Lean on Me - Mavi (COMPLETED)

By lostroses

9.1K 430 444

Mitch: "I can be mean though." Avi: "That's okay, I'll take care of you." Sailing under the radar while we ob... More



755 38 90
By lostroses

Hello, good Monday morning!

SF are in Japan looking good, sounding great, happily supported by their men. And it's just wonderful. Scott being manhandled by Mitch during a live version of GUY.exe is all I ever wanted. *happy sigh*

Meanwhile on a serious note, March For Our Lives shows how powerful voices can be when we join together. Change is in the air. Harness the power. Register and vote if you're eligible. It's the only way for the future to take control from the past.

Now on a totally non serious note, a final slice of Mavi, and it's delicious. Watch their hands in the GIF below. Too, too cute.


Avi was definitely unhappy. Pentatonix had been at Endless Noise studios all afternoon, and it looked like the session would run late into the evening. At first they made great progress, but then they seemed to hit a block. Scott threw up his hands in frustration and decided they should take a break.

Avi made a beeline for the fridge and started rooting through it.

Scott watched him. "What you looking for, Av?"

"I am certain I left my food in here earlier." He shut the door and frowned at Kevin. "Did you take it?"

"No sir, not me."

"You sure about that?"

Kevin laughed. "Of course homie, I know better than to touch your sacred leftovers."

"It's not funny. I'm starving right now."

Kirstie came over. "We can get a delivery if you want."

"I don't want delivery Kirst, I want my leftovers."

She raised her hands. "Okay, okay, not guilty. You need to ask the others."

She beckoned Scott and Mitch over.

"Oh, Daddy's not happy," Mitch said.

"Someone ate his food," Kirstie replied, then wandered off glued to her phone.

"Oh my goodness, not his food?" Mitch said, one eyebrow raised. "That's terrible."

"Where food is concerned, it really is," Kevin replied. He tried to hug Avi, who had opened the fridge door again, staring in as though the missing food would magically reappear. It didn't help, and Avi slammed the door.

He turned to face Mitch. "Well?"

"Well what?" He started to sing Let no man steal your thyme, substituting 'food' for 'thyme'.


"But of course, I am no man!" He giggled at his joke while Avi glared at him.

"Really? You just ruined my life, I hope you're happy."

He stomped away and threw himself down in a chair, scowling at Mitch's smiling face. How could he do that to him, especially when everyone knew how much he needed that food?

"It's only food. Didn't you get my Lord of the Rings reference? I made that just for you, and you don't appreciate it." Mitch pouted.

"That food was just for me, and I don't appreciate you eating it." Avi crossed his arms and turned away. Maybe it was an over-reaction, but now he was hangry, dammit.

"You made Daddy angry, Mitchy. You might have to be punished," Scott said, pointing at Avi. "Can I watch?"

"Will you stop calling me that?" Avi snapped.

"Yeah, Scott, I'm the only one that gets to call him daddy."

Avi thought his head might explode. He took some deep breaths. Maybe they should just get takeout, and he should write his name on the box next time.


"What the hell do you want now?" he growled.

"Language," Kevin called out.

Mitch went over to Avi. "Sorry I ate your food."


"And I won't do it again."

"And?" Avi deepened his frown in what he hoped was a menacing way.

"And - and I'll make it up to you."


"I'll buy you dinner."


Avi pretended to consider, but he had accepted the apology immediately. He just wanted to push his luck, and it turned out better than he could have hoped.

"Okay, you buy me dinner." He looked up at Mitch, keeping his brows down. "But I get to choose where."

Mitch shivered delicately, one hand to his throat. "That look Avi, you're scaring me. And I love it."

"Date night, date night," Kirstie chanted, and Scott joined in before clapping his hands for quiet.

"Okay lovebirds, let's get back to work."

At the end of another successful studio session, Avi drank water and watched Mitch talking with Scott. Several days had passed since the whole leftovers incident, and Avi was keen to fix the details of the meal he'd been promised. Well, not so much promised as extorted with menaces, but it was good to keep people guessing. Although he was pretty chill about most things, he had a few deal breakers. Food stealing was right up there with rudeness and dragon denial.

