Family of Devils

By alucardismaster

1.6K 51 41

Summary: The short stay of two new devil hunters lead the crew of Devil May Cry to cast light upon truths tha... More

Meet the twins
Demon Days
Good Parenting?
Daddies home.
Children of the past.
Wicked little things.
Loving brother

Family of Devils

593 8 4
By alucardismaster

Disclaimer: I Don’t own Devil May Cry or the main characters, just my OC’s.

                Nero ran as fast as his feet could carry him down Slum Street towards the shop. “Maybe Dante might know who they were.” He thought. He continued to run as thoughts of the red devil hunter reacting to the information flashed in his head. He was so busy that he almost didn’t see a blond little girl in a pink dress with frills holding some shopping bags. He saw the girl right as she turned around, coming to a skidding halt in front of her.

                “Hey Nero.” Patty said to the half devil. When he came to work at the shop almost 4 years ago she accepted him full heartedly to the team. He seemed to mind her, though they did get competitive around each other.

                “Hey Patty, I take it you just came from shopping.”

                A beaming smile spread across her face.  “Yep, I found these cute swimsuits at the little boutique.”  He just grimaces at that, it was fall after all and Capulet city was already getting a brisk air.

                “Is Dante paying for all that?” he asked, though already was pretty sure of the answer.

                “Yep, this is an alternative to the Strawberry sundae’s he owes me.” She answered. Nero just smirked at this. The little girl was like lady with the fact that she always found a way to get the red half-devil to pay up what he owes people.

                “Does he know he’s paying for them?” again already sure of the answer.

                “Nope.” She answered cheerfully. Nero could barely keep himself from bursting out laughing as the image of Dante’s mouth dropping open at the sight of the bill for the garments. They started walking towards the shop discussing said devil’s reactions to her surprise. They neared a brick building with neon red letters that spelled out Devil My Cry, with the D flickering off every once in a while. They entered the building to find everyone was already there.

                Dante was behind his desk, feet propped up leaning back in his chair with a gun magazine in his hands. Trish was on her Ipad at one end of the couch. Lady was at the other end of the couch polishing off one of her guns, her foot tapping away to some unknown beat. Nero and Patty exchanged a look at that image. When lady polishes her gun she’s annoyed, usually because Dante missed a payment, but when she taps her foot whilst doing it, well it was close to the time to take cover. Vergil was in the loveseat adjacent to ladies position on the couch reading a book, but was glancing at lady.

                It was only a few months after Nero came to Capulet city that the blue half-devil had showed up. Well to say that the reunion was surprising was a major understatement; a big cluster fuck would be a better statement. It hadn’t helped when he found out the then teenager was in possession of his sword Yamato, well that actually was resolved a lot less painfully then the reconciliation between the two brothers. They found a way to give back Yamato to Vergil, but also allowed Nero to use the power. But his relationship with certain female devil-huntress was a bit more of a challenge.

                They had managed to work around the fact that Trish has the face of his mother and her taste in fashion, plus the fact that Dante was dating her so it made getting the point across easier. But it took much longer to get him to stop calling Lady by her given name. Every time he tried to talk to her, he made the mistake of addressing her by “Mary” and had received bullet to the head, well a few times. But after eight months of this relationship, they moved on to dating each other and were very committed to each other.

                “Hey kid, how’d the job go?” Dante asked from behind his magazine.

                “Stop calling me kid.” Nero replied then went to prop Red Queen up against the wall next to the juke box. “And the job went well, just a bunch of assualts so the job was easy enough.” He finished, and then went to stand by the pool table.

                “Hey Trish look at this cute bathing suit I got.” Patty said bubblely.

                “It’s fall for god’s sake, what the hell would you need a bathing suit for?” Dante asked. “And let me guess, your sending the bill to me.”

                Patty just let out a hrmph, “Well maybe if you paid me those strawberry sundae’s you owe me, and besides it doesn’t matter what time of year it is when it comes to clothes.” At this Dante just let out a sigh and went back lazily looking at his magazine.

                “GODDAMMIT!” Lady finally bellowed out loud, stood up and started pacing, her gun at her side but her hand twitching. Vergil just sighed and closed his book, it letting out a resounding sound.

                “You’re still not angry that somebody got your job before you did, are you?” Dante asked boredly. The answer to this question was a bullet that found itself right in the middle of the red hunter’s forehead; the result knocking him ass over teakettle out of his chair, spilling him onto the floor. Nero just smirked and let out a chuckle, but was cut off when a bullet whizzed past his head and imbedded itself into the wall.

