Simply Unique

By SpotlightReader

463 67 42

Ellie Johnson was just an average teenage girl. She went to school, partied and went to friends houses. But a... More

Chapter 1: What's With the XOX?
Chapter 2: There WAS a Spark!
Chapter 3: He Doesn't Understand
Chapter 4: Dead Battery
Chapter 5: Do Me a Favor and Get Out
Chapter 6: Way To Wreck It
Chapter 7: Great Godmother News
Chapter 8: What're These Feelings?
Chapter 9: I Need You Back
Chapter 10: It's a Date
Chapter 12: Put Away Your Filthy Money
Chapter 13: How'd You Get Here?
Chapter 14: Beaten and Bruised
Chapter 15: Consider Yourself Lucky

Chapter 11: You're Paying

23 3 0
By SpotlightReader

I turn from closing his door with a smirk on my face. I win. What did I win? There wasn't even a competition. But I can't help but keep that prideful smirk on my face. I mean the look on his face was pric-

"Are you even listening to me?" Bo asks as we enter the cafeteria.

"Of course, I always listen to you." I said smiling up at his taller figure.

"Oh really? What was I talking about?"

Shoot. Wasn't expecting this. Come on brain. One part of you had to be listening to him.

Ugh this is useless, my brain isn't helping. So I do the thing that I know will save me...
"oooh they have cookies? Score!"

...deflecting. I quickly walk away from Bo to where the cookies are located. I look at Bo to see him walking towards me shaking his head laughing.

"I expected it." He said when he made it to me.

"Expected what?" I said with a cookie already in my mouth.

"Your deflectiveness." He said stealing a cookie off my plate.

"Hey!" I smacked his hand and he dropped the cookie back on my plate. "Get your own!"

"Yeah yeah," he said grabbing a plate and putting cookies and a bag of chips.

"I am not deflective," I said sitting down at a table, addressing what he'd said earlier

"Paleez! I've been your friend all your life. I know you. Sadly." He said, muttering the last part.

He grabbed his cookie and was about to take a bite, when I quickly snatched it from his hand and took a bite of it in one swift motion. Setting it back on his plate, I finished chewing his cookie.

"Ellie! Your getting me another one," he pouted.

"Better think about saying sadly again... Next time I'll eat the whole thing." I told him.

"You practically ate the whole cookie with your big bite anyways!" he said holding it up. It was true, there was a large round bite taken out of it, only a crescent shaped bit was left.

"Fine, here we'll trade." I said handing him my cookie expecting him to give me his. But instead he took my cookie and ate the both of them.

"You as-"

"shole!" I said cursing at Chance, who was currently playing Call of Duty against me. He was released a week ago from the hospital. It's currently Saturday and we're at my house. He was released out of school all of last week and goes back on Monday. School was boring as always. It was better than the last week beforehand though because I had Bo there. Even with Bo there it was boring. I mean what can you expect it's school. My car was fixed so I didn't need to be driven anywhere anymore. That being said I didn't get to talk to my friends much because school eats up all you time. That's why I invite them here yesterday. It was Aaliyah, Bo and I. Chance couldn't come, said he wanted to rest. He said he'd come today and he did. He brought his PS4 and we've been playing this game for about an hour.

"Don't curse at me. It's not my fault your bad at this game." He said glancing at me with a smirk.

"I am not bad. Your just a cheater." I defended.

"Whatever lets you sleep at night." He said laughing.

"Forget I'm done with this game! It's dumb, I know I shot you. What's it got against me?" I said after playing for 30 more minutes.

"Ah, come on. You were doing better than earlier." Chance said.

"I've shot you once this entire time! Once, Chance! And that's when you stepped out to get a drink!"

"Ah ha! So you did cheat!" He said standing to turn the PlayStation off.

"Well yeah, it'd be pretty sad if I didn't have any kills." I said truthfully.

"It's more sad you had to cheat to get kills."

"Yeah yeah rub it in." I said rolling my eyes. "You wanna go out to eat, I'm starving." I asked him getting up to stretch.

"Yeah sure," he replied. "Let me grab my things. I'll drive" he said.

"Okay. I'm going to change first" I said looking down at my shorts and baggy top.

"Alright, I'll wait in the car," he said walking out to give me privacy.

"Wait, who's car are you driving? Didn't yours get totaled?" I asked him, genuinely confused.

"My truck got totaled. Not my car." He corrected me.

"You had 2?"

"Yep, the car is my mom's old one. She gave it to me as my first car. Then I bought the truck, but I kept the car just in case something happened."

"Smart. Alright I'm going to change now." I said shooing him out of my bedroom.

"Okay, okay," he laughed.

I put on a baggy black crop top, with a pair of ripped mom jeans and my black converse. I grabbed my denim jacket, phone and wallet, then locked the house door and walked to Chance's car. After we drove off Chance says.

"I hope you brought money. Since I'm driving, you're paying." He glances at me. I was shocked for a moment at the demand, then remembered how he bought me those drinks at the diner.

"Okay, that's fair," I said looking out the window. I saw him glance at me in shock but quickly returned to a straight face. For the rest of the ride there was a comfortable silence around us and the quiet hum of the radio was the only sound heard.

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