Her Life Of Maybes

By Adrianna_Lee

2.5K 103 31

After her first run in with cancer as a kid, Trinity doesn't think she'll ever have to worry about it again... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
End Note
Bonus Chapter

Chapter Eighteen

78 3 1
By Adrianna_Lee

"So Friday is senior skip day."

It was Wednesday. Trinity and Julian were sitting in her kitchen after school eating lunch. Julian was looking at Trinity like his statement should be news to her.

"I'm aware. What do you want to do that day?"

"Well, I made some plans for us."

Trin snorted, pushing the food around on her plate. Her boyfriend could come across as a real douche sometimes. "Am I entitled to know the specifics of these plans, master?"

Julian wasn't amused by her jokes. "You know, I was going to tell you that I got us tickets to an Ed Sheeran concert and borrowed my friends RV for a camping trip, but if you're going to be a bitch I'll just cancel everything."

Trinity didn't respond for a moment. Her brain was still trying to process and kept faltering at Ed's name.

"What?" she whispered in disbelief.

Julian hummed moodily. "Yeah and I already got your parents permission and invited Sky for you. Like I said though, you obviously don't appreciate the surprise so I'll cancel."

Trinity hopped up immediately and made her way over to Julian. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please tell me you're not joking?"

He ignored her and kept eating his food.

"Juuuules," she dragged his name out in a whiny voice. "I said I'm sorry. Forgive me?"

"No," he murmured, pouting.

She turned his body towards her and stepped between his legs. Her fingers trailed softly over his shoulders and up his neck.

"Please?" she questioned sadly.

He shook his head.

After grabbing his hand, she pulled him up to her height. Pressing her body against his, she ran her nails lightly down his back and kissed under his jaw.

"You sure you won't forgive me," she questioned, her lips moving against his skin.

He coughed lightly and fidgeted, leaning from foot to foot. "Oh my fucking gosh Trinity."

Trinity let out a loud laugh leaning up to give a light bite to the side of his neck. "I'll take that as a yes."

He laughed and wrapped his arms around her lower back. "You shouldn't. I really want to cancel now that you've got me all hot and bothered." One hand traveled down to her butt and he winked in a flirting manner.

"I hope things are staying PG in here Julian, I'd hate to have to remove your hands from your body."

Julian's hands immediately dropped when Trinity's dad walked in. "Sorry bout that, Sir. You're daughter is sort of irresistible and she started it. Evil little temptress, she is."

"You're not helping your cause."

Trinity giggled at her two favorite men. "He was just telling me about the trip, Daddy."

Her dad leaned against the counter, sipping his coffee. "Ah yes, this trip. You know, me and your mother didn't agree to this lightly. You'll be missing tomorrow and Friday and you'll also be gone the whole weekend. You need to call everyday and take all your medicines. We can't be with you, so we're trusting you to be an adult and take care of yourself. And, Julian, we're trusting you to pick up where she lacks in those responsibilities. Don't fuck up, you two. Got it?"

"Got it!"

Trinity rushed to give her father a kiss on the cheek and pulled Julian after her, up to her room so they could pack.

Her dad watched after the young adults and smiled. If that boy could make his daughter light up like that so soon before her pending death, he would always be welcomed to be with her and spoil her the way she deserved.

Julian and Trinity pulled up to Sky's house early Thursday morning in a large RV. There were two bunks and a couch, with more than enough room to get through between the three of them. Trinity leaned over Julian to honk the horn obnoxiously, not ceasing until she saw Skylar's hand reach out her front door with a certain naughty finger in the air.

Julian laughed at the two girls and gently pushed his girlfriend's hand out of the way. "Give her a chance for goodbyes, darling."

Sky took a few more minutes before she bounded down her front steps and up to the RV with a medium sized duffel bag in hand. She yanked the door open and peeked in at her two friends cheekily. "Hello, bitches. Let's get this party started."

And so their trip began. Julian had to drive about an hour out to get to the arena that Ed's show would be in. The ride was never quiet, filled with either conversations, loud laughter, or just the sounds of the three teenagers belting out to the songs flowing out of the iPod that was hooked to the stereo.

When they finally arrived, Julian parked in the back of the arena, near the tour buses and crews cars.

Trinity looked at him with large eyes. "Uhm, I don't think we're supposed to park here."

Julian rolled his eyes. "Don't worry about it. How bout the both of you go get ready. Quick though, I have one more surprise."

Trinity's mind immediately began racing. She didn't want to get her hopes up too high, but she couldn't help it. If Julian was going to do what she thought he was going to do, she'd fall apart. In her haste to find out the surprise, getting ready only took twenty minutes (with hair and makeup). Sky took slightly longer and Trinity was getting impatient.

"Come on you idiot, hurry up!"

Sky simply ignored her. Ten minutes later, she was done and Trinity was the first one outside of the vehicle.

Julian smiled at the girls eagerness. The sun was breaking through the few clouds in the sky, and the rays lit up her face perfectly. Her smile was wider than he had seen it in weeks and there was a hop in her step that he had never seen at all. He was glad he could bring this amount of happiness to her and he knew his upcoming plans would only further her joy.

