Lone Wolf || Tyrion Lannister

By AngelicTrickster

291K 8.1K 1.5K

Her hair was kissed by fire, but ice ran through her veins. Poised was her demeanor, hidden was a mighty howl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Important Notice
Important Notice

Chapter Forty Four

4.1K 119 6
By AngelicTrickster


Lord Baelish knew he was being followed. He'd be a fool if he didn't. The youngest Stark girl was good at hiding, but he just happened to be able to tell when someone was around him and didn't want to be seen. Which was why he did what he did while she was training.

She couldn't very well follow him if she was training, now could she? The man he spoke too was nervous and needed extra convincing. However, Lord Baelish knew how to work with someone like him. Someone desperate enough to do anything to ensure he survived.

It was risky, he knew, but how else was he going to take care of his current problem? Sure, he'll be suspected, but Lord Baelish was confident he could talk himself out of it. Besides, they could never know for certain it was him anyway.

The man was instructed to wait until nightfall. Lord Baelish made sure to be very specific so that there wouldn't be room for error. Failure was not an option in this regard.

And if Lord Baelish's suspicions were correct, then it was one less problem to deal with later on. Though, to keep face and to ensure no one knew of the plan he had set in motion, Lord Baelish was seen at meetings and giving advice.

Only Bran knew what was going to happen that night, and while he wanted to stop it, to warn someone about it, he couldn't. It had to happen, it would further his sister's plans. He had already seen the outcome, so he knew it'd be okay.


He had reservations about doing this. Honestly, if he didn't need the money as much as he did, he wouldn't have agreed. He'd be damned for this, but he needed the money to help him survive. This winter was unlike the ones they had, so he knew he would need to be prepared. He had weaknesses, and of course, they would be exploited in order for him to be convinced that this was the only way. Desperate people sometimes do unfortunate things.

And he was desperate.

As quiet as he could, he made his way through the halls and into the courtyard before going up the stairs to the rooms. Luckily, for him, not many people were around. As he was told, they were in their own rooms or somewhere else.

Either way, it made this a little easier. All he had to do was remember the right door. Shouldn't be too, hard, though, he was given a very good description. He was told there'd always be a candle lit in the room to ensure it wasn't too dark. As he walked closer to the door, he could see the faint glow.

The man took a deep breath, praying to the gods for forgiveness, however undeserving he may be. This could go one of two ways, and while he hated to think of it, the thought just wouldn't go away.

Better them than him.


Idan helped Mykal out of his jerkin, the boy's little fingers had been unable to untie the laces. "How about tomorrow, we work on helping you lace and unlace this yourself?" Idan suggested. While he didn't mind helping the boy, Idan wanted him to be able to do these things himself.

"Alright," Mykal nodded. Since coming to Winterfell, Mykal and Ethon had received an even better education. Considering Maester Wolkin was happy to help, and didn't have much to do anyway, he taught the boys the same things all the other Lords would learn.

The man enjoyed teaching the boys, as he had never taught commoners before. He even enjoyed teaching Idan. The man provided interesting stories and told him all about living the common life. All that he learned, Maester Wolkin would relay the information before all the nobility.

Idan could provide very good insight as to what it was like. And with his help, they could figure out how to make their living just a little easier. With the upcoming winter, and with the war coming, they had to make sure they did something for the common people.

Idan nodded back at the boy, ruffling his hair which got him to smile. Quickly, Idan ushered the boys onto the bed. Thank the gods the bed was large enough to fit the three of them. It was late, and the boys had had a long day of learning.

Ethon was already in bed, so it just left Idan to deal with Mykal. Though, the boy didn't take that much convincing in order to get onto the bed himself. Idan smiled at the two before he removed his own jerkin and boots. Once he was ready, Idan got on the bed himself.

He was tired as well, even though nothing extraordinary happened that day. It was strange, having to adjust to this new life. Before he met Anari, everything was routine, the same amount of work, the same small pay off. However, Idan was content with his life and he wanted his son to be happy too.

When Anari came, though, everything changed. Not only had she brought light back into the home, but she was able to give them something they never had before. At least, something Idan hadn't had since his wife had died. Something in Idan told him that it would be alright if he allowed Anari into his home.

That, not only would things change, but they'd change for the better. Idan would be forever grateful to Anari. He had never been in a great castle, have never been around Lords and knights. Yet here he was, the guest of the Lady of Winterfell. He had what Maester Wolkin explained to be Guest Rights.

