The Nine Tailed Human

By -Ruby-Red-

9.1K 198 89

The leaf village was Naruto's home. He loved it and everyone in it, but unfortunately they didn't return the... More

Life in the Wild, The Meeting
Fairy Tale, A New Life
3 Months Later, The Council
Author Note

Mother? Daughter?

1.7K 37 18
By -Ruby-Red-

In a bar in a small nameless town sat a small but attractive blonde. She sat at the bar with a glass of alcohol in one hand.

The bartender stood in front of her, behind the bar and he was shaking like a leaf. All around the bar lay the groaning and bloody forms of all the men who had tried to flirt with her.

Sighing heavily she finished the drink in her hand and ordered another. As the bartender made the drink she asked him for someone information.

"Tell me has there been any activity relating to the Steppe mountains, specifically the forest in the middle?", she asked.

The bartender was to scared to lie or ask for money for the information so he just answered truthfully. "A few weeks ago a group of mages came and finally got rid of the demon that hides in the forest".

"WHAT!!! Who were they tell me now!?", the blonde woman demanded, a terrifying aura surrounding her.

"A-a-a light g-guild, I don't know who", he stuttered out fearfully.

The blonde woman sighed again and finished her drink. Looking back at the empty cup she said, "I'm happy I got my physical body back instead of being stuck with only the guild members being able to see me".

The bartender was completely stumped as to what she was speaking about. He just watched her walked out of the bar, past all the unconscious men.

"Who are you?", he asked quietly but the woman still heard him. "The names Mavis", she said cheerfully before disappearing into the night.


Two days later the Fairy Hall guild doors were kicked open and the same woman walked in with her head and shoulders slumped.

She walked through the guild and ignored all the calls of 'welcome back' 'first master welcome back' 'Mavis your back'.

Slumping into a seat at the bar she ordered a drink. Master Makarov, who was sitting on the bar as usual, asked her how she's been.

"Welcome back Mavis, why so down?"

Mavis sighed dejectedly, "my Naru-chan wasn't at the forest and I can't find him anywhere", she said.

"Naru-chan? That wouldn't happen to be short for Naruto would it?", Makarov asked. Mavis was suddenly on top of the bar right in front of him.

"Yes! Do you know where he is?", she asked excitedly. Makarov merely pointed to a couch in the guild where everyone's favourite fox was sleeping.

Squealing loudly, gaining the attention of the entire guild including a certain three girls, she ran over a grabbed the fox. Holding him close to her.


The day had been going well for Naruto. He had woken up, eaten Mira's, Erza's and Lucy's cooking and then been sleeping in the guild all day.

So he was understandably unhappy when he was woken up by someone quickly pulling him into a hug.

That unhappiness faded when he found out who exactly was hugging him. Quickly changing back to his human form he hugged Mavis back.

The guild, on the other hand, was stumped, how did the revived First Master and Naruto know each other? Lucy Mira and Erza however were fuming as they watched another woman hug their man, even if he didn't know he was their man.

Back with the two blondes their hug was interrupted when Mavis suddenly jumped to her feet and started scolding Naruto.

"Do you know how worried I was about you!!? I come back to the forest to see you and find out my poor, defenceless little Naru-chan has disappeared!!?", Naruto's eyes and tails drooped at her scolding, sad that he had worried her.

Seeing this she immediately stopped her lecture to wrap Naruto in a hug, then moving his head to lay sideways in her lap she stroked his whisker marks and tails. "Don't be sad Naru-chan I'm just happy your okay", she said lovingly.

While this exchange was happening the guild hall was sweat dropping immensely. She called him poor, defenceless, little? The guy who's sneeze accidentally took out a dark guild is not defenceless in any way.

"Ahhh nothing like the bond between mother and son", Makarov commented from the bar. This threw everyone through a loop, the First Master was Naruto's mom?

This didn't sit well with Mira, Lucy and Erza. If she was his mom then why was he alone in that forest.

