The Shadows We Pass [JONGHO]

By Triple-Khaos

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A twist on a true story Choi Minho and Kim Jonghyun are from a popular boy band called SHINee. Things change... More

Chapter 1: It's a different feeling
Chapter 2: What's going on?
Chapter 4: Can we really do this?
Chapter 5: The Beginning
Chapter 6: SHINee
Chapter 7: Is this reality?
Chapter 8: Grateful
Chapter 9: Secret kept, but not so well
Chapter 10: Minho, I'm Pregnant
Chapter 11: Taemin, really?
Chapter 12: Its a...

Chapter 3: I want that

248 14 0
By Triple-Khaos

Nothing else happened since that time me and Jonghyun, you know, made out if you could call it that. I miss that. But I didn't want to seem desperate. It's been a while since that happened, but I still feel weird about it. Jonghyun doesn't seem like he's bothered at all. But you know that's just what I see, never know what goes on in someone else's head. We've had a SHINee concert since, its hard to act normal around Jonghyun, I stare at him all time, unintentionally. Fans seemed to notice it aswell. I'm just in this weird conflicted funk, I just don't know how Jonghyun feels about me.

Does he care? Does he like me back? Am I just a friend to him?

Things like this give me a bit of worry. I say it bothers me a little bit too much. You know when you like someone, you wait to see if it goes away because you feel silly? That describes how I'm feeling right now. I've been so off.

"Hey Jonghyun..." I nervously approached Jonghyun who was just sitting next to me on the couch.
"What is it?" He looks me in the face, concerned.
"Do you...remember when we went to breakfast together and..made out?" I blushed slightly, I felt a bit uneasy.
"Yes, of course, what about it?" Jonghyun sipped his coffee.
"Ever since that moment.." I looked down at my lap, "I realized that I'm in love with you..."

Jonghyun gasped, his eyes widened at my words.
"M-Minho.." the smaller's eyes welled up with tears. Immediately I panicked at the sight.
"Jonghyun, p-please don't cry!" I brought him into my arms.
"I love you too," Jonghyun smiled through his small tears.

At that moment, my heart stopped. I lost it. Tears filled my eyes, and streamed down my cheeks. My smile was bigger than it had ever been. Jonghyun jumped into my arms and i just held him so tightly. I love him so much.

"I love you," Jonghyun said looking into my eyes.
"I love you too, Jong," I put my hand on his soft, pink colored hair, "Can I call you mine?"
"Yes, Minho, I am yours," Jonghyun finalized our love. He placed a kiss on my lips, his touch left felt flutters in my heart.

"Do you want to keep this relationship just between us for the first few months?" I offered my boyfriend who was laying in my arms. It felt good to call him that.
"That sounds like a good idea, then once we feel comfortable we'll tell the members," Jonghyun smiled while looking up at me.

And that's exactly what we did. I enjoyed the late night cuddles on the couch. The nights he'd crawl into my head and cuddle up on my chest. The small petty couple arguments we'd get in. I loved every bit of it.

Today we're in the process of moving Jonghyun's things into my bedroom. When we first moved in months ago, he decided to give me the master bedroom. So now, me and Jonghyun will share the master bedroom.

We always crawled into each other's beds anyway. It's about time we made the transition. Jonghyuns room will become either a spare bedroom or storage room, we haven't yet decided.
Jonghyun smacked himself onto my bed and cuddled under the covers.

"So warm," He smiled, bringing the blanket up to his chin. He's so cute. I couldn't help but join the older in bed. I laid down and brought him into my hold.
"This is your room Jonghyun," I said softly to my boyfriend.
"I know," His face was rubbing against mine, his legs tangled around with my long legs aswell.

"Hey, baby, we should go for a walk," I looked to my partner.
Jonghyun bolted out of the bed.
"You don't even have to ask, lets go!" A big smile crossed his face as he pulled me up from my lying down position. He stopped for a moment, which concerned me a little.

The smaller wrapped his arms around my neck and stared into his eyes. In return, my eyes met with his, his smile beaming into my soul. My arms naturally gravited toward his small waist.
"I love you," the older whispered to me. Those words were only for me. They were music to my ears.
"I love you too baby," I planted a kiss on his soft lips.
"Lets go now," Jonghyun cheeefully held my hand and led me out of the house.

We just walked down our neighborhood, casually holding hands like a cute couple would do. We'd occasionally see some people walking, but it was a pretty rare occurance.

Some time next week Jonghyun and I plan on telling our members that we are dating. I can only expect support from them, since they've always shipped us since day 1 due to our close friendship.

Jonghyun playfully swung my arm as we walked. I thought it was pretty cute.
"Hey babe, when do you think we'll get married?" Jonghyun turned to me and smiled.

"Hey hey, you know we dont talk about that, you could ruin my proposal," I teased the older, he laughed all cute like he does. He knows how I feel about that question.

We continued walking, until I saw Jonghyun's face completely light up. At first I was quite confused, but I saw a cute small family of 3. A mother and a father, and a small little girl, looking to be about the age of 3. In our neighborhood, everyone was quite friendly with eachother, so the couple was fine with Jonghyun fangirling over their kid.

"Oh my gosh, you're just so adorable!" Jonghyun excalimed, picking up the small little girl into his arms. Jonghyun has always loved kids. "I want one of our own."

I was truly shocked when he turned to me and said those words. He wanted a baby already? I didn't expect so soon.
"Seriously babe? Now?" I questioned my lover, who was too focused on the child he was holding to even hear a word I was saying.
"Aren't you the cutest baby ever!" Jonghyun exclaimed in his baby voice.

The little girl smiled and laughed, she was super cute. She absolutely adored Jonghyun. Not more than I do of course.
"My name's Jonghyun, can you say Jonghyun?" My love looked at the little girl in his arms.
"J-j-jon-n-ng," she fumbled on her words, she was only able to ger out Jong.
"Awww Jong is fine too," he nuzzled his face into hers. Finally, after a while of conversating with the cute little girl, he put her down.

"It was nice meeting you cutie," Jonghyun waved his hand out to her, she waved back to him.
"Bye Jong!!" She eagerly yelled.
"Your daughter is precious," Jonghyun said to her parents.
"Thank you," the young mother appreciated, before we walked our opposite ways.

"So, you want kids Jong?" I surveyed my boyfriend standing beside me.
"Yes, I do," he eagerly responding, clutching my hand tightly.
"I mean, I can make that happen," I softly said to him, quiet enough for only him to hear.

My love looked down at his feet and cracked a smile.
"If you're ready of course," I reassured.
"I don't know if I'm ready, but imagining a little baby of ours...I just love the thought," Jonghyun grabbed my hand a little tighter.
"I like it too...I'll think about it. It'd be putting you through a lot, you know that right?" I applied a serious tone, stopped in my walking, and held both of my boyfriends hands.

"I know that very well," He responded, "I'm fine with it."
A smile immediately crossed my face.
Jonghyun's courage is extremely admirable. All i could do was smile, no final decisions made whatsoever, just a thought.

Maybe we will be parents one day. I wanted that more than I did when Jonghyun initially brought up the idea. Imagine.

Jonghyun and I holding a baby. At all stages of life. Cute thought, right?
We haven't decided if we are ready just yet. Today I felt more ready than ever.

But will I feel the same tomorrow?


I finished this in church hehe i hope you enjoyed this chapter. I dont want to bore you guys, so im starting the juicy stuff.

Hope you dont mind~

See ya next chapter!

-Admin 3

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