Daddy Issues/ sequel to dange...

Autorstwa jvazzy

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After Namjoon was arrested after the death of y/n and the birth of his daughter, Yoongi takes full responsibi... Więcej



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Autorstwa jvazzy

Ja-Kyung's Pov

I woke up to the sun's rays beaming through the shades, I got dressed and headed downstairs to see most of the boys already eating breakfast.

"Good morning Uncle Jin and Hoseok," I say hugging them and they greet me back.

"Good morning dad," I say.

"Good morning," they both said.

"Oh, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that" I apologize.

"Just call us what you feel comfortable on calling us," Namjoon said and I nodded.

"Good morning Namjoon," I say giving a small smile and sitting down as Jin hands me a plate of food and I thank him.

(A/N; she will call Yoongi dad until I mention anything else)

"So, how did you sleep?" my dad asked, sounding a little awkward as a eat.

"I slept pretty well, you?" I asked and he said "good", and I nodded while finishing up breakfast.

"Namjoon, would you tell me more, I've been wanting to know more," I say putting my dishes in the sink.

"Yeah of course," he says and we sit on the sofa.

"Okay, where were we?" he mumbles, thinking where he left off.

"Uncle Kookie didn't kill anyone when you went to confront El Diablo," I say and he nods.

"Right, ok so a couple years went on, our mafia grew to be one of the bests, El Diablo wanted to make a truce. He said that if we did business with him, selling and profiting off guns  to him, he'd leave us alone, we should have known better than to trust him because his men lied and we were being targeted for giving him fake guns and stealing from him, they probably wanted revenge on me killing Kai and Suho, but it was when I officially met your mom" he says and smiles when he mentions my mom.

"Officially?" I questioned.

"Yeah, she transferred to our school when she was a sophomore cause she was a little trouble-maker too, I noticed her right away, beautiful just like you. I didn't talk to her until we were all in detention, and she got in trouble for putting a mattress in the schools' pool," he says and I laugh.

"Anyway, I never told her how much I liked her, and I soon graduated. I only saw her when I went to pick up Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin from school. Then this is when things get good, well kind of" he chuckles.


"You Bangtan Mafia are nothing but snakes" one of El diablos men say as they stand in front of us in an alley.

"Snakes?" J-hope questions and chuckles.

"You're the ones who lied to your boss, saying we gave you fake guns and stole from you" J-hope gets mad and goes up to them. I had to pull him back but they already were coming for us and we all started to fight.

Someone was going at it with V and I pulled the guy off and knocked him out, it happened so fast, I turn and everyone was running and, I hear a gun and I was on the floor.

"He'll be coming for h-" One of the members got hit with a car and knocked out. My vision was blurry but I see a small figure beating the shit out of the guys.

I finally see her, Y/n

"Y/n.. you need to get out of here," I said and I was struggling to breathe.

"I can't just leave you here," she said then dragged me to her car.

Once we were inside her car, I couldn't keep my eyes open.

"Namjoon, we are here just stay awake please," she said and I weakly nodded.

She took me inside her house, she laid me down on the sofa.

"Wow someone's strong" I smirk as she rushes to get a first aid kit.

My eyes start closing it was getting harder to keep them open, she comes back I can hear her running.

"Hey, hey hey stay with me ok," she says freaking out.

"Take off your shirt" She demands and I groan while taking it off, she stares at me.

"You like what you see?" I crack a joke, as she grabs tweezers.

"This is no laughing matter" she sternly says and begins pulling out the bullet, which I groan more in pain. After the pain subsides a little, I try to make small talk.

"It's been a while hasn't it" I make out as she begins to clean me up.

"Yes, 2 years without you bothering me, it's been great" she harshly says.

"Oh come on you know you missed me," I say as she bandages me up.

She doesn't say anything but comes back with pizza, water, and painkillers.

"Here before you pass out and die on me," she says sternly and walks away.

"Thanks" I mumbled.

She comes back with a pillow and some blankets.

"Here you can crash for tonight," She says and I get up slowly, I can't stay here I thought to myself.

"I appreciate this but I cant stay, if I stay I'm putting you in danger, thank you," I say and kiss her forehead, knowing that I have to stay away from her, and I might not ever see her again, and I leave her house.

I quickly get out of her neighborhood and go back to our small warehouse, where the boys and I stay, I slowly go up the stairs groaning in pain, the painkillers haven't kicked in yet. I hear feet running towards me.

