Morning ℂoffee ♨

By Tyki_Mikk

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"His eyes are like the dark abyss of space, when he meet her suddenly his dark space was fill with light." Se... More

Important Note
Chapter 1: Meeting A Greek God
Chapter 2: Abigail
Chapter 3: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 4: Storm
Chapter 5: Mom
Chapter 6: John Pierce
Chapter 7: Antother side of Sebastian
Chapter 9: Dean
Chapter 10: My Fluffy Teddy Bear
Chapter 11: 9 Boys, and 2 Girls
Question for readers.
Chapter 12: Heaven
Chapter 13: Stormy Night
Chapter 14: Fixing Loose Ends
Chapter 15: Everything Coming To Light
Chapter 16: The End of Haden
Book 2

Chapter 8: Childhood Memories, and Dreams

21.1K 656 82
By Tyki_Mikk

Morning Coffee

Childhood Memories, and Dreams

 As Naomi sat in the car she could only think of one thing. “Sebastian, what is the journey of life?”

Sebastian’s dark eyes looked at her.  He turned back to the road, “I asked my mother that one time and she told me the answer life journey refers to the beautiful journey of life. Life of human beings is often termed as a journey which sees them grow and transform from young infants to fully grown adults. Life is a strange humdrum affair where even a few moments of peace snatched should probably be gratefully acknowledged. The journey of life is not always a bed of roses but one of thorns at times. The essence of life is much beyond playing, dreaming and merry making as there are all sorts of struggles and challenges that one has to confront and overcome in our lifetime.”

Naomi stared at the forest that they were passing, “But why, why must it be a bed of thorns why can’t it be simple and easy?”

Sebastian smiled at her, “Because then life would not be doing it’s job. It begins at birth and the ultimate destination is and will always be death.”

Naomi didn’t respond to the man, “I guess you're right. Where are we going?”

Sebastian flashed her one of his true rare smiles, “That my beauty is a secret just wait and see.”

Naomi didn’t question him anymore, and just sat back in the chair. The whole ride was in conformable silence, but after 35 minutes of non stop driving Naomi was getting bored. “So where are we going?”

Sebastian chuckled, “You really are impatient. Hmm, well lets see, we are going…”

Naomi looked up at him hopefully, Sebastian stopped. “That look you're making is so cute, I almost want to tell you the truth.” Naomi smiled at him, “Almost. Anyways were almost there baby girl. Just hold on tight for a little longer.”  

Naomi frowned at the man, and turned to look out the window again. She reached out towards the radio and soon music filled the car. It was the perfect song.

(Oh, babe) I don't wanna lie,” Naomi sang out loud forgetting where she was, she heard a chuckle next to her and her brown eyes looked into Sebastians ink black ones.

Sebastian smiled, “Please don’t stop you have such a beautiful voice.” His eyes went back to the road and waited.

“I'm gonna take what you're giving.” Naomi smiled and kept going. “'Cause I know you're willing, To take me all the got me right here. Combustible. And I can't wait to finally explode.” What happened next made Naomi eyes widened.

“The big big bang, the reason I'm alive, When all the stars collide, in this universe inside. The big big bang [x3]” Sebastian’s deep voice rang out and made Naomi burst out laughing at his face.

Sebastian looked at her, “What I have a good voice, I mean I know I don’t sound like Michael Jackson but I don’t sound like a dying whale either.”

Naomi ignored him and and this time they both busted out singing. “The big big bang, the reason I'm alive, When all the stars collide, in this universe inside. The big big bang [x3]” Sebastian stopped at a red light and keep singing, they were both so into the song they didn’t even notice the people walking by laughing and smiling with them.

When Naomi notice the boys singing with her, she stopped, making Sebastian laugh at her. The car pulled past them and the boy yelled bye. “On god that was embarrassing.”

Sebastian laughed, “Hmm. We have a little ways to go, how about we play 20 questions?”

Naomi looked at him, “Are we really going to do only 20 though?”