Walking up to her they voice their questions. "If your his mother then why the hell was he alone in that forest with the villagers after him everyday!!?" The three demanded angrily.

Looking down at Naruto, who had fallen back asleep in her lap, she sniffled a bit before answering. "I wanted nothing more then to get him out of the forest and bring him here but I couldn't. It's was near impossible without a physical body and with only Fairy Tale members being able to see you. That's why I went on that quest to get my body back. After that I went straight to the forest to get him but he was already gone".

The girls anger left their body's as they looked at Naruto, mumbling apologies for jumping to conclusions.

A teasing smile formed on Mavis face as she watched them look at Naruto. "Tell me, you wouldn't happen to be Naruto's girlfriends would you? It's so nice that he found three strong, independent women to look after him", she said with her smile still in place.

By now Mira, Lucy and Erza were blushing horribly and trying to stutter out sentences before fleeing the guild and heading back to Fairy Hills.

Mavis and the rest of the guild laughed before going back to their daily routines.


Night had fallen around Magnolia and everyone was sleeping. Mavis had decided to sleep with Naruto so she could cuddle with him now that she had her body back.

They were sleeping contently with Naruto lying in his mothers arms. But inside Naruto's dreamscape a memory was tormenting him.

He watched as the purple eyed, orange haired man walked through the destroyed remains of a village.

Bodies lay everywhere, crushed under debris or in pool of blood. Many different causes of death could be seen.

Naruto watched as his other self faces off against the man before he had his hands a joints pinned to the ground by black metal rods.

"You could join me Naruto. We are kin after all, the last of the great Uzumaki Clan. Two cousins restarting the worlds most feared clan.

Although I believe you are to naive. You still cling to this idea that you can make the village like you, that you can rise to the position of Hokage.

But you turn a blind eye to the truth, the villagers will never accept you. You who has been raised as a living weapon your entire life. A Jinchuriki will never be happy in one of the five great nations. That is why I created the Akatsuki, to bring about peace and justice. To end the cycle of hatred.

Alas, I can see that you are still struggling against your binds, trying to fight me to stop me from speaking the truth because you do not wish to accept it"

Naruto watched the battle commence once more. The rinnegan against Senjutsu. In the end other Naruto stood victorious.

As the orange haired man, Nagato, as the other Naruto had called him, lay dying he gave a final message.

"Heed my words cousin. The Leaf will turn on you. It's not a matter of why, it's a matter of when. Pain never dies, Pain never goes away, everyone feels the same pain when losing something dear.

Don't let yourself be blinded by foolish dreams and wants, don't let the Uzumaki die out with you. Because in the end ..... everyone feels Pain....." with that Nagato of the Uzumaki Clan died.

Sitting up violently in bed Naruto startled Mavis awake. She hugged him from behind, "Naru-chan what's wrong? Please speak to me I'm worried about you", Mavis said in a small voice.

Naruto stared at his shaking hands, shuddering breaths wracking his body. "I saw a memory. I killed my cousin and he said everyone would turn on me, that I'd never find happiness", he said causing his mother to hug him tighter.

"He told me that he didn't want me clinging to an illusion and that I was the last of the Uzumaki Clan, the most feared Clan that lived" Naruto said emotionlessly.

Mavis was extremely worried about Naruto and knew she had to do something about these memories. They were hurting her son and she was in so much pain seeing him hurt. She loved him so much and just wanted him to be happy.

She lay back against the head board and pulled Naruto to lay back against her. Softly singing and rubbing his whisker marks she lulled him back to sleep and held him tight, trying to keep the memories away.

Something had to be done and soon.


When Naruto awoke in the morning he found he was still laying against his mother, who was reading a book.

Seeing he was now awake she put the book away and hugged him. "Morning sleepy head".

Yawning loudly, shaking the last remnants of sleep from his body he replied. "Morning mom".

"What do you want to do today? I think mother son bonding day is in order", Mavis said.

"Yeah that sounds nice, Akane resort has that room they keep for me after I saved it from being destroyed?", Naruto suggested.

