I Won't Give Up

By idkpeej

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Maeve and Niall. Unseperable since birth. They kept each other going, were each others best-friends, nothing... More

Chapter One <3
Chapter Two <3
Chapter Three <3
Chapter Four <3
Nooote ~
Chapter Five <3
Chapter Six <3
Chapter Seven <3
Chapter Eight <3 NO JK IT'S JUST A NOTE
THE REAL Chapter Eight <3
Chapter Nine <3
Chapter Ten <3
Chapter Eleven <3
Chapter Twelve <3
Chapter Thirteen <3
Chapter Fourteen <3
Note :) <3
Sixteen <3
Epilogue <3

Chapter Fifteen <3

437 2 5
By idkpeej

(A/N: I don't know if it happened to any of you, but I couldn't get on Wattpad like the last week because it said it was updating... I don't know, but here's this chapter. It's almost over, like, one chapter and then the epilogue D; I don't know, after this one, do you want me to write another one? Another One Direction one? Same guy or different? Leave a comment kay? I might do one that involves all my friends and all the guys, because my friends want me too. Well, I'm going to go jam to WMYB, hehe just came on the radio (; COMMENT, RATE, ADD TO LIBRARIES. <3)

Chapter Fifteen

** May’s P.O.V **

The next morning, me and Niall woke up early and started packing. I guess he was too out of it last night, or just about because he didn’t remember most of the things that happened. Well except for that I flipped out on Hannah, but other than that he didn’t. I didn’t really bother to get dressed, because it’s so early, I was probably going to sleep on the plane anyways. Niall obviously got dressed, because if someone got a picture of him, he sleeps naked, so that wouldn’t be good. We said good-bye to his dad, and then we went over to his mom’s house, even though it was 6:00 a.m. His mom was up, and Greg was over there as well. We stayed for a bit, before Greg had to leave for his job, and his mom was going to go back to bed. So we left, and I texted Liam to make sure they were up and on their way to the airport. We called a taxi to come pick us up at his mom’s house, and we headed on our way to the airport. We got there, and the air was thick between everyone. Louis had a hang over, and had a pounding head ache, Harry was sitting with Liam looking absolutely fine, and Emma and Brian were sleeping on each other. Me and Niall took a seat across from Harry and Liam. Harry was looking at his iphone, and Liam was reading. Like I had said, I was still in my pajamas, so I had pink long pants, and a tank top on. Oh and a coat, because I didn’t want to be walking around looking like a slut.

We sat there for a while, before I finally got up and stretched. It was only 6:30, and we were going to be boarding the plane in ten minutes.

“I’m going to go to Starbucks before we board. I want to get some breakfast.” Liam got up as well.

“I’ll come with you.” I nodded and we walked towards Starbucks. We walked in and there were only a couple people in there, a boy and his mom, a woman reading a magazine, and then us. We ordered food and we just sat down. I sighed and Liam looked at me.

“Harry wanted me to ask you something.” I looked up at him at Harry’s name.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“He asks what you think of him.” I sighed.

“I like Harry as a friend, and only a friend. He needs to understand I love Niall.” I said in a steady voice. Liam put his hand on mine and I took a deep breath. I smiled as Liam tried to help me gently.

“Were just friends.” He nodded. “Why did he want you to ask?”

“Well, last night, when Harry told you he loved you, he wasn’t as drunk. He said it kind of warn off after he got in the car. That’s why he isn’t hung over like Louis.” I face palmed. I should have seen that coming.

“He also thinks you’re going to avoid him forever.” I rolled my eyes. Harry’s being his drama-queen self.

“I’m not going to avoid him; I don’t want to make things awkward.” He nodded, obviously satisfied with my answer. Liam swirled his thumb over my hand.

“Thanks Liam. You’re really the one I trust the most besides Niall. Really.” Liam smiled and nodded, removing his hand.

“Anytime May. I’m here for you.

Our food came and we just packed it up and started walking back to the rest of the guys. Liam checked the clock, 6:50. We hurried to the plane and got on. We were in first class, and we had to go by the seats our tickets said. I, unfortunately, wasn’t able to sit next to Niall. Zayn had to. I passed them and Zayn shrugged at me. I smiled at them both and walked down to where I was supposed to sit. I walked to my seat, and guess who I got to sit next to.


I know I said I wasn’t going to make things awkward, but this was unconformable already. I smiled at him and sat down. We sat there for a bit, before Harry turned to me.

“Did Liam talk to you?” He asked. I nodded.

“I said I only liked you as a friend, and I didn’t want things awkward between us, so I’m not going to avoid you forever.” I smiled at him and he smiled back.

“Good. I just want you to know, that you and Niall are cute together.” I blushed.