He waited until Scott moved away. He swore that boy never left Mitch's side for more than a minute, but he saw his chance, and swooped in.

"So Mitch, about that dinner you owe me. I thought we could try the Lebanese place, heard good things about it."

"Wow. You don't forget do you?"

"Not where food is concerned. My diary is pretty open at the moment."

"Okay then." Mitch checked his phone. "How about next Thursday at seven thirty?"

"Sounds perfect."

"Can Scott come? I don't like to leave him alone, he's lost without me."

"No I'm not." Scott returned and put his arms round both their shoulders. "But I'll happily third wheel and chaperone and take photos, all that good stuff. Where we going?"

"Maroush," Avi replied.

"Oh, that new place. It's fab according to Kyle."

"Then that's where I'm taking my two dads," Mitch said. He batted his lashes at Avi, who frowned in return.

"Two dads? I'm your big bass daddy, and don't you forget it," he said, dropping his voice just a little. Mitch's face was a mixture of surprised and pleased. Avi left them staring at him and started chatting to Kevin. It was going to be a fun evening.

Over the next few days, Avi interacted with Mitch as usual. He chose not to respond to any flirtatious overtones from Mitch, instead treating them as amusing asides. Once he caught Mitch watching him during a break in recording. He winked back, earning a smile in return.

When Thursday came he was hanging out with Kevin, trying to work on a song. It wasn't gelling, and they stopped for a drink.

"So I hear Mitch is taking you out tonight," Kevin said. "What's that about?"

"He ate my food, so he offered to make it up to me."

"Offered?" Kevin laughed. "Seems unlikely. How did you get him to cave?"

"Oh, like this." Avi scowled at Kevin, and dropped his voice. "Don't eat my food, or else."

Kevin cackled. "Oh my goodness. You did the scary voice on him? And he bought it! Priceless!"

"I know right? I've wanted to try a Lebanese place for a while. Looking forward to it. In fact they're picking me up in a couple hours, I better run."

"Two hours? You need all that time to get ready? So Kirstie was right, this is a date." He waggled his eyebrows at Avi, who sighed.

"No, this is not a date, Scott's coming along, and I'll be getting a nap first."

"Yeah, work on 'the voice' some more," Kevin put up air quotes.

"Better believe it. Catch you tomorrow." Avi smiled and left, jangling his keys. He didn't need a nap, strictly speaking, but it was never a bad time for one. He wanted to be relaxed for the evening ahead.

He half expected Mitch to be late, but Scott rang the bell at seven exactly.

"You're right on time, Scott." Avi pulled his leather jacket on and picked up his phone. "Ready to go."

Scott looked him over. "You'll do," he said.

Avi retorted, "What do you mean, do?" He gestured at himself. "Man bun, leather, I look exquisite."

"Well, gotta make sure you live up to Mitch, I mean he's been trying on clothes for hours. But don't tell him I said that."

Avi said, "I'm not changing."

"No no, the dark green is good, he thought you'd be in all black, and with my blue shirt we'll be quite the trio. Let's go." Scott led the way out to his car.

Mitch leaned out of the passenger side window. "You two look gorgeous, can't believe my luck tonight."

Avi got in behind him. "Me neither." He buckled up and settled into his seat with a smile as Scott drove away.

Traffic was light, and they arrived in plenty of time. While Scott parked the car, Avi decided it was time to raise the stakes. He leaned forward and spoke close to Mitch's ear, his tone breathy and deep.

"I've been wanting to try this for a while."

Mitch jumped, but soon recovered. "Have you been... very excited?" He emphasised each word.

"Well, you know me." Avi got out of the car, smiling widely. Things were already going very well.

"Come on you two." Scott tried to hide his smile, without much success.

Mitch giggled and hopped out of the car. He smoothed his oversized white shirt, paired this time with a red and white patterned jacket, ripped jeans and heeled boots. "Such a gentleman."

He took Avi's offered arm and they followed Scott into the restaurant.

Avi noted some turned heads as they passed by on the way to their table, and Mitch drinking it all in. Scott and Mitch sat next to each other, with Avi opposite.

"We are the best dressed and best looking people here," Mitch declared. He sipped his drink, showing off dark red nails.

'We certainly are," Scott agreed.