Sebastian shocked his head, “No well do more but hmm, I’ll start. Your favorite movie?”

Naomi didn’t have to think about this, “Howls Moving Castle. Hmm, favorite animal?”

“Wolf,” Sebastian answered, “What is the best memory you have?”

Naomi smiled, “Me and Julia through it would be funny to play a few pranks on the school, so everyday for a week we would set one up. On Monday we filled the pool with green jello. The swim team was shocked and angry. On Tuesday we filled every science room with packing peanuts through the roof, so when they opened the door they came out into the hallway like a title wave.” Naomi heard Sebastians chuckle, and looked at him and smiled his dimples were the cutest things Naomi thought. “On Wednesday me, Julia and a couple of our friends went on the roof and had a crap load of balloons that we put beads in before we blew them up. When school let out and kids started walking out the front doors we dropped them and it was kinda amazing all the colors and the sounds coming from the balloons. The school went in an uproar and started playing with them.”

Sebastian laughed so loud, “What the hell, man I wish I went to your school when I was younger. What else did you do?”

Naomi pretended to think, “On Thursday we sticky noted the whole school with the help of our fellow classmates. Friday was the best during lunch when everyone came in, we all put on animals suits and danced to the song. ‘Animals’ by Martin Garrix. It was amazing but we all had to run from the principal, he was not having a good week I think. The best memories of my life.” Naomi turned to him, “What is one thing you regret?”

Sebastian looked at Naomi, “One thing I regret, hmm I guess it would have to be not having a childhood. I was so focus on work and getting myself ready to take over the company. I never really had time to just be a kid. Never had time to date, or party, or have fun and now that I’m older I really wished I did.” Sebastian faced turned sad for a split second, and then he smiled again. “What is the hardest thing you ever had to do?”

“There were many hard things I had to do, but the biggest was deciding that I had to leave my family and all it’s connections behind. I love them so much, but for a while I had to get rid of them and help myself for once.” Naomi and Sebastian would have to face them tomorrow and that was clear in both of their heads. “Lets see. 4 things that you love?”

Sebastian laughed, “Thats easy, my family that includes Jeff, my company I built that with my hands, my friends, and a certain black haired beauty.”

Naomi was shocked and it was clear on her face that she was not expecting that at all. Sebastian’s dark eyes looked at her, she was happy for her dark skin so the blush did not show. Even though her head told her not to, her heart took over and Naomi's brown eyes looked into Sebastian black orbs. Sebastian smiled, and crocked his head to the side taking in his woman. “One wish?”

Naomi didn’t know what to say or feel, her emotions were a jumble of mess that was threatening to explode her head and heart. So she did what she felt she had to, and that was to address it at a later time. Well she thought it was best. “One wish… hmm…” Or she thought maybe I could give hints. She was so unsure of herself, but this time she could not tell what was the cause; Sebastian being so close, or her confidence that at the moment was non-existent. “I want true love.” Naomi told him, ignoring her thoughts, “If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?”

Sebastian thought about it, “I want to be normal. I wish I could have build my company in peace, not having the news follow me around every second of my day. I want privacy I want to be able to have a life, go out for ice cream without getting hundreds of photos taken.” It was true Sebastian hated the attention, more than anything. “What is the worst pickup line you have ever heard?”

Naomi laughed, “Oh god I remember it like it was yesterday, ‘Did you just fart? Because you are blowing me away.” Naomi and Sebastian busted out laughing so hard.

“That sucks, like really bad. He must have had no class.”

Naomi chuckled again, “Well lets just say he was not the smoothest. What is the worst trouble you and Jeffery gotten into?”

Sebastian's face lit up, “It was in 12th grade, we decided it would be fun to make the school a wet n wild place. We took baby powder, baby oil and honey and cover every floor while everyone was in class. Then we filled the fan system with feathers, and when everyone came out and fell on the floor we turned on the fans and thousands of colorful feathers fell and stuck on everyone. It was the best day of my life, I laughed so hard my stomach hurt for a week.”

