Just go with it! [Book 1]

De Jmommy2017

739 49 4

Eighteen year old Jessabell has moved to a new town her senior year, and is trying to enjoy her last year of... Mais

The beginning
New day
First day
The crew
Weekend Fun
Let the party begin
After Party
Pool Day
Lazy Sunday
High School Drama
Birthday Gift
Before the fun
Birthday celebration
Late night walk
When it hits the fan
What the F!
The cabin
Happy new year!
Girl Talk
Ups and Downs
Just breathe
What to think
What to do
Best and Worst day
Holy Moly


16 2 0
De Jmommy2017

Fast forward Two weeks and here we are awkwardly waiting in the waiting room of my Dr office. Kayden, His parents, Dakota, Ma and I. I don't understand why there all here when they don't even want these baby's. It's so confusing but here we are. I want this to be a happy moment for me and I feel like it's becoming one that's causing me nothing but anxiety. Dakota and Ma must be feeling the same way. Ma is tapping her feet a million miles a minute and Dakota is about to chew off her acrylics. Kayden and his parents are sitting together talking amongst each other, while I stare at everyone waiting for my name to be called.

As we all squeeze in the room everyone sits around me staring at the screen waiting for the baby's to pop up on it. I feel really exposed having to lift my shirt and showing my belly in front of my ex boyfriend and his parents. The tech squirts the warm geek on my belly and starts to move the wand around my belly and my two beautiful babies show on the screen. The tech shows us the hearts and lungs making sure everything looks good. She informs us she is now going to try and get the sex of both baby's. I'm so excited I squeeze mom as we smile at each other and over at Dakota. I ignore Kayden and his parents I'm not going to let them ruin this moment for me."So as you can see here Baby A is a Boy and Baby B is a Girl" she says happily. Ma Dakota and I squeal from excitement! "Congratulations! Here's a towel to clean up enjoy the rest of your day" she says smiling walking out of the room. Oh my gosh I got so lucky I got a Boy and a girl! I cry happy tears with Ma, Kayden and his parents smile at each other tell me congratulations and walk out of the room. "This so amazing!" I say happily. "Lets go get lunch and celebrate! And we can talk about names!" Ma says smiling. "Yes let's get some wings!" Dakota joins.

After we're done eating we sit and talk baby name's. There's so many to choose from! I'm glad the names are up to me and me only makes it easier to choose. We joke and laugh at some of the names and it turned out to be such a great Friday. Ma dropped Dakota at her house and we went home. Dakota is staying at her dad's this weekend so it's just me and the tv sense Ma picked up a co workers shift. "Have a good time at work Ma, Thanks for being there with me today." I say hugging her bye. "I love you Jessabell, today was amazing." She says hugging me back before leaving.I

As I scroll through the channels I can't really focus I keep thinking of baby name's instead. I rub my belly hoping i come up with the prefect names for them. I feel my phone vibrate. KAYDEN

K: Hey can I come over so we can talk?

I really don't know what we have to talk about at this point. But whatever i guess right?

J: Sure...
K: walking over now

I hear him knocking so I let him in and sit back in the living room. I scroll through the channels for a bit before choosing a horror film. We're both just watching the movie and not talking. "So what's up? What did you want to talk about ?" I ask. "Just about today, I can't believe your having a boy and a girl it's crazy to think about." He says more to himself then me. "Yeah I'm so excited we been talking about names all day for them." I say with a smile. He looks over at me then walks over placing a hand on my belly. It's a little awkward him kneeling in front of me on the couch staring at my belly. "You honestly think we would be able to raise them well?" He ask. " I know I'll be able to raise them the best I can. I'm willing to give it my all. You don't have to try because you feel bad, or come to the Dr and what not just because you feel like your obligated or something." I say in one big jumble of words. I just had to clear the air. "Yeah Jessabell I know that, I care about you it's not like that just disappeared I'm just scared and don't know what do to. I've been a idiot." He says still rubbing my belly. "I just feel like it's easy just to say give them up for adoption but when I seen them and when I feel your belly, it makes me feel like I could do this." He says quietly. I stay quiet I don't know what to say I didn't expect him to say this. He's been surprising me these past few times we've spoken. So we both just sit there quietly him rubbing my belly and me just watching him.

