Risen From the Ashes

By Vsdninja

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{Incomplete/On Hiatus} Two and a half years ago, Ke'aysha Moore lost her family and everything she knew. Tod... More

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By Vsdninja

Jaz and I were sitting at the table eating breakfast together. She was eating waffles and bacon and I was having oatmeal in the morning. It was Sunday morning and Mr.Weston was still in our company. I wasn't happy about it, but I had no right to push Alex's father away. I'm not sure what they talked about a few nights ago, but Alex has been different since. He's sitting in his study most of the days reading this large book I haven't seen before. He wasn't opening up as much and he wasn't sleeping well. The last one to talk to him fine was his father and I was going to find out what he told him. 

Just in time, Alex's father stepped into the dining hall and had his own plate from an outside restaurant. He took the items off the bag and pushed the bag to the side. Pancakes and sausage. I couldn't help but be annoyed that he wouldn't just eat the food that was already in the house. I ignored that and moved onto something more important. "Good morning," he greeted, but I ignored it. 

"What'd you tell Alex three nights ago?" Jaz wasn't aware of what was happening, or maybe she is. Alex isn't around and I could see a little sadness in Jaz's eyes that would anger me because I knew he was still in the house, but wouldn't spend his time with us. 

I watched my father-in-law closely as he looked me dead in the eyes without a beat. His static facial features would intimidate me if I wasn't wanting my Alexander back. His eyes darted to Jaz who was sitting beside me, unaware of the situation happening on the table. I had a feeling I knew what was running through his mind, but I didn't really like it. 

"I'm not sure what you're talking about." He said. 

My blood pressure was starting to rise with this man. I knew he wasn't going to tell me because Jazmyne was in the room and I was over it. If the Westons don't tell me what's going on, then I'm going to make someone tell me. 

I stood up from my seat and left my breakfast there as I left the room. I was trying to control my anger, but Christina was awake and that was getting kind of hard for me to control. 

This isn't fair. Something's wrong and your mate is not telling you something. 

I know. I don't like it either and it's going to change. Now. 

If I wasn't so riled up, I might have knocked on Alex's study door, but I didn't. Alex sat up quickly from his book that had his attention for days, his appearance ruffed up from lack of sleep and him running his hand through his hair all day. His eyes were slightly red-shot and strained. Last night he hadn't come to bed. He was reading this stupid book all day and night. I crossed my arms, furious with him at this point, "Alexander."

My voice brought him back to reality as he glanced at the clock on the wall and saw the time. He hadn't even noticed the sun had risen. "Is something wrong?" He asked me, his voice breaking and scratchy. 

I stepped closer to his desk and started to close this book, "Yes. You've been absent for the last couple of days. That's the problem." 

Alex laid back in his chair, his bones popping like popcorn. "Sweetie, it's just a little research, it's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal!" I could feel Christina coming forward as I gripped the book with newfound claws. "Are you kidding me!?" I yelled.

Alex looked down at the book and saw my claws bearing into it. He jumped into action, trying to pry my hands off the book, "You're gonna rip it!"

I was starting to on my first instincts, more than angry at him at this point. "Good! Maybe if I rip it to shreds, you'll be a Father and a Mate again!" 

Alex's wolf came forward in defense, his eyes shifting to jet black in an attempt to scare me, "I am always a father and a mate! I'm doing what's good for us!" 

"By abandoning us?!" I was going to burn this book to ashes, "I'll be fucking damned, Alexander!" 

There was a quiet knock at the door behind us and we both turned, our wolves still present, "What!"

The door opened and it was Jazmyne who had come to get our attention. I quickly turned back to my human form, not wanting to scare her and think we were about to fight each other. I cleared my throat, trying to stay calm for her, "Yes, sweetie?" 

She stepped into the room for a second, "There are people in the throne room for Daddy." 

I glared back at Alex. "Who would you have visiting you right now?" I couldn't imagine what would be more important than us having a conversation about his absence these last couple of days. 

Alex was already moving out of the room towards where he was requested and I was right on his heels, "I don't know, Ke'aysha." He warned. 

I wasn't a fan of his tone, but still, I stopped talking to get information. Jaz was behind me and she looked a little worried. I wasn't sure if it was because of the two of us or our arguing moments before. 

As we entered the room, we saw five professional looking men sitting and waiting for our appearance. Or maybe just Alex's. 

My mate became static as he saw the five men. I wasn't sure if he knew them or not, but it wasn't going to be a pleasant encounter. "Can I help you, gentlemen?" He asked. 

The tallest, strongest looking man stepped forward first, seems to be the leader of this small group that was before us. He had dark skin, darker than Alex's and his shoulders were broader than Alex's. I've never seen anyone that could outdo Alex when it came to intimidation, but this guy was it. He glanced at me and I couldn't help but want to feel protected by Alex right now. 

The large man spoke, "Alpha Alexander Weston?"

Alexander felt my presence behind him and he reached down and held my hand as he stood before the men, "Yes. Can I help you?" 

The large man finally introduced himself, "I am Alpha Noah Everett and behind me stands packs M'Baku, Bolten, Zhang, and Anderson." Alex became rigid. He knew these people or at least their names. I had to question why they had come together to confront Alex like this. I was missing out on something. "We are the re-established Council of the Wolves." 

A council? I looked to Alex for some type of guidance for what he happening, but he was lost in his own world. I tried to pull him out of it, "Alexander?" There was no response from him. I didn't like what was happening. 

Alpha Everett stepped forward to Alex, almost standing chest to chest to him and staring into his soul. "We hereby charge you, Alpha Alexander Weston,  with three accounts of grande murder of packs Dartmouth, Griffin, and Moore."   

My world shattered. 

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