No harm would come to him, and unlike other houses that would not honor that, Starks were always true to their word. That was another thing, Idan was getting taught by a Maester. A man sworn to heal and teach all. Not only had Idan gone to lessons of his own, but he helped out Maester Wolkin a lot. He also tended to help the servants with their chores. While he may be Anari's friend and had Guest Rights, Idan was not of nobility and he didn't pretend to be.

Along with helping out wherever he was needed, his lessons, Idan also made time for training. The master at arms was happy to teach Idan how to fight. Though, he did miss having Anari teach him, which was why Idan had tentatively asked Arya if she'd be willing.

Idan wanted to learn a little more water dancing, and seeing as Idan was one of the reasons Anari was alive, Arya saw no reason as to why she couldn't teach him a little. Besides, while Idan had used the skills he had learned to fight off Bolton soldiers, he thought it to be merely sheer dumb luck he survived that attack.

So, Idan was pretty tired at the end of the day. As were the boys, as it didn't take them very long to fall asleep. Considering they had a full day was well. Maester Wolkin loved the boys, really, considering when he served the Boltons, he lived in constant fear. But here, in Winterfell, he had a new purpose.

He felt important, which was why he was happy to teach the boys and Idan. When the children weren't taking lessons, they were learning how to fight more. The master at arms had fun teaching the boys and Idan how to fight, surprised by what they already knew. "Momma taught us," Mykal said had said.

Idan felt a slight surge of panic surge through him for a moment, as the master at arms looked confused. "He means Lady Anari," Idan said calmly. "Ever since she came into our lives Mykal has been attached to her." Idan smiled. "I keep trying to tell him, but you know children." The master at arms merely smiled in return, dropping the matter and continuing the lesson.

It had been a close call, but Idan was glad to get through it. Now, late at night, Idan laid awake.  The only light in the room was the candle that sat on the bedside table. The boys didn't like the room to be completely dark, as it was never really all that dark in the farm house, and Idan didn't mind the light. He found comfort in watching the small flame dance softly.

While Idan's body was tired, his mind was not. He was still worried about Anari, wondering if she was okay. He hadn't gotten a letter saying she had arrived at Dragonstone, so he hoped she was still on her way or that she was safe and was too busy helping to send a letter. No doubt she had much to discuss with her brother and husband. As well as dealing with the Dragon Queen.

Aside for his concern for Anari, though, Idan was worried about himself and the boys. He was aware that Lord Baelish took an uncomfortable interest in him and the boys. Idan did not like Lord Baelish, and he may have made a mistake when he told the man they weren't friends.

It worried Idan because Anari had told him enough about the man to get the idea that he was not one to trifle with. He was a cunning man, and he made plans all the time. He was unpredictable, and because of that, Idan knew he had to be careful. While he had Guest Rights, Idan wouldn't put it passed the Lord to find a way against it.

Even though his mind was racing, Idan sighed softly as he closed his eyes. Worrying about everything and not getting any sleep would do him no good. If he and the children were in any sort of danger, he needed to be well rested should anything happen. And Idan prayed to all the gods that nothing bad would happen.

Slowly, Idan drifted off to sleep, unaware of the things that would happen. Though, sometime in the night, Idan woke up to hearing the door opening. Though he was awake, Idan kept his eyes closed so as not to alert whoever was entering that they were not being as quiet as they thought.

For a brief moment, he thought it may just be one of the children returning to the room. Though, he would have noticed if the bed shifted at all. So, that was ruled out. Besides, the footsteps walking further into the room sounded a little louder than a child walking.

Why was there someone in the room? He wasn't needed for anything of import, not really. Idan was mostly in charge of the children and was asked about the life of a commoner. It was odd that someone would be in his room. Unless it was Sansa and Arya.

Maybe they came to ask him about something. Though, if that were the case, why not just wait until the morning? Slowly, as if whoever this was was trying to be as quiet as possible, the footsteps crept closer and closer until they stopped.

Idan heard the person take a soft, shaky, breath as if to steady themselves. Unable to help it, Idan's heart began to beat rapidly as a sinking feeling enveloped him. "I'm sorry," the person, a man, whispered. It was in that moment that Idan opened his eyes to see a man towering over him, holding a knife.

They both froze as they made eye contact with each other. However, the moment passed as the man's eyes widened in terror. Though, before he could bring the knife down, Idan surged up and grabbed the man's arms to stop him from cutting him.

