Date Night // Narry AU // Wat...

By Dianarry_

7.3K 236 77

"Dinner at 6?" "promise?" "promise." The start of something terrible. More

7th Period • 1
Shots fired • 2
Windy Forecast • 3
Blue Devil • 4
Seeing Blind • 5
Repetitive • 6
Busted • 7
Busted Again • 8
A relationship? • 9
Babygirl • 10
Love Song • 11
Highway to Hell • 12
Cracking the Code • 14
Taking leads • 15
Bloody Sand • 16
Criminal Rendezvous • 17
Blank Space · 18
Final Massacre · 19
The Aftermath · 20
Senior Night · The Sequel !!

Elana's Vision • 13

274 11 1
By Dianarry_

So sorry for being so inactive I lost motivation for the story but I'm back with the bullshit.

Guys please show your Narry mutuals this book and refer it to people. It would make my day.

Without further ado, Here's my new chapter.

Chapter 13: Elana's Vision

It had been a week since Liam died and the town has been quiet. Quieter than usual. I was up, in the library catching up on some late work from school when I look up to see a new person coming inside. Which was surprisingly Echo.

Her grey hair was pulled back and she wore silver framed glasses that were clearly fake. But she wore them so well. She sits a book in the basket after sending the librarian a friendly smile before she catches eyes with me.

At first I didn't know what to do but I smiled. She took that as an invitation to come sit down and talk. I was open to talk with her even though she could have possibly killed one of my friends and closest friends.

"Hey dude, study much?" She says pointing towards my Algebra two workbook. I lightly fake chuckle before sitting my pencil down.

"Uh, I wish it was just studying. It's actually late work." I say and show my slip that verified that I had the amount of days absent to make up the work.

"Yeah. School is hard when you actually give a fuck." She says and slumps back in her chair. More of like her signature move maybe.

"So, who do you think is the killer?" She asks, my eyes go wide before I shush her. She covers her mouth but snickers a little. Can she be any louder?

"Shh! Anyone can be listening. Including the killer." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"But my mum sent a sqaud car to my next door neighbors house and she's a seven year old girl that has lung cancer. She predicted that Liam was going to be at the arch the night he died and he was hung from the arch." I say in a hushed tone, leaning over the table a bit.

"So someone from her family could be the killer? They could probably speak their plans out loud without knowing a seven year old is listening?" She suggests.

"Maybe." I say and sit back against the back of my chair.

"Or maybe Lana over heard someone say that they were going to kill Liam somewhere and just repeated it unknowingly." I also suggest and she nods.

"So what's the plan?" She asks and I lick my lips trying to formulate a plan.

"We're going to have a little play date." I smile and she nods.

When I pulled into my driveway after school, I seen Lana's nother arguing outside with my mom and dad. I carefully get out the car and watch the scene before me.

"And you think my daughter or my family had anything to do with that boy killing himself!" She yells at my dad and he just rolls his eyes and rubs his temple.

"My wife had good intentions-"

"Ma'am I am a police officer and detective meaning that if I had probable cause that you killed someone then I will send someone for you. And if you must know, a serial killer is on the loose killing people in suicidal ways-" she then was cut off by Lana's mum.

"So you asswipes thought I was the serial killer? Wow! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." She says and my mom is fuming.

"Well how did Lana know that Liam was going to be hung from the arch that night!" She raised her voice back.

I then walked up and the conversation stopped. Lana's mother turned and looked at me with disgust.  She scrunched her face up in horror before turning to face her body to me.

"You liar! You told your mother I was a killer. Hell you could be the killer for all we know." She snaps at me crossing her arms over there chest.

"Whoa. I never said you were a killer. I said Lana knew Liam was going to die." I defend myself as pixle comes from the back yard to see the commotion.

"So you think Elana did this? What a dumb blonde!" She says and my starts defending my name as I roll my eyes.

"Since your so fucking upset, I take it back! I just thought since I had lost my best friend that maybe Lana knew who did it. So a big fuck you to you because you can't even be a civilized parent and try to figure out if Elana actually knew something!" I snap and all adults look at me and my extreme choice of words.

"Besides, have some heart and help the town find a killer before he strikes again. I have friends dying but you wouldn't care at all." I say and yank my bag on to my shoulder and go inside to get ready for this evening.

I was meeting Harry's family and I didn't want this stupid altercation to get me in a bad mood.

I go upstairs and FaceTime Louis so he can help me find something to wear and he answers showing his TV screen playing The Fairly Odd parents.

"Yes Irish blonde?" He answers and I roll my eyes.

"You'd never believe this lady.", I say and he flips the camera to him and he's looking at me like he was interested.

"What's the tea?" He asks

I walk into my closet with a deep sigh and proceed to explain to him what just happened.

"So Elana's mother came over and yell at all of us because of a accusation I made against Lana saying she knew who killed Liam and she assumed that I was accusing her family of being the killer." I say.

"That big is twisted. Shouldn't she be worried about her cancerous daughter? Not accusations that could be sqaured away with police officers." He says and them I no in agreement.

"Exactly. Such a snob." I let out a deep breath and then take a look into the camera.

