Amare "To Love"

By vickiwaitingx

42.8K 1.9K 4.1K

Whenever I find someone who's in need of healing, never do I hesitate to answer the call. But what happens wh... More

Amare "To Love"
Twenty One.
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six


1.7K 70 153
By vickiwaitingx

Chapters Theme : Loving Me 4 Me by Christina Aguilera


Friday, June 3, 2005
3121 Antelo Road
Beverly Hills, CA

Prince's POV

"Honey it's been months and you have yet to see my home. I want you there with me once I get back."

"Don't you think it's a bit too risky Prince?" Her voice lightened as she sighed. "I thought you understood all of this once we made the choice to see each other, how could I be seen around with you?"

I never wanted to be angry with her but my frustrations were getting the best of me.

"Mia just how long do you expect me to hide you?" My fingers clutched the phone. "Do you know how hard it is keeping you a secret? You don't know how badly I want to show the world just how happy I am to be with you."

"You think I don't feel the same?" She asked.

"Mia, that ain't what I said."

"You may as well have said it! You knew this wouldn't be easy, I told you from the jump and you agreed to it. Talking about how difficult it is for you, well it's even more difficult for me."

Let me stop this before it goes any further.

"Honey listen, I'm sorry alright? I don't want to argue. The last thing I want to do is upset you. And I can tell by your tone that I already have."

"It's just that.. I can't stand the pressure okay? I don't tell you but Prince this weighs on me, and it's heavy. I hate feeling guilty about being with you. I shouldn't have to, but I do."

Her words stung straight to the core. Although I knew she had no intentions of causing me heartache, I just couldn't stand knowing that ultimately I was the root of her distress. The time we spent together consisted of us expressing our feelings to one another, and there was no doubt in my mind that they were valid. But I was afraid, God knows how I afraid I was. Afraid of losing her due to the circumstances that often clouded the brightness of us. This was the relationship that I had always chased, woman after woman. And finally I caught it, I caught her. But would the situation cause me to watch her slip right out of my own grip?


"I'm listening."

"I'm not losing you."

"I wouldn't ever want you to.."

That six word statement meant more to me than anything else in the world.

"I'll visit you. I mean, who am I kidding? I want to be there with you as much as you want me to be. And since your birthday is approaching, it's only right."

Just like that she lightened the mood.

"You know I ain't too hot on the whole birthday thing, but your presence will always be a gift to me."

"Prince." My name spewed through the phone while a sweet laugh followed.

"What? I got you blushing huh?"

"Mhm. But please, please make sure the whole area is secured. I'm serious, I don't need anything happening."

"Honey you know I will, I got you. And why don't you take a note from my book and disguise yourself while you're outside? Just in case. As far as Paisley and surrounding areas, I'll make sure everyone is out, so it'll be just you and I. But fear not, security will be in place at all times."

"Alright. That makes me feel a whole lot better. Thank you."

"No need in thanking me, I'm just taking care of my lady like I promised."


Monday, June 6, 2005
Apple Valley, MN

Mia's POV

Glancing from the window of my living room, I waited. After speaking with Prince just a few moments prior, I learned that he sent his trusted driver to chauffeur me to my destination, since he had a few last minute things to do before my arrival.

Backpack secured and duffle in hand, my thumb repeatedly grazed across my keys as I watched closely. As far as the disguise he recommended? Simply dark sunglasses and a huge sun hat were worn.

Sure hope this is enough.

The black SUV appeared and parked across from my own vehicle. After locking my door, I wasted no time scurrying over to the truck and getting in.

"Thank you." I smiled to the driver before he shut the door. Soon after, we were on our way.


Paisley Park
7801 Audubon Road
Chanhassen, MN

Checking my surroundings, I hesitantly stepped out of truck with the help of the driver, and to my surprise Prince appeared at the doors of the complex, beaming with a smile.

Someone's chipper...

But I wasn't however. My nerves were winning.

With one last look over every area in my view, I made my way to him as the doors swung open.

"Hel-" My greeting was cut short. Pulling me into his arms, Prince welcomed me with one of the most warmest hugs you could ever imagine.

"I've missed you honey." His deep voice vibrated on my skin as his lips pecked my neck.

