoned
33. With a little help from my friends
34. This I promise you
35. When words hurt more than actions
36. All that matters
37. Everything - Part 1
38. Everything - Part 2
39. Everything - Part 3
40. Lost Bat and feelings found
41. Home sweet home
42. I wasn't expecting you here
43. A distant vacation
44. The unexpected happened
45. Strangers when we met
46. Good company
47. National City 2047
48 We're far away, but close enough Part 1
49 - We're far away, but close enough Part 2
50. Across the Universe
51. We're far away, but close enough PART 3
52. Life lessons are forever
53. Kryptonite
54. A Super Xmas
55. Dream On
56. Lian Yu
57. The Dress
58. How I met all superheroes and the love of my life.
59. Moon River
60. Training sessions
61. Freaky Friday... ish - A Super Life
62. Family matters
63. What happens in National City...
64. Save Me
65. About getting caught...
66. I've got you
67. The Gala
68. Brightest soul
69. A different day
70. Only You
71. The List Part 1
72. Phantoms
73. Nobody wants to be lonely
74. Matchmaker
75. Hope
76. You and Me
77. Smitten
Chapter 78. Past, present and future

25. Heart without a home

2.7K 52 21


M rated but not that much lol. This is a sweet and poetic short fic.

I wrote this listening to: U2 - With or Without You, Evan Rachel Wood - Blackbird, Westlife - Unbreakable, Ewan McGregor - Come What May, Nsync - I thought she knew, Dido - White flag, Delta Goodrem - Angels in the room.

I strongly suggest u read listening to one of them ^^ It has a special meaning.

Hope u guys like it

Chapter Summary: Mixed a prompt: Prompt by teammfmj: "maybe do a sequel with Oliver trying to reach her during her "cold" phase in 3x1? Or have him be the only one shes ok with?" – with the idea I had: One special night, one special meaning. Lovers from different universes finally understands what true love really means.


Kara opened her eyes and blinked twice. Her vision was all blurry so she closed her eyes once again and took a deep breath. She opened her eyes again, slower this time and smiled. It was a weak smile, an unsure smile, but still, she managed to project one.

She looked at his peaceful figure laid by her side on her bed, the contour of his face, all those beautiful features he had. He breathed in and out like he was having the most peaceful and calm dream. She couldn't help but notice a small smirk forming in his lips. She tried really hard not to wake him up and stood there, lay by her side, her hands under the pillow as she watched him sleep.

She thought about how they ended up here. How everything happened. She was a bit unsure about how she felt, but she had hopes her heart would mend little by little.

Because it had been broken.

7 months she spent in hell wondering what happened. If Mon El was alive, if he was ok. She had to live with the fact that she had to send him away to save his life, and now she felt miserable.


Everyone thought this was just about Mon El, but truth be told, it wasn't.

She was sick and tired of feeling abandoned. That was all.

The Mon El thing was just the thing that made her finally have enough. It has been accumulating inside of her for a long time now, and it just exploded. She couldn't help but feel broken, not feeling like doing anything. What was the point? Everybody was going to leave her. It was easier if she just did what she had to as Supergirl and came back to her apartment. Life was easier this way, for her and for everybody.

Alex, Winn and J'onn started to worry about her. She barely hung out anymore, she never smiled again, she was always looking like she cried all night. It was heartbreaking to watch it. So Alex had an idea. If no one from her world could help, maybe someone from other world could.

Alex reached for Earth 1, looking for help.

But there was a problem: Barry Allen was gone. They told her about something called speed force and that he was trapped inside it. She tried the legends through Star Labs but they were all through time fixing their mistakes from breaking time. Alex couldn't possible imagine how this could happen and decided she wouldn't have the headache. She reached the last place she could: Star City.

She reached for Oliver Queen, knowing he knew her sister. And it was not easy, the guy's life was also a mess. But once he heard about Kara's state, even living his own hell, he decided to help. The only thing he needed was to be able to bring his son with him. They needed a time off after whatever they went through, so Alex said it was ok. She even invited them to stay with her, because the state Kara was in, it wasn't a good idea for her to have guests.

Kara was in her room, trying to sleep when the storm came. It was a terrible one, it looked like it was going to destroy the entire city. The lights went off and Kara went to look for some candles and flashlights. She heard someone knocking on her door and went to open it, not really in the mood to have any kind of interactions with another human.

- Oliver? – She said in a surprised tone once she opened her door.

Something made her wake up for a few seconds when she realized Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow and someone from another Earth was on her doorstep.

