Fallen Angel

By StoryTellerByFire

30.2K 2K 1.4K

The sequel to 'Earth Angel'. Sean is adjusting well to life on earth, but something lately about him is off... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 5

1.6K 104 48
By StoryTellerByFire

Mark wanted to talk to Sean about everything that just happened, but the escorts herded them off to their separate panels. Mark did his best to enjoy the panel. However, his mind was worried about Sean. Scanning the front row of people, he forced himself to relax. Sean was watching him. Sean's panel started just a little later than Mark's. Which was a slight comfort. He could keep an eye on him, even for a little while longer. Sean snacked on a box of cookies watching him with a bright smile. He even started to get distracted, until an escort crept up to Sean and gestured for him to leave. Mark swallowed nervously, reluctantly watching him follow them out of the theater. He really hoped that everything went well. He didn't know what they'd do if things went bad. 

The minute the panel started to wind down, Mark exited the stage a little quickly. If he hurried he could catch some of Sean's panel. Mark took the steps two at a time as he lead Bob and Wade backstage, telling them nervously. "I don't think anything will happen... but I think we should think about something just in case it does". Wade chuckled, replying dryly. "Sure. We'll just rush up onto the stage and grab him. It worked so well last time". Bob shot Wade a narrowed look, telling him seriously. "Be serious, Wade. We have no idea what he could do". A man stepped out into their path, tipping his black leather hat and calmly asking Mark in a thick German accent. "You are mister Fischbach, I presume"? Mark slowed to a stop, politely telling the man. "Yes, but I'm sorry. I'm in a rush. If you talk to the Pax lady over there with the headset. I'm sure she can arrange a meeting with me later".

Mark tried to walk around him, when the man pressed his hand to Mark's chest, curtly telling him. "I'm not a fan. I'm here about your friend... a Sean Mcloughlin"? Mark's blood ran cold as ice. Meeting the mans eyes, he asked him darkly. "I'm sorry. Who are you"? The man discreetly moved his black coat away from his chest to reveal a silk black vest with a small silver pyramid. Mark's eyes widened, while Wade started to mutter out in shock. "Illumin-AHH". Another man stepped moved closer to Wade pressing his fist to Wade's neck. Mark heard a powerful zap and Wade cringed away closer to Bob, rubbing his neck. Mark noticed the new man was dressed the same as the one by him and on his finger was a weird stun gun ring. The man beside Mark adjusted his jacket back over his chest, telling Mark simply. "We just want to have a few words. Surely, you can hear us out"?

Mark glanced at his friends, before answering. "Fine. But my friends can go". Bob shook his head, snapping out. "Fuck that! We go with you"! Mark shot Bob a stern look, trying to be discreet as he snapped back. "You two have somewhere to be. It's important that you both get there. Those kids are going to need your help escaping that game if the bosses are too tough. Don't disappoint them". Wade raised an eyebrow totally confused, but Bob nodded in sudden understanding. Mark looked back at the man beside him and the man shrugged carelessly, telling him. "That is fine with me. Shall we"? The man gestured toward a door and Mark walked inside the small break room. Turning around, he watched the door close behind him and his friends give him worried looks before rushing off.

The man locked the door behind them, leaving his partner outside. Mark stayed standing as the man headed for the coffee machine, beginning to state aloud. "You're clever, Mr. Fischbach. However, we already know your friend is on stage. He looked really... nervous. Do you think your friends could honestly remove him from this building without us knowing. Coffee"? Mark shook his head. He was too worried to relax. He just wanted to know why they were here and what Sean had to do with this. The man finished making himself coffee and took a seat in a chair. Mark watched him get comfortable, when the man gestured to the chair in front of Mark asking nicely. "Please, have a seat. Grab a snack. I'm just here to talk". Mark took ahold of the seat in front of him, saying neutrally calm. "Then talk. What do you want"?

