Amare "To Love"

By vickiwaitingx

42.8K 1.9K 4.1K

Whenever I find someone who's in need of healing, never do I hesitate to answer the call. But what happens wh... More

Amare "To Love"
Twenty One.
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six


1.2K 70 141
By vickiwaitingx

Sunday, June 26, 2005
3121 Antelo Rd.
Beverly Hills, CA

Prince's POV

🎶 I'm so scared of losing you

I really don't know what I'd do.

Can't bear the thought of another

day apart,

Mia my heart, my heart,


My fingers strummed the strings of my telecaster as the words left my lips, connected by a path linked directly to my heart.

I missed her.

Although it had only been just a few weeks since leaving each other's presence, the days felt like a lifetime.

Passionately she touched me in ways completely beyond the physical aspect.

Like a scripture she deserved to be closely studied, hopelessly devoted to, and endlessly praised.

That was my exact plan.

Easing my phone from the mixing console, I decided to send her a short lyric from the song I had written.

I just want to thank you, each and every day. Te amo corazón.


(1) Yo también te amo. What are you thanking me for?

I replied.

Loving me unconditionally and genuinely being you.

Surprisingly the phone rang.

"Mr. Nelson."

"Yes Ms. Martinez?"

My baby giggled. "It's been a long time since I've heard you say that. I miss you so much. How are you feeling? Good I hope."

"I miss you too. And I'm feeling well." I answered. "But better now that I'm hearing your voice."

"Any idea now when you'll be home?"

I glanced over to the itinerary placed inside of my notebook, but there was no use in me checking it.

I was staying in California for at least another two weeks.

"No later than the tenth." I replied as she deeply sighed. "Honey..."

"No, no. It's alright, I understand. You have a job to do. It's fine."

Blowing a breath of air from my lips, my conscience definitely started to kick in.

I hadn't been in a relationship since Manuela, and even then my love life suffered tremendously due to my sometimes busy schedule and being away.

Was I wrong for leaving Mia alone for weeks at a time just months into our partnership? Or did she truly understand?



"I'm coming back to you as soon as I can. Even if I have to cut this short for now, I'll do it. I promise."

"Prince that won't be necessary. I am fine okay? And will remain fine until you return. I'll talk back with you soon, I'm having dinner with my friends tonight."

Sensing a bit of hurry in her voice, I wanted to press the situation more but decided not to.

"Have fun, but not too much without me. I love you."

"I would never." Mia assured me with a short chuckle. "I love you too babe."


Mia's POV

That was the first time I ended any conversation with him resulting in uncertainty.

Do I really understand and accept my part in all of this?

Do the schedules and separation truly matter?

Clearly that part of our relationship wasn't thoroughly thought out enough.

But there was one thing I was very sure and certain about.

His music was his life.

His number one.

A relationship I wouldn't dare try to come between, nor compete with.


Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Healing and Hope Counseling Center
Saint Paul, MN

"Thanks a whole bunch Mia for the boxes." said Brian as he placed the last empty box into the back of his truck.

"No issue B." I smiled. "They were just filling up closet space anyway, and I'm sure with the big move you'll put them to good use."

"I'm stressing like crazy. Moving blocks away, and then the baby will be arriving in four months? I'm done for."

"You do have a lot on your plate, but you're a tough guy, I know you'll be able to handle it. Plus when little Briana gets here, everything you're dealing with now will be so worth while."

"You're right." Brian nodded. "Um Mia, I hope you don't mind me asking but have you ever considered settling down? Do you want to marry and have your own family one day?"

"Ah.. I've thought about that. And of course! It just has to be with the right person. Being a wife and a mother has always been a desire of mine."

"I'm happy to hear that. When your opportunity comes I know you'll be amazing at it."

"I hope so. Thanks B."

"Hey no problem." He said while taking out his keys. "One more thing."


"Do you ever just wonder what's up with Prince these days?"


"Um, no. Not really." My head shook with a squint.