Naomi looked at him. “You did that, and here I thought you were the perfect angle.”

Sebastian dark eyes looked at her, “Didn’t you know, the devil was once an angel.” Naomi nodded her head and said nothing, “Hmm, have you ever kissed a girl.”

Naomi looked shocked at him, she smirked, “Yes I have.”

“Really? Who?”

Naomi waved her finger in front of his face, “That’s more than one question mister.” Sebastian sigh at her, “Now have you ever kissed Jeff?” Sebastian looked at her weirdly, “What you started this line of questions.”

Sebastian sigh, but nodded, he did. “Yes I have, it was well I guess a trial run. I think. I’m unsure. However, that was the only and last time. Nothing against it, just not for me. Now who was the girl, don’t tell me it was Julia?”

Naomi laughed, “No, my first girl kiss was with my mother, on the cheek.” Sebastian narrowed his eyes at her. “Okay, okay, it was with a girl named Jasmine in 5th grade.” Sebastian’s booming laughter filled the small space in the car. “What’s so funny?”

The man simply stared at the road ahead of him, “Nothing, nothing at all.” He smiled a dashing smile in her direction.

“How much longer do we have?” Naomi looked at the forest that was outside her window.

Sebastian’s eyes flicked over to her for a quick glance, “About a half an hour, and that counts as a question.”

Naomi stared at him, “Does not.”

“Does to. Now do you speak any other languages?” The man looked at her, “If you do say something in that language.”

Naomi nodded, “Faig parlar un idioma diferent, pensar català no he parlat en tant de temps. Em sorprèn que encara ho recordo tan bé. També tens un cos molt sexy, I crec que m'estic enamorant de tu.” (I do speak a different language, Catalan thought I have not spoken it in so long. I am surprised that I still remember it this well. Also you have a very sexy body, and I think I am falling for you.)

Sebastian stared at her in awe, “Wow that was beautiful, what did you say?”

Naomi laughed, “You keep asking more than one question. I can’t tell you.”

Sebastian pulled up into a long drive way. He got out the car and walked over to pull Naomi out, “Follow me.” Sebastian lead her to a long rock path, to a wooden deck that overlooked the most beautiful thing Naomi has ever seen.


Julia didn’t know how to feel, she had not seen Naomi in a very long time. Not only that, she was trying to do something very important but not having Naomi here made it hard. Her mission was simple, and yet very hard to follow out. She didn’t know how much longer she could convince Jeffery and his parents that the child his his, Julia needed to act fast and very soon.

Julia heels clicked as she walked up her building stairs, Abby was with Jeffery and she was alone to do what needed to be done. She knocked on Naomi’s door, “Naomi? Are you there?” After no response she picked the lock and heard the door open with a pop.

The apartment looked dusty and dirty, and Julia looked around for anything that could help her in her assignment.

She walked into Naomi’s room and looked in her drawers, nothing.

She looked under the bed nothing.

She looked in the closet nothing.

Julia was getting frustrated beyond belief, she walked into the bathroom next and looked everywhere, nothing. Just nothing, this was a waste of time. Julia heels clicked as she walked out the room and into the living room.

After confirming that nothing was there she headed for the door, but stopped short when she saw something. She dropped her purse on the floor and went to the corner of the kitchen floor. Her fingers pushed the tile out of the way and found a black metal box.


Julia smiled and took it out, and saw that it need a code. Four digits rolls lined up, that could be over millions of combinations. Julia sat on the cold hard floor and thought.

0-5-0-9 Julia tried Naomi birthday, no such luck.

1-9-7-2 Her parents marriage year, nothing.

0-8-1-5 The day they meet, nothing. Julia was really considering just taking a hammer to the damn thing! She thought, and went back to all her memories.

0-2-2-5 The day she meet Sebastian, how sweet, not Julia thought. Julia freezed and smiled as she heard the click sound. Julia took a breath in and opened the metal box, but what was inside she did not expect.


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