Fight For This Love (Sergio R...

By EvaRamos

30.6K 783 180

Olivia takes a leap of faith and moves to Madrid alone, but will a chance meeting and a promise change her li... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15

Chapter 14

1.2K 49 22
By EvaRamos

A part of Sergio's career meant that amazing highs were often followed by terrible lows. That was the case after a few weeks of walking on clouds after La Decima was won and the World Cup began. I was working when the team flew to Brazil so I couldn't travel with Sergio, but I had arranged to meet him out there about a week after the tournament began. I was booked on the same flight as Nagore which was cool but it felt weird that Carlotta wouldn't be with us.

The weeks following the champions league final were magical, Sergio had been happier than I've ever known him to be. We spent a long weekend in Marbella to celebrate after the final and I genuinely think it's the happiest I've ever been in my whole life. It was beautiful, probably the most beautiful place in Spain i'd ever been. It was slightly before peak season in the summer so it was perfect for Sergio and I, he wasn't getting recognised every 15 minutes like he sometimes was in Madrid. We stayed in our own little private villa by the beach, it was huge, way too big for just the too of us but it never felt empty when I was with Sergio.

The end of the season meant Sergio could really let loose and be himself, he could drink what he wanted and stay up late and lie in bed all morning with me. He was truly himself and I had never been more in love with him, although I had yet to gather the courage to say it too him yet.

The days were spent around the huge, turquoise pool and the warm nights were spent eating out at fancy restaurants and just enjoying each other's company. On my favourite night of the four we spent there Sergio and I walked along the beach hand in hand and went back to our room early. We had done a lot that day and were both tired, and so we ended up cuddling up on the sofa watching a friendly international football game. I lay right on top on Sergio, him lied flat on his back while I laid on his stomach with his hands wrapped around me keeping me in place. My head was tucked under his chin and I couldn't focus on the tv, I was more focused on the relaxing feeling of his hand up my shirt drawing patterns on the bare skin of my back. I don't remember falling asleep that night, so I guess he must have carried me to bed.

At the end of the weekend, I had to go back to work, and Sergio had to fly to meet up with the national team. I had wished that he could have the whole summer off work like I did, but I would never take for granted the amazing opportunity for him to play in the World Cup.

When the time say came to say goodbye I was way more upset than I anticipated to be. We both stood in the cold, air conditioned hallway of Sergio's house, toe to toe and forehead to forehead. We didn't even speak, we just stared into each other's eyes and his would swipe his thumb across my cheek to wipe away the tears occasionally. We had to say goodbye here because there might be paps at the airport, and this was a very private moment.

"I'll miss you" I whispered to him even though he was right in front of me and no one else was around.

He kissed my forehead gently. "I'll miss you too, more than you know."

"Good luck, I know you're gonna do your best." I pecked his lips gently and then he pulled me into his arms, tucking my head under his chin and holding me as tight as he could.

"I have to go." he reluctantly moved his arms from around me and held me at arms length, seemingly getting one last good look at me before his left. "Behave while I'm gone, ok?" He jokingly told me as he picked up his luggage.

I ran to him and pressed my lips against his hungrily, one last, lingering kiss before he left. "Goodbye and good luck." Where the last words I said to him before he left.

So, after the bliss after the champions league final and just days after the emotional goodbye I found myself facing the heart break of watching Spain lose 2-0 to Chile from my living room in Spain. The champions of the world were being knocked out of the World Cup after two games. To say I was heartbroken was an understatement, I couldn't hold back the tears for the half of me that was Spanish and the whole of me that loved Sergio.

Sergio didn't play particularly well the whole game, so I knew he would be hard on himself after the game. It physically hurt that I couldn't be near him to comfort him after the game. There would be no need for me to go to Brazil now. I had already packed. Sergio had said he would call me after the game but I wasn't sure he would, the team would spend time together after the game talking and then Sergio would probably want to be alone.

I switched off my tv as soon as the final whistle blew and cried, hard. I couldn't bear to see Sergio's heartbroken face as he walked off the vibrant, green pitch. Iker's face hurt my heart too, he was a legend and I had grew up calling him "San Iker", this exit to the World Cup didn't suit the champion that he was. That anyone of them were.

The phone rang in my hand and woke me from my little trance. I checked the time, Jesus I had zoned out and been thinking for nearly 40 minutes.

"Hello?" It sounded more like a question, as there was no name on my called ID.

"Olivia?" It was Sergio, and I felt a stab in my heart at the pain in his voice.

"Yeah it's me, honey. How are you feeling?" I was trying my very best not to cry while speaking to him, but it was very hard.

"I'll be ok." He said, but the small crack voice gave his lie away. "I'll get to see you sooner now."

"Sergio it's ok if you're upset." I sure was.

"I know, I know. I just don't want to dwell on it" He sounded like he was holding back tears also. "I just wish you were here. I need you."

That was it. The tears started again, hot and heavy. "Sergio, I love you" I managed to say in my tears, it was the first time I had said it, and I meant it with all my heart.

He laughed humourlessly . "I was wondering what I had to do to get you to say it back. I love you too, I'll be ok, and I can't to see you."

"Me too, sleep well ok? and tell Iker that everyone's proud of him too ok?" I was still crying, and occasionally hiccuping in the most unattractive way.

"We all already told him, but he's not happy with himself. We will all get over it though, we've lost games before." He sighed. "I have to go, but I love you Olivia"

"I love you too, Sergio."

After the phone call I had a shower, put on one of Sergio's large tshirts, lied in bed hugging his pillow that smelled just like him, and cried myself into a dreamless sleep.

Sorry it's short (AGAIN!) but I've been hugely busy and a lot of people were asking for the next chapter. But yeah, vote and comment if ya want :)

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