The two struggled, a desperate fury evident in the man's eyes. Idan grunted, using his strength and pushing up and forward. The action knocked the man away enough for Idan to stand. However, before Idan could question the man, he attacked again. Idan hissed as the blade made contact, cutting his side slightly. He twisted around the man, using the skills he had to put distance between the two of them.

However, the man changed tactics and went for the children.

A burning rage bloomed within Idan, and he quickly intercepted the attack. The men fell to the floor in a loud crash, Idan hitting the man and trying to get the knife away. The fight woke the children, Ethon and Mykal sitting up in panic.

"Pappa?" Ethon asked, his eyes wide as he saw his father struggling with a man. Hearing his son's voice, Idan lost focus and turned to the children. In that small window, the man surged up and rolled them over.

He tried to stab Idan, but Idan was fast enough to catch the knife. He grit his teeth in pain as the blade cut into his hands. Idan's heart thumped wildly in his chest, he was unable to hear anything but the roaring in his ears and his own breathing as he fought.

Now, Idan was growing desperate himself. Not only was his life in danger, but so were the children's. And he'd be damned if anything happened to them. Unable to hold the blade any longer, blood dripping down his arms, Idan was forced to let go.

It was enough give that when the man forced the blade down, it stuck into Idan's side. Idan let a cry of pain, his eyes wide. "Pappa!" Ethon yelled. Both children we worried, unsure of what to do, though they were paralyzed in their fear. Hearing his son call out for him, Idan felt a swell of determination fill him.

So, he pulled the knife out of himself and tossed it aside. The blade clattered to the floor, and the man scrambled after it. Taking a moment, Idan pressed his bloody hands to his side, his teeth grit. Oh gods, it hurt, it was worse than when he fought those soldiers.

However, pushing the pain aside, Idan sat up and quickly grabbed the man's leg to stop him from reaching the knife. The man let out a grunt and kicked his leg out, hitting Idan in the face. Spitting out blood, Idan didn't stop. He crawled up the man's body and rolled him over.

Balling his bleeding fists, Idan repeated hit the man's face, desperate to stop him. Something in Idan snapped at that moment and it felt like he had no control over his actions. However, the man didn't make it easy, as he lifted his arms to block the assault.

In a desperate attempt to win, the man surged up and rolled them over. Hit after hit rained down on Idan as he struggled to fight back. However, in an effort to keep him down, the man punched the stab wound on his side.

The children were terrified, frozen in place as they watched them fight. Oh, gods, Mykal thought as he looked at them. Ethon was crying, unsure of what to do as he saw his father getting beaten. Mykal's breathing sped up as he continued to watch,

Always be strong, his mother's soothing voice said. Protect Idan and Ethon while I'm away. He promised his mother he would protect them, so, pushing past his fear and hesitation, Mykal forced himself to move as he scrambled off the bed. He promised his mother, and Mykal wanted to be just like her and stay true to his word.

From his lessons, his mother was part of the most honorable house in Westeros. Because of that, Mykal wanted to keep his word. Feeling a cold reserve fill him, the boy willed himself to help the man who helped save him and his mother.

Seeing the knife on the floor, the boy picked it up. You have to mean it, Anari's voice said. Stick with the pointy end, Mykal thought. The boy rushed into the fight, looking for an oppertunity to help. He didn't want to hurt Idan by mistake, so the boy was careful before he found his window. With all his strength, Mykal plunged the knife deep into the man's side. 

The man let out a howl of pain, stopping his assault to pull the knife out. With the last bit of strength, the man hit Mykal roughly across the face, which sent the boy tumbling to the floor. To his credit, the boy sat up and moved as the man lunged for him. Mykal was afraid, his eyes were wide and his heart was beating rapidly.

However, like he told his mother before she left, he was strong. He was tough like Shadow. So, he let the man get as close as he dared before Mykal brought his feet up and kicked him in the face. When the man came back, Mykal did it again. However, the man caught his feet stopping him from kicking again.

Mykal thrashed, panic surging through him as he didn't know what to do. However, before the man could bring the knife anywhere close to Mykal, Idan caught his arm. He was beaten and bloody and everything hurt, but Idan would die before this man could touch either of the children again.

Using the last ounce of energy and strength he had left, Idan fought the man yet again. He was quick about it, wanting to put an end to the fighting. They tumbled to the floor again, though, during the skirmish, Idan was able to get the knife once more, only, this time, he held it to the man's throat.

"Who sent you?" Idan growled. There was no way this man was acting on his own accord. There was no reason for some stranger to come and kill him and the boys. This was too personal of an attack to be random. Someone had to have paid this man or sent him or something. Idan refused to believe someone would attack this viciously for no reason.