"I'm meeting Harry's parents tonight and I have no clue what to wear. Help me please." I ask and he smiles in the camera then laughs.

"Of course mate. How do you wanna dress?" He asks and I hear him get up, grunting and then walking down the hall.

"I wanna dress nice but not too nice. It's just dinner y'know?" I say and start to flip through my deep collection of jackets.

"Wear maybe a plain tee, or jumper. Something that makes you look extra rich. Like I wipe my ass with hundred dollar bills type of rich." Louis explains and then I hear him start to crunch on popcorn maybe.

"So maybe like a nice, cotton jumper around your neck and a nice tee?" He adds in and then practically tried to swallow the whole bag.

"So I'm gonna wear this white polo tee and this polo jumper around my shoulders. Like white boy golfer." I say and look for jeans to match.

"You are a white boy who golfs. You just so happen to know how to kick a ball." He says referring to my old days playing footie.

"Eh, Golf is more calming." I say and he smiles at me in a disgusted way.

"Footie is a real man's sport." He says and I decided to change my whole outfit and re-evaluate my life.

I decide on white shirt, navy blue jacket and some navy blue boots to match.

"Footie is really an excuse not to build upper body strength." I say and Louis grunts making me laugh.

"Suck a dick, Horan." He says and then I watch him look over in his room and then see him nod looking back to me.

"Hey, Niall I gotta go. I'll see you later." He smiles and I wave to him bye and he hangs up. Time to get dressed now.

I remember arriving at Harry's house and turning off my car to sit inside for maybe an hour and have a break down.

This is the first time I am meeting Harry's parents and his sister. This is also my first time thinking about all the possibilities that could go wrong.

Maybe Harry's family is homophobic or his sister treats him like the gay best friend which is icky. Maybe his dad doesn't approve of me or thinks I'm too girly in a way.

Why am I just now thinking about this stuff?

Just then I got a call from Harry and I hesitated on answering. Maybe I could decline it and move to a third world country. Instead of that I answered and he sounded all too happy.

"Niall? Baby, where are you?" He asks and I smile at the sound of his voice before letting out a nervous, shaky breath.

"I'm sitting in your front yard." I say and he kind of chuckles.

""Well my parents aren't in my front yard, Niall. Come on inside." He says and I hear voices in the back having a very entertaining conversation.

"Harry, I'm nervous." I admit while reaching to my glove department and grabbing tissues to wipe my nervous tears.

"Nervous? Baby, why?" He says and his environment suddenly becomes quiet as if he walked into another room.

"What if they don't like me? What if they judge us?" I ask and I can hear my voice start to quiver.

Why am I such a baby? What can't I just go inside, take whatever I get and meet Harry's family? Oh yeah, I remember. I a little kid who cares for everyone's opinion.

Fucks sake, I need some weed.

"Baby, they are going to love you. It doesn't matter what they think. Your my sunshine and you brighten my day. Forget what they have to say." He says and I feel a weight lifting from my shoulders with Harry's assurance to comfort.

"Alright. I'm coming in."

And when I did, I was greeted to what I believed was siblings of Harry, a smaller kid and possibly his mother and father.

Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and I could feel the vibe in the room get tense. The tension was thick and barely breathable.

"Mum, Dad this is Niall, Niall this is my mum Anne, and my Father Daniel." He says and I turn to see the warm smile painted on the brunette lady's face as she reaches out to shake my hand.

Along with The older and bit more dense man reach out to shake my hand without a smile or spark of joy in his face. I nervously step back to be introduced to the others.

"Niall this is my sister Gemma and my Cousin Levi, Levi, Gemma, this is my boyfriend Niall." He says using the term boyfriend which made Daniel cough.

As I thought. Homophobic.

"Um. Hey bud." Levi says shaking my hand and then Gemma giving me a bright, welcoming smile.

"And that's Milani." He says pointing to the Asian looking girl and she crawls off babbling at the mouth.

Then for maybe a minute or so, we stayed there awkwardly before heading to the dinner table as we broke into our own separate conversations.

"That was intense." I say and Harry just chuckles.

At the dinner table that night we all gathered talking about nothing special. Daniel has yet to acknowledge me but Anne, Gemma and Levi have talked to me also. I also got to play with Milani.

"So, Niall, I hear your mother is the lead in the serial killer case?" Daniel finally says talking to me.

"Uh, yeah." I say and he nods.

"Does she have a lead on anyone?" He asks and Harry looks over to me as if he was to tell me not to answer. Being me and needing validation from everyone I answered.

"No she doesn't." I say and he huffs.

"That's actually too bad, because we need to find the perp soon." He says and I gulp down the dry chicken and smile even though he's being weird.

"It's almost as the police aren't doing their job." He hisses and Anne clears her throat to stat another question

"So Niall? Your dating my son here?" He asks and I nod holding a smile and secretly grabbing Harry's hand underneath the table.

"How'd you meet?" He asks pushing his plate back to show he was finished and he wiped his mouth with his napkin.

I can't exactly tell this man I met him on one of my dates that I was supposed to have with a cheerleader who died. Then he took me to the beach late at night and we almost had sex.

