Mysterious | Edmund Pevensie βœ“

By petitpapillon666

359K 10.1K 6.3K

In which a witch from Hogwarts gets into the magical world of Narnia and might end up tampering with the plot... More

start date
trailer 2
welcome (read it please)
graphic gallery
0 | Isabelle
1 | Hogwarts Express
2 | Unexpected
3 | King and Queen of Narnia
4 | Kick in the eye
6 | Little saviour
7 | Insult
8 | Drug
9 | Catechize
10 | Peace
11 | Nightmare
12 | The past
13 | Friends
14 | Arousal
15 | Happiness
16 | Wise words
17 | Bloom
18 | Fight
19 | Goodbye
20 | Return and Christmas
21 | Blank
22 | Budapest
23 | Grief
24 | Union
25 | Fate
26 | Memories
27 | Afterlife
28 | Face to face
new book

5 | Capture

9.8K 327 214
By petitpapillon666

  ♕ ♛ ♕ ♛♕ ♛  

❝Necessity is the mother of invention.❞

"Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum,*-"

"Izzy, are you okay?" Lucy interrupted Isabelle's praying which began as soon as they started approaching the island.

She really tried to keep it quiet, but it was hard to stay unnoticed in a boat. "Yeah," she shrugged. They were on their way to the first island of the Lone Islands, and she couldn't hide how frustrated she was. That was the reason why she started praying. She and her family were Catholic Christians, and they all were quite religious, keeping the traditions of the religion. Isabelle looked up at the sky with a sigh and noticed that the sun was going down, tinting the celestial sphere to light orange and pink.

"Couldn't this have waited till the morning?" Eustace asked as they got out of the boats.

Surprisingly, Isabelle wanted to agree with him but she had no idea how her agreement would influence the story, not that she was so important that people actually would have listened to her, so, in the end, she didn't say a word.

"There is no honour in turning away from adventure, lad," Reepicheep replied.

"Listen," Lucy said when she noticed that there was no sign of people, the whole place was clanging from silence. "Where is everyone?"

They all shared a suspicious look as they noticed the strange silence too. Isabelle began to bite her lips and folded her arms to hide how frustrated she was.

"Come on, jelly legs," Reepicheep told Eustace, holding out his hand to help the boy.

"I'm capable of doing it myself," he responded and tried to get out of the boat to the land but tripped.

"And they say I'm the lame one," Isabelle silently commented.

"And you're certain he's related by blood?" Caspian asked Lucy, who just sighed hopelessly. Then, they heard a loud ring of a bell and slightly jumped from the abrupt bluster.

"Bloody hell," Isabelle mumbled. "It's starting," she whispered under her breath.

"What are you talking about?" Lucy asked since she heard the girl's quiet whisper but couldn't understand what she said. As a response, Isabelle just shook her head. Lucy looked at her with curious eyes but continued walking.

"Reepicheep, stay here with Drinian's men and secure the place. We'll head on. If we don't come back by dawn, send a party," Caspian commanded.

"Yes, your Majesty," Reepicheep gave a monosyllabic answer.

They went to explore the streets, but they found nothing. Isabelle continued the prayer of 'Our Father' as she thought about the consequences of their arrival. The last thing she wanted was to have someone hurt.

"Yeah, looks like nobody is in. Do you think we should head back?" Eustace asked after they approached the church.

Isabelle sighed, thinking about what was about to happen, the whole fight and mist scenes swang in front of her eyes. She shook her head to exclude her thoughts.

"Do you want to come here and guard- something?" Edmund interrogated his cousin, obviously annoyed by Eustace.

"Ah, yes. Good idea, cousin. Very, uh," he started running towards them, "logical."

"Logical, the hell," Isabelle muttered as she walked past them to the entrance of the church.

Caspian pulled out a dagger and gave it to Eustace after he looked really lost and miserable. In Isabelle's opinion, it was still a stupid idea, even if she wouldn't have seen the movie.

"I've got it. I've got it. Don't worry," Eustace gabbled.

Isabelle opened the church's door and went in. The others followed her.

"I'm ready to go when you are." They heard the young boy's voice from outside.

"Greenie, shut up!" Isabelle shouted back at him. He was getting more and more annoying. In the movies, she found him less annoying than in real life.

