Stupid Vegas trip

By parrillas_gang

12.2K 480 142

Who knew one trip could change your whole life? Emma and Regina definitely didn't. They meet in Vegas on holi... More



1.1K 47 21
By parrillas_gang

Regina pulled up outside the swan house. She got out with her clutch bag and looked at the house. She turned her nose up at it while saying "ow god. I'm in hell" she closed the door to her Mercedes and made her way to the small house. She knocked on the door and waited for it to open. Emma stood there in a pair of jeans and a top that was tied up with a hairband above her belly button. Her long blonde hair was in a messy high bun. She actually looked really cute but Regina was to annoyed to notice.

"My stuff is in the car. Be careful because there's like Prada, Gucci, Hermès and Chanel in there. There's more brands but I can't be bother to name them all" Regina says while walking into Emma's house. The blonde sighed and said sarcastically "come in. Make yourself at home" Regina looked around the lounge and turned her nose up at it. Emma went to Regina's car and grabbed 3 boxes of stuff. While walking in grace and Laila came downstairs. "You Regina" Laila asked looking annoyed at her.

Regina flicked her hair around as she looked behind her to see two girls looking identical except there clothes. "Yeah. Your Emma's twins right? Gabby and Lucy" she says looking at them with her sassy look. Both girls rolled there eyes and grace said "it's grace and Laila" Regina shrugged and rolled her eyes. The girls crossed there arms and looked annoyed at her. Emma came in with boxes in her arms. "Girls can you grab one of these" she says to her twins. The girls both grabbed a box to help Emma.

"Where will I be staying" Regina says looking at Emma with sass. Emma smiled and said "in here. That's your bed" she looked at the sofa. Regina looked round and her eyes went wide at what she was sleeping on. "You are joking right" Regina says looking at Emma. Grace and Laila both laughed at Regina. "No I'm not. The girls have a room and I have mine. There's no more rooms in the house" Emma says a little annoyed at her. Regina smiled and said "I see a perfectly simple solution. You take the sofa and I get your bed"

Grace and Laila both laughed likes she's crazy. Emma rolled her eyes and said "fine. If it will shut you up for the next 6 months then have my bed but it's still my room" Regina smiled and blew a kiss at Emma. "Thank you wifey" she says sarcastically. She looked at the twins. They both stood there annoyed and put there middle fingers up. "Are they allowed to swear" Regina says shocked. Usually Emma didn't let them.

"Only to you. Ow yeah good luck with them. They don't listen to me let alone you" Emma says walking upstairs with one of Regina's boxes. The twins picked there boxes up and carried them upstairs. Regina looked around the place and turned her nose up again. "This is going to be the death of me" she says annoyed. She followed the others upstairs. They went into Emma's room. It was messy since Emma worked so much she didn't have time to worry about keeping it tidy.

Emma put the boxes on the bed and said "enjoy. I'm going to make dinner. Regina don't destroy my room" she walked out and Regina looked around at it. "If I did I don't think you'd notice" she says looked shocked at the room. The girls stood there annoyed. Grace then laughed and whispered something to Laila who laughed at it. Regina looked at them with a glare and said "what" the girls laughed a little more. Laila smiled and said "ow grace just thought of away to describe you" Regina raised her eyebrows wanting to know what it was.

"Mutton dressed as lamb" grace says and the girls burst out with laughter. Regina's mouth dropped at the comment. The girls walked out laughing. They went downstairs and to the kitchen. Regina frowned and clenched her jaw. She went downstairs and to the kitchen. "What's for dinner" she says walking in. Emma looked over and said "pizza" Regina rolled her eyes and sat down at the table. The girls were sat opposite Regina. "Alright mutton dressed as lamb" Laila says with a smirk. Regina rolled her eyes again and got her phone out.

Emma started laughing a little. "I'm 32 so I'm not really a mutton now am I" she says annoyed. The twins sighed and went on there phones. Emma went over to the table and said "Regina I know you've never worked a single day in your life. How are you so rich" Regina smirked and looked up at her. "I have 4 brothers that are all successful lawyers and my dad is a judge. They pay for me and my mum who doesn't work either" she says with her smirk and sassy attitude. They all looked shocked at her.

"Are you actually kidding me" grace snapped really angry. Emma and Laila looked confused at her. "No sweetie I'm not. I don't need to work when I have 5 people to do that for me" she says looking at the twin that just spoke. Grace stood up and said "so your so spoilt that you don't have to work but me and Laila have been going round looking for jobs to help mum pay the rent" Emma looked at them shocked. She didn't know that. Emma's friends payed for her to go to Vegas to take a break from her busy and crazy life.

"Talk about this later between you guys. What I want to know is Emma how are you 31 and have 15 year old twins" Regina says curiously to Emma. She sat down and said "I had them at 16 in a stupid relationship that didn't work out. It did change my life and my parents kicked me out but I love my girls" Regina laughed and said "haven't you heard of a condom" they all looked annoyed at Regina. Emma sighed and stood up to check the pizza. "And they say good things come in small packages" Emma mumbled annoyed. Grace and Laila were angry now but kept there mouths shut.

Coming up next:
-Emma leaves Regina with the twins
-the twins pull pranks on Regina
-they all see Regina's boobs
Hope your enjoying this and keep reading😊

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