It's a couple hours later Kayden is still over we just finished watching some tv show about baking cakes. Being around him always makes me have mixed emotions. I want to stay mad at him for being a total piece of shit this past month and a half, but when he acts like this it's like we were before I was pregnant. "So I got accepted to the University of California." I say proudly. Better now that he knows then later. His head snaps over to me. "Your going to be moving to California right before you have the babies?! Your gonna be there all alone with newborns?" He says looking at me like I have 3 heads. "Well yeah I guess." I say a little less confidently. "Who's going to be watching the babies while your at school? And how am I supposed to see them?" He say more annoyed now. "Hey stop attacking me, you just started wanting to be in there lives as of like 2 hours ago! I'm going to figure it all out okay!?" I say aggravated. Honestly I didn't even think about who would watch them while I was in class. I won't know anyone there it'll just be me and the babies. I think he can see it all registering through my head also. "Hey I'm sorry okay, I wasn't trying to put you down or anything. I just feel like I realized What I want and now your telling me your leaving with them." He says quietly. I walk over to him and put my arm over his shoulder and give him a nudge. "I'm not trying to take them away from you, not that you have been the best lately but this is just something I've always wanted. I'm not doing this maliciously. We still have a couple months to figure this out." I say reassuringly . I don't know why I'm comforting him, he has been an Ass and doesn't deserve my kindness but it's just not in me to be a mean person when someone is down. I naturally comfort people I guess. He looks over at me and before I know it places a kiss on my lips, I kiss him back before quickly pulling away once I realize what were doing. "What are you doing Kayden?" I ask pulling back from him. "Kissing you, I've missed you Jessabell." he says looking over at me. "Okay? You chose not to be around me and you got right back with your ex!" I say pissed. "I know and I was a fucking idiot okay? Sense we talked outside your house I haven't seen her again I swear." He says honestly. I didn't know he stopped seeing her. "Well you should have never started in the first place!" I basically yell at him. "I know Jessabell! I'm sorry okay?! I wish I could take it back but I can't! I'm young and dumb and made a mistake!" He yells back. "How many times are you going to use that as an excuse Kayden!?" I yell. He sighs in frustration hanging his head down. "I'm sorry for yelling" he says coming over towards me leaning down to my belly. "I'm sorry for arguing with you I know it's not good for us or the babies." He says talking to my belly. I want to believe him but I can't right now, not fully. "Yeah me too." I say rubbing a hand threw his hair.

After we fought we decided we had spoke enough about our problems for one night and that we would go out to a picnic tomorrow and try to discuss our problems then. I let him sleep over , him on the couch an I took my bed. I fell asleep quickly and slept really good. I woke up and decided to take a quick shower before getting Kayden up to shower. I throw on a cute pair of overalls and throw my hair up into a pony tail. I gently nudge Kayden awake and he heads to take a shower. I get all or food and drinks together in a basket and grab a blanket for us to sit on.

The drive was short and quiet, a comfortable silence as we enjoyed the scenery. We both got out and picked a nice shady spot by a tree and set up our stuff. It was weird hanging with Kayden again after everything that had happened in such a short period of time, but it felt good at the same time. I think we were both a little nervous about how today was going to go. Hopefully it would go well with no yelling or crying. The park was pretty busy considering it was a Saturday and such a beautiful day. People were playing soccer dogs were running around splashing in the lake it was a good atmosphere I think. We started eating before either of us spoke. I figure we didn't want to ruin the good vibe going around. "So what Now?" I asked shyly. "I don't really know. Where do we start?" He asked. I took a sip of my drink thinking about where to start. "I guess let's start with the babies. I'll do everything I can to help and be there for you and them. I'll need to talk to my parents and tell them were keeping them." He said confidently smiling. "Okay that sounds good to me." I say smiling back. It feels good to hear him say he wants them too. "Next I guess is us. I don't know what you want Jessabell, but if you can could you try to give me another chance. Could you do that?" He asks. This is the hard part, I want to say yes but I wouldn't trust him all the way and I'd be leaving for college soon. I don't know what the right thing to do is. "I don't know Kayden, you really broke my trust with you. I don't want to be stressed about what your doing and who your with. I don't think that would be fair to you, me or the baby's." I say playing with my food. He looks upset but doesn't say anything about it. "Okay. I guess we can take things slow and see how it goes. Does that sound good? " he asks having taking my hand. "Yeah I don't see the harm in that, build back some trust without the stress of titles." I say keeping his hand in mine. "So have you picked any names yet?" he asks curiously. "Well I've got a couple in mind. I like Raylin, Indigo and Rilynn for a girl. Which one do you like out of the three?" I ask. He thinks for a moment before saying "Rilynn is my favorite.". Well I'm glad he likes one of them."For boy names I liked Carter, Hunter and Dax." I say looking at him. He grabs his chin in thought rolling the names around in his head. "I don't really like any of those names." He says shyly. "Well I guess We can think of some more" I say with a smile. I wasn't to sure about the boy names either so no biggie. We continue our day like this, no arguing just relaxing and talking about our babies.

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