"You Did What?!?!"

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I woke this morning still confused about the dream I just couldn't get out of my head. Whoever you are,  you completely made me  happy girl in my dreams.

I came downstairs happy as ever, and nothing and no one could ruin this mood. I started humming Clean Bandit's song Rather Be, it's my favorite song and makes me smile even more due to this beautiful dream. I was skipping into the kitchen (which I never do, skipping that is), opened the refrigerator to grab an apple only to see half of my family staring at me like I have 3 heads. I didn't even hear them come in, but I was scared once I shut the door to see my Aunt Alice with a smile on her face.

Jasmine: (Shuts the door) Ahh!!!! Aunt Alice you scared me!
Alice: Well right now you're scaring me.
Jasmine: How is that?
Alice: Oh come on, Jasmine! You wake up in the morning, all happy with a million dollar smile, skipping around the house, not really hunger and eating healthy? Who are you? And what have you done with my normal niece.
Jasmine: Haha. Relax Auntie, I'm just in a really good mood today.

She takes me away from the kitchen and into the living room, looks around so nobody is around.
Alice: Is it a boy?
Jasmine: Uh what? What gave you that idea?
Alice: Because you only act like that about boys.
Jasmine: Damn you know me so well.
Alice: Don't you forget it. Now tell me about this boy.

So I told her everything about the dream without skipping a single detail, and once I told her about his eyes she seemed a little frightened for me  but once I told her what he said she softened up.

Alice: So you have no idea who he is?
Jasmine: No clue! I don't know what to do. But I shouldn't worry about it though. 1. It was just a dream 2. It wasn't real. 3. And I will probably never see this guy. It's just I can't get my mind off of him. The way he held me, it made me feel like I was a part of him. And the way he kissed me.... pheeeww he rocked my dream's world haha. It was like we were made for each other, and I couldn't live my life without him. Again, what's the point? It's not like I'm ever gonna see him again. I'm not even sure he is even real.
Alice: You don't that for sure, just have a little faith I'm something good is gonna come out of this.
Jasmine: I hope so.
Alice: I know so.
Jasmine: Thank you Aunt Alice, I am so happy that I can come to you about anything and I am really grateful to have you as my awesome aunt haha.
Alice: And I am truly honored. Let's keep this between us okay? You don't want your parents to hear about this and go crazy on you.
Jasmine: I thought they already were crazy.

We stopped for a minute and looked at each other so serious, that in a split second we started laughing hysterically.

Alice: Okay, now that we had some girl talk, let's go hang out with the others.

It was just me, dad, Jake, and Grandpa hanging out in the other room, while Mom was out with the baby again. I was listening to some music while Dad was reading the paper, Jake was watching Renesmee (Awwww so cute) as a protector, and Grandpa was doing something with his laptop. I sometimes wonder about that man, but yet I am better not knowing. We turned our heads to hear heels hitting the floor to see Uncle Edward and Bella coming in.

Emmett: Wow. Done already?
Jasmine: ( scoffs) Dad stop please.
Bella: Where's Renesmee?
Jacob: Blondie stole her.
Jasmine: Seriously, Jake? My mother has a name.
Jacob: Okay fine. Rosalie stole her. Happy?
Jasmine: (sarcastically) Extatic.
Emmett: Break a lot of stuff?
I could her all the snickering from the men in the room.
Jasmine: Dad! Gross!
Bella: Emmett. No.

The phone started to ring, we all knew who it was, and so did Bella by the sad look on her face.

Bella: Is that Charlie?
Edward: He's been calling twice a day.
Jacob: He's in pretty rough shape.
Carlisle: Eventually, we'll have to tell him that you didn't make it.
Edward: He needs to mourn, Bella.
Bella: (looking hurt) Okay. We'll do it tomorrow.
Emmett: (gets up) I'm gonna miss this place. Come on, Sweetheart.
Carlisle: We'll come back. We always do.
Jasmine: Whoa whoa whoa. Rewind and freeze! What are you talking about here?
Jacob: Yeah I'm with Jazz on this one. Nobody said anything about leaving.
Carlisle: Once people believe Bella's dead, we can't risk anyone seeing her.
Jacob: So you just disappear?
Jasmine: And just leave all the memories we had in this house like nothing?
Edward: Guys, we don't have another choice.
Jasmine: Do I at least get a say in this? Dad? Anytime now?
Emmett: This isn't up for a discussion. It's a family situation and we all go together.
Jasmine: Wow, you are so "Father Of The Year" Material. You can pack things yourself I'll be in my room or just a room since this house means absolutely nothing to you. ( Storms upstairs)
Emmett: JASMINE!!
Carlisle: Emmett, let her go. She needs to cool off but don't worry she'll come around.

~ Half an hour later~
Jacob just rushed into my room with a guilty look on his face.
JASMINE: Jake, what are you doing here? My dad will kill us both if he sees you in here.
Jacob: I need your help I've done something and I really need you as support. I have to talk to Bella and Edward about this too.  Will you come with me?
Jasmine: Yeah of course.

Jasmine: You Did What?! (slaps him on the back of the head)
Jacob: Ow! SO much for supporting me. Look, I solved a problem. You were leaving. What did you expect me to do?