"Ain't tellin' you shit." The man said, spitting in Idan's face. He tried to sit up, but Idan hit him in his wound to keep him down.

"Tell me who the fuck sent you!" Idan demanded. As much as he wanted to defy Idan, the man knew he was dying. The place Mykal stabbed him was fatal, and it didn't help that the wound was deep. Mykal sat up, tears rolling down his face as he pressed his hand to the mark on his cheek.

He tried to calm down, but even though he knew Idan had the situation under control, Mykal wanted to get help. Though he didn't know who to really go too, Mykal got up and ran from the room. His legs carried him to the first door that looked familiar before he began to pound rapidly on it, calling for the person inside to open. 

It took a moment, but finally, they answered. "Mykal?" Arya questioned when she saw the boy.

She was tired from a long day of training, shadowing Lord Baelish, and dealing with the Northern Lords. However, her fatigue vanished when she saw the tears and his bruised face. Something was wrong. "Bad man came, he hurt Idan." Mykal rushed out. Pausing long enough to grab her dagger, Arya followed the boy to the room. 

No one would ever lay a hand on her nephew again if she had anything to say about it.

However, instead of seeing someone hurting Idan, Arya saw Idan pinning the man down and holding a blade to his neck. It was easy for Arya to see that Idan had been through one hell of a fight. His once white tunic was covered in blood from a stab wound to his side and his arms were covered as well.

Even his face was badly bruised and had a few cuts on it from the skirmish. The man, the assassin, didn't look to be much better. He was beaten and bloody as well and didn't look like he had long.

Deciding with his dying breath, the man would answer. "I'm sorry," he rasped. "I'm sorry." It wasn't his idea to do this, but his own desperation won out over his own morals. And now he had paid the price for it.

"Who sent you?" Idan asked again. He had noticed Arya enter, but he kept his focus on the man below him.

"It was 'im," the man coughed. "That Lord."

"Which Lord?" Though, Idan already had an idea as to who he was talking about. However, he wanted to hear it anyway, wanted Arya to hear it too.

"B-Bae," the man strained. "Baeli-" was all he could muster before he died. Though, it was enough for Idan and Arya to know for sure that Lord Baelish had tried to have the man and the boys killed.

All at once, the fight drained out of Idan as the knife slipped out of his hands. The pain came back full force, and unable to stop it, Idan collapsed to the floor. "Pappa!" Ethon cried as he finally found it within himself to move. Both boys rushed to the man's side.

Quickly, Arya ran from the room and to where she knew Maester Wolkin to be. The man had been asleep, but he woke up when Arya shook him. Quickly explaining the situation, the two gathered the supplies and ran back to the room.

Taking in the scene, Maester Wolkin gently moved the children out of the way before he began tending to Idan. "Check the other man," he instructed Arya. "See if he's still alive." While the man may be an enemy, he was still a Maester, sworn to heal everyone.

Arya made a face but did as she was told. She felt for a pulse but she didn't find one. "He's dead." She stated plainly. The Maester nodded as he pushed Idan's tunic up to examine the wound. It wasn't too deep, thankfully, nor was it in any spot that would cause death.

However, Idan lost a lot of blood, that was evident by the amount of the scarlet substance on the floor from the fight. Maester Wolkin carefully cleaned out the wound, bidding Arya to help him wash it out so he could see it better. The children watched in anticipation, hoping that Idan would be okay.

Once the wound had been sealed with medicine and the flesh bound together with thread, the Maester began working on the marks on his hands. They were cleaned out and he placed a paste on them to keep them from getting infected before grabbing a clean cloth to tie around the wound.

"Is pappa going to be alright?" Ethon asked, biting his bottom lip. The Maester turned and looked at the boys, offering them a small smile.

"He'll be alright," he assured. "Your father's strong, and his wounds aren't deep. But he needs rest, so I need your help getting him on the bed." It was an effort to move Idan, but the four of them managed to get him on the bed. Once done with that, Maester Wolkin began to tend to Mykal's bruise.

While there wasn't much he could do, he needed to make sure the boy was alright. With what was coming next, Arya took care of the man's body. Since her time in Braavos, Arya knew how to maneuver a body with minimal trouble. Though the commotion she made woke a few people up, including Sansa.

Once she moved the man to the courtyard, she instructed those around to get a pyre going. With what was coming, Arya didn't want to risk a single thing. Once sure the body was going to be properly taken care of, Arya turned and went back up the stairs.

