The Fooo Conspiracy Imagaines

By Libby200224

4.6K 75 28

These are imagines for the people across the world to enjoy. I do any style but smuts is off the table sorry... More

Personal imagaine for @MeganMolander- Ogge
Personal imagine for @feelingblue22 -Felix
Personal Imagine for @Random_Inc_ - Felix
Personal imagine for @sophie_the_legend123- Omar
Personal imagaune for @onunroud_ - Oscar
Personal Imagine For @Kilocougs - Olly
Personal Imagine for @bandanaharry_ - Olly
Felix Imagine
Omar Imagine
Oscar Imagaine
Olly Imagaine
Imagine for @warningitsfangirl
Felix imagine
Oscar imagine
Omar Imagine
Olly Imagine

Felix Imagine

41 0 0
By Libby200224

~ Y/n POV ~

Despair. That's what it was. I didn't feel like anything was going to get better. My parents separate; my mother learns about my father's affair with the next door neighbour, Miss Harz. I was hoping that it was a simple misunderstanding but then the truth came into light and shone brightly over the darkened subject of my life. Highlighting it to show just how easily my hopes can be crumpled and torn into a thousand pieces. Every night for the past 3 weeks, I have cried myself to sleep. Knowing that my parents were leaving a 27 year marriage and a 17 year old daughter alone to have a double life is unexpected and absolutely insane. I currently live with my newly divorced mother. "Don't forget that you have dance and cheer practice after the Swedish revision tonight sweetheart." The cheerfulness of my mother's voice made a small smile creep on to my face but it was only temporary, just like the love my parents had. I get out of my cozy bed to get into a warm shower and dress into a cropped yellow top, ripped black jeans and stuff my PINK hoodie into my backpack for practice later. I sat at my dresser and dry my long mousy hair and place into a plait then twist and ponytail. It was a hairstyle my mother taught me when I was 8. I place my ring on my right hand ring finger. It was a gift from my mother and father for my 16th birthday. A gift that I could keep forever to treasure. Now I treasure it more because of the memories it contained from that day. The laughter. The love. The memories of a happy family. I swing the burgundy backpack over my shoulders and tie my Nikes. Grabbing my phone I notice that I had a missed call from my father. Placing my earphones into the phone I call my father back and start to make my daily journey towards my school. "Hi father." My voice chimed as he answered his phone. "Hello darling. Sorry I was calling to see what days you could stay next week." My face went from a smile to a frown. "Oh. Um. I'd have to speak with mother." My voice suddenly sounded disheartening. I thought he was gonna have a long conversation with me and see how I am but no. It was just to see when I have to live my other half of life. I hang the phone up as I feel tears daring to escape. With the school now in sight, I start to walk a little faster. Finally reaching the tall double doors, I let out a breath that I hadn't realised I'd been holding. Thoughts running through my head about why my parents had split apart and the memory of the long argument that I had overheard after laying in my hammock on the balcony. Those are quickly removed as I see my locker and someone standing in front of it. "Excuse me. Could I get to my locker please?" I softly say and he turns around to meet my eyes. "I'm sorry." I hadn't seen him before but honestly I never pay attention to anyone. "It's ok. Don't worry about it." I respond while shutting my locker and walking away to my first class, Swedish. The lesson flew by and so did the day. Eventually the last bell rang and I scampered back to my Swedish classroom. Mrs. Ivaksson sat in her usual place behind her always pristine desk. "Hej y/n." "Hej Mrs. Ivaksson." I sat by the door and pulled the revision books out of my backpack and place my earphones in and zone out to focus on the subject. There was only me and another girl in the revision session as there always had been. I'd never spoken to her but then again I was too engrossed in my work. I wanted to achieve great grades. Show my parents how intelligent I can be. Show them that their marriage wasn't a failure. Time ticked by and it finally reached 5pm. Stuffing my books back into my bag and claiming my hoodie from the depths of it. I walk out the side entrance like routine, the janitor only let me use that entrance because he knew my mother when they were both younger. "Thanks Gary." I plaster my fake smile on to my gloomy face and I receive a mouth tugging smile back from Gary. "Anytime y/n. Tell your mother I send my hopes to her." He waved me goodbye and I continue to walk along the grey sidewalk towards the dance centre. It was only 10 minutes away from the school. Having the dance centre in sight, I stumble to find my card to get through the doors. I swipe the card along the detector and it flashes green then coming into contacting with the receptionist, Penelope. I flash a smile and go towards the lockers and place my belongings into one. I then find myself being in a studio with a tall, sandy haired boy. I tie my hoodie around my waist and as I look up, I see that he is walking towards me. The smell of lynx becoming stronger with every step he took. "Hi. I'm sorry, I didn't realise this studio was gonna be used. Oh wait... you're the girl I saw this morning." I must have had a confused expression on my face as he added, "I was stood at your locker and you asked me to move." I remembered him now. I didn't realise any of his features as I only took a glimpse of him before I scampered away to my lesson. "I remember you now. I'm sorry. I'm y/n. And you are?" I extended my hand and he took it into his large hand and shook it. "The name is Felix. How come I never see you here?" I look towards the floor and make a mumble. Felix's fingertips lifting my head up to meet his eyes. "I don't like interacting with people. I get really shy and nervous. I focus on my school work to try and prove my parents that their marriage wasn't a failure." My eyes start to water and Felix saw as he embraced me in a hug and his warmth removing the darkness of my emotions. "Well you now have me to talk to. Why don't we hang out later this week and you could stay the night?" A genuine smile crawled across my face. "I would love that Felix, thank you." I hug him again and then dance begun. It was battle week so anything that we had been practicing for the last 2 weeks was put under the spotlight and judged against others routines. I went second to last but Felix hadn't danced yet. I finish and I was judged as the best. The music played again and I had to do my routine again then Felix walked towards me and did his routine. It was a close call but I won. I jumped into Felix's arms. Wrapping my legs around his waist and cheer. "Well done. You beat me. You need to teach me." He says and winks. I look at his face and cuff it planting a small kiss onto his tender lips. Cheering was the only noise heard but I was focused on one thing only. Him.

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