The Nine Tailed Human

By -Ruby-Red-

9.2K 198 89

The leaf village was Naruto's home. He loved it and everyone in it, but unfortunately they didn't return the... More

Life in the Wild, The Meeting
Fairy Tale, A New Life
Mother? Daughter?
Author Note

3 Months Later, The Council

1.6K 31 11
By -Ruby-Red-

"Naruto stood on a battle field. A black haired boy with one purple eye and one red one stood next to him.

"This is it Madara, today we end your tyranny!" The other Naruto shouted.

Looking in the direction he was looking Naruto found a man floating in the air.
Long white hair cascaded down his back, his one open eye glares down at the boy and the other him.

"Fool I possess the power of the Rinnegan and the Sage of Six Paths Senjutsu" the white haired man shouted.

Naruto watched as a battle ensued. Weapons, the elements and even the gravity itself was used to try and gain a foot hold above the other.

The battle field faded from view and Naruto now found himself standing on top of the water in a sewer.

Looking up he found a giant golden gate.

He jumped back in fright when he saw two giant red eyes looking straight at him.

He could do nothing as red energy surrounded him and pulled him towards the gate.

Right as he flew into the darkness a demonic sounding voice filled the area.



Naruto jolted awake, covered in sweat. The demonic voice still playing through his head.

What did it mean remember his past? His past was in that forest wasn't it?

Looking out the window he saw the moon was high in the sky. Hopping out of bed he got dressed and left his room.

With practiced ease he silently made his way to the door. His very presence had been erased.

He left Fairy Hills and ghosted away into the forest on the edge of Magnolia town, completely unaware of three people following him.

Even though he was a master of stealth Lucy, Mira and Erza had all been prepared for Naruto sneaking out so here they were crouching in the tree tops watching Naruto stand on a river bank in a forest clearing.

Naruto focused and remembered one of his memories he had experienced the other day.

"Today my cute little genins we will learn to channel chakra to our feet. This is a great skill to learn because it will enable us to stick to walls, ceilings and even water"

Allowing his instincts to guide him he put one foot on the water surface and then stopped. Taking a deep breathe he channeled chakra to his feet and put weight on that foot.

He was surprised to find that the water stayed solid and allowed him to stand on it. Hesitantly he put his other foot on the water before slowly walking to the middle of the small river and sitting down.

The girls were speechless. Naruto was walking and standing on freaking water!?? They had never heard of Magic allowing someone to to do that.

They cut off their shock as they felt energy gather around Naruto and trained their eyes on him.

Naruto sat there and tried to draw energy into him. At first it didn't work but then he felt a strange sensation fill his body. A few minutes later he felt full? He couldn't describe it.

Looking the water he took note of his reflection. His eyes were yellow with his pupil being a black bar. Around his eyes was a orange shadow. He whispered one thing.


So captivated by this new power he didn't notice the three shadows above him flicker and disappear towards the town.


Naruto woke up the next morning to the smell of a delicious aroma. Following his nose he walked out of his bedroom into the main room.

There he found Mira and Lucy standing in the kitchen area cooking. Erza was walking in the door with groceries in hand.

The other girls were scattered around the lounge area or still in their bedrooms.

Naruto was sitting on a stool at the table and patiently and but excitedly awaiting dinner. He was completely oblivious to the girls staring at his bare torso and abs.

Standing in the kitchen Mira looked at Lucy and Erza, noticing they were still staring she took her chance. Grabbing Naruto's plate of food she walked into the dining area.

"Here you are Naruto", Mira chirped. She set the food down in front of him. Just as he was about to dig in she coughed.

Getting the hint Naruto jumped up and wrapped her in a hug, his tails wrapping around her as well. Giggling happily Mira planted a kiss on Naruto's cheek and told him to dig in.

Without wasting anymore time Naruto happily started to eat. Mira walked back to the kitchen and smirked at the glares she was receiving from Lucy and Erza.

On the sidelines Levy smirked and whispered to Cana. "I wonder when Naruto's gonna realise they have feelings for him".

"If he ever does I mean come on have you ever seen someone denser than he is", Cana replies, eliciting a giggle from Levy.


Lucy, Mira and Erza were walking along the road to the guild. Stoping to greet the people around them.

Naruto was slightly in front of them walking with his hands clasped behind his head. Eyes closed he allowed his instincts to guide him in the right direction.

As he walked he was completely oblivious to the teenage girls and younger women blushing and giggling at him.

This was because he had gained quite a reputation in the last three months. He had earned the nickname, The Teleporter. Inside the scroll he brought with him from the forest he had found a jutsu called the 'Hirashin' Originally the jutsu had been created by someone named Tobirama Senju and then perfected by Minato Namikaze.

The scroll had a very detailed explanation and it hadn't taken him long to apply the needed seals to his Kunai. Another trick the scroll had taught him was to place a seal with his hand alone.

This particular skill had taken a lot of time to get battle ready but Naruto was very happy now that it was.

Back on the walk to the guild the three girls were getting very agitated with the looks Naruto were receiving and tried to mark their territory by glaring heatedly at the girls.

Mira and Erza noticed that Lucy had a much to sweet smile on her face and instantly wondered what she was up to.

She walked a bit faster to catch up to Naruto and the spoke to him. "Hey Naruto how about a race. We can do it in teams, how about me and you vs Mira and Erza?", she asked sweetly.