"Who are all these people?" Lucy asked as she read the book which we found in the middle of the place.

"Why have they been crossed out?" Edmund asked.

"Because there wasn't enough space for circling," Isabelle answered, and the Just King sent her a vexed look.

"It looks like some kind of fee," Lucy spoke.

"Slave traders," Isabelle stated along with Caspian.

All of the bells rang above them, and people slid down on ropes with loud cries.

"Look out!" Caspian cried to the other three.

Isabelle didn't have the time to pull out her wand from her boots, so she drew out the sword Caspian gave her, seeing that two men came to her after they reached the ground. "Merlin's beard!" Isabelle cried out as one of them almost cut her throat. She ducked when the other swung his sword towards her, and she kicked his leg which caused him to fall to the ground. While he got up, Isabelle tried to disarm the other man who was attacking without stopping. She grabbed the book, put it in front of her and watched with wide eyes as the sword was stuck in it after it ran through the pages.

Her sword skill was far from good, she could barely even manage to hold the weapon. Which meant it wasn't a challenge to disarm her at all.

"Jesus," the girl mumbled as she watched the sword nearly five centimetres away from her eyes. She twisted the book, which made the sword slip out of the man's hand. She quickly grabbed it and threw it in the foot of another man who was about to stab Edmund on the back. The only reason Isabelle succeeded was that she was a Beater in the Slytherin Quidditch team. If she hadn't played as a Beater, Edmund probably would have been the injured one.

Swords clashed with each other with an immense high volume, and Isabelle thought she was deafening when a high-pitched scream interrupted the battle. The following sound was the bang of the door closing.

"Unless you want to hear this one squeal like a girl again, I'd say you should drop your weapons," the man said big with pleasure, holding Caspian's dagger to Eustace's neck.

"Like a girl?" the boy asked angrily but shut up when the man put the dagger closer.

"Now," he ordered.

Isabelle threw her sword to the ground with a frown towards the man. A soldier, who she sent to the ground minutes ago, stood behind her and grabbed her arms. She didn't even try to resist after she remembered that everyone was fine after the drama. She ran her regard through the other three and eased the belly when she didn't see any serious injuries on them. She only noticed a cut on Edmund's forehead.

"Let's take these two to market," the leader man pointed at Lucy and Eustace, then to Caspian, Edmund and Isabelle. "Send those three to the dungeons."

"Why the girl?" a man asked, confused. Isabelle guessed he thought he would want her to be sold too. He wasn't alone, the mentioned girl thought the same.

"She seems dangerous. Nobody buys that," the leader replied.

"I'll take that as a compliment, mister blister," Isabelle snorted, but inside, she was happy that he didn't send her to market.

The man glared at the girl but then looked away from her, back to the rulers, which, of course, was a thing he didn't seem to care about.

"Listen to me, you insolent fool! I am your king!" Caspian shouted angrily.

Edmund tried to break free, but the man beside him slapped him. "You're gonna pay for that," he fumed.

"Actually someone else is going to pay, for all of you," a man smiled sickly as he appeared out of the shadows, and the other men pulled them away, separating them from each other.

"No! Edmund!" Isabelle heard Lucy's cry. Her voice sounded very desperate as she was crying out for her brother.

"Lucy!" he shouted back, trying to escape from the arms around him. His voice echoed Lucy's, and Isabelle wanted to cover her ears, because both of their voices were full of desperation, and it almost made her cry. She looked at the man who was watching them with a satisfied smirk, and she fought the urge to free her hand, pull out her wand and curse him. That satisfied smirk on his face was annoying the hell out of her.

They took the three eldest to a cell. Isabelle sighed and sat on the ground, listening to Caspian who was trying to kick open the door.

"Wanna do yoga?" she questioned the irritated king while wiping the blood off Edmund's face. She was glad that he lost his consciousness when a soldier hit the back of his head, otherwise, he wouldn't have let her help him.

Caspian turned to her with a confused face. "What?"

"You know, yoga. Just to stay calm." She then did a wave of her hand. "Never mind, as I see, you are far from calm."

Caspian was about to reply when he noticed that the Just King began to win back his consciousness. "You all right?"

"Yeah," Edmund responded, looking around. When he noticed Isabelle, the girl sent him a comforting smile, which caused him to look away from her. Isabelle raised her brow but shrugged. His behaviour was too confusing to her. Caspian continued on kicking the door.