"But you're the most beautiful," Avi said.

"Why, thank you," Mitch replied, fluttering his lashes.

Avi smiled and went back to studying the menu. "It all looks so good, I don't know where to start." He had eaten lightly during the day so he could fully enjoy everything.

"Maybe we should ask for advice on what's good," Scott suggested. He called the waiter and they discussed the various dishes, eventually agreeing on a selection of meat and vegetable courses starting with flat breads and hummus.

"God, I love hummus." Mitch tore his bread into little pieces and scooped the dip into his mouth. "And that is delicious." He cleaned his plate and then looked over at Avi. "So I'm gonna have some of yours too."

"What? No."

But Mitch reached across the table and dipped one forefinger into Avi's dish. He looked at the little dab of hummus then brought it to his lips. Avi watched as he licked the tip of his finger clean, then raised an eyebrow. He reached over again and Avi grabbed his hand.

"That's enough, princess."

Mitch withdrew his hand with a cheeky grin. "I didn't get enough yet."

Scott had finished first, and his phone was ready. "Told you I was taking photos."

Mitch wiped his finger on a napkin. "Of course you are. I heard Kirstie remind you, pics or it didn't happen."

Avi sipped his drink. "Not bad, but it's meat I need."

"Of course you do." Mitch winked and Avi laughed.

"Of course I do. Scott, how about you?"

"I'm up for whatever," he said. "Watching you two will be all the entertainment I need."

"You can join in, y'know." Mitch elbowed him lightly.

"Oh, thanks, but I prefer to watch." They all dissolved into helpless laughter, ignoring the glances from other patrons.

"Shush, they're looking," Avi said, but he couldn't manage to look annoyed.

"Well, let's give them something to look at." Mitch leaned forward, his elbows on the table, and gazed at Avi with complete adoration. "How about this?"

The waiter came for their plates, but Avi ignored him.

He had to admit, Mitch could be enthralling when he wanted. So he took up the challenge and smiled back, never breaking his gaze even though he saw Scott taking pictures. Avi had no intention of backing down, and he was well aware that his green eyed stare could pierce another's soul. When Mitch's smile broadened, Avi knew he'd won.

"I see your dimples, Grassi, and they're really the cutest thing. But you're cuter still."

Mitch gave up and laughed. "Wow. Did you see that, Scott?"

"You two are adorable. Look." He showed them a series of pictures, in which they looked just like a couple madly in love.

"You cannot post those," Avi said. "We'd never hear the last of it."

"What, really?" Scott pouted. "Look at you. You're perfect together, I ship it."

"No. You post even one, and I will end you."

"I ship... all of us together," Mitch said mischievously. "Oh, here's our food."

They worked their way through the delicious food, talking about the new PTX album and their solo projects. Another bottle of wine later, Mitch removed his jacket.

"Too hot," he said.

"Never," Scott said.

"Agreed," Avi said.

Mitch rolled up his sleeves, and started to take small pieces of meat from Avi's dish. He piled them on his own plate. "That looks particularly good."

"Hey, stop stealing my food."

"It looks delicious. I want to taste it."

"You're eating vegan tonight," Scott pointed out.

"I told you before, don't steal my food." Avi frowned to keep the smirk from his face. Mitch wanted to provoke him. The game was on.

Mitch blinked slowly. "Or what, daddy?"

"Ooh, Mitchy don't push it. You don't know what he might do," Scott remarked, sipping iced water.

"I'm wondering exactly what he will do. I'm ready." Mitch stole the last piece of meat, with a smile.

Avi laid down his knife and fork. "You shouldn't have done that."

He fixed Mitch with a stern gaze. He didn't often use this one, and was delighted to see a slight flush on Mitch's cheeks. He clasped his hands together, and watched Mitch bite his lip.

"Mitchy, he looks scary," Scott breathed, his phone ready.

"I - I know. But I'm never really scared of daddy."

"If you're going to call me that, then you should do as you're told."

Mitch nodded, his eyes bright. "Tell me what to do."

Avi tilted his head for a moment, pretending to decide. "Feed me."

A smile blossomed on Mitch's face. "Yes daddy." He speared a piece of meat on his fork. "Open up," he whispered.