A large grin broke out on Naruto's face as he liked that idea. "Alright! Let's do it, last one there has to pay for the winning teams lunch!!", with that said he grabbed Lucy and carried her like a blushing bride.

Mira and Erza fumed as they watched Lucy make herself comfortable in Naruto's arms, deliberately rubbing her large, round breasts against Naruto's chest. A large blush was present on his face.

"3.....2.....1.... Go!!!", Naruto yelled before taking off with Lucy. Mira and Erza speeding after them.

Ten minutes later all four racers arrived at the guild, Naruto and Lucy just in front. He set her down gently and then held up and victory sign and celebrated with Lucy.

Mira and Erza were slightly out of breath and not very happy about losing. Their bad moods increased when they saw Lucy kiss Naruto on the cheek in thanks for carrying her. Naruto just blushed in confusion and happiness.

The four of them headed inside and started their daily routines. Erza was eating cake and scolding anyone who misbehaved to much. Mira was behind the bar serving drinks and Lucy was sitting at a table with Levy discussing her book.

Naruto was standing at the door deciding what to do. A yawn escaped his mouth as an idea struck him. He would do everyone's favourite activity, Sleeping!.

With that settled he changed into his fox form and jumped up onto the bar. Just as he made himself comfortable he felt someone pick him up. Internally groaning as he though it was just some fan girl he was pleasantly surprised to find he was in Erza's arms.

She walked back to her table and sat down, Naruto still in her arms. She smiled down at his inquisitive stare. "Just sleep Naruto, I'll hold you so you have something comfortable to sleep on", Erza said.

Naruto just shrugged and yawned, this action caused many girls to squeal at his fox form yawning. He then proceeded to curl up in Erza's arms and fall asleep.

Across the room Mira and Lucy glared at her, wishing they were the one to be cuddling Naruto into their breasts.

Many of males in the room were crying in despair as they watched Naruto sleep with his head and his furry atop Erza's wonderful globes of feminine flesh.


The sun was in the middle of the sky as it was around lunchtime. Naruto still slept happily in Erza's arms until a large commotion from the door caught everyone's attention and woke him up.

At the door way stood a contingent of rune knights and a frog looking creature who was demanding to speak with the master.

Makarov who was trying to enjoy his beer in peace groaned as he walked to the door. "Hello what can Fairy Tale do for you today?" He politely asked the humanoid frog.

"I am a messenger from the council. Naruto Uzumaki, also known as The Teleporter has been summoned by the council. I am here with a few rune knights to escort him to Era!" The frog declared loudly.

By now everyone was staring at the fox in Erza's arms. He merely opened one eye before speaking lazily, "don't wanna go". He then proceeded to snuggle back into Erza. A smile formed on her face. Lucy and Mira were glaring again.

His made the whole guild stifle laughter and the frog fume in anger. "Mister Uzumaki you can not deny the council we must leave at once".

Lazily hopping to the ground and transforming back to his human self Naruto decided to piss off the frog creature even more. "Alright alright calm down, go catch a fly or something", the whole guild was roaring in laughter and even a few rune knights were snickering.

"Well later everyone I'm off to see what those old farts want", with that Naruto teleported away in a flash of yellow.

"Very well if that will be all then we shall head back to Era", said the frog trying to save face. With that the rune knights moved out.

Everyone was left wondering what the council wanted with Naruto.


The council was starting to get angry, it had been four hours since they summoned Naruto and he still had yet to show.

Just as they were about to send for him again the doors opened. And their in all his blonde and blue eyes glory was Naruto, a milkshake in one hand.

"Yo, sorry I'm late stopped to get lunch on the way here", Naruto spoke lazily, his tone and reason for being late pissing them off greatly.

"Mister Uzumaki do you know why we have called you here today?", the chairman asked.

"Because you had nothing better to do then disturb my day?", Naruto asked innocently.

By now the whole council was pissed off with the blonde and just wanted him gone.

"No we have called you here because of your abilities. It has come to our attention that you possess magic that is unheard of. Teleportation and control of the elements. We will require a detailed scroll with all your Magic's and how to learn them", a council member said wanting to get this meeting over with. The others nodded with what he said.

"Yeah I'm gonna have to go with no", Naruto spoke. "The council can ask me for these Magic's but it is up to me wether or not I actually supply the information".

The council rose to their feet and yelled at Naruto, demanding to have the scroll of his techniques. Naruto though merely walked to the nearest window and jumped out, letting himself free fall.

As he was falling another memory struck him.

"It's been three years since we've been back in the village. Let's surprise Tsunade by going in through the window", a man with long white hair spoke, his forehead protector had the symbol for oil on it.

Shaking the memory from his head Naruto realised the ground was coming closer and closer. The pedestrians around were screaming for someone to save him.

Right as he was about to hit the ground he teleported away. The onlookers yelled in happiness at him being saved and the display of magic.


Naruto arrived back at Fairy Hills and walked into the main room. He sat down and had dinner with all the girls. After that they sat down to watch some Lacrima Tv with Naruto ending up falling asleep.

The girls carried him to his room and tucked him in. They all kissed him goodnight and returned to their own rooms to sleep.

It had been another eventful day at the Fairy Tale Guild Hall.

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