"Oh c'mon!" Brian blurted. "The guy just up and stopped coming. What was the excuse again? Oh yeah, he didn't need our services anymore. Strange."

I wouldn't call it strange...

"I don't believe it. He probably had a crush on you or something and couldn't stand it any longer."


I laughed nervously, patting Brian on the shoulder. "Prince having a crush on me? No way. Never."

"Anything is possible. He chuckled while opening the truck's door. "See you tomorrow!"


The next day...

With work completed and the rest of the afternoon free, I started my journey to my apartment, arriving, but quickly found myself back out for a trip to Health Foods.

Thanks to an empty fridge and pantry.

Scoring a decent spot, I put my vehicle in park and turned off my car. But seconds before my hand reached the handle to get out, the phone rang.

Blocked number once again.

"You've got to be kidding me." I glared at the phone, extremely bothered. Fed up and mouthing off a slew of profanities, I held it to my ear, but the call quickly ended.

Snatching it away, the phone tapped against the token of jewelry resting on my helix.

His cuff.

It was then I remembered that he told me to inform him if the calling continued, but there was no way I was about to disturb him with something that held no importance.

"Welcome to Health Foods!" An employee greeted. Flashing her a smile, I grabbed a cart, throwing my purse inside, and started to shop.


After picking up the items that I needed, I took a turn for the cereal aisle to grab my usual selections.

"Interesting..." I mumbled, skimming over new choices when a sudden feeling of uneasiness took place.

I could just feel eyes on me, but when I slowly turned to look, no one was there to be found.


I put the groceries into my car as quickly as I could.

I just wanted to be in the comfort of my own home.

Pushing the cart into the holder, I made my way back to my vehicle, purse on shoulder and keys in hand.

But the view of my car stopped me right in my tracks.

Scratches, fresh scratches that I knew were not always there.

Someone had keyed my car.

Panicking and fumbling through my purse to find my phone, it started ringing again.

Blocked number.


The heavy breathing on the other end became louder than ever before.

That's when I realized the caller was right behind me, and my eyes stared at the familiar reflection.

"W-what the hell do you want with me?"

"Turn around beautiful." Vincent chuckled as our eyes met.

"That's been you calling me this whole time, how the hell did you get my number?"

"I've got my ways."


He laughed.

It was taking everything in me not to put my hands on him.

"You need to get some help, seriously. Stay the fuck away from me and lose my number."

"Hold on baby girl, I wouldn't talk like that if I were you." He walked closer. "And what do we have here?"

Easing his hand up, his fingers touched my ear, somewhat glaring yet smiling from the sight of the cuff before snatching it off.

"Vincent!" I yelled grabbing his arm but he pushed me away, as the cuff fell unto the ground.

"Oops." His foot stepped on it. "My bad."

"You son of a bitch! First you key my car and now this?"

"Ooh! So harsh aren't we?" He stuffed the broken piece of jewelry into my hand. "Finally living up to the inner bitch you've always been."

I laughed before I knew it. "Well if that's the case then I guess you are too huh? Really when are you going to grow a pair? It's not a good look for a man to be dick less and without his balls."

"Watch yourself." He warned.

"No. How about you watch it? You just can't leave well enough alone can you? Face it Vin, I don't want you! I didn't even want you when I had you. I've let you off too damn easy before, but not this time."

"And what's that suppose to mean?"

Unlocking my car and getting in, I looked up at him. "You'll definitely be staying the hell away from me at this point."

Slamming the door, I took off as Vincent yelled.

"I wouldn't do anything stupid if I were you Mia! I'll make you regret it all! Everything..."


I was frightened and Vincent really left me with no other choice but to file for a restraining order. Usually a tedious process, my parents both helped in making things go a lot faster with them both being apart of the system. The day of the court hearing was horrendous to say the least. There I stood in the courtroom stating my case, presenting all of the proper proof needed, all while Vincent glared at me full of hurt and hatred.

I didn't want to do it, but I had to.


"I never thought things will escalate this far."

"Me either." Brooke's voice flowed from the phone. "Vincent's truly outdone himself this time."