"We met at Dave and Buster's." I say and Harry sits up to intervene.

"Yeah. Poor Niall was losing a basketball game, I stepped and helped out. Like always." He says smiling. He then turns and gives my cheek a peck before finishing his meal.

now I look helpless

"Ah, damsel in distress." He said and I laughed nervously and tried not get angry at Harry. He was only trying to help.

"Have you guys been on any real dates?" He asks and I shake my head no. I know it's sad and pathetic but we haven't. All the murders or suicides persay have been prohibiting us from doing it.

"Uh yeah. We've been to-"

"I took Niall to a park. We seen the animals, rode the highest ferris wheel and ate the greasiest food."  Harry says and I feel myself become weak. Harry was just trying to help me but in a way it made me feel inferior in front of his dad.

I was kind of making me angry and fustrated because I want to prove myself.

"Yeah. I bet." He smirks and then laughs, shaking his head and crossing his meaty arms across his chest.

"So let me guess, Harry is the dominant and your the submissive?" He asks and the table went silent with the exception of Anne choking on her chicken.

"Excuse yourself Daniel." Anne replies to the comment and I turn to see Harry looking down, looking guilty.

"I'm just saying, Anne. Kid can't speak for himself, he has to have Harry speak up for him." He says and I feel myself start to surrender, backing away.

"That's not true." Harry mumbles and I push my chair back in anger, get up from the table and make a way for the front room where my jacket was.  I was on the verge of tears about the situation. Was Daniel really out to make me a fool?

"Niall." I hear Harry call out for me but I ignore him. I can't be here and I can't deal with this. I knew this would happen and sadly it did. I wish I would've waited longer to meet them and I wish Harry and I could've grown a bit closer together before meeting his parents.

I admit, it isn't fair to Harry that he's been around my mum and I haven't met his. It isn't fair that I walked out so suddenly but I did. 

I grabbed my jacket and put it on, grabbing my phone from my pocket desperately trying to find louis' number.

I walk outside closing the door a bit harsh and out in the yard to my car. I don't think I've felt more humiliated. Harry doesn't know how that makes me feel.

"Niall! What the hell? You can't just walk out on me like that?" He says and I turn back to him with a red face, teary eyes and choked up throat.

I didn't know why this situation got to me so badly and I just wanted to please them so badly.

"I'm sorry." I choke on a sob and Harry sighs, and tried to reach for me but I swatted his eager hands away.

"No. I don't need your sympathy right now." I say firm and somewhat shaky. I didn't know what I wanted but I knew I didn't want Harry to become my super hero again.

I honestly think anxiety has set in and depression is here to finish the job by making me once again push people away.

"Niall, what's wrong?" He asks, his voice full of concern and remorse.

"Is it because my dad pressured you. Don't worry, I had your back." He says trying to further reach out and touch me but I wouldn't allow it. I won't allow Harry to save the day again.

"No Harry! That's enough!" I say raising my voice. It rings through the night air making Harry pause his actions.

"I don't need you to be my super hero. I am a man too. I am not your submissive doll to shelter or your patient to nurse. I can speak up for myself." I finally snap.

Why? What am I doing to him?

"Niall, I-"

"Save it, Harry. It won't work."I say and turn to walk away and go to my car but Harry Chase's me and stands in front of me.

"Niall, you aren't well. You've lost people in your life, your not stable, stressed out. I understand why you feel that way but I want to be there for you so you don't . .y'know." He says trailing off.

"So I don't kill myself?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes. I don't want you to hurt yourself." He breathes out like he's been holding that in for awhile.

"So without you, I'll kill myself?" I say and he nods without even sinking of what he said.

"Stop being such a narcissist! I am fine with and without you. You aren't super man and I'm not your damsel in distress. And you don't need to like to your parents about me. I don't need faulty justification anyway." I say and oush Harry's hands from my arms and storm off to my car.

"I can't believe him." I sob out getting inside my car. I close the door and lock them before cutting the car on. I then watch the lights go on and see Harry still sitting there, holding the guiltiest look on his face

Fuck. I broke him.

I lean my head on my steering wheel and cry the rest of my tears away. Thick streams ended up wetting my chest and covering my sleeves in snot.

I sit back up and see Harry is no longer standing outside. I let down the windows and press the brake before shifting the gear when the wind blows harshly and a flapping paper from the side door blows into my face.

I quickly press the brakes tighter before grabbing the paper from my face. I grab the paper and realize what the paper was. It was a note written in Liam's hand writing. I take a look to the door and remember him sitting over there when I kicked him out at the park.

"What the fuck?" I mumble and then open it up to read. It was short and written horribly.

Lost gang member. One cheerleader. Unique Wife. Instead me. Sometimes you.

- Liam

A list of the dead? And why in a riddle? What the hell is this?

I think I know who could crack it.


Sorry that I've been MIA

I've been between phones and busy with Softball but I'm now free for two weeks and will be free to write until summer starts.

I apologise once again guys.

Who do you think is the killer now???

What do you think of Niall nd Harry's argument?

Next time

Laters bubs

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