- Hi – Oliver said in a low voice, unsure about how Kara would react to his presence.

- What are you doing here? – She asked, still holding the door open – I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, I'm just surprised... Please, come in – She gave him room to walk in and he did.

- I was already in need of a time off my world when your sister came in...

- Alex... I knew it! – Kara rolled her eyes as she closed the door behind her and walked towards the living room. – The power just went out... - She looked at her fireplace and lighten it up with her heat vision.

It was not the same as the light she had in her home, but it was something. Oliver looked at her as she did her thing, smiling to himself. He had forgotten how cool Kara's powers were.

- It's ok. – He told her as she mentioned for him to sit on the couch. – And it was a good thing she stopped by... She's worried about you...

- I'm ok...

- Somehow I don't believe it...

- Why?

- Because I can see you're suffering. It takes one to recognize the other.

Kara looked at him in silence. She couldn't even bother to hide what she felt, it hurt more than anything. By the look on his face, he was suffering as well.

- Not that I don't appreciate it, but why did you come all this way?

- I was worried as well. The last time I saw you, you were...

- Cheerful, smiling, happy... I know...

- Not just that... You came from far away to help a bunch of people you barely knew. It showed me the kind of person you are...

- I'm an alien, Oliver! I'm not human!

- You were raised by humans as I learned... You are better than most humans I know, so... The thing is, I thought it was only fair I could do the same for you...

Oliver smiled at her as she kept her sad expression on her face.

Kara looked down, finding some sense into what Oliver was saying. She was really touched by the fact he did came all this way just to see how she was doing. It was really nice of him. She looked at him, realizing he was not from this world literally, so she could talk to him without worrying of being judged or constantly asked if she was ok or better.

- If you want to talk...

- I do – She said out of sudden.

Kara put her feet on the couch as she bent her legs and hugged her own knees. Oliver turned to his side, to face Kara as they sat close to each other.

- I had to send my boyfriend away 7 months ago. The air was poisonous to him, so if he stayed, he could die. And we have to make the air poisonous because his mom was trying to dominate the world and turn it into her home planet, Daxam. I sent him into space and I have no idea if he is alive, if he is ok... I thought I would spend the rest of my life alone, I was used to the life I had until I met him. Then everything made sense again, I saw I could have it all, enjoy life like a human could and still be Supergirl. But I was wrong. I can't have a normal life; I can't live as a human... I will never be able to, and I realized that as soon as I get used to being just Supergirl, the better will be. And less painful as well...

Oliver looked at her and then down at his hands as he rubbed them together. He looked up again at her with a serious look in his face.

- I need to be honest with you and warn you: this life never gets less painful. Even if you try to focus only in being the hero your city needs. I'm sorry Kara, but that's not how things work.

- It's working for me...

- For now!

- You say that because you are human... no offense... It's just that...You don't get it.

Kara wiped a few tears that insisted in coming down her face.

- Kara I just came home from an island that exploded with my sister, my team and my son, I saw the mother of my son die yesterday and I have no idea who else is alive besides my kid. I'm human but I'm not pain free... I get it.

- Oliver... - Kara covered her mouth with both her hands, looking startled at him.

- Let's not talk about me now, it's not important...

- For sure it is...

- Not now...

Oliver lowered his head and took a deep breath. He was not in the mood to talk about his personal tragedy right now. He wouldn't drop a big bomb on Kara while she had her own bomb to deal with.

- I tried once to stay away from love, from people who cared about me... It took me nowhere. It only made things worse. Kara, to run away and push people away, I can guarantee you, by my own experience, that it doesn't work the way we want to.

- I'm just... I'm tired of getting close to people and opening up just so they can leave me. Everyone leaves... I'm tired...

- Hey – Oliver reached for her hand and caressed it, sitting a bit closer – You have your sister, I can tell she loves you because she crossed worlds just because she was worried about you and needed someone to come and talk to you, someone who wasn't around all the time, someone she felt you could trust... You saved me from dying last time we saw each other; I guess we are on the trust level... - He teased, earning a small smile from her, he considered this a small victory. – You also had people on your life that truly cares for you. And I know it sucks when people we love leaves. I've been there. But time heals everything. We learn to live with it. We know we will miss them, but life do go on and there are people in our lives that truly cares about us. So we need to be strong for them, because they are strong for us.

- Tell me more about you...

- Kara, no... It's not about me...

