Rehab for Jerks

By Oreo_Star

2.3K 125 36

A Rehab for the mean, the cold, and the untamed. Torrelai Evans was a stereotypical goody-two-shoes her entir... More

The Cast (Guideline)


207 13 2
By Oreo_Star

~Torrelai's POV~

"Tonight, the stars have my lips, and the moon has my heart." - unknown

I woke up in a better mood than I have in the past few days, I wasn't upset and I didn't feel the need to punch a wall and cry. I felt productive and I wanted to skip around my motel room and sing songs probably meant for ten year olds.

I untied myself from my bedsheets and did a few stretches, I wanted to do push-ups, but I can barely do one without injuring myself in the process.

My stomach growled as I moved to the bathrooms sink to wash my face and brush my teeth. I couldn't skip breakfast two days in row ,so after freshening myself up I ate some of the food leftover from the package Jo gave me. The package contained a homemade dish that smelt delicious after I warmed it up. It contained chicken, rice, and an amazing sauce with vegetables. I allowed myself to drift off while I was eating, my thoughts were uncoherent and messy. I drifted from topic to topic from the events that happened yesterday, and I almost choked on my food when I remembered that I had a possible date sometime in the near future.

I suddenly felt the need to do some of those push-ups. I was not in a shape to date, I didn't even have a job a week ago for goodness sake. Unprepared, unfit and so not ready. Maybe I should just cancel before we could even arrange a time and day for the date, yes. I could tell him that my parents wanted to know how I was doing, and that we were having dinner and I can't make it. I'm such a jerk.

I eventually finished my food and headed back to the bedroom to get dressed, this time I made sure to check the weather before getting ready. It was so cold that icicles formed on the top of the window frame and the window panes were frozen with frost. I decided on a pair of jeans, a royal blue sweater, black gloves, and a scarf that matched my nude pumps. It wasn't ideal for a winters day, but fashion came before comfort, at least that's what Val always said, and she probably knows best when it comes to clothing.

I collected my bookbag with my necessities and pulled at my hair to make it presentable. I stared at the clock on the wall, it was half past oh crap, I'm late. I ran out the door, not even bothering to lock it, and made a collision with a strong force . I tumbled to the side, my bearings lost at the other side of the world.

I looked up and met forest green eyes. He looked unbothered, and easily regained his composure, while I was still sprawled on the floor.

"Don't literally fall for me, Bambi. You might get hurt." He winked at me and just left. Blake was very much right about the fact that Logan doesn't treat anyone well,no matter the occasion. I wanted to beat him senseless, maybe I'll knock some manners into him in the process. I was about to get up when someone offered me a hand. The hand was small and feminine, and when I looked to see who it belonged to, I instantly grew envious.

I accepted her hand and let her help me to my feet. She was stunning, but she had the attitude that she didn't know she was pretty. She had long legs, auburn coloured hair that went to her midsection, a dazzling smile and deep sea blue eyes. I also noticed that she had a uniform on, one I've seen around the motel but couldn't put my finger on which occupation.

"You alright there, Girly?"

I hated the fact that everyone in the motel had to give you a nickname, because it gave you a horrible reputation,and mine was not going well.

"I'm fine, thank you."

"Good on you, miss" She spoke in a heavy accent which I assumed was either Irish or Welsh, I sucked at identifying accents. I nodded and proceeded to walk while screaming a "Thanks again."

My lungs were out of breath when I reached the bottom of the stairs, I felt like I might collapse, so I leaned against the wall for support. As soon as I get my life together, I seriously have to consider joining a gym nearby, or at least walk to work more frequently.

Hearing the reception phone ring, I regonize Jo and wave at her as she answers the phone and speaks to the caller. While I was waiting for her to finish the call, I roam around the hall and look at the pictures again that hung on the wall, the first to be the family portrait. A beautiful family, one to envy. They looked so happy and joyous.

"Torrelai?" I turn my head into the direction of the speaker. Jo has ended the call and hung up, and now beckoned me forward to tell me something.

"Looking for Blake?" I nodded in response. It would be more difficult to find the school without him, especially since I'm late.

"I'll direct you to his car and you can wait for him there, hun." I smiled at her and thanked her. She was so kind, a mother in need to anyone. I wished my mother was more heartfelt and loving. My own birth giver only ever cared about which height I would grow to be and if I would ever fit into a dress size small enough to be a runway model, alas, that life was cut out for my siblings, all of them traveling the world, where Val only settled down due to her husband's bank account value. They were all materialistic. As for my brother, only God knows where he is since he disappeared off the face of the earth after it all happened two years ago.

I followed Jo to a garage area next to the motel, it was small and created proper shelter for the vehicles against the horrible weather.