                “Hey, why did you shoot me in the head and miss him on purpose?” Dante whined from behind the desk, the pulling himself off the floor, rubbing his forehead that had already healed. Lady responded by shooting a bullet that just missed his head and imbedded itself right in between Agni & Rudra, who were crossed on the wall behind him.

                “Excellent shot dear Lady.” Agni said, “Don’t you agree brother?”

                “Yes I do agree brother, I must say that-”

                “SHUT UP!” everybody screamed at the conversing brothers. Silence

                “What’s happened Lady?” Patty asked, putting on her puppy dog eyes, Lady has never shot at her, but with her attitude today, well she didn’t want to take her chances.

                “What’s wrong? You wanna know what’s wrong. I’ll tell you what’s wrong.” Lady ranted waving her gun in the air. “For the past three days some fucking asshole has been taking my jobs before I’ve even been able to get there and kill something. I mean I go there after already accepting the fucking job and what do I find there, no demons, no nothing. I go to the person who calls me and they tell me that someone has already taken care of the god damn demons for a lesser price.” She breaks off to catch her breath she just stands there glaring daggers at all of them. “Apparently, two NEW devil hunter, twins to be exact,” she just glares at the twin half devils in the office, “and they’ve been going through these towns eradicating demons before I can get a chance to kill them.” She finished still breathing heavily. Vergil put his hand on her shoulder, but she just shook it off. The anger was rolling offer her in waves, but it had lessened by the time she had finished her rant.

                “So what if there another group of hunters out there, just means that there’s less demons in the world, isn’t that what were all after.” Dante said smirking. This received another bullet to the head, but he just put a hand on the desk to steady himself. Muttering ‘oww’ he held up his hand to his forehead and just glared at lady. “What was that for?”

                “I don’t care if there are more hunters or less demons, I just want my damn MONEY.” She replied, her gun still smoking as she held it up one handed at the still bleeding devil.

                “Cool it, both of you.” Trish interrupted, getting up and walking towards the desk. “It’s not like you’re the only one whose job hasn’t been taken from them.”

                “Wait,” Nero interjected, “you mean some of your jobs have been taken to Trish.” She just shook her head yes.

                “Heh, give the kid a prize.” Dante said. Nero just shot him a look, his hand on Blue Rose.

“Don’t even think about it kid.”

                “Think about what old man, me kicking you butt.” Nero sneered.

                “Both of you stop it.” Trish interrupted. “We all have bigger problems at the moment, so just wait before you beat each other’s heads in.” Both of the half-devils eased down. “And yes I have had a few jobs taken from me. But that’s not what’s important.” She finished her sentence by placing her Ipad on the desk. Everyone looked at the screen to find a road map with red dots in a irregular line with one green dot, all following highway 82.

                “I’ve been looking into accounts of demons being taken out in cities and it seems that all along highway 82, demons are disappearing from these cities. All of the cities-” Trish gestures to the red dots,” were potential jobs, but right before they were going to outsource the jobs to us, two strangers came to town and offered to take on the jobs. Of course the people in each town wanted these demons gone quickly so they just game it to them.”

                “Let me guess,” Vergil says, “these strangers were the twins that Lady mentioned earlier.”

                “Yes they were, and if you notice were the line leads you’ll see where they are heading to next.” She finish’s, then points to the green dot, the bold lettering next to the green dot read Capulet city.

                “So, what do you think?” Dante ask, “We got competition coming to town, if so then we may have some fun heading our way.”

                “Maybe,” Trish answered, “But it may be to early to tell, they may just be traveling and taking any kind of job they can get, thrown there way.” Lady just let out a snort of disgust at the idea.

                Nero was thinking about what both Lady and Trish had said. “Hey you both said that twins were the ones responsible for taking out those demons.” Both huntresses nod at this, “Did you get a description of the twins.”

                “What are you getting at kid?” Dante asks.

                “Well today after I got done with my job I was walking back here when I saw a concert in the park. I thought the music was pretty good so I bought a ticket and went in, the lead singers were a pair of twins.”

                “Yeah but who says that they are the twins were looking for. After all there are plenty of twins out in the world.” Patty interjected.

                “That’s why I was asking for a description.” Nero replied defensively.

                “That may be a good theory, the band must of traveled here on a gig and were taking out demons on way in the towns they stopped in.” Vergil said, his hand on his chin, seemingly in deep thought.

