My Darling Tale

By littleredvelvet17

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I am Wendy Darling. You may think you know my story but you don't. True, I was visited by a boy-a flying boy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note

Chapter 6

705 19 0
By littleredvelvet17

"Wendy! Wendy! Wake up! Wake up!" I heard Michael say while he was jumping on my bed.

"Michael is something wrong are you okay?" I asked with concern even though all I wanted was some sleep.

"It's time to get up Wendy!" Michael cheered.

"What time is it?" I asked

"Time to get up." I heard Peter say as he made his way to my tent."Wendy the boys want to show you something."

"Ummm ok." I said as I git up from my bed dusted myself off and made my way to the center of our hideout.

"Follow us Wendy." John instructed so I followed. I had no idea where we were going but then I saw a little cottage. It looked just like one from the story books. With a thatched roof and wooden windows with a tiny door. It was simply divine.

"This is lovely." I smiled looking at the tiny house. "Did you all make this for me?" I asked and the boys nodded. I walked up to the door and when I turned to look back at the boys they were all down on one knee.

"Wendy please be our mother?" The boys pleaded.

"Mother? But I am just a girl." I said trying to justify what just happened. How could I be a mother especially to all these boys some of who were around my age.

"That doesn't matter." Peter said. "The boys need a mother you said so yourself."

I said no such thing. "Well if I am the mother who would be the father?"

"Why me of course." Peter smirked.

"Well than I will try my best." I smiled and the boys cheered.

"Mother Wendy will you tell us a story?" Toodles asked.

"Ok." All the boys sat down ready to listen to my story. "Once Upon A Time ...." I continued to tell my tale. I told the boys about Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. "I think that is enough for today don't you all have jobs to do? Go on." I shooed all the boys off. I knew Peter wouldn't want them to be gone for too long.

"Wendy?" I heard John ask.

"Yes John?"

"Today Michael and I wanted to visit the Indian braves is that okay?"

"As much as I would love for you to go. I think the lost boys and Indians are at war right now." I explained.

"Well can we at least explore the forest?" John tried to bargain and he knew me I couldn't say no.

"Okay but you have to promise me that you will be back before nightfall and be careful." I didn't need my brothers to end up hurting themselves.

"I promise we will be careful. You can trust us." John assured me.

"I know." I nodded. "I trust you I just don't trust this island but if you say that you will be careful than you will be careful. Plus if anyone so much as lays a hand on you I will be after them so fast you won't even have time to blink." I smiled. It was true if there was anything I truly cared about it was John and Michael. I would lay my life down for both of them.

"Thank you Wendy." John said.

"Now get going before the day is over. I have my own plans."

"Okay okay don't miss me too much." John said before him and Michael made there way off.


John's POV

Michael and I went exploring throughout the forests of Neverland. Wendy has told us so much about this place it is a dream come true to even imagine being here.

However scientifically speaking this place couldn't exist. Flying defies the laws of physics and Wendy's ring that she found changed. It was a ruby ring and now its a sapphire ring I saw it change. All of this was preposterous and doesn't scientifically make any sense. Yet here I was watching with my own eyes, magic.

I don't have any other explanation for it but I will find one.

The flora and fauna on this island is like non I've ever seen. It is quite exquisite. It was various colors and various sizes. It was like I was microscopic as if I was the size of a flora and the flora was the size of a human that was how big it was. It felt as if I was surrounded by species yet unknown to man. If I brought this back to London I would be a hero and a scientific genius.

I don't think I ever want to go back though. My parents just seemed very cruel. I heard that if I stay on this island I will no longer remember them but I think that is for the best.

I've talked to other boys on the island and all of them believe that they are orphans they don't even remember their parents or their other homes.

"Where are we going?" Michael asked.

"Didn't you say you wanted to see the Indian braves?" I asked and Michael nodded. "Than that is where we are going." I loved Michael but sometimes he really didn't know anything. In all fairness he was only 5 years of age but when I was 5 I was already studying Beethoven and reading Romeo and Juliet.

However I wasn't an ordinary child-none of us were- Wendy is a gifted storyteller and I am gifted with intelligence. I still have not found out what Michael was gifted with but he had to be gifted with something, he was a Darling.

"I thought Wendy told us to stay away from the Indians though." Michael pointed out.

"Well if we did everything Wendy said than life would be dull and boring besides I will protect you." I assured Michael as we searched for the camp. Wendy said the Indian braves didn't like the lost boys but Michael and I weren't lost boys.

Sure, we would hang out with them and play games with them and live with them but we weren't one of them. I heard a twig snap behind me and I whipped my body around. Michael clung to me like a leech.

"Who's there?" I asked. I heard some rustling bushes and immediately turned that way. Then I heard rustling somewhere else and turned that way. "Show yourself." I put on a brave face for Michael even though I was terrified but I wouldn't show fear.

I saw people start to come out from the shadows until we were surrounded. We were surrounded by Indians.

"Who are you?" I questioned but they all just stared at Michael and I like we were savages.

"John I'm scared." Michael whispered.

"Who are we? Who are you?" A tall boy asked. He looked around Wendy's age he couldn't have been older than 17 or 18.

"I am John and this is Michael." I stuttered not wanting to anger this man.

