Vampire love story(BTS x Read...

By anamariag18

22.8K 643 291

A harem love story between BTS and a princess of vampires.A love triangle between Taehyung,princess and Jung... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14 (Part 1)
Chapter 15 (part 2)
Chapter 16 (final part)
Vampire love story
Coming soon
New ff
Book 2 !!

Chapter 9

900 35 11
By anamariag18

Jungkook POV

I woked up in the middle of the night because of strange dream with Yona,but I can't understend why the only thing I remember is her sweet face.What is happening?! Why I was feeling bad about her?!That's not possible!

I got up from the bed and care out my room.As I was walking in the hallway,I entered Y/n's room and saw her  sleepig next to Jin like two little kids.Appearentely Jin is keeping his promise and he is obbying to my order.

I wanted to go for a while out in the courd to clear my thoughts.I was really happy that in the next morning me and Y/n will begin the preparations for our wedding,but in the other hand I was very nervous,I was feeling anxious and this was because I knew that Y/n will escape I know that Taehyung will came to take her,I'm sure for that.

Jungkook-That guy should die-I whispered to myself touching a rose.When I came back on my room I saw that the door of Yona's room was unlocked.She was sleeping peacefully

Jungkook-*You're sleeping like an angel Yona.You are an angel only when your sleep because you are no more the same,I know that the spirit of our uncle is inside you and I will not let you two harm Y/n.Yona,we are very similar to each other,both of us love somebody that dont love us back.If you say that you really love me then you have to let me free to choose the one that I love.Above all one of us has to sacrifice himself and in this case it's you the one who has to sacrifice for me*-I said to my self,because the words couldn't come out of my mouth.

*END Jungkook POV*

***The day after in the morning.

Jin leaved really early my room,while the maids came in to make me ready with my bride dress I was feeling a little embarrassed,because Yoongi was there in his cat form looking at me while I was gettling ready.Sometimes he slept in my bed.

 "Yoongi stand up and leave right now!"-I whispered to him without my maids seeing me,but he opened one eye like he was saying:

"Dont be such a pain in the ass,see I'm not doing anything" 


"He he he,Yoongi I know you are not a cat,sooo...Aaaaah!"-one of my maids touched my shoulder and I startled,she told me that I had to get ready fast.

***  *Jin POV*

I came out of the room and I was watching everywhere for the guards positions.Now I knew where to pass with Y/n and Taehyung.I'm very lucky that my dad was the second hand and the best solder of Y/n's father,that's why I know every secret pathway of the palace.While I was walking I saw Yona in front of my eyes who was walking in a wierd way like she was hidding form someone I quikly hid behind an old soldier costume.She was standing behind a wall when suddently Jungkook came out of his room when he exited,Yona got sure that he was gone,she get in his room.I go quikly behind the door and I saw what she was doing.Yona was checked every corner of Jungkook's room.She put her hands in Jungkook's drawer and pulled out of there a box,this box seemed familiar to me,where have I seen it before?

I didn't like Yona's face expression,she looks so wicked.

There was no time left,I had to do something,so I went in.

Jin-hey princces Yona.

Yona-Jin!-she said without moving-what are you doing here?

Jin-Well,I was walking down the castle and I saw you here,Jungkook gave me premision to come in his room if I want to.In fact what are you doing here?

Yona-Hmm...-she lowered her head and hid the box behind her back.

I was waiting for her response but unexpectly she started smirking like crazy and hit me with a knife which she hid behind her back.

*Ah shit! That hurts*

When I touched my stomach I saw a lot of blood coming out of my body,I felt powerless and at the same time I tried to stop Yona so she could not escape.Indeed my body was paralyzed and I fell into the floor.That bitch poisened the knife.

She was laughing loudly while I was fainting. are totally insane Jin!Well,then see you later maybe never!

The poisen was so strong so I couldn't keep my eyes open.But luckily I was able to see the details of the box and It was obvious a small red rubin,so by that detail I saw the box which was the Pandora box.

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