                “Well if it helps,” Lady said letting out a exasperated sigh, “The twins were a boy and girl, around late teens to early twenties, they were both the same height, eye color and hair color. Which apparently was very strange according to the people I got my information from.” Everyone in the shop had a mental image of lady holding a gun to some poor bastards head as she asked him questions.

                “Was it snow white hair in the back, then going to the front it starts to turn dark red, and in the front it’s a darker red with a mixture of white strands and each having ending in a dark blood red in the front. The girl having long hair in a ponytail and the boy with shorter hair but with one lock of red hair about six inches hanging over his left eye?” Trish asked.

                “Yeah that was the exact description I was given.” Lady said. They turned to Nero who was deep in thought.

                “Yep, that fits the two I saw. So it seems that the theory about them traveling with a band is our best bet.” Nero concludes.

                “Not neccesasarily,” Vergil said, “There are still other possibilities, we would need to find a way to confirm that they are indeed just here for a certain time. Then we would need to track them down and ask them directly.”

                “Well why don’t you just check and see if the band has a website.” Patty offered, thus receiving looks from every person in the room. “What?”

                “That is a good idea, it seems I have underestimated your intelligence.” Vergil mumbled. This earns a hrmph from Patty, who just gives the blue devil a dirty look.

                “Hey Dante, you got wi-fi?” Nero asks.


                Nero gives him a WTF look “Since when?”

                “It was a Christmas present from Trish a few years ago.”

                “Then why haven’t I seen the router?”

                At this Dante just snorts, “It’s behind the juke box.” At this Nero walks to the said piece of furniture, a big dent on the top of it, and looks behind it to find a router box and all the necessary cables there.

                “Why the hell is it behind the juke box?” he ask, wondering why he hadn’t seen it before, or attempted to use it before.

                “Because that thing has survived all the shit it’s been through without even a dent on it.” He answered. This get’s the other’s to look at said big dent. “Okay, it’s survived everything I, and demons have put through it.”

                “Makes sense to me.” Patty says.

                “Dante, can I please have the laptop.” Vergil asks, well demands but hey, can’t put a price on manners. Dante pulls out one of the desk draws and pulls out a large Toshiba laptop that probably has seen better days. Despite a lot of smudges, stains (pizza sauce), and a few cracks it was perfectly fine on the inside. Nero just stared at it, “When the hell did they get this?” was the thought that past through his mind.

                “Birthday present to us.” Dante says motioning to him and Vergil, as if reading the younger hunters mind.

                Nero opens his mouth to ask a question before he is interrupted by Vergil. “Nero what is the name of the band that the twins are in?”

                “Um, the band was called ‘Burning Embers’ but I asked some of the people in the crowd and apparently the twins are new to the band. They replaced a few members that left the band.” He said

                Lady suddenly felt the need to ask the young slayer something. “What made you go to the concert anyway?”

                The question was reasonable and it seemed to take Nero a back for a minute. “Well at first it was the music that caught my attention, it was really good. But then I sensed something that just felt-” he searched around for the right word.

                “Off?” Patty offered

                “No, I felt like demonic presence.” He said, his face scrunched up trying to remember the feeling he got when passing the park.

                “Were there any demons in the crowd?” Trish asked, her face mimicked his, trying to make heads or tails of the ordeal they were dealing with.

                “No, the presence was coming from them, but it felt like Dante’s and Vergil’s presence.” He said.  This statement makes the four of them stare at the twin devil hunters that they know.

                Vergil never looking up from laptop just snorts and says “I’ve been trapped in hell for nearly the past 16, so do not look at me.”

                Everyone then looks at Dante, Trish especially, her eyes burning with some unknown emotion, just waiting for him to speak. Dante just holds up his hands, a sheepish grin in place. “Hey, I may be a horndog but I would know if i have kids.”

                The fire in Trish’s eyes goes away, but a new look of shame and guilt comes upon her face. The thought of her lover having children with someone else, even if he didn’t know about it, made her feel useless knowing that she can never have her own. Dante reaches for her but she just waves him away.

                “I’ll get some tea.” Patty says, heading towards the back to the kitchen. She could see that this might take a while, and figured that she might as well just get comfy.

                “I believe that I have found the bands webpage.” Vergil says turning the laptop towards Nero. “Are the pictures on this page some of the members of the band?”