"Sounds great Naru-chan, let's go say hello to the guild and then head out", she agreed.

They both got up and started getting ready for the day before leaving Fairy Hills and heading to the guild.


The guild was in full swing for the day, drinking, brawls and destruction everywhere you looked.

Naruto and Mavis had come to the guild and said good morning to everybody and informed them of their plans.

Mira, Lucy and Erza were sad that Naruto would be gone the whole day but didn't want to intrude upon the mother and sons day.

Just as they were about to leave a black hawk flew in through the window and dropped a letter into Naruto's lap before settling on his shoulder.

"Hey there Kuro what's this you got for me?", Naruto asked his feathered friend. He was happy to see the hawk again after so long.

He remembered when he found the bird as a baby with a broken wing. He had nursed the hawk back to health and they had been partners ever since with Kuro bringing in jobs and information that Naruto might like.

His good mood soon disappeared as he read the content of the letter. The council, in there efforts to obtain the secrets of Chakra had gone to far.

The letter contained a report that the council had a secret lab where they were building weapons that could harness or defend against Chakra.

"I'm sorry mom but our day together will have to wait", Said Naruto as he showed the rest of the guild the letter.

"Alright a chance to get one up on the council" Natsu exclaimed.

"If Fire face is going then count me in" Gray spoke.

"Don't forget about us Naruto-Kun" Mira, Lucy and Erza announced. Nodding gratefully the group set out.

As the girls were about to walk out after the three boys Mavis called out to them. "Mira, Lucy, Erza when you come back we need to talk".

With confused looks on their faces they asked why.

"It's about Naruto's memories, there getting worse I need your help to help Naruto", Mavis informed them.

"Of course we'll help"

"Don't worry Mavis Naruto will be back to full health in no time"

"We'd love to help you we care for Naruto as well"

Smiling happily Mavis clapped her hands. "I'm so happy the my Naru-chan has such wonderful girlfriends", she exclaimed, causing the guild to erupt into laughter with the three girls running out with burning red cheeks.


The councils Weapon Development Facility was a dull and colourless building. The top entrance was a sturdy concrete box.

Despite its less than attractive appearance the building was heavily fortified. Snipers along the roof and ground troops spread all along the bottom floor, all wielding Magic Guns.

The party of six squatted in a group of bushes near the front of the building. Dressed all in black they were armed and ready for a fight.

"Here's the plan, I'll take out the snipers along the roof. It'll be up to you guys to take out ground troops. Once that's done we will head inside", Naruto whispered.

"How are you gonna get on to the roof it's like 100 metres away?", Natsu asked.

Naruto smiled mysteriously, "like this". Channeling chakra to his legs he jumped high into the air, easily sailing through the sky until he landed silently on the roof.

The others stared in shock before jumping themselves and engaging the ground forces. "Hey ice prick if I take down more than you then you have to pay for lunch", Natsu challenged.

"Your on charcoal", Gray responded before both jumped back into the battle. Natsu fighting like a dragon and scorching his opponents. Gray resembled a ice demon as slashed through enemies with blades of ice.

Mira was in her Satan Soul form and mowed down the troops while firing a dark pulse here and there.

A troop had snuck behind her and was about to fire at her back before Erza ,in her Heavens Wheel Armour, slashed into the gunman.

"Watch your back demon slut. I don't wanna have to save your ass again", Erza yelled.

"Shut up tin bitch I knew he was there", Mira fired back. Both then laughed at the reemergence of their rivalry before hopping back into the fight.

Lucy was easily holding her own in the battle. In her Sagittarius star dress she fired a never ending stream of arrows at the ground troops.

Half an hour later the flow of troops from the base stopped and they were left alone on the battle field with the unconscious or deceased forms of the guards all around them.

"Ha ha 300 icicle", Natsu said.

"I got 300 as well chimney", Gray replied.

The three girls stood in a circle with a large amount of slumped forms around them. "Ha we each got over 400 boys", they taunted.

"What! No way!", Natsu denied. "Ah well seems you have to pay Icehole".

