Sex in Sochi

By wordsmiths

23.8K 486 851

The Summer Olympics are old news. It's all about the Sex Olympics now, and we're bringing you coverage that y... More

The Countdown
Greco Roman Wrestling
Tae Kwon Judo
Synchronized Swimming
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Cock Fighting
Beach Volleyball
Closing Ceremony


602 20 225
By wordsmiths

   Roman was at home, sitting on the floor drinking and watching his washing machine, filled with panties, go around. It was long past time he washed them. His Panty Palace was starting to smell like someone had died in it. Roman shuddered at the thought. He could still keep his fans with him… just not what they’d sent along with the panties. Watching them made Roman feel he was coming to an end, which he was of course. Tomorrow night would be the last show, then who knows what. He was excited and apprehensive in equal measure.

   Roman gave a tired laugh. “At least I’ll get to see those legs one last time.”


   He puffed his cheeks when he saw them. Mindy caught his gaze and shook her head. Roman just shrugged. If she truly cared she could keep them covered up. He had to admit he’d miss her. Mindy had been cold at first but soon warmed up and left him with a great deal of admiration. She’d wanted to prove she was more than something to be ogled at and had done so… which made him feel guilty and look away from her.


   Roman sat in his fresh smelling Panty Palace, gearing himself up to the final show. An intern knocked but didn’t enter. There was no need. Roman knew what that was a sign of by now. Reluctantly he left the dressing room and joined Mindy, who was looking excited. Roman gave her a curious look. It was obvious she wanted him to ask about the look on her face so he didn’t just to see what would happen. Roman was rather amused when he looked up from his notes five minutes later to see Mindy seemed ready to explode.

   “Go on then,” he said dryly.

   “I’ve gotten an offer from CNN to be their main news anchor!” she revealed.

   Roman looked up with an eyebrow raised, smiling. He couldn’t help but be pleased when Mindy looked like a child in the middle of Disneyland. "You've accepted?"

   "I wanted to focus on this first," Mindy replied, clapping her hands together.

   "I've dealt with them. I'll look over the contract they offer if you want."

   Mindy grinned. "That would be great, thank you. My agent thought they'd try and lowball me."

   Roman could almost feel the excitement wafting off of her. "Right, we're on in ten minutes. I give you five minutes to calm down."

   Mindy nodded, stood and walked over to the middle of the studio, took off her heels and jumped up and down without a care for who was watching. When the five minutes were up, she flattened her hair down and sat back down “I’m ready.”

   “Welcome to the final installment of Sex in Sochi!” Roman said welcomingly.

   “Yes, thank you for those viewers who have stuck with us through the whole event!”

   “What a Games it has been! And what an ending! Here we are to bring it to you!”

   “Ah yes,” Mindy said with a grin, “the relay. What a way to end!”

   “A quick explanation of the rules as always for our casual viewers,” Roman took over. “The athletes face something of an obstacle course. At the first checkpoint, they must get jerked off. At the second there will be a woman they must bring to climax. These ladies will be wired up so the orgasms can’t be faked. There are no men in this second checkpoint only because none of those competing are homosexual. The third checkpoint will be a maze they have to get through. The fourth and final will be a test to their dedication to sex. They cannot go onto the next checkpoint without completing the task for the previous one.”

   “Now enough talking from us,” Mindy said playfully. “Let’s have some from the Venezuelan winner of the last relay, James Escobar.”

   The retired athlete joined Roman and Mindy at the table, accepting the applause from the staff in the studio with humility. He’d won the game in record time, even more impressive when you consider his test in the fourth checkpoint was watching five minutes of 2 Girls 1 Cup without flinching.

   “James, welcome,” Roman said cheerfully. “We’re pleased you could join us.” They went over to the big screen as always. Roman touched one of the videos. “Well, we’ll follow the winner, Shu Teng of China, an old rival of yours, James.”

   The Venezuelan smiled. “Yes he fought hard with me at the last Olympics for the title. I thought I’d retire and let him have this one.”

   The video was played, Shu Teng’s partner got to her knees and started jerking and blowing, alternating well and soon he was moving onto the woman, laying his magical fingers on and in her. It only took four minutes for the machines to register her orgasm. Shu Teng left her laying back panting and bounding into the maze. The opening looked like a vagina and once inside it led four ways. The Chinese athlete went down the furthest to the right of the pink corridors, smiling as he did so. This soon turned to panic, though, as he was turned this way and that. He spent about ten minutes through before eventually stumbling his way out alongside a competitor from Russia. Both of them stopped before the fourth obstacle when they saw what it was, pools full of sperm with the national flag of each competitor above a certain one. Shu Teng grimaced, ran and dived. The Russian did the same but a few seconds later.


   Roman sat in the now empty set of Sex in Sochi in a chair but without his desk as it had already been dismantled. Everyone else was enjoying the wrap party but he wasn’t so keen on celebrating, so instead Roman just sat there with his beer, until he was joined by Mindy.

   “You’re looking rather pensive,” she pointed out.

   Roman smiled. “I’m just wondering if I’ll ever get a job this good.”

   Mindy sighed. “Of course youwon’t. Nor will I. There is no better job. CNN?” she snorted. “What is that in comparison to covering the Sex Olympics.” Roman just shrugged. Mindy shook her head, took off her frilly underwear and threw them to him. “Cheer up,” she said as she walked away.

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