                Nero looks at the page that Vergil was showing him, the other three hunters were looking over his shoulders to look. The myspace page for Burning Embers showed the six band members, all of whom were posed at the top, with five rectangular boxes going down the page below the posed picture. Four of the boxes had single pictures with slight biographies on each member of the band. The fifth box had a caption that read “Meet the twins of heaven and hell.”

                The group picture showed six people, standing in a V pattern. A slight cloud covered the edge’s of the photo and covered the faces of two of the members of the band on the back left and right side, obscuring their faces. On the left side a smaller shadow was standing next to the taller form.

                “Okay, the guy in the center is the drummer, the girls on the right are the base drummer and keyboard player. The shadow in the back on the right is one of the twins I think. The guy on the left is the lead guitarist, and I think the form in the back is the other twin.” Nero said, pointing out each one.

                “What about that thing next to the left twin?” Lady asked. Nero just shrugged his shoulders.

                “Check out their list of shows and dates.” Trish said.

                Nero did as she ask and scrolled down past the band bio previews till he found the list of all their shows at what town and what venues and the times. “Look, all their shows are at the towns were the red dots are.” He pointed out.

                “Yeah and last on the list is Capulet city,” Dante pointed out, “And apparently the show you saw today was the last one.” He was still scanning the page when he spotted something intresting. “It looks like we won’t be able to chat with the brats.” He said.

                “Why not?” Vergil asked.

                “Because according to the little twitter update down in the corner,” He added a gesture to a black line with a outline of a blue bird. “They are currently back on the road back to-”

                “Wendover” Vergil offered up.  When everyone looked at him, he just pointed towards the top of the screen to the caption over the tour dates, at the bottom of one of the mini bio’s it said ‘resident of Wendover for 13 years.’ There was a collective ahh.

                “Well who ever the hell is typing this is saying that they are currently on there way back, t minus 3 days to destination home.” He said the last part directly quoting the tweet.

                “Okay, so we’ve ruled out the theory that they came here to compete with our business, and that they are traveling and taking the jobs for the sole sake of survival.” Trish says, “So it seems that they were just taking the jobs because they could.”

                “Perhaps we should read further into our mysterious twins.” Vergil offered. In the background they could hear a shrill whistle like cry, signaling to patty that the water for tea was ready.

                “You heard him kid.” Dante said, “Click on the bio box.”
                Mumbling about stop calling him a kid, Nero did exactly as Dante had said, and Vergil had suggested. He scrolled up and clicked on the blank bio box.

                In a few seconds the page started to fade, revealing that in fact the two shadowed figures from the group pose was indeed the twins they were after, each sibling had tan skin and matching hair colors. Along with the truth that the smaller form was actually a wolf in a kneeling position next to the sister. Then the screen went blank.

                Slowly the screen began to resume color, it showed the twins sitting at angle mirroring each other, leaning up against a tree. The boy was on the right side, a battered book was in his left hand opened, his thumb stuck in between the pages. The right hand was holding an Ipod, a cord snaked up his arm, the right one was hanging down but the left one disappeared off onto his left side. His head was turned slightly to face the camera, revealing a six inch triangular lock that covered mainly his left eye but part of the left side of his face. But it didn’t hide the showing of matted scar tissue that appeared on his nose. His hair was about 3 and ½ inches long and was sticking up in a messy spiked pattern. A small smile was on his lips as he looked at the camera. He was wearing a black Eisenhower jacket, it was unbuttoned and revealed a grey shirt that said in red lettering ‘I’ll help you if you’ll just SHUT THE F**K UP!’ wearing gun metal grey jeans, and black boots. An amulet the color of blood, seated in a silver colored metal, the same metal was the chain.

                The girl was on the left side of the tree, her head was turned more towards the camera then the boy’s. She looked at the camera with a smirk on her more feminine face, but there was no doubt in anyone’s minds that they were indeed twins. Her ponytail, that if she were standing would be half way down her back, was thrown over her left shoulder, showing off the mixture of snow white and blood red hair. She was wearing a red leather trench coat, holes and tears were in the bottom, silver buckles on either side of a leather belt the same color as the coat, was hung loosely around, the color stood straight up. Underneath the trench coat was a black shirt with yellow letters that read ‘keep reading this, and I’ll kick your F**K’IN ASS!’  she had worn blue jeans with a hole in the  right knee, and wore grey boots.