She pointed to a blue Chevy that didn't exactly look brand new, but it was in a rather good condition. I sucked in the sharp, cold air and rubbed my hands against each other to produce a sliver of heat, just when I was about to turn into a popsicle, Blake arrived, stopping in his tracks when he saw me.

"What's up? Are you lost?" he asks inquisitively, raising one of his perfect eyebrows. I mentally scold myself for my use of words.

"Quite frankly, yes. I am lost." I am lost emotionally, physically and definitely mentally. I force a smile to hide the fact that my toes feel like freezing off, and that I have to admit that I have no idea what to do, in general.

"That's alright, I assume someone directed you here?" he questions as he walks around the car to unlock his door.

"Yeah, Jo offered to walk me to your car, that lady deserves a cake, with frosting and sprinkles." I should probably call Charley for that. Blake motions for me to get in and he puts on the cars heater. The warm air from the car hits my exposed face which felt blissful.

Blake started the car which made a very strange noise, and I feared it was aliens trying to abduct me from this hell hole.

He grimaced and offered a apology for the cars condition, and said something about how it was passed down to him.

"So it's a family car?"

"Not exactly. It was in my father's will. After he died of cancer, and since I was still considered a minor, I got the car and had to come live with aunt Jo-elle. Else I had to take the alternative option."

He backed the car out of the parking space, checking all the mirrors and shifting into a different gear. When we were properly on the road, I broke the silence.

"Was the alternative really that bad of a choice? "

"Wasn't for my sister. She took the money that was split evenly and went to a prestigious boarding school in another country, and went to live with aunt May and our cousins."

My thoughts are collected as I processed what he just shared from his personal life. And then it clicked.

"So what made you decide to come here? " I asked curiously, I look at him, taking in his appearance. His piercing blue eyes remained on the road as he thought about what to say. His mouth was in a thin line and his jaw was tightened. He looked pained when he finally spoke up in a more aggressive tone.

"Our mother wasn't as loving as a parent should be," he took a left turn and slowed the car at a stop light.

"We were basically only raised by our father, and when he got sick, the family finally lost it. He became sick when I was around thirteen." He swallowed, struggling to voice his story that was extremely personal, and I couldn't believe he was doing it, it wasn't too long ago that he chased me out of his kitchen and called me a moron, guess the world works in mysterious ways.

"I couldn't stand my family members for the way they acted. So, I distanced myself from them when he got diagnosed."

"Sick for around three and a half years from leukemia, he gave in one night, told us to say our goodbyes and he was gone. Hardest thing my siblings and I had to do was to lower him into the ground, and then mother wanted to know what sum of money she'll be getting from his will. "

He hesitated, probably noticed that he was oversharing, but I urged him onward because I wanted to know more.


He looked in my direction, making my heart beat in an unnatural rhythm. He projected honesty and sorrow, making him so much more haunted. Suddenly, he played a small smile.

"She got nothing." I laughed, hard. And to my relief, he joined in. I laughed so hard, a snort came out which made us laugh even harder, we
clenched our stomachs as our shoulders shook with laugher. It eased down and he stared at me with a starling gaze. He didn't break eye contact. I reached out to his face and moved it to face the road.

"If you keep staring, you're going to get us both killed."

"Win-lose situation." I gaped at the thought of which the possible win could be. Did he mean staring at me?

Deciding it was only fair, I told a small part of my life story.

"Not sure my sad tale can one-up you but I might as well try." I took in a breath and closed my eyes, I felt his gaze on me, but chose to ignore it.

"Ever heard of Emily Bailey?"

Blake seemed confused and squinted his eyes as he thought of it.

"Who hasn't? Isn't she this world wide fashion designer and famous model?"

I snickered. She was far from being filled with talent, she took credit from all the designs I ever made, and never even thanked me for it.

"Well guess who's mummy that is?" I looked out the window, feeling distant from myself. How is she such a terrible mother, yet she notices I was undeserving to live in her home?

Blake sat opened mouthed and shock stricken. "No way," he looked at me and then to the road repeatedly, not believing what he is hearing.

"Yup. Wouldn't have guessed, right?"

"What, no," he offered a guilty grin and shook his head from side to side.

"It's the surnames, I thought you were an Evans?"

"I am, mum just works under her maiden name. My brother has her surname but only because he was in the spotlight, Valentina would've too, but she decided to be daddy's girl instead when he started getting famous himself."

We stopped on the school's premises before we could continue the conversation, and luckily, before Blake could ask about my brother and why he wasn't in the limelight any longer.

"See you at lunch?" The offer wasn't unpleasant, but doing so, made lunch together a new routine.

"Yeah, try not to kill anyone while your at it."

"No promises."

Blake couldn't know. No one can. My brothers secrets are buried, along with him.

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