At The Beginning *Benjamin Lo...

By ArianaToretto1327

17.2K 378 23

At The Beginning based on the song from the movie Anastasia. Emmett and Rosalie adopted a young girl from an... More

Jasmine Cullen
Bella Wakes Up
Family Time
The Dream
"You Did What?!?!"
"Show Time"
Houston We Have A Problem
Hello Handsome

Bella vs. Dad

1.3K 34 0
By ArianaToretto1327

So a half an hour later Charlie left, watching him leave was Bella, Uncle Edward, Uncle Jasper, Dad and I, I am really impressed with how Bella handled things especially as a newborn.

Jasper: Well done, Bella. Never seen a newborn show that kind of restraint.
Emmett: I'm not sure she is  a newborn. She's so tame.
Edward: Emmett, don't antagonize her. She's the strongest one in the house.
Jasmine: Yeah Dad. She's probably stronger than you too.
Emmett: (Snort) Please. (Cracks his knuckles)
Jasmine: This outta be good.

The whole family except for Mom and Renessme were in the backyard anxious to see this arm wrestling match between Bella and my dad. Its just so funny to even say or even see it actually happen hahahahaha. So I got my phone out and ready to keep this as proof or whenever it is needed for future references. Dad come stacked these big boulder one by one in order to make a table. Before they got started, Uncle Edward gave my dad a very clear warning.

Edward: Don't hurt yourself, Emmett.

Again my dad didn't listen. Oh well, ready to see my dad get beat YES I AM!!!

Jasper: Alright on 3. 1...2....3

Right after that my dad was putting everything in him in this match, but didn't make any success. Which caused Bella to chuckle and it was her turn to give him a taste of his own medicine. And BAM!!! She broke the boulder table. Shocked and impressed!

Bella: Did you see that?

She started punching and kicking the boulder in victory.  Causing us all to laugh while my dad had pain in his arm.

Bella: Thank you.

Then she walked into the sunlight. My dad saw me with my phone out.

Emmett: Don't say or show anything about this to your mother.
Jasmine: Hahaha. You got it Old Man. Of course it will have to cost you.
Emmett: Are- are you black mailing me?
Jasmine: I would say " No" but that would be called "Lying".
Emmett: Alright how much?
Jasmine: I want a car
Emmett: What?
Jasmine: AND! A nice hot motorcycle.
Emmett: WHAT?!?! Oh you gotta be kidding me. No way!
Jasmine: Either that or I show this video to Mom. You wouldn't want that now do you?

A few hours later Dad and Uncle Jasper came home with these....

Emmett: Consider this as a graduation present and not as black mail.
Jasmine: You got it! Thanks, Dad. I love you!
Emmett: Yeah yeah. I love you too.
Jasmine: (mutters) Thank you, Bella. Wow!

  No really.... Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way I know this has nothing to do with the story but I would REALLY appreciate it if you guys would read my other stuff and hopefully you will like them and spread the word. Thank you for your time.

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