                The wolf was laying in between the twins, its head was in the girls lap, but it was still able to look at the camera. Its left eye was green, surrounded by white fur, while the right eye was yellow, surrounded by black fur. Its fur on the right side was black with a sprinkling of small white specks. The left side was white and copied the sprinkling of speck with black fur. It would have been almost even where it not for how the fur clashed, where ever it met it swirled around each other. The black over powered the white, and the white mimicked the same.

                The caption in neon white read ‘the twins of heaven and hell’, over the boy it said ‘Meet Christopher “Devil” Alrund’. Over the girl it read ‘Meet Marlo “Angel” Alrund.’ And over the wolf it spelled out ‘Meet RoRa, the hound from purgatory.’ Each had a listing under the names of likes and dislikes. Marlo’s read that she loved pizza without olive’s and mushroom, watching bad horror movies, and RoRa and Chris. Chris’s said that he loved strawberry and rocky road sundae’s, reading and listening to music, and of course his sister and the wolf. RoRa’s read that she loved the twins and to eat annoying assholes.

                “Dante-” Vergil and Lady started in unison, then stopped and looked at each other.

                “What’s the girl doing wearing your old trench coat?” Lady asked, a look of confused worry on her face.

                “And why is that boy wearing YOUR amulet? I thought you said you had lost it years ago.” Vergil asked, confusion and anger held his face.

                “I don’t know,” Dante retorted sharply, “I lost that coat the same time I lost the amulet.”

                “Did I miss something?” Nero asked he was the most confused about what the three were talking about. An amulet and a trench coat, what purpose did they hold. Trish put a hand on his shoulder and just shook her head when he looked up at her.

                “When exactly did you lose them?” Vergil asked, his face was going back to being the cold hard stare he was known for.

                “I lost it a little after Lucia left.” Dante said after a few silent minutes of recallation.

                “And when was that?” Vergil asked, his voice was coated with anger. But at what, is what ran through Nero’s head.

                “Lucia left 17 years ago.” Trish mumbled softly. Everyone looked at her, then to Dante. He just stood there, still lost in thought.

                At that time patty walked in carrying a tray of cups and saucer’s, a plate of shortbread cookies, and a pot of tea. She looked at the group of devil hunters, practically seeing the tension around them. Then she saw the screen, specifically the boy and recognition lit up her face after a few seconds of staring. “HEY!” she exclaimed aloud.

                “What is it?” Dante asked, alert and looking around the room, expecting to find something intresting, only to find a group of angry, annoyed, and confused hunters looking at him. The look on Trish’s face was what got him to feel, for some reason shame. 

                “He came into the shop earlier today when everyone was out.” She said pointing at the picture of the boy Chris.

                “Are you sure of this?” Vergil asked, his hand was going towards Yamato slowly, glancing around the room.

                “Yeah, he came in looking for the owner of the shop. He said that he was looking for someone and that the owner might have been an aquaintence of her’s.” she said looking back at them, thinking that letting the young man in might have been a bad idea.

                “Her,” Trish said, “He was looking for someone and he thought Dante might know someone.” She looked at Dante accusingly, thinking who might Dante would have known that was a woman and was once an aqaintence with. One particular woman came to mind.

                “Yeah, he even brought a picture of her with him to show to Dante.” She said, worry starting creep into her voice.

                Lady stood in front of Patty eyeing her but with a serious expression. “Okay patty I need you to describe to us what the woman in the photo looked like, and who was all in it.”

                “Um she tall, about 5’9, had dark red hair, in a braid that came in front, and hid half her face. She had white cover on her shoulders that went down to her stomach. She was wearing grey pants, tan leather boots, patchwork leather gloves.” She went silent for a minute trying to remember every detail. “Oh, and she had two kids on either side of her holding hands, they each had the same color hair as the boy. Hey, maybe they were her kids.” She said.

                Everyone went silent at that moment, looking from patty to the picture of the twins, then to Dante, whose mouth was open, his skin going paler then possible. Then to Trish who had grown paler as well, but a hard look of anger was on her face, and it was directed at the red clad Devil hunter.

                “Lucia” Lady said softly.

                “Who the hell is Lucia?” Nero asked, “And who the hell are these kids?”

                “It appears that they are Dante’s children.” Vergil replied coldly.

                Everyone looked at Dante, all with looks of utter confusion. Trish held a look of betrayal and anger, lightning was sparking off her making everyone in the vicinity back away. Dante, at seeing the look upon his lover’s face, did the only thing he could think of. He ran as if hell itself was after him, followed by a barrage of bullets.

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