The Apprentice

By Irrelevant86

8.9K 209 5

Adolfina has been Daniel's apprentice for the past three years now, ever since she saved him from a group of... More

Chapter One: A New Life
Chapter Two: Meeting Catherine
Chapter Three: Cover Stones
Chapter Four: The Stargate
Chapter Five: Abydos
Chapter Six: The People of Abydos
Chapter Seven: The Address Home
Chapter Eight: Ra's Attack
Chapter Nine: The People Fight Back
Chapter Ten: Staying on Abydos
Chapter Eleven: Welcoming Back Old Friends
Chapter Twelve: Children of the Gods
Chapter Thirteen: Escape
Chapter Fourteen: Klorel
Chapter Fifteen: Within the Serpents Grasp Part One
Chapter Seventeen: Within the Serpents Grasp Part Three
Chapter Eighteen: Waiting
Chapter Nineteen: First Mission
Chapter Twenty: Worried
Chapter Twenty-One: Getting Him Back

Chapter Sixteen: Within the Serpents Grasp Part Two

337 6 0
By Irrelevant86


We were all gathered around the 'window' of the pel'tac.

"You wish to go home to your planet?" Klorel asked.

"Of course," Jack said.

"Jaffa, krel tak remoc," Klorel said.

"O'Neill, Adolfina, prepare yourselves for-" He never got to finish his sentence 'cause Jack and I were suddenly flung forward onto the floor. Damn why didn't I see that coming?

"Extreme deceleration," Teal'c muttered.

"Thanks, Teal'c," Jack grumbled. Both Jack and I looked up at the 'window'.

"Oh, my god," Jack exclaimed. I could see Saturn just outside the window.

"You will get to see your home one last time, before you, and everyone on your planet, are destroyed. And your kind will disturb the Goa'uld no more," Klorel stated.

No, he can't do this. Suddenly something rolled into the corner of the room and smoke rolled out of it. Some of the Jaffa moved to investigate and Daniel and Sam fired at them. I grabbed the Jaffa nearest me and punched him in the face. I hit his pressure point on the neck, then knocked him out. I grabbed the next Jaffa and flipped him over my shoulders, then used my foot to knock him out. Another Jaffa came at me, and I smashed the palm of my hand onto his forehead, hit two of his pressure points, then knocked him out with a kick to the neck.

I could see Teal'c eye me with approval before knocking out a Jaffa. Suddenly I was facing Klorel, and I couldn't bring myself to fight him. All I could see was Skaara standing in front of me. He reached out with his hand and started using his hand device on me. I crumbled to the ground after a few seconds. Then the pain was gone, and he was lying on the floor with bullet holes in him.

"Adolfina are you okay?" Daniel asked, racing over to me. He looked me over.

"I...I... I'm fine," I muttered. Daniel wrapped me in a hug as Jack stooped by Klorel's side.

"O'Neel," Skaara murmured.

"Ah, Skaara, I'm sorry," Jack said. He smiled at Jack then his head went limp.

"Skaara," I exclaimed, rushing over to him. I put my hand on his neck, but couldn't find a pulse.

"No, come on Skaara wake up," I said, pumping his chest to get his heart started again.

"Adolfina stop it's no use he's dead," Daniel said, pulling me away and encasing my arms with his.

I started crying, and I buried my face in his chest. I'd spent the time I was in Klorel's custody trying to help Skaara get free, and now he's dead.

"Colonel O'Neill," Teal'c exclaimed.

"Yeah, gimme a second here," Jack replied.

"I cannot," Teal'c stated. I looked up from Daniel's chest at the 'window'.

"Earth," Sam muttered.

"I thought you said we couldn't be there for at least a year," Daniel exclaimed.

"I guess this ship can go way faster than ten times the speed of light," Sam replied.

"Colonel, we saw the death gliders, they're prepping for launch sir," Sam stated suddenly.

"Captain Carter?" Jack asked.

"Sir?" She replied.

"Were you able to put enough C4 around this ship to make a dent?" Jack asked. I looked over at him.

"We placed charges where they should generate secondary explosions, so yes sir. Should make a hell of a dent," Sam replied

"Thank you, Captain," Jack said.

"Given enough time, I might be able to figure out..."

"Negative, we should expect some of their reinforcements through that door any second. Stand by to detonate your charges on my order," Jack interrupted.

"Yes, sir," Sam said.

"Wait!" Daniel exclaimed.

"Daniel, if we don't stop them now, we may never stop them," Jack stated.

"Yeah, I know that," Daniel said, standing up and walking over to the peltac. He took a piece of C4 and placed it on the peltac.

"Let's just make as big a dent as possible, okay?" He said.

"Ready and awaiting your order, sir," Sam said.

"Okay well I suppose now is the time for me to say something profound," Jack muttered.

I stood up, and walked over so I was standing next to them. If were going out, then I'm glad well all be together. I glanced down at Skaara's still form, and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Daniel pulled me into his side in a quick hug, and I returned the hug.

"Nothing comes to mind, let's do it," Jack exclaimed.

"O'Neill, Apophis ship approaches," Teal'c stated.

"We overheard in the Gate room he said he would rejoin Klorel once they came out of the shadows," Daniel stated.

"Teal'c if we can knock out this ship, will it stop them?" Jack asked.