"I've missed you too."

Pulling away he smiled while studying my face. "Nice hat." His hands swiftly removed my sunglasses. "But you look a bit worried."

"Thanks babe. And I am."

"Mia there's no need to be." He hung the sunglasses on his shirt. "You're with me now aren't you? Besides, didn't you see the guards outside? Everything is fine."

"I know, I know." I grinned in attempt to relax. "I'm alright."

"Good." Prince kissed me and took my bags. "Come with me and I'll show you around."


"So what do you think overall mama?" He asked while our fingers intertwined.

"Couldn't you tell by the millions of gasps? I can't believe how beautiful everything is. Photos definitely doesn't do this place justice."

"See I thought you were gasping for me." Prince snickered as we walked into the little kitchen.

"Ha ha. That's very funny." I replied with a hint of sarcasm. Just as Prince started to respond, my cell rang.

"Who's that?" His head lifted trying to read the phone.

"I don't know, it says blocked number."

Prince's brows wiggled as he smirked. "Bill collector maybe?"

"You insinuating I don't pay my bills now?"

He shrugged quickly. "I'm kidding. Why don't you answer?"

"Well, I have..."

"This isn't their first time calling?"

"No. It started only a few days ago, but I just brush it off because they never say anything."

A stern expression overtook the genuine smile that he once displayed, I could certainly tell he wasn't fine with what he was hearing.

"Honey let's not worry with that right now. Ah, you're off until...?"

"Thursday. You have me for three whole days. Well, actually two days
considering that this day is almost over."

"Let's head over to my home on Galpin. That's where we'll really be staying."


Around 8 p.m. dinner was served and finished. Well, on my end at least. Although the delicious meal left for us was concocted by his own personal chef, Prince only had maybe three bites of the savory dish.

Meatless of course. I had a sneaking suspicion that he was trying to coax me into dropping the meat selections I did enjoy, although it surely wasn't much.

After a shower and quick hair wash (the shampoo and conditioner combo he spoke so highly of) I found a busy Prince inside of his huge walk in closet.

Completely occupied, this man was hanging up my items of clothing next to his.

"Um babe... you do know that I'm only going to be here for just a few days.. right?"

No verbal response. But the smirk he wore said otherwise.

Placing my bags off into a corner he smiled, "Wanna watch Nemo?"

Prince's POV

Finding Nemo it was, but about thirty minutes into the film, my mind wasn't on no animated fish, no matter how cute they were.

The stunning woman cuddled next to me owned all of my attention, giggling away at Dory's antics. Easing the remote from the nightstand I paused the film, causing a priceless reaction from Mia.

"Hey wait!" She whined trying to grab the remote. "I was watching that!"

"Yep and I was watching you. Can we please finish it later mama? I just want to talk, and look at you some more."

"Fine." Her lips pouted as she gave in. "What do you want to talk about?"

"So you've never quite explained, what was it exactly that influenced you with your career choice. I'd love to know."

She smiled but her eyes saddened almost simultaneously.

"Well there were several factors that contributed to my choice. This may sound quite cliché, but I've always liked listening to others and helping them. Believe it or not, I've kind of been some sort of an therapist my entire life. Even in grade school, sitting on the playground listening to my friends talk about who wouldn't play with who, or who stole the crayons."

We both chuckled.

"Then I'd just offer them advice, of course I didn't know that I was actually helping, I just wanted to be a good friend. Those traits followed me throughout my life, and with the support of my family and Dr. Kristie, here I am."

"Wait, honey who's Dr. Kristie?"

"She's my college advisor turned mentor, a good friend actually."

"Oh." I sat up, propping my back against the headboard. "But you had sad eyes."

"What do you mean?"

"When I asked you about what influenced your choice, your eyes became sad. Did something happen?"

She didn't say a word, but the wheels of her mind were definitely turning. Her appearance grew worried, an expression of hurt swept over her demeanor.

"Honey..." I reached out to stroke her shoulder as her chin rested on her knees.

"I was abused, and the abuser is the step mother of my own mother. Although I don't remember every detail, I do recall many harsh things she's said to me."

"Did she ever hit you?"

I could see her eyes peeping through her dampened curls. "Yes. She even broke my wrist once."