My father suggested that I shouldn't return home, since none of us really knew what Vincent was capable of anymore. So I stayed at my parents house for the time being.

"Have you spoken to Prince?" Brooke asked as I lounged throughout my old bedroom.

"Yes. But not about any of this if that's what you're asking."

"Seriously Mia? Don't you think he should know? This is major."

"I know, I know." I sighed before taking a seat. "I just don't want to worry him with any of my issues you know? He's busy right now and I don't want to be a distraction."

"Mia you're crazy." Brooke said. "If that guy loves you the way he says he does then you or your problems will never be a distraction. You're with him now, and he deserves to know."

She was right, but I still couldn't make myself mention a word to him about it.


Wednesday, July 6th, 2005

Despite Monday being a holiday, Tuesday went wonderful as planned, having great sessions with my usual clients. But Wednesday got off with a rough start. Upon waking up, everything just felt off.

My mind just knew that something wasn't right.

Arriving to work, I met with my only client for the day, which granted me access to leave early, so I did.

But just a few hours later, I was called by Brian asking to return immediately.


"Yes Brian?" I walked into his office. "What's going on that you had to drag me all the way back here for?"

From his seat he just looked up at me with an expression that I couldn't read.

"B? What's wrong?"

"Mia, sit down."

Easing into a chair, I noticed a wide envelope that he clutched in his hands.

"You know in all of my years of this profession, I've seen and dealt with some of the most jaw dropping situations regarding clients and employees, but I have never dealt with anything of this magnitude."

My hands tensed. "What are you speaking about? What happened?"

"You don't know?"

"No I don't! That's why I am asking."

"Mia you lied to me!" He jumped up from his chair.

"What are you talking about? I haven't lied about anything!"

"Oh you haven't? Then what is all of this!" He slid the envelope over to me. "Open it up and tell me what it is."

Sighing deeply, I pulled the tab, pouring everything out onto his desk.


Countless photos of Prince and I taken weeks prior on numerous occasions at outside of Paisley, even at his private residence on Galpin.

Text messages between Naudia, Brooke, and I were printed. Messages that confirmed just what the photos had shown.

"What do you have to say for yourself? Please explain this to me, please."

Emotions everywhere, I felt as if I couldn't breathe. My hands covered my eyes just to stop the room from spinning.


"What!!!" I shouted. "I fell for him okay? Yes I fell for him. That is all that I can say!"

"How on earth could you let this happen?" Brian flipped the photos to the side. "You're one of the most brightest individuals that I've ever met, do you not realize the hell you have gotten yourself into? If you had any type of idea that this would happen, I would have ended the sessions and made you refer him to someone else. I can't believe this."

I gulped as my voice shook constantly, tears dripping down my face.

"Joanna says a young man dropped the envelope off, but I didn't see him. Any idea of who he might be?"

I shrugged my shoulders but I very well knew exactly who it was.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Truthfully, I don't know what happens from here. It's completely out of my hands and will be the board's decision."

Exhaustedly I stood taking one last look at Brian before exiting his office.


Prince's POV

After a long day of meetings and recording, I finally returned to my rented home. Mistakingly I left my phone, so Mia was certainly the first person I wanted to call, especially since having her on my mind the entire day.

14 Missed Calls and 7 Voicemails

I instantly groaned in worry at the discovery consisting of calls from Mia and my attorney Patrick. But he could wait, she would come first.

Leaning against the counter I dialed the number to return her calls.

"Honey I'm sorry that I missed you calling, I accidentally left my phone here at the rental. Are you alright?"

There was a silence but also small cries and sniffing.

I went straight into protective mode.

"Mia tell me what's wrong. C'mon sweet pea you've got to talk to me."

"Please come home." Her voice trembled through her muffled cries.


"Please. I can't do this alone."

"Do what alone? Ah honey please you're scaring me, just tell me what happened."

Her cries became louder as my entire body clenched with anger and fear.

"They know Prince. They know everything."

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