“But, if anything goes wrong, then I’ll be here to take you out.” He winked and I pushed his face.

“Too far Styles.” I said and he laughed. Everything’s fixed between us. We waited a few for minutes while a couple of other people got on the plane, then we took off. I laid my head on Harry, as it still being like 7 in the morning, and me still in my pajamas, decided to sleep. Harry leaned back and didn’t push me off. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

** After Flight **

After 11 hours, lots of sleep, and two movies later, we were finally back in LA. It was three in the afternoon in California, so when we got off the plane, we decided to eat lunch. And Niall was complaining, like always, that he was hungry and the plan didn’t serve a lot of food. I was kind of hungry too, but didn’t say anything. So after being mobbed by tons of fans, we got in two taxis and drove back to my house and Brian and Emma went back to her house, not wanting to be around us. We might do something outrageous. We got back to my house and all I wanted to do was eat really. The boys and I walked in and set our things down in my front room. But without another word, Niall picked me up, and took me right back outside. He got into my car, and told me to drive to the nearest McDonalds. Such a great way to relax after I’ve been sitting for 11 hours! But I can’t complain, my stomach was already excited for food.

** Harry’s P.O.V **

After Niall dragged May away, we just sat down on her couch and Liam switched on the telly. (A/N: lol see what I did there?) And he turned it to ‘Friends’. I sighed and just sat back in my chair. Louis was sitting next to me, and he laid his head down on me. I didn’t sleep a wink on the plane, so I didn’t mind. I closed my eyes as my phone buzzed, so I pulled it out.

“Who is it?” Zayn asked. It was Paul, you know, our body guard.

“It’s Paul; he says were on the telly, channel 5.” Liam picked up the remote, and turned the channel. There we were on the telly, like always. A lady was talking.

“One Direction, the famous boy-band from England, has finally returned from visiting their families to start the next part of their 2012 tour. Have you got tickets?” There was a video of us in the airport this morning, and you could see Niall and May holding hands as Niall made sure May wasn’t hurt.

“As most of you know, Niall Horan has announced to the world that he is now dating long time friend, Maeve Rose. He even took her to Ireland, where she and Niall met, for vacation. But are some of the other boys in the band showing interest in her?”

The boys all turned to me and I starred at the telly, wide eyed. The screen flashed to a picture, but not of me and May, of Liam and May! They were sitting in Starbucks with Liam’s hand over May’s and May smiling gently. We all turned to Liam.

“I don’t like her! I have Danielle!” He protested. The women came on again.

“Other band member, Liam Payne was spotted in London, England, having lunch with Maeve. But, not only this, but we also have a video of them!”

The screen flashed to a video of Liam and May. It was quiet in the restaurant, but you couldn’t hear what they were saying. Then you saw Liam put his hand over May’s and May smiled gently. They continued talking before they were both smiling. The video stopped.

“But increase the sound, it seems like May has her eye on someone other than Niall.” The video started again, but you could hear them this time. May started.

“I like Niall as a friend, and only a friend. He needs to understand I love Harry.” She said. My face heated up. I turned to Liam and he turned to me.

“She didn’t say that! Sorry Harry. She said she trusts you, but only likes you as a friend! She loves Niall!” I nodded, angry for the reporter lying. It’s one thing that reporters and paparazzi makes things up about is, but it’s another when they go after our friends. The lady still continued.

“Is being in a band getting too much for Maeve? What’s next for Niall and Maeve’s romance? Go to our Facebook page and tell us what you think! After commercial we’ll tell you about Adele announcing she’s pregnant! Only here, stay tuned!” The lady smiled sickly and it went to commercial. I looked at the other boys. Liam spoke first.

“I don’t even know how they caught this! There were no reporters or anything, I swear.” Zayn frowned.

“It doesn’t matter, they did get it. The thing that matters is that Niall will not see this.” We all nodded except for Liam.

“No, he needs to see it then we can explain it’s not true!” I shrugged at Liam.

“What if Niall doesn’t believe us? He’s over protective about her, and if he sees his own friends hitting on her, and then May saying that she loves me, not Niall, he’d freak out.”

Liam sighed. “Fine, play it your way. But when they break up again because you all decided to keep this a secret, then don’t come crying to me.” He stood up and walked towards the kitchen. We all looked at each other. Let’s hope this works out.

** Niall’s P.O.V **

I and May ate at McDonalds; or rather we went through the drive through. I ordered a Big Mac, large fry and large drink, and May just ordered a burger, medium fry and medium drink. I paid and we started back home. We listened to the radio on the way home and ‘Call Me Maybe’ came on, and she started singing. I know that reminded me of when I met her again, almost two months ago. It seems like longer, as me and her have known each other for such a long time, and she’s already best of friends with the guys. It couldn’t be more perfect with us. The song ended and some other song came on. I took a fry out of the bag and poked her cheek.