And with that I instantly regretted starting the conversation. I wouldn't ever want to inflict any sort of pain upon my honey.

"Darling I'm sorry." I apologized while holding her in my arms. "This is too painful for me to hear, so I know it must be more painful to discuss. I'm so sorry."

I couldn't stand it. Her confessions caused me to reflect back on my own early life of turmoil and heartache, and it angered me greatly.

"It's okay." She sighed into my chest. "I haven't seen the woman in years, at this point I never will, not that I'd want to anyway."

"I wouldn't ever want you to deal with that poor excuse of a human, someone like that shouldn't even be given the blessing of being around a soul as special as yours."

"That's why I'm glad I came to my senses and got away from Vincent."


"My ex."

The doofus.

"Oh him. See? I had forgotten about him so quickly, that's what happens when certain individuals hold no importance to me."

Mia looked up at me and grinned. "You're funny."

Yeah it's funny, but I'm serious.

"I know. He didn't deserve you, he doesn't deserve any good woman actually. All of that crazy talk he was doing? I'm just glad he never put his hands on you."

She turned her head away from me quickly while easing on her side. That reaction only signified one thing.

"Mia he's hit you?"

"Ah, not exactly. I mean we were fighting."

"What do you mean not exactly? It's either a yes or no question. Did he put his hands on you or not?"

By this time my blood boiling, and I'm sure I was visibly upset.

"Prince don't get angr-"

"Mia stop beating around the damn bush and just tell me."

Her mouth dropped.

"I didn't mean that."

"I don't want you to be angry."

"I'm already angry, so please tell me what happened."

"It was right after I broke things off with him." She toyed with her fingers nervously. "I had packed his stuff and told him to come get everything. He tried his best to convince me not to end it, but I couldn't take him hurting me anymore. So things turned physical. He grabbed me, started twisting the very wrist that I had broken as a child. You have no idea how much that angered me. He was going off, all in my face calling me out of my name. So I hit him."

"You hit him..."

"Yes. I hit him. He couldn't believe it. And of course him being the asshole that he is, he attempted to hit me back. But luckily my father came in just in time. We had him arrested, but for the sake of his mother pleading, I didn't press charges."

He didn't hit her, but just the thought of him hurting her and trying to hit her back made me want to find the punk and bloody his face.

"Prince?" Her hands cupped my jaws. "You okay? Hey.. Look at me."

My eyes rose to meet hers. "I'm going to hurt him."

"But you can't! I'm fine baby I'm with you now. Vincent doesn't matter. Anything he's done doesn't matter."

"Like hell it does! He ain't got no right putting his hands on my woman."

"But baby we weren't together..."

"I don't care. You've always been mine don't you know that? Even while you were dealing with his sorry ass, we just didn't know it. But we do now."

"Exactly so there's no need to do anything. I'm fine okay? Please listen to me."

"I'll make him regret every wrong doing he's done towards you."


"Putting his hands on you. Who does he think he is? I bet his folks are ashamed for raising that low down piece of sh—"

She kissed me. Not sure because she wanted to or just to shut me up. But I didn't care, those lips were just what I  needed.

And there I was instantly relaxed and under her spell.

Yeah she's definitely got some sort of hold on me.

"Mr. Nelson you have got to relax. Didn't I tell you that I was fine?"


"So why go getting yourself all worked up huh? Close your mouth and listen to what I say."


"Shh." Her pointer finger rested against my lips. "Enough."

"Alright mama I hear you. Just wish we could've met sooner."

"How come?"

"Maybe I could've gotten you away from all of that quicker. Tell me, he ain't never done anything good for you?"

"No, and I'm not exaggerating. Sure he'd buy me stuff here and there but there's nothing significant enough to me that stands out. Even the sex was horrible."

"Well I can assure you that none of that will ever become an issue with me." I stated. "My hands will always be on you, the right way."


Mia's POV

Morning arrived and I was awakened by the touch of Prince's lips against the small of my back.

"Good morning honey." The tip of his tongue grazed up my skin, sending chills through my spine.

"Mmmorning.." Calloused but smooth, his fingers tickled my flesh, raising the tank top but not yet removing it.