On her way, Sansa met her at the top. She was wrapped in her robe and cloak, her hair down and her brows drawn together in concern. "What's going on?" She asked.

"Idan and the boys were attacked," Arya replied quietly so unwanted ears didn't hear. Sansa followed Arya back to the room, seeing the Maester speaking with the boys. The room was a mess, and there was blood all over the floor.

Hearing the girls enter, Maester Wolkin turned to them. Excusing himself from the boys, the man stood and walked over to the girls. He kept his voice low so the children wouldn't hear him. "Mykal was the one who killed the assassin," Both girls were surprised to hear it, and it must have shown on their faces. "He told me he got the knife and used it to get him away from Idan."

It hurt to hear that, Mykal was so young, a little younger than Rickon was the last the girls had seen him. Yet, Mykal had already killed a man, all to protect Idan. The man who was willing to fight to the death to protect the boys.

"Is Idan going to be alright?" Sansa asked. He was a good man, from what she could tell. It was Idan who allowed Anari and Mykal into his home, after all, the reason her sister was still alive. And if someone had Anari's trust and seal of approval, then Sansa knew they were good.

"I'm confident he'll be alright." Maester Wolkin nodded. "He needs rest and to be careful with his hands for about a fortnight." Things could have gone worse, much worse, so the sisters were grateful he was going to be okay. When he woke up, Sansa and Arya would have to think of what they could do to repay him for what he did.

Thinking of what the assassin said before he died, Arya felt a swell of anger. Lord Baelish, the snake, was behind this attack. He tried to kill her nephew, Anari's son. This could not go unpunished, could not be ignored. Mykal was her family, and while she hadn't known the boy long, she was already charmed by him.

Even Sansa couldn't believe someone would try and kill Idan and the boys. To her, there was no reason for such an attack to take place. Idan was nothing but kind and courteous to everyone he met, and many adored the boys. It just didn't make sense. However, one thing was for sure, justice would be served for this.

Lord Baelish would have to tread carefully. For if she had him alone, Arya would slit his throat herself.


When Jaime Lannister heard about Anari's death, he was surprised at the ache he felt. He barely knew the young woman, and yet he found himself sad to learn she had died. She had been so kind to him despite what he had done to her family.

She was courageous like her mother, a spirit in her that drove her to do what she could to protect her family. And Anari died to do so, she died protecting Sansa. While Jaime knew that Cersei was happy that she was dead and gone, another enemy taken care of she reasoned, he was not.

Anari was a good person, and she was fun to be around. Jaime enjoyed his sparring sessions with her, as she was skilled with a blade. Had he been able to fight properly, he would have loved to spar with her. Anari had already proved to everyone that she was devoted to her family, and was willing to die for them. And she did.

Another thing Jaime admired was the fact that she was a very good match to Tyrion. His little brother deserved to find happiness for having endured what he had in life. While they had a wide age difference, that didn't seem to bother them. Since meeting with Tyrion, Jaime knew that Tyrion knew of Anari's fate. It was hard enough for Jaime, and he barely even knew the girl. He couldn't imagine how Tyrion felt.

Though, Jaime knew he needed to focus today, as this was the day they were all set to meet. While it was interesting that the Dragon Queen and the supposed King of the North wanted to talk, Jaime couldn't help but be skeptical of their motives.

It would be a perfect opportunity to attack and kill both him and Cersei. If they were out of the way, then they could seize control of the throne right then and there. It would be so simple and it would be very quick. So, that was why Jaime and Bronn were in charge of securing the Keep.

Qyburn didn't have a lot of time to construct another scorpion, so they wouldn't last long against the dragons, but until then, they'd take out as much of their army as they could. Besides, they would be fools not to bring their full force as a show of power.

They greatly outnumbered all of the Lannister troops, having seen to that when the Dothraki attacked. Truth be told, Jaime hoped this meeting went well. If what Tyrion said was true, then they really needed to forget about the throne for the moment and focus on this real threat.

Perhaps Jaime could appeal to this Jon Snow, considering he was Anari's bastard brother, maybe her memory would be enough to make this meeting civil. Jaime knew how much the Northerners valued loyalty and honor, perhaps by honoring Anari, Jon would be more reasonable.

Tyrion, Jaime knew, he could work with. Considering the two had a decent relationship, even though it was a little strained. Jaime didn't set him free just to have him murder their father. Either way, Jaime didn't want to die when this meeting was over.