"It will not. Apophis's vessel is equipped with defense shields. He will still be able to destroy your cities from high above," Teal'c replied. I could hear the Jaffa trying to get into the room.

"Tell me those C4 charges are on automatic timer," Jack said.

"They're on automatic timer," Sam replied.

"Good, how long do we have?" Jack asked.

"24 hours," Sam answered.

"24 hours?" Jack asked.

"At the time sir, I thought we were still light-years away," Sam defended.

"Is there any other way out of here?" Jack asked Teal'c.

"None," Teal'c replied. I could see that the Jaffa where starting to get through.

"Cover up, this is turning out to be a bad day," Jack muttered.

"When isn't it a bad day for me," I muttered, taking cover.

Daniel looked down at me, but I ignored the somewhat horrified look on his face. A firefight ensued and at some point, I saw a small metal ball thrown into the room. Oh crap.

"Cover your faces," I exclaimed, closing my eyes and turning away.

But just as I said it the thing exploded in a bright light. When I looked up the entire team was lying unconscious on the floor. Well I guess I have Bra'tac to thank for teaching me about these things...


Holding cell

Teal'c had woken up at some time after we had all been thrown in the cell, and the two of us had started talking.

"I have heard a lot about you from Daniel," Teal'c stated.

"Really, all good things I hope," I said, smiling. He nodded his head.

"He told me of the time you saved him from those men with the knifes," Teal'c said.

"Yeah, he took me in after that," I replied. Teal'c smiled slightly at that.

"Hey I have a question, do you know a master Bra'tac?" I asked. Teal'c's eyebrow shot up at this question.

"Yes, he was my teacher, how do you know of him?" Teal'c answered.

"He helped me a lot over the past several months. Taught me a lot about the Goa'uld and all. For some time, there our chats where the only things keeping me going," I replied, resting my head on my knees.

"Teal'c, ahh! Teal'c I can't see!" Jack exclaimed suddenly.

"It will pass," Teal'c replied.

"What the hell was that?" Jack asked.

"It was a Goa'uld shock grenade. They're extremely painful, but the effects are only temporary," I supplied.

"Good to hear," Jack muttered, feeling behind him. I could see his hand collide with Sam's head, and she bite his hand. I stifled a laugh.

"Ow-God-ow!" Jack exclaimed.

"Colonel? Sorry sir, it's just so dark," Sam exclaimed.

"Carter, it's all right. I like your attitude," Jack said.

"It isn't dark, we're blind, and we failed," Daniel said.

"All right, take it easy, Daniel. We've been in worse situations than this," Jack said.

"Not to my knowledge," Teal'c exclaimed.

"Thanks, Teal'c," Jack muttered.

"Right now, they're getting ready to wipe out the major cities of Earth. They'll do it from orbit out of reach," Daniel stated.


"Jack, I've already been through this once before, I've already seen this before," Daniel cut off.

"You what? What happened while I was gone?" I asked, jumping up and rushing over to Daniel.

Now it was my turn to worry over him. How could I not be there for him during this year? I growled softly at the thought of him going through anything like I went through, or seeing a whole world destroyed.

"Daniel, will you relax? You've been through it before and you survived. We're just having a bad day," Jack exclaimed.

"Colonel, I think I'm starting to see something," Sam stated.

"Now that's what I want to hear, Carter if someone comes in here, you bite 'em in the hand," Jack stated.

"Yes, sir!" she replied.

"So, Daniel tell me about this time you say this happen before," I exclaimed.

So, for the next few minutes Daniel explained to me what had happened to him. And I got to say I was in shock. A few more minutes later I could hear footsteps approaching.

"Teal'c?" Jack asked, standing up. Teal'c and Jack positioned themselves on either side of the door. But when the guard entered I saw that it was Bra'tac.

'Bra'tac?" Jack asked.

I was surprised that Jack knew who he was. Bra'tac hit Jack in the face and he fell backwards. Oh, that had to hurt. Sometimes Bra'tac is all tough love, and other times he's not.

"Fools! Hashak! You doom yourselves. It is all I can do to keep you alive. Do you know all I have done to regain the trust of Apophis and join this campaign? Hm? Hm?" He asked.

I snickered again and Bra'tac eyed me, and a very small smile just barely crossed his face. By now he's used to my defiant personality, and I'm pretty sure he thinks all humans from Earth are like that.

"Tek ma te Bra'tac," Teal'c said.

"Hello again, old friend. Your son grows strong. One day he will be a great warrior. But you should not have come," Bra'tac stated. I walked over to him, and gave him a sideways hug before pulling away.

"I've never been so glad to see you before," I said, smiling. He smiled back at me, then looked at the people in the room.

"I stand by my friends, I believe this world may be our only hope in one day overcoming the false gods," Teal'c said.

"Yes, as pathetic as that may seem at the moment, I agree," Bra'tac replied.

"You do?" Daniel asked.

"I may even have been able to save this world had you not interfered," Bra'tac stated.

"Hey! What do you think we've been trying to do? It's our world you're talking about here," Jack exclaimed

"Enough, human! This is not the place to talk of these things. I have been ordered by Apophis himself to execute you—an order I intend to disregard. Come!" Bra'tac stated, walking out with us following behind him...

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