"Yeah.... hey no I don't you lost as well flame Brain", Gray argued.

Smirking, Natsu delivered his trump card. "Yes you do because I forgot to bring my wallet", he cheered as Gray groaned. Mira, Lucy and Erza giggled in the background.

"Hey where's Naruto?"

They all looked up at the roof realising it was much to quite up there.


The blonde in question had easily taken out the snipers. A Shadow Clone behind each person and on a silent command they all struck. Each clone delivering a perfect slash across the throat.

After that he had stood on the roof and watched the battle progress underneath him. He had watched his friends fight valiantly.

He laughed at Mira and Erzas rivalry and been excited by Lucy's celestial powers. Gray and Natsu had been savage fighters, almost as if fire and ice fused together with well how well they worked as a team.

He watched in amusement as he listened to them banter back and forth about their bet and heard when they realised he wasn't there.

Deciding to mess with them a bit it teleported behind them and asked, "whatcha looking at?". The reactions had been priceless, Natsu and Gray had screamed like girls while Mira, Lucy and Erza jumped ten meters high in fright.

Naruto on the other hand was dying with laughter as he rolled around on the ground. He tried to talk but all that came out was giggles.

The girls didn't like being scared so they made sure Naruto remembered it. Unmanly screams could be heard for miles.


Before descending into the facility they had all decided to explore in pairs. Natsu and Gray, Mira and Erza and lastly Naruto and Lucy. The blonde haired girl was beaming in happiness at getting some alone time with Naruto. Mira and Erza were less then happy.

The two blondes were walking through a maze of identical looking halls, occasionally they opened a door that looked important but so far they found nothing.

Lucy had the bright idea to suggest that they hold hands so they didn't get separated. As they walked she squeezed Naruto's hand a little bit but was internally praising herself at her quick thinking.

She noticed Naruto was giving her a quizzical glance so she just smiled at him. A faint blush appeared on Naruto's face as he looked at her smile and he turned away.

What was this strange emotion sitting in himself? He had felt it around Mira and Erza as well but he couldn't figure out what is was. Is was similar to how to felt about Mavis but different at the same time.

Shaking his head clear he decided to visit this topic another time. He noticed a door that looked like an entry into a lab and pulled Lucy towards it.

"Alright this must be a lab or something. Let's have a look around and see what we can find", he said.

"Alright I'll look over here", she said, sad that she couldn't hold onto him anymore.

Half and hour yielded very little from the lab. "Find anything?", Naruto broke the silence.

"Nothing but old lab coats and expired food".

When she didn't hear a response from Naruto she turned to find him at a computer that was left open. Walking over she found why he had gone silent. There was a experiment report on the screen.

X798, Winter

Subject C-7 has been success. Through the use of combing magic, DNA and gene splicing our weapon has been created. Nicknamed 'Valeri Uzumaki' the female clone of Naruto Uzumaki a.k.a The Teleporter has been been force grown to the age of 8 within two months. With the addition of Uzumakis Magic the test subject has shown a perfect working Chakra system. Emotional status is still unknown but with proper conditioning the subject can be trained to kill and take the knowledge of Chakra from Naruto Uzumaki.

"How dare they!!" Naruto's anger was spiking rapidly, his rage growing by the second. How could the council do this to a little girl.

The council was getting an earful when Naruto finished this mission but first he had a girl to save.

Lucy, when she felt his anger, had jumped into Naruto's lap and hugged him tightly. Rubbing his whisker marks she managed to completely calm Naruto down. "Are you alright?".

"Yes..... thank you Lucy-Chan, I don't know what I would've done in my anger if you hadn't have been here to help me".

Hugging him even tighter she replied "I'll always be here for you Naru-Kun". They soon broke the hug and stood up.

"Alright we need to find the others and then find Valeri. After that we can head home", Naruto spoke with Lucy nodding her head in agreement.


It wasn't hard to find the others as on the walk out of the lab they felt Natsu's magic spike. Running to investigate that found themselves in a blinding white testing chamber.