As he and Bronn looked out over the ramparts at the Unsullied, Jaime swallowed his fear as he kept his eyes on the large army. Both he and Bronn, however, shared a look when the Dothraki showed up. They had seen how they fought, and it was brutal.

Deciding that Bronn would meet with Tyrion and the rest of their group, Jaime stayed on the ramparts to give orders where they were needed. Since learning of Anari's demise, Jaime thought he'd share it with Bronn as well.

The man was a little affected by Anari's death. She had left a large impression on those around her, whether she knew it or not. Truth be told, Bronn thought that she was a brave woman. He liked that she knew how to fight and that she was actually pretty good at it.

When he heard she died fighting, he figured that was a good way to go. She died doing what she wanted to do. He wasn't too bothered by it, considering everyone dies at some point, and Anari got a warrior's death.

A warrior's death for a warrior's heart.

He barely knew her, and Bronn was a practical man anyway. So, he saw no sense in dwelling on what couldn't be changed. Bronn had already met with Brienne and reunited with Podrick, so all he had to do was wait for Tyrion, Jon Snow, and the Targaryen girl to arrive.

Walking with a small group of soldiers, Brienne, and Podrick, Bronn met with Tyrion. What he didn't expect was seeing Tyrion, Jon Snow, and the Hound trailing in the back. He figured that the man had fucked off somewhere and wouldn't be caught in King's Landing again.

However, the bigger surprise was that Anari was walking in between Tyrion and Jon.

She held her head high and was wearing elegant, black, northern ladies clothes. Her hair hung in carefully tied Northern braids, and she seemed to be wearing light armor. Not a stupid idea, considering where she was. Though, Bronn couldn't help but smirk as she openly carried her sword and a few knives on her hip. She looked deadly and like the highborn lady, she was.

Brushing off his surprise, Bronn directed them all to keep moving. However, he did spare Tyrion, and Anari a nod. Anari nodded back at him, even offering a small smile his way as she passed. However, another surprise was when Anari spoke in a weird language.

"Ahie, nost!" Howls were heard in the distance before a large direwolf came out of the tree line. Anari gently pet Shadow's head as the direwolf came to walk with her. When Jon saw the beast, he couldn't help but smile. At least Shadow and Ghost were still around.

He didn't know what happened to Nymeria, but he assumed she was either dead or out there somewhere. Finally, they got to the city. As soon as it came into view, Anari felt a wave of anxiety hit her. This was the city she was tormented in, where so many bad things had happened.

Keeping her head up, though, Anari continued to walk to the dragon pit. As soon as they got up to the steps, Anari did her best to keep herself controlled as she looked around the area. It was clear that it was old, and several parts of it looked to have broken off.

This was where dragons were held, the pit was able to hold beasts like Balerion the Dread.

Anari hadn't been there while she was in King's Landing, but the very thought of being back in this city made her anxious. She had many bad memories there, and they were memories she wished she could forget. Sensing her discomfort, Tyrion grabbed her hand.

He gave her hand a tight squeeze as he looked up at her. She looked back at him, seeing him offer a smile. She smiled back, squeezing his hand. She would get through this, she did it when she was still considered a child. Now, she was a woman, she was a lady and a warrior.

Anari was still a wolf, and she had a child of her own. Anari had heard of what happened to Myrcella and Tommen. Those children were innocent, they had nothing to do with the wicked game they were born into. Having been brought into the world through incest or not, those two had nothing to do with this war.

But still, Anari could understand some of where Cersei was coming from, now that she was a mother herself. However, she wasn't stupid enough to reveal that to the woman. It was enough that Anari was there, it would be enough of a shock.

Once they took their places, they all waited. Anari was nervous, her stomach in knots. Even Jon noticed, which prompted him to place a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him and smiled. She had her brother and her husband here, she was stronger now. Anari was never afraid of Cersei, why would she be afraid of her now?

When the woman in question came into view, Anari tensed, but soon relaxed. Her eyes narrowed and she straightened in her seat. Anari remembered exactly how she was when she was in King's Landing now. It only took seeing Cersei to bring it back.

And in an instant, the Lion met the Wolf's eyes.

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Having witnessed her father's beheading, Ilyanna Stark must now protect her sister and ensure they survive the evolving game of thrones. Will the She...
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Werewolves whom live in a foreign land have lost their jewel. A beautiful princess whom has been abducted and kept away from the comfort of her home...
37.2K 1.1K 32
You became an orphan, niece to the King, you soon find yourself living in the Red Keep, and surrounded with more vipers than dragons. So he betrothed...