"RM, we thought you were gone, we went back after we noticed you didn't come with us and we saw Y/n, rescued you," J-hope says helping me to the small sofa as the other members came quickly to me.

"She helped me after I told her not to," I say lifting my shirt showing them the wound she cleaned up.

"She fixed you good" J-hope examining her work.

"Yeah thank god she was there, most likely would not have made it" I sigh wincing in pain sitting up and running my hands through my hair. I got up and walked back and forth thinking about what I should do about y/n.

"Hey man calm down," Jin said

"Calm down?, we brought an innocent girl in our fucked up life, she can never live free again" I yell.

"You've seen her fight, she can protect herself" Suga replied, I shook my head.

"Yeah maybe dumbass teenagers, are you stupid these are mafia members, guns, knives, anything they don't care they will kill her, I saw her face when she saw me shot down, yes she did knock out 2 guys but she won't survive in this" I sigh running my hands through my hair.

"We need to change our look, a disguise," I say.

"I got you hyung, I have hair dye which can change about four members hair color, I suggest you Rapmon and J-hope, since recent encounters," V suggests and I nod.

"Colors?" I ask.

"Uh, purple, deep red, bleach someone's hair to make it blonde, and silver" V lists.

"I'll go purple," I say.

"Red" Hoseok mumbles.

"Silver" Jimin speaks out.

" V, go on bleach my hair" a soft sigh comes out of Suga.

After V dyed our hair, I was still worried about Y/n.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, but we have to go" Jin explains.

"What if we train her, you know teach her to protect herself, maybe join our group," Jungkook said. Arguments from the guys started.

"She's a girl" "she can't be in our group" "she's gonna ruin us"

"Jungkook that is a great idea," I said and the guys turned to me.
"She is gonna bring us down, RM" V said.

"No she won't, she fights good but she can become better, we are gonna leave town, get ready guys and get in the truck," I say and they shut up and look at each other like it's a bad idea.

~Flashback over~

Ja-kyung pov

"Did you go get mom?" I questioned.

"Yeah that night, she was hiding cause there was a man who pointed a gun at her. She was hiding in her room with a knife" Namjoon smiles I guess reminiscing.

"So I guess you guys were on the run?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah we didn't stay in our hometown, we left and kept driving till we felt safe" He replies.

"Hey Yoongi you want to tell what happens next," Namjoon asks and my dad comes and sits with me on the sofa.

Yoongi's Pov

"When we picked up your mom, she was beyond scared. I could tell, she had never dealt with this stuff before, or so we thought" I explain.

"Mom knew about mafias?" Ja-kyung perks up and I nod.

~Yoongi's Flashback~

I saw her walk towards the truck, dressed in all black and combat boots her signature look.

"Suga you like what you see?" Jungkook laughs and I punch him in the arm, and he rubs it.

"I'm just looking out for RM, El Diablos men could be out there," I say as RM opens the door and makes V hop in the bed of the truck. She sits next to me, quietly with her backpack on her lap.

It was quiet for a while, I was falling asleep till Jin broke the silence.

"Y/n you're life is in danger, that's why we got you" Jin begins to speak but gets cut off by RM.

"You're in the middle of a mafia war," RM says and she sat in silence, she now knows what we do is true.

"You've killed people" she lightly says.

"In this business yeah, except Jungkook he hasn't yet, he's still adjusting," Jin sighed.

"What happened and why"

"The leader of the other mafia, claims we sold him fake guns, and stole from him, he sent his people after us and that's where you came in" RM explained.

"El Diablo," I mumbled.

"Oh my god" she looks like she knows something.

"What," all four of us say.

"I haven't heard or seen that name in a while," she explains and looks at RM.

"What do you mean heard or seen," RM asks.

"El Diablo, that's my dad" she finally says and Jin hit the breaks hard, I hear the guys in the bed of the truck cussing.

~Yoongi's Flashback over~

"El Diablo, he's my grandfather?" Ja-Kyung asks.

"Yes, he was your grandfather" I confirmed.

(A/n; I'm so sorry for not updating forever, I was so busy with school, but school is coming to an end now, and summer will be starting. Please look forward to a btsxgot7xstraykids book and an nct book this summer! Who should i write about for my nct book? pls comment :)

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