"You know I thought a lot about what you said all night." He spoke into my ear, right before gently tugging the lobe between his teeth.

Focus, focus...

"I never wanted anything I said to keep you up. Did you sleep any?"

"Don't worry about that. And maybe three hours or so. But I watched you. I wanted to touch you, wake you and give you my love, but I know you were tired."

I tried my best to listen to what he was saying, but with every word his mouth left love bites upon the nape of my neck, which is enough to drive any woman crazy.

Turning over, I was quickly pulled into him, my breast meshing with his chest.

"You... want.."

"No." said Prince. "I need."


Prince's POV

I watched as her gorgeous body laid back in submission to me.

With my thumb securely resting underneath the sides of her panties, I wasted no time easing them down those honey complected thighs.

Taking my hand, she placed it directly on perfectly trimmed core. "Love me now, please."

The feeling of her glistening warmth against my palm caused my erection to throb harshly, begging to slide inside of her tightness.

But I wanted to relish in each moment.

"Not just yet mama, be patient."

"Why?" She questioned with an aggravated moan. "At this point I'm dripping."

She wasn't lying.

"Honey we've got all the time in the world. Let me make love to you, nice and slow."

"I thought you didn't believe in time?" She spoked seductively while sliding her tank off.

This woman here....

"Alright, you got me there. But you know what I mean. I just want to take my time to appreciate you, to appreciate us. Don't you know how deserving you are of real love from a real man? I'm here to give my all and more, I'm so crazy about you."

"Baby..." Her voice hitched in her throat while my hands teased her inner thighs.

"Shh, let me finish. He didn't.." my hands traveled up to cup both breasts, deserve you. So much time wasted, but never will you waste anymore. I cherish you, even until I expel my last breath and beyond, I'll cherish you."


Mia's POV

I couldn't speak. Nothing short of a murmur and moan were the only things capable of escaping my lips as Prince's words healed me. I'd never had a man speak so highly to me, of me. It was truly overwhelming. Losing myself in a cloud of loving thoughts, my wonders were interrupted by touch of his fingertips, tracing softly near my navel.

I watched him steadily, not wanting to lose sight of those alluring eyes. I felt intoxicated, experiencing some sort of high, just completely enthralled with him. For the first time I felt free. Free of all of the tumultuous demons from the past that followed me.

Free to be me.

He didn't ridicule, chastise, or judge me.

He loved me.

He loved me, for me.

Filling me with his length, he thrusted in and out slowly, my body shivering in response. Intertwining our hands and balancing his upper body with the other, grunting, his eyes shut tight while pumping into my wetness.

Several strokes in, I found myself losing it, trying to suppress my release. But the sounds of our love making aroused me even more, sending over the edge to my orgasmic high.

Watching my body jolt, Prince managed to thrust a few more times before succumbing to his own eruption, as my juices continued to flow.

Slipping out of me, he quickly pulled me into his arms, nuzzling his sweaty face into my neck.

"I love you, I know that you don't care to celebrate but, happy birthday."

"Thank you for being here with me, it means more than you'll ever know. And I love you too."


Prince's POV

After a few hours, a nap, and one much needed shower turned make out session (thanks to me), I stared into the mirror at my reflection, slicking my hair back.

I was the happiest that I had been in a long time, and my honey was the cause of it all.

There was something about having the presence of a woman in the house, but not just any woman, it was her in particular that brought along an essence that I never experienced.

Waking up to her next to me.

Seeing her belongings.

Her tooth brush next to mine....

I had to make that permanent.


Mia's POV

I stood downstairs in the kitchen, chopping up an variety of fresh green veggies and fruit for a smoothie, just one of his few born day requests.

Finally getting a chance to take a look at my phone, I tossed the goodies into the blender before flipping my cell open to view it.

14 Missed Calls

"What on earth?" I started to panic, wondering had something gone on with my family or work. But luckily none of the calls were from anymore important, just the infamous blocked number that I had not a clue who it could be.

This is so weird.

Was someone playing on my phone? That didn't make any sense since I had a new number. Maybe the person had the wrong number or something? Or was it a collector harassing me about some unpaid bill from the past like Prince said? Then it hit me...

I never paid off that Macy's card.