The man tapped a finger on his coffee cup, bluntly stating out. "The mysterious death of the last Pope. It has caught our eye. A witness described the culprit as a... Demon? Attracted to the... Angel they had chained in the lower catacombs of the church. Let's talk about that". Mark's knuckles turned white as his grip tightened on the chair, asking in a harsh tone. "What makes you think Sean and I know anything about this... crazy shit". The man leaned his arms on the table, locking cold eyes with him as he stated just as icily. "Don't play stupid with me, Mark. We both know what Sean is. You took him to a church that your family often went to. The priests there claimed to be blinded by an Angel of Death. They say it was so powerful that it blinded them and shattered the stain glass windows. And it was hurt at that time. I can't imagine the power of it, once it's healed".

Mark chuckled sarcastically, asking him curiously. "Alright, sure. There was an Angel. He healed and he flew away. I think that is what Angels do". The man let out a chuckle himself, starting to stir his coffee, answering after a few seconds of silence. "I think not, Mark. See, a few years ago your friend... Sean. He just turned up one day. His 'family' have all these records of him and baby pictures. And to the trained human eye, he is just a normal human boy. However... Our organization isn't so easily fooled. It takes a lot more to pull the wool over our eyes. We know what Sean is. We know how dangerous he is". Mark swallowed down his nervousness, glancing over his shoulder at the door as he tried to calmly inform the man. "He's not dangerous. You don't understand what happened. He was just defending himself".

Mark looked back at the man, who sipped his coffee before answering unfazed. "I know exactly what he was doing. You think he is the first Angel who has fought with his demon? Or the first species that has tried to attack this planet? Our order knows more about these beings and what they are capable of. We tend to let them be... but the more attention they draw to themselves. The more they force our hand to take action. A wounded animal is a dangerous one". Mark shrugged, replying swiftly. "He's not hurt anymore. He's completely healed. He hasn't hurt anyone. You made your point. I'll keep him low key and everything will be fine. Got it". The man locked unblinking eyes with him, stating out very seriously. "You weren't listening, Mark. We don't show ourselves... Unless we are forced too".

Mark released the chair, backing up as he realized what the man was saying and rushed out. "What a minute... That wasn't Sean's fault! He's been fine! Give him a chance"! The man took a sip of his coffee, suddenly looking down at his watch phone as he answered a bit distracted. "I understand your feelings for him. I really do. Many in our order have fallen in love with different beings. But it doesn't change our job. We keep order. It's nothing personal. We just thought you should know". Mark rushed to the mans side, slamming his hand on the table as he shouted out. "What do I have to do to get your order to give him another chance?! Name it! I'll pay if I have too! You can't take him from me"! The man looked up from his watch phone, answering very calmly. "Our order is well funded all over the world. We don't need your money. And we both know that Sean is unstable right now. He's a dangerous risk that we can't afford".

Mark shook his head, yelling out. "That's not true! He's fine! I have him under control"! The man reached into his coat to pull out a few pictures that where taken recently at the signing. The man dropped them onto the table, spreading them out for him to clearly see. Mark wondered if they had taken these from the camera men he had seen earlier today. The man pointed to the one with the ethereal black feathery wings and seriously told him with a hard expression. "This is far from being under control. His demon half is mocking you and he's only going to get stronger. Much stronger. So tell me, Mark. How do you plan to contain him if his control breaks? We have the ability to help him and more importantly... To contain him". Mark shoved the pictures away, growling back at the man bitterly. "I know how people like you 'help him'. You'll cage him and kill him. You can't have him! You'll have to get through me first"!

The man casually collected the pictures, telling him in a cool tone of voice. "You can't threaten or fight an order that is protected world-wide and technically... doesn't exist. We see everything, we know everything, we can do anything, and we are everywhere. So believe me, Mr. Fischbach, when I say that if we want him, we will get him. And we will vanish". The man patted Mark's shoulder then and headed for the door without a care or trace of fear. While Mark felt like the world was free falling into a dark void. To Be Continued...     

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