- But I want to know... - She said as she reached for his cheeks, caressing it slightly, making him look into her eyes. She was a bit nervous about that move, but she felt the impulse, so she went for it. She wanted him to know it was important to her, to know more. – You told me you've been there, it's important to me... To know your pain. You are getting to see mine, it's only fair...

Oliver looked defeated at her as she took her hands from his face, blushing. He smiled to see she was feeling embarrassed and a bit awkward. It was adorable, he thought, trying to focus on what she wanted to know.

He told her about his parents, the island, his lonely life. How he was surrounded by people and feeling alone at the same time. About his kid, how he found out, how it cost him his relationship and how he decided to be alone from that moment on, because he thought he was never going to find someone who could understand his life, who he could be honest with. It was his personal hell.

Kara listened, absorbing each word of his. It was unbelievable how much they had in common.

- I could never imagine you've been through all of this. When I met you, you looked so...

- Centered? In control? – He smiled at her, letting a small laugh out as she nodded – I need to be, for my sister, for my team... Someone has to.

- How you do that?

- I remember that others depend on me, and that their lives are also not easy... I try to be strong for them and keep things going on.

- You think they are all dead?

- They are all in the hospital. I left the island just to come home and a few hours later I got a call, telling me there was an accident somewhere and a few people I knew where sent to hospital, along with my sister. They said there was nothing I could do and sent me home. William was scared and feeling depressed about his mom passing away. Your sister offered to help distract him while I'm here. I promised him I would be ok and Alex told him he was going to love to see an alien ship. I think it worked, at least for a while...

Kara smiled and reached again for his hand, squeezing it.

- It means a lot that you came here. I don't know why but... It's good to see a fresh face around here.

- It's good to be in a fresh new Earth for a change.


Kara smiled to herself as she remembered his last words to her before the silence followed. The air was thick around them in the dark. There was only the noise of the rain that moment. Kara looked through the window of her bedroom just to see it was still raining a lot, still dark. She noticed Oliver started opening his eyes and stared at him, smiling.

- Hey. – He murmured

- Hey.

Oliver came a bit closer to her, his hands holding her by the waist, going to her back. He slowly caressed her back up and down, staring into her eyes in silence.

Kara found out she enjoyed being in silence with him. She looked back at him, remembering everything that led them where they were now.

Worth it. Every single second.

It was like a dream, except it was real, and she was glad for it.

Maybe her heart could mend? Piece by piece.

- This wasn't expected – He looked at her – But I'm glad for it.

- Me too. – She whispered as she held his hand and kissed it, still looking at him.

His skin felt so soft against her lips, she would never forget it, for sure. She closed her eyes, bringing back memories of the most beautiful and touching night she ever had in her entire life.


They were on the couch, staring at each other, their faces centimeters apart. Kara closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she felt the amazing sensation of the tip of his fingers tracing her cheeks and the contour of her face. It was like he was studying every inch of her face so he could memorize it and keep it forever. She felt his lips approaching hers, kind of unsure, like he was waiting for her permission to move. She closed the space between them, brushing her lips over his.

- It's ok – She whispered and he opened his mouth a bit more, finding out the sweet taste she had on her lips.

Oliver wasn't feeling like himself at all, but this was a good thing, he thought. He was always so closed, so cold... It was like he needed this, to open himself, share with her the warmth he was feeling right now. Oliver opened his eyes and saw Kara stand up slowly, using her fingers to caress his short beard and chin.

- Come with me – She whispered, offering her hand to him.

He grabbed her hand and got up, following her. She guided them through her place until they reached her bedroom.

- For 7 months I felt nothing but hurt... - She said as she turned his back to him.

Oliver closed the door behind him and stared at Kara.

This was actually happening? He asked himself. Because it felt like a dream. It was the last thing he thought it was going to happen, especially between them. They barely knew each other. But deep down in his mind, he knew she felt the same he did a few seconds ago: an especial connection. They had a lot more in common than he could possible imagine.

Kara took her sweatshirt off, still in her pants, socks and a white t shirt. She turned to face him

- You came in today and I can't explain... But I'm starting to feel awake.

Oliver walked towards Kara and held her hands with his.

- I wasn't expecting to... But talk to you gave me hope... - He said in a low voice as she reached for his shirt and helped him get rid of it. – I can't help but wonder...

He felt something he never felt before as she took a few steps and kissed his cheeks. It was like he was slowly calming down, knowing everything would be ok. At the same time, Kara felt a bit of hope lightning up inside of her. Her eyes traveled through his torso and she noticed some of his scars. The tip of her fingers touched them, one by one and she pressed a small kiss in each one of them.