"Oh well!" I shrugged lightly, placing the phone on the counter. "They'll get it eventually."

"Hey honey. Is that smoothie ready?" He entered the kitchen.

With my back to him, I turned around to be greeted by an oh so beautiful sight.


"You do know it is impolite to stare." He smirked while making his way over. "You don't have to gawk at what's yours, go ahead and touch."

"We've done enough touching for the day, don't you think?"

"Oh no." Prince's head shook quickly. "There ain't never enough touching between me and you."

"But your smoothie is ready, sir."

"But I've got a craving for something more than just a smoothie."

"What? I can make it for you.."

"It's already made to perfection."

Curiously, I quickly padded over to the fridge in attempt to look, but he stopped me.

"Honey I'm talking about you."


"I want to taste you on top of the table, and spread those thighs as far as they can go."

One moment he's incredibly sweet and loving me, the next he's a certified freak trying to kill me. Yep, that's it.

"B-but baby you should drink your smoothie, you don't want it to sit too lo-"

My voice squealed loudly as he picked me up, plopping my bottom against the table.

"Lay back." He demanded. "Well, I take that back, I don't mind if you want to watch me eating you."


"And I don't know why you put these panties on." Prince blurted as he snatched them off, flinging them across the room.

"Now what if I can't find them?!"

"It doesn't matter, it's not like you'll be needing them anyway."

Hovering in front of his meal, he wasted no time diving his head between my legs. His tongue along with help from his fingers parted my slit, humming against me deeply.

"Mm..." My thighs jerked, closing in on him.

"Sss-stop." He mumbled before easing his head up. "Turn around and get on your knees."

"What? You're crazy, I am not doing all of that on a table. Plus I've never done anything like this before."

"Why not? The table steady ain't it? Now get on your knees, I'm not going to let you fall. And there's a first time for everything."

Glancing at him slowly, I gave in to his request, easing into the position he desired.

"Damn that's a nice arch. You sure you ain't been in this position before?"

"Does searching for shoes under the bed count?"

Prince chuckled. "No."

Grabbing my hips, he pecked my core before mercilessly dragging his tongue between my lower lips.

"Ahh..." I gasped as he sucked me, tongue darting in and out as fast as he could.

My knees started to buckle, which sent him smacking my behind in response.

"Uh uh.. straighten up or else."

"I can't!"

"You can."

This fuc-

"Ohh!! Suficiente!!" I screamed as his fingers stroked my bud in a circular motions.

"How close..."

"Estoy ahí!"


"I'm there!"

Bringing me to yet another orgasm, his lips captured my heat, while his tongue flicked up every drop of cream that lingered.

"Told you I wouldn't let you fall." He spoke before giving my bottom one last pop.

I eased down unto the edge, quickly shutting my legs. "Go drink your smoothie."

"I think my thirst is quite quenched from drinking you."

Enviar ayuda por favor!

"But since you insist and I don't want to waste something so delicious, I'll drink it."

I laughed trying to recover from the devouring that took place. "Any plans for today? Are you plan on doing anything?"

"Nope. Nothing, besides you."


"Well dear before you ruin my chances of the walking for the next few days, will you grant me a break? Please?"

Prince smirked. "Certainly. And you better get to it before I finish my drink."

Right before I went to run off from the love machine, my phone rang from the counter.

Blocked caller again.

"Who's that now?" Prince asked.

"Blocked number."

"This has gotten ridiculous Mia, let me see the phone."

"Baby no it's just Macy's."

"Ain't no way that's Macy's, let me have the phone before it hangs up."

Hesitantly, I handed it over.

"Hello?" Prince answered as I waited.

"Whoever you are, I hope you know it ain't cool calling and playing on someone's phone. But evidently you don't because you keep doing it. Lose this number alright?"

"Did you hear anything?" I asked as he hung up.

"Nope, just slight breathing. But I'm telling you I don't like this at all. If it happens again let me know, so I can put a stop to it."


Vincent's POV

"So did she answer?" asked Adam.

"Nah, someone else did."


"Let's just say she's definitely with him at the moment. Go round up your shit, it's time."

This chapter may contain typos, missed words, and several other errors. Please forgive me y'all, it will be edited soon!

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