“Want a fry?” I asked. She smiled, still not taking her eyes off the road.

“Sure.” She responded and opened her mouth. I stuck the fry in and she chewed it up and swallowed. I fed her another fry and she smiled at me. I looked at her and smiled. She saw me out of the corner of her eye.

“What?” She asked smiling. I took her hand.

“I love you.” I said. She blushed.

“I love you too.” She giggled. “Isn’t it weird that only four years ago we were only best friends, and you were dating Holly?” Niall laughed.

“Yeah, I remember. But I’m glad I asked you out when I did.” She smiled even bigger and we pulled into her drive way. We got out and walked inside, where the boys were all sitting in the living room talking in whispers.

“Hey guys, vas happenin?” May asked. Zayn looked up.

“Hey that’s my line!” He exclaimed. She laughed and put her food on a plate.

“Hope you guys found something in the fridge, because we didn’t get you anything at McDonalds.” She told them, and they nodded. I sat down on the couch with May and we looked at what they were watching.

“SpongeBob!” I yelled and May smiled big. They all got up and turned to us.

“May, can we speak to you for a second?” They asked. May looked confused and nodded, getting up. I looked at Harry.

“Without Niall. Sorry dude.” They all walked out of the room, leaving me to watch SpongeBob and eat my food. They came back in and May with a stressed look on her face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing!” She replied, a little too fast. She coughed a bit, clearing her throat. “I mean nothing.” She said a little more convincing, but I still didn’t believe her. I nodded, just deciding to drop the subject. I turned back to the T.V, and May continued eating. She kept shuffling in her seat, changing position. I could tell whatever the boys told her made her really uncomfortable. Maybe just being in the same room as me was uncomfortable. We finished eating and a couple hours of just sitting around later, the boys said they were going to go. I told them I was going to spend the night over here, to which they agreed and left. Around eight, May decided she wanted to go to bed. I let her, she was being really weird all day, and she looked like she needed some sleep. And here’s where I decided to find out what’s going on.

I got on her computer, and decided to go to her Tumblr first, and went to the One Direction tag. Nothing out of the ordinary, just tons of pictures of me and the boys. I came upon a video about halfway through, with the caption, ‘I wonder what Niall thinks about this?’, and had about 7,000 notes. I decided to play it. I turned the volume down; to make sure May didn’t hear it. The video started and it was off of like a talk show.

“One Direction, the famous boy-band from England, has finally returned from visiting their families to start the next part of their 2012 tour. Have you got tickets?”

A video started of us in the airport this morning, and you could see me and May. I was making sure May wasn’t feeling uncomfortable about all the fans, and we were holding hands. But I had a bad feeling that this interview was going only south from here.

“As most of you know, Niall Horan has announced to the world that he is now dating long time friend, Maeve Rose. He even took her to Ireland, where she and Niall met, for vacation. But are some of the other boys in the band showing interest in her?”

My face dropped. My eyes widened. What? What? WHAT?! I kept watching the video, basically torturing myself. But it only got worse as the women continued.

“Other band member, Liam Payne was spotted in London, England, having lunch with Maeve. But, not only this, but we also have a video of them!”

A video popped up of Liam and May, and the video progressed, until the end where Liam grabbed May’s hand and they were both smiling at each other. I didn’t want to believe it, especially Liam, my best friend. Liam was so trustworthy; he wouldn’t do something like this.

“But increase the sound, it seems like May has her eye on someone other than Niall.” The video started again, but you could hear them this time. May started.

“I like Niall as a friend, and only a friend. He needs to understand I love Harry.”

That was it. I slammed the computer down and ran upstairs, into May’s room. I turned the lights on and May rolled over.

“How dare you!” I yelled, my jealousy getting the best of me. May instantly started crying.

“You saw the video, didn’t you? None of its true Niall trust me.” I watched her as she cried helplessly into her hands. My anger died and I sat next to her and hugged her to me.

“May I’m sorry. I should have known you wouldn’t do that. Its ok, I’m sorry for yelling. Please don’t cry. I love you.” She hugged me back and cried into my chest. I felt so bad that I was the reason I made her cry.

“No Niall, I’m sorry. I should have told you. That’s what the boys told me about today. I thought if you didn’t see it and we didn’t tell you, you wouldn’t be so mad.” I totally understood her. I kissed her forehead and laid her back down.

“It’s ok.” Was all I said. I lay down next to her still in my jeans and I pulled her close to me. A couple of minutes later I heard her soft breathing, indicating she fell asleep. I laid there for a few minutes.

‘I can be a huge idiot sometimes.’ I thought and laughed.


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