- You are so beautiful... I can see it now – She whispered.

- No, I'm not...

- Yes, you are! You just don't see it!

- Kara I was supposed to be trying to cheer you up.

- You are doing that – She looked at him as he grabbed her by the waist, bringing their bodies together.

- I don't deserve someone like you – He said as he felt a single tear form in his eyes while her lips crashed his.

- You do deserve. – Kara whispered between the kiss and opened her mouth a bit more so Oliver could deepen their kiss.

Oliver walked slowly with Kara until they reached her bed. Kara sat on the edge of it and held his waistband, bringing him to her. She started pressing small kisses to his abs and waistline as she opened his pants slowly, helping him get rid of that.

Oliver kneeled on the bed, bringing his body over hers and she crawled backwards until she reached the pillows. Oliver followed her, covering her body fully now.

Kara closed her eyes for a moment, feeling his warmth embrace all of her. She felt each part of her wakening up now after all this time.

He caressed her hair with one hand.

She caressed his back with her soft hands.

He pressed a small kiss on the base of her neck, smelling her scent and feeling dizzy with it. His tongue soothed her skin as he slightly sucked her pulse point.

She exhaled.

And then a tear came down her eyes.

Oliver looked at her, approaching his face from hers.

- It's everything ok? – He said as he wiped the tear away with his fingers, caressing her cheek afterwards.

- Now it is – She smiled, reaching for his neck and bringing his lips back to hers – I'm..

Kara looked at him, their foreheads touching.

- Tell me how can I help... Please – He whispered at her, still caressing her hair.

- I want you to help me wake up. I need to feel alive again.

- I guess we can help each other – He whispered back to her, his fingers traveling through her chest, going down her flat stomach – Because I need the same thing...

- Let's help each other – She smiled at him while she reached underneath his last barrier, tearing it apart and throwing it away.

She slowly caressed his abs, their foreheads still touching, their eyes still locked into each other's as they smiled exchanged smiles.

To be able to look deep into his soul through his eyes just when they were both trying to help each other feel alive again was something Kara never experienced before, and it made all the difference. She could see each part of his that was broken, every part of the darkness he mentioned earlier, trying to lurk in. She held him softly while still looked deeply into his eyes. They were a different shade of blue, darker, sparkling in a different way. She could see he wanted her badly now.

Oliver tried to focus, used all the strength he had inside to hold her hand and stop her.

- Just wait – He whispered letting go of her hand and reaching for her waistline.

- Why...

Kara tried to speak but was lost of words in seconds. He kept looking at her intensely, his fingers brushing the skin of her tights, going slowly up

- Not everything's lost – He said as he touched her – You will feel less broken, and one day, it will be nothing but a sad memory...

- The pain... - She let out a breath she was holding – Is unbearable...

- You are Supergirl, but you also are Kara Danvers... And Kara Danvers I know is the strongest person I know, because she has a huge golden heart. It might be broken now, but I want to help you mend the pieces...

- Please...

- You are beautiful Kara Danvers – He whispered to her ear, giving small kisses to the base of her ear as he worked his magic on her. – So beautiful...

Kara closed her eyes, giving into all the feelings she was having right now. Oliver's sweet words to her ear were touching deep in her heart as her hips moved involuntary.

- Let go... - He whispered – I'm here to catch you.

- I'm...

Kara felt the wave taking over her body. She felt Oliver sliding down and she tried to sit properly, with her back to the pillows. A mix of icy and warmth feeling took over her as she was feeling on fire. She needed that fire to feel alive once more, awake.

She held the sheets as his lips explored her sensitive skin. Her strength made it impossible for him to keep her in place.

- You will be loved again – He whispered as he blew cold air into her skin, making her shiver – You will love again. – She felt she could melt. He kept whispering to her – Hardships makes us stronger, remember?

- Yes! 

Kara held him by the short hair in the back of his neck, making him slide up her body until his eyes locked upon hers. She was looking at Oliver with the sweetest look anyone has ever looked at him.

- Are you sure you are ok?

- Yes. – She smiled at him, holding him tight. – You're here with me... You came all this way... I'm more thank ok – Her eyes sparkled as she looked in a loving way to him. – You said I would love again...

- And? – He smiled as he moved his body slowly against hers, pressing gently her body against his in such beautiful movements it looked like a slow dance and it felt like they were trapped into their own small word.

- I think you're right.