"Are you lost boys?" The boy asked. Considering that all of the braves were pointing arrows at us I decided the best thing to do was tell him the truth but of course Michael had to interfere.

"Yes." Michael nodded his head with his teddy bear still in hand.

"No we're not." I denied.

'Well what is it? Are you or aren't you and lying wouldn't be very wise." The boy threatened.

"We are just visiting Neverland we haven't been here more than a couple days." I tried to not sound so defensive but to no avail.

"No one just visits Neverland." The boy chuckled.

"I'm afraid it's true however I didn't catch your name."

"I don't need to give my name to the likes of you," he sneered. "Come back to camp with us." The boy then directed his attention to one of the other Indians. "Wait until the chief hears about this boys just visiting Neverland that's one we've never heard before," he scoffed.

We were pushed by the spears of the Indians so Michael and I just followed. It would be dark soon Wendy would get worried. I was soon regretting my decision.

We arrived at the Indian village and we were greeted by whom I could assume was the chief because of his headdress.

"Who do you have here?" The chief asked. He even sounded powerful his voice was low and strong. He was a very tall muscular man. He seemed like a great leader.

"This is John and Michael they are lost boys who were scoping out the village." The boy who caught us explained.

"We are not lost boys and we were not scoping out the village!" I exclaimed then sighed. "I apologize I should not have raised my voice like that."

"Baldev." The chief said looking at the boy. Oh so that was his name. "How did you find these boys?"

"I saw them walking in the forest and they were getting closer and closer to the village." Baldev answered.

"What makes you assume that they are lost boys?" The chief raised an eyebrow and starred directly at me. "These don't look like any lost boys I've ever seen," he said examining Michael and I.

"Well they aren't Indians and they don't look like pirates so they must be lost boys. They even said they were visiting Neverland." Baldev was getting defensive I could hear it in his voice it must've been frustrating for him knowing the chief wasn't believing him.

"Ha," the chief chuckled. "No one just visits Neverland. Get the boys their own tent." The chief started to walk away and we were being pushed to a nearby tent.

"Wait!" I was puzzled. Why did he want to keep us here. "We really should get back our sister will be very worried." I said trying to make a way out of this for Michael and I.

"Your sister?" The chief turned around and made his way back to us.

"There is another girl on the island with Pan?" Baldev was shocked. His words just uttered his disbelief. "He's lying don't trust him Chief Bamboo."

"Silence Baldev. John who is your sister? Did Pan bring her here? Where can we find her?" Chief Bamboo asked and I was frightened that if I didn't tell the truth that he would do something bad. These were people I didn't want to mess with.

"My sister is Wendy Moira Angela Darling. Peter brought all three of us here. I am not sure where you can find her she said that she had somewhere to be today but that is all that I know. What are you going to do to her?"

"Kupata msichana kutafuta kisiwa chote kama una." The chief chanted and the rest of the Indians fled the village. "You two follow me."

He was speaking Swahili in case you were wondering. He said 'find the girl search the entire island if you have to.' Michael and I did as ordered I just hoped that Wendy was okay. I told her I would be careful and I wasn't. She would be so disappointed in me.

"I need to talk to you two." The chief announced as we entered his tent that had a burning fire in the middle.

"Yes sir." I saluted and I don't know why I wasn't thinking straight. Michael hasn't spoken a word he was terrified. "It's okay Michael the chief won't hurt you." I tried comforting but I was never good at this, Wendy usually would be a mother to us since ours was never really there. I mean she was she wasn't dead or anything but she was never really there when we needed her.

"Where is Tiger Lily?" The chief asked.


"Tiger Lily, my daughter she was taken a couple days ago around when you say you arrived here. Where is she?"

"I have no idea sir. I don't even know a Tiger Lily. I've never met her. Please let us go sir. We weren't going to raid your villiage or anything we were just curious that's all. It was innocent curiosity. I promise if you let us leave we will never bother you again." I pleaded. All I wanted was to get back to Wendy.

"You must understand how important my daughter is to me."

"I do. I understand but we don't have her."

"Fine if you say you don't then you don't. But if I find out you lost boys have her I will kill you." The chief threatened. Michaels face was so pale he could be a ghost.

"We will help you find her." I stated flatly.

"Very well. If she isn't here by the end of the week I will hunt you down. Do you understand?"

Michael and I nodded.

"Can we stay the night here? It is already dark and we don't know the way through the forest." I begged.

"Very well. Stay the night but as soon as the sun is up in the morning you will start searching for my daughter."

"Yes Sir." Michael and I said in unison.


Wendy's POV

"Peter I am really worried they should be back by now." I panicked. Michael would die out there by himself what if he got separated from John. John probably got them both into trouble with his wits. I knew they never shouldv'e got by themselves.

"Would you relax they probably just lost track of time. Who knows may be they are on their way back right now." Peter assured me.

"And may be they're dead." I snapped.

"Wendy mother will you tell us a story?" Cubby asked.

"I would love to but I can't I have to go." I started making my way out of the hideout.

"Where are you going?" Peter asked.

"To find my brothers."

"Are you crazy? Wendy, you could get killed out there by yourself. Look for them in the morning."

"No! I am going either help me find them or get out of my way." I snapped.

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