Walking up to the others they found the source of the spike. There floating in a large vat of clear liquid was a small blonde haired girl. On her cheeks were three faint lines confirming her identity.

"Get her out of there now", Naruto spoke, anger lacing his words. The males all turned there backs as the girls got her out of the tub and then dressed her.

"Alright you can look now", Mira told them. The moment they heard that Naruto walked up to them and lifted the small girl into his arms.

"Alright everyone grab on I'll teleport us out of here", Naruto informed them and the moment they all touched him they found themselves back near the bushes where they first started the mission.

"Hold her please" Naruto asked Mira as he handed Valeri to her. "What are you gonna do Naruto?", Natsu asked seeing as Naruto was freeing up his hands.

Naruto ignored them before walking up to the building. Earth style: Mud fall. Naruto spoke, making the accompanying hand signs for the jutsu.

The others watched in fascination as the building collapsed in on itself and few minutes later there was a larger crater where the building once stood.

Water style: Gods Tears. Naruto performed another jutsu, showcasing his power even more. By the end of the rain he had created, where the council Labs once stood there was now a lake. The girls, Natsu and Gray were all speechless at seeing Naruto's power firsthand.

Without a word Naruto teleported then back to the guild. Everyone was surprised to see them but cheers soon broke out. Many were surprised when Naruto ignored everyone and walked straight out of the Guild.

Before anyone could ask where he was going or follow him they were all distracted by Cana asking "who's the kid?".


"If that is all then let the council depart for the day", a voice thick with arrogance said. Nothing was said in return so the occupants of the room started to get up.

They were startled when the doors to the councils meeting room were blown off there hinges. When the dust cloud settled the image of their nightmares was standing in the door way.

Naruto Uzumaki, standing there with black and red energy flickering around him, his very presence radiated power.

"I come with a warning. Anymore attempts to gain the knowledge of Chakra, wether it be with threats or secret testing facilities, will be met with violence. I will personally slaughter each and every one of you if I catch the faintest whisper of misdeeds relating to my abilities", looking into Naruto's red slit eyes they knew he would deliver on that promise.

The chairman, being the most ballsy man in the room was about to retort but he was stopped as Naruto disappeared and was suddenly right in front of him. Brown met burning red and images of his death filled the chairman's mind.

As suddenly as he had gotten in front of him he was gone. Many of the council members were thinking that he should be re-nicknamed The Demon after his display.


Naruto arrived back at the guild. After threatening the council his anger had died considerably.

Running his hands through his hair he sighed before entering the guild. The first thing he heard was a small female voice scream out "DADDY" before a blonde blue impacted his stomach.

Looking down he found that the girl he rescued, Valeri, was hugging him. Her tiny arms not fully reaching around him as she buried her face into his stomach.

He gave a confused look at the rest of the guild and they informed him of what the girl had told them when she woke up.

Apparently she thought that Naruto was her dad after hearing some of scientists talk about him and how his DNA was used to create her.

Naruto's eyes widened as he listened to his guild mates explain it to him. Looking down he found the little girl with her hands behind her back looking at the ground.

He instantly knew that she was bracing herself for rejection. Kneeling down he looked her in the eyes. "Hey there, you want me to be your dad?" He asked, when he received a hesitant nod he wrapped her in a hug. "Then welcome to the family my precious little daughter", he said smiling, her eyes widened before she started crying and clinging to him tightly. He calmed her down before standing up, Valeri was still in his arms.

"You coming with me mom?" He asked Mavis who was sitting at the bar with Mira serving her, Lucy and Erza a drink.

She smiled at him before replying "no I'll be back later, I'll give you sometime to get to know your daughter".

Nodding his head he waved goodbye to the guild. His daughter mimicking his actions and waving as well causing the guild to coo at her cuteness.

Disappearing in his signature yellow flash he teleported back to his room. He gave Valeri a bath before reading a story to her and then fell asleep with his daughter sleeping on his chest.

The night continued to be a peaceful one as the two blondes slept.


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