They were indeed trapped into their own small world. A beautiful world with a slow rhythm that created such amazing feelings between them. She touched his chest, feeling his muscles under her fingers, tracing paths over his scars. He was like a beautiful painting that traveled the world caring marks of each place, full of stories and tales to be told. Oliver insisted they were full with darkness but Kara still could see light inside it.

Oliver could feel her breath near his neck, like she was desperate to hold on to him and never let go. It was like she was falling and trying to hold him tight, in hope he would stop her from hurting again. He was more than ready to do that. He wasn't expecting any of this when he said yes to her sister's idea, but he knew no one can plan destiny, it is just meant to happen somehow. He felt like fire was taking over his entire body, coming from her towards him. He felt her nose scratching his neck and then she kissed his shoulder in a sweet way, in such a cute way only Kara could do it. He also felt a few tears of hers falling over his skin and decided he needed to let her pain out. Her cries mixed with the soft sound of her voice expressing all the pleasure he was giving her like music to his ears. She pleaded him to help her take the pain away and he did his best to accomplish it.

It was a slow burn, a beautiful and intimate moment they shared. Kara used a bit of her strength to roll them over and slowly climbed him, pressing her tights on his waist, resuming their little dance. Her face hid between his shoulder and neck as she slightly kissed his hot skin.

- You won't be sad forever – Oliver whispered to her ear as he held her strongly by her waist.

To feel her skin against his like that, it was like heaven. He needed it badly and he had no idea about it. Deep down his broken heart and desperate soul that hid the memories of the tragedy he just had lived, were starting to mend. At least for a while, at least just a little. He didn't want to let the burden down her shoulders when she felt so broken herself, but he was feeling it all come like a huge wave washing over him. All the sadness, all the pain, all the lost he lived... Everything was bringing him to also reach for Kara, like she was the one who could save him from his darkness. Since he walked into her place, he felt a different kind of peace, like this Earth held the answers he wanted so badly. Her energy, her good heart, her innocence touched his heart to a point he felt the need for her like he never felt anything before.

Kara lifted her head just to look into Oliver's eyes and they moved together. The only sound being heard was the sound of their breaths, them finding each other over and over again. Oliver placed a few kisses in her cleavage, bringing her lips back to his own, savoring the sweetest kiss he has ever experienced in life.

Kara closed her eyes, feeling a rush inside of her, her heart started beating faster. She opened her eyes, looking surprised at Oliver as she started to feel something different. She was awake, she was feeling whole again. There was a new light in her eyes, as Oliver could see. He smiled back at her as they increased their dance. Oliver squeezed her waist, moving her as closer as possible to him.

- You have a new light in your beautiful eyes – Oliver whispered to her as he pressured her a bit more, making her tremble and shiver.

- Oliver... You...- She kissed his shoulders as she finally let go of her inhibitions, trembling under his touch. – I... 

- I think I'm in love with you – He said trying to catch his breath, making Kara stop and look at him.

- Ollie, I...

- Wait... - He said as he gave her one more kiss – I wasn't expecting any of this... But it's true...

- I think I might be too – She looked serious at him – I was feeling dead inside until you walked through that door. I can't explain... You... - She said as she felt him change the angle, and she couldn't hold on anymore.

They kissed and slowly danced together again. She was falling, she was trembling from head to toe. Her heart was not lost at all, it was mending little by little.

She knew he would catch her.

She was whole again.

She was safe.

And it was all that mattered.


Oliver smiled as he saw the look in Kara's eyes.

- Where you watching me sleep?

- Guilty – She hid half her face under the sheets in a cute way that made Oliver's heart melt.

He couldn't believe his luck.

She was way more than he deserved. But she told him he did deserved her, so he would believe her.

It must be like how heave feels like, he thought, looking at her angelical form, her golden locks falling over her face, her bright blue eyes sparkling with the light of the Moon.

- You were sleeping so peacefully...

- Thanks to you – Oliver said as he approached his lips to her shoulder, giving her a few kisses

- I need to thank you... - She held his chin, caressing his cheeks and feeling his short beard between her fingers – I have a long way ahead of me, but you had a lot to do with the way I feel right now... Better, lighter...

- Baby steps... - He whispered to her ear – But I'm glad to hear it.

Kara gave him a small kiss on the lips, as Oliver welcomed her into his arms once more.

She knew now everything was going to be ok, she would heal.



Spoiler Alert: Promptby H: "Do one where kara is captured by cadmus andOliver goes full on hood to rescue her" 

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