"It's hopeless. You'll never get out," a voice spoke from the dark.

"Who's there?" Caspian asked, walking closer to the source of the rusty voice.

"Nobody. Just a voice in my head," the man replied.

"Saint Merlin! Depression is a thing, but you took it to the next level, old man." Isabelle rolled her eyes as she got up, and although he tried to hide it, Edmund grinned at her response and exhaled in relief when the girl didn't notice.

"Lord Bern?" Caspian asked as the man came out of the shadow.

"Perhaps once, but I'm no longer deserving of that title," he answered.

"You need some confidence, old man," Isabelle commented with her arms crossed.

"Is he one of the seven?" Edmund asked, eyeing the old man.

"Your face. You remind me of a king I once loved well," Lord Bern stated, touching the face of Caspian.

"That man was my father," Caspian said, which made the man's eyes widen.

"Oh, my lord. Please forgive me," he apologised, hardly bowing.

"No, please," Caspian helped him up.

Edmund stepped to the window when he heard voices, and he looked out. Caspian followed his example, and they watched together as soldiers took a woman from her family.

"You're not watching?" Lord Bern asked Isabelle since the girl stayed where she stood.

"Where are they taking them?" Caspian looked at the old man after the boat sailed.

"Keep watching," he answered then looked back at Isabelle because she hadn't given a reply to his question.

"I'm well aware of the mist," she told him.

His eyes widened. "How do you know about the mist?" he asked curiously.

"Long story," she gave him a quick answer.

"What happened?" Caspian asked, climbing down from the window after the scene ended of the mist making the boat full of people disappear.

"It's a 'sacrifice'," Isabelle rolled her eyes as she drew ditto marks in the air. They gave her questioning looks, but she ignored them.

"Where did they go?" Caspian asked again.

"No one knows. The mist was first seen in the east. Reports of fishermen and sailors disappearing out at sea. We lords made a pact to find the source of the mist to destroy it. They each set sail-"

"-but none came back," Isabelle finished Lord Bern's story.

"You see, if they don't sell you to the slave traders, you're likely to be fed to the mist," Lord Bern spoke again.

"We have to find Lucy before it's too late," Edmund said determinedly.

"Oh my-" Isabelle snapped her forehead as something came into her mind.

"What is it?" Caspian turned to her.

She looked around, observing the dungeon, more exactly the way she could break free from it. "I am such an idiot."

"Yes, we know that," Edmund said, and she shot him murderous looks.

"Shut it, Teddy," she snapped at him.

"Make me!" he snapped back.

Caspian stood between the two. "Children, calm down, don't kill each other, please."

Isabelle huffed and turned away from Edmund. "How could I forget that I'm a witch?" she shook her head with a snort.

"You are a witch?" Lord Bern asked, becoming a little scared as the young witch pulled her wand out.

"Positive," she declared then turned to the door.

"What are you going to do?" Edmund asked, going closer to the girl.

"Wait and see!" She smirked.

"Whatever you plan on doing, it is not going to work. We're in a dungeon," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Alohomora," Isabelle whispered and tried to open the door. Nothing happened. "Damn it."

"See, I told you," Edmund watched her with a sly smile.

"A simple dungeon doesn't stop me," Isabelle rolled her eyes frustratedly. She didn't know why the charm wouldn't work. "Step back," she told Edmund who still stood by her side.

"It's not-"

"Just do it," she cut him off angrily.

He stepped back with an annoyed snort. Isabelle noticed that two guards were coming towards their cell. She remembered the movie, where they wanted to take the males somewhere. That was when they joined the fight outside. Isabelle decided not to wait for that.

"Stupefy." She aimed at the guards, and they both fell to the ground with a loud bang.

"That was scary," Caspian faltered out after a gulp. Isabelle had never done any of the more 'dangerous' spells since she entered Narnia, so it was when the king realised what she was capable of.

"They're okay. They're just unconscious," she replied with a slight smile.

"That's totally reassuring," Edmund stated sarcastically.

Isabelle gave him a look full of annoyance and stepped further from the door. She crunched her neck and hand bones and shook her arms, getting ready for a dramatic escape. "Bombarda."

*Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name

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