By favourakpofure

1.2M 33.9K 2K

A legend was written years ago of two white lycan made to be mates, to love-hate, fight but also made to be t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Charpter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapater 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49(THE END)

Chapter 11

25.9K 732 22
By favourakpofure

Lawrence POV:

I watch her walk out of my office infuriated almost yanking the door out with contrition clawing in my gut.

I snap my eyes towards the door hearing a knock on the door before Pa(Elder Mathias) walks in with a wide smile on his lip conveying a brighter look to his features.

"When did you get back Pa?"I inquire going for a hug.

I study his features this man looks younger even though he is already in his fifties with his short brown hair, green eyes, and sharp jawline complimenting his looks, but at the back of my mind, I still question why he hasn't seen his mate yet because I know his mate would be so lucky to have him.

"a few hours ago. I went to see your father because we have unfinished business," he says smirking while making his way towards the couch with me right behind him.

"I thought you guys ended that already," I say shaking my head in amusement.

Dad and Pa have this tradition of anyone who goes for a long time work must buy drinks for the other very unusual I think.

"yes we still do, I saw Kate leaving your office looking inflamed, "he says concisely waiting to confirm his thoughts on this matter.

"yes, she is my mate but I notified her I don't need a mate not right now when everything is very complicated, "I say avoiding the disappointment in his eyes.

"why would you do that? she is your mate, you true mate," he says making emphasis on the 'true mate "what's wrong with you son," he says looking at me in shock.

"I want her no I need her but something is pulling me back and I don't know what it is, "I say softly in thought.

"I understand," he says laying his hand on my shoulders" but you have to figure that out fast before you lose her," he says with understanding in his voice.

I welcome his fatherly advice and sentiments "thanks, this means a lot to me" I say hugging him.

That is why I idolize this man he always understands me"so how was the meeting I hope you were able to persuade them" I say changing the subject.

Thank Goddess he took the hint "yes Alpha king, it went well they will be sending it by tomorrow" he says going through his bag placed beside the couch. I didn't even notice he carried in a bag " and one more thing Jack will be training the warriors on the new blueprints " he says handling files to me which I took reading through it, "okay but we have to sen---" I was cut off by a knock on the door.

"come in, "I say looking towards the door as Jack walks in "any headway?" I question going straight to the point focusing my attention back on the files reading through some of the plans crafted out on the file "yes morning pack(Kate pack) sent Kate and Alex information, here is it," he says handling the files to me" and also the rogue problem going on in the sunshine pack has been deciphered for the meantime".

"That good keep me updated on any more attacks, "I say placing Kate and Alex's files together with other pack members' files to go through it later.

He bowed before leaving the office after acknowledging Pa presence " as I was saying, we have to send warriors over there " I say looking toward Pa

"yeah I will get that arranged, " he tells.

"Okay, I will finalize this and get back to you"

"If that all, for now, I will be going to see your Mom now before she decides to kill me for not coming to check on her first, "he says standing to his feet before leaving the room.
I have been in my office for three hours going through the files and I need to rest before I go hysterical from working too much.

After putting things in order I leave making my way towards Mum's room.

Her room is located on the east wing of the house the room is well decorated to her liking with flowers and bright colors since she loves nature and the presence of it around her.

I walk in without announcing my presence by knocking finding her talking with Levi seated on her bed gaining their attention.

Levi looks up from the book he was reading with a smile in place" hey bro how has it been? you look pale" he says grinning widely.

Mum believes I should be less serious and include more fun into my life but you have to be ferocious to rule over a large kingdom like this one.

"I am okay, just exhausted. " I say looking at him with raised eyebrow knowing the reason he is here " what are you doing here?"I ask anyway walking towards the bed taking a seat beside Mum.

"I am here to spend time with Mum," he says innocently.

"you know what I mean Levi you only come here when you need something or have a problem," I say matter of fact receiving a glare from him.

"Lawrence do you need anything? and stop taunting your brother," Mum says raising her eyebrows at me.

"nothing just came to see you, "I say tapping on my phone.

"so have you talked to Kate yet?" she questions giving me a look.

"yes, I told her the truth, "I say sighing wishing she ask no more question on this matter.

They should all drop this I can take care of this my way and at my juncture.

"Which is?" asked Levi.

"I told her I don't need a mate," I say focusing my attention on my phone trying to act relaxed.

"Lawrence, you can't do this to her you both need each other to survive what's an Alpha king without his mate, this will just cost you pain," she states looking at me with pleading eyes.

They don't understand that I can't do that not right now, not when I can't even comprehend what's happening.

Or what is stopping me from making a move "I know what I am doing, trust me Mom" I say looking into her eyes.

I feel like I am saying this more to myself than to her.

"Okay, so I trust you know what you are doing," She says smiling even though it didn't reach her eyes but I know she understands.

"okay I am starving I would like to eat now," Levi says walking towards the door.

We left Mum's room going towards the dining room, getting there Dad, Jack, Lillian, PA, Alex, and Anderson were already seated discussing and laughing.

This girl is always late.

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