Avi opened his mouth and took the meat. The taste was exceptional, tender, spicy and hot. He chewed, swallowed, closed his eyes. "More."

Each morsel was laid on his tongue gently, and with his eyes closed the flavours seemed more intense. But all too soon, the food stopped.

"I gave you all I had," Mitch said softly.

Avi opened his eyes. "Only what you took from me. Is it all gone? Now I'm sad." He poured himself a glass of water.

"My God, that was hot!" Scott said, fanning himself.

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed the show." Avi purposely kept his voice low so that his companions had to lean forward to catch his words. Mitch was a little tipsy now, giggling and leaning into Scott's side.

"You have no idea. Look at this."

Scott set up a slideshow, and Avi watched himself. With eyes closed, he leaned forward, lips parted. Mitch held the fork in his left hand and placed the food with care, his right hand cupped to catch any drips. He was concentrating on Avi's mouth, his eyebrows raised and lower lip caught between his teeth.

Scott smirked. " Y'all needed a chaperone. Who knows what might have gone on if I wasn't here?"

Avi blinked and cleared his throat. 

"Okay, that's, that is not for public-"

"I know, I know." Scott raised a pale brow and grinned at Avi's discomfort.  "Amazing though, huh."

"I really am." Mitch laughed, light and airy. "Maybe we should continue with dessert at home."

"No, we have an early start tomorrow. No use pouting at me, you're hell when you're hung-over. Come on, drink this." Scott poured water for Mitch, and while they bickered Avi excused himself. On his way back from the bathroom, he paid the bill.

"We should get the check," Scott said.

"Guys, I got this." Avi stood by the table.

"But I was meant to be treating you," Mitch said. He searched through his bag, but Avi held up his hand.

"Maybe another time." He went round and pulled out Mitch's chair for him. "After you."

They made their way out of the restaurant and back to the car.

Mitch smiled at Avi. "Handsome, attentive and funny, you're perfect boyfriend material Avriel. I always said so."

"Thank you, sadly I'm not looking for a boyfriend."

"Not even me?" He pouted prettily.

"Hmm, you're my favourite queen of sass, will that do?" He opened the passenger door.

"Guess it will have to." Mitch got in. "For now, anyway."

"Sorry, third wheel here," Scott said. "Let's go."

"No, you're my number one, always." Mitch pecked Scott's cheek, and giggled.

"Glad to hear it."

"But Avi's my gorgeous number two. Hashtag blessed, babes."

Before long they were back at Avi's apartment. He got out and was surprised when Mitch did the same.

"I've had the most marvellous evening, Mr Kaplan."

"The pleasure was all mine." Avi put a hand on his heart, bowing slightly.

"Not all," Scott called out. "I watched, and I liked it."

Avi wrapped Mitch's small frame tightly in his arms. He whispered, "I was never really mad at you."

"I hoped not... but I wasn't sure, and that made it all the more exciting." Mitch kissed his cheek. "Let's do that again." He got back in the car and blew a kiss as they drove away.

Later that night, Avi found that Scott had sent him all of the pictures. He scrolled through them, smiling. It had been the most light-hearted fun evening he could remember for a long time. It wasn't often that he got to flirt and smoulder his way through a dinner date without feeling he was trying too hard or being cheesy. With Mitch he could relax and be playful.

But when he saw the images of Mitch feeding him, he realised Scott had captured a moment of intimacy and trust. He stared at the pictures for a long time, his heart full. How many people could he open up to like that? He usually guarded his heart so well, and here was tender vulnerability that few got to see.

Then his phone pinged with an incoming message.

Scott : enjoy the pics, don't worry I would never

Avi : 'skull and knife emojis' I know where you live Hoying

Scott: y'all are adorable tho #Mavi I ship it

Mitch: love you big daddy

Avi : I ︎ you too

They might not be boyfriends, but they were friends who loved each other. He couldn't wish for more.


That's all for now, Mavi fans! thanks for reading.

Vote and comment please, it makes words grow.

And maybe check out The Pact and Promised - The Pact book 2 if you want some (mature) Scömìche goodness.

Actions always speak louder than words, so don't just say it, do it.

Stay flawless! 💖✨

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