He caught both girls arms and threw his own around their shoulders. "This way ladies."

They let him guide them to a sketchy looking back entrance. He knocked and smiled at the buff man who answered. He let them through immediately, smiling in return.

Trinity was a ball of anxiety. "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit," she whispered frantically under her breath.

The group walked down a series of hallways until Julian halted them at a particular door. "Ready?" he questioned.

Neither girl could answer.

The door opened and the ginger haired god stood there in all of his glory.

Trinity couldn't hold it in. "Holy shit," she let out as a half scream.

Ed turned fully to see the three teens and laughed. "Julian, my man, how's things?"

Julian stepped forward to give the singer one of those bro-hugs, laughing as he did. "Great dude. Excited for the concert. You going to be playing a few of those new tunes?"

Ed gave a lazy grin. "Course bro. Who are these beautiful ladies with you?"

Julian pulled them both forward, putting a teasing hand to Sky's head, slightly ruffling her hair. "This is my new friend, Sky."

Ed grabbed her up in a hug. "Cheers, love."

Sky retreated with a red face. She didn't blush often so the rosy tint in her cheeks caused Trinity to laugh, bringing the attention to her.

"And this," Julian continued, "this is my girlfriend Trinity. I told you about her."

Ed smiled, "Yeah, the special girl whose got my pal's heart. Hear you're a massive fan?"

Trinity nodded dumbly. "Huge fan. I love you and your music. All of your songs are so real and relatable, they can reach anybody. You're such a musical genius, I admire everything about you."

Ed got a red face as he laughed. "Quite the charmer, aren't you?"

He hugged Trinity as well before directing them all to a different, lounge looking room. There was about an hour before the show that they spent talking about everything and anything, including how Julian knew Ed Sheeran.

"Well," Julian began, "he's just one of the many artist who has been through the studio. I've helped with a few songs and we just became friends."

"Yeah," Ed interjected. "Julian's always been a good pal who has never taken advantage of me or the "fame" I've got. So, when he asked for tickets, it was the least I could do to repay him for the friendship he's given me over the years."

Trinity smiled at her boy. So many people spoke so highly of him and his friendship. It was true, he was a guy who cherished the people in his life, never pushing boundaries.

They chatted a few more minutes before a crew member came in to announce the show would be starting soon.

Before the left, Ed grabbed Trinity and brought her off to the side. "I hope that you don't mind, but Julian told me about your condition."

Trinity's face burned. "Don't worry about it, it's not serious."

Ed was already shaking his head. "No, no. Don't downplay it. You're sick and it sucks, but it's not anything you should feel shame over. I just wanted to say your seats are in front of the barrier, separate from the crowd. More comfortable for you, yeah?"

Trinity smiled at the kind musician. "You don't have to give me pity seats. I would have been okay in the crowd, honestly."

"Hey, you're Julian's girl. It's not pity, it's friendliness. Anybody important to him is important to me,okay?"

Ed put his arms out tentatively. Trin smiled and hugged him tightly. "Thank you."

"No problem, love. Go have fun now, yeah?"

Trinity gave him one last grin before leaving the room in search of her companions. Julian caught her hand as soon as she exited the door and winked. "This way, darling."

All in all, the concert was mind blowing. Ed played all of his songs from Plus and some of his less known music too. As promised, he played some of his new stuff as well. Compared to the first album, the songs had a darker feel to them, but they were just as captivating. The concert was coming to a close as Ed announced his last song.

"Next, I'm singing Kiss Me. I have a buddy in the audience who asked me to say that he dedicates this song to Trinity, the light of his life."

Trinity turned to Julian with tearful eyes. He grinned and his lips began moving in time with the song.

Settle down with me

Cover me up

Cuddle me in

Lie down with me

And hold me in your arms

Julian pulled Trinity close, pressing their bodies together.

And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck

I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet

And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

This feels like falling in love

Falling in love

We're falling in love

Settle down with me

And I'll be your safety

You'll be my lady

I was made to keep your body warm

But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms

He was singing to her. He was really singing to her. He had Ed basically dedicate his affection for her to a massive arena full of people. She couldn't believe it.

Oh no

My heart's against your chest, your lips pressed to my neck

I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet

And with this feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

This feels like falling in love

Falling in love

We're falling in love

Yeah I've been feeling everything

From hate to love

From love to lust

From lust to truth

I guess that's how I know you

So I hold you close to help you give it up

Trinity could feel the massive amounts of water running down her face, surely ruining the makeup she had applied haphazardly, but she couldn't find it in herself to care. She was in shock at the beautiful angel that had fallen into her life right when she needed it. He was everything she could wish for and everything she could never even dream of.

So kiss me like you wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

This feels like falling in love

Falling in love

We're falling in love

Kiss me like you wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

This feels like falling in love

Falling in love

We're falling in love

And they really were.


AAH. I really like this chapter if I do say so myself. It isn't spellchecked/edited/looked over at all really, so sorry for any mistakes. I'm too exhausted to check for them right now.


Kiss Me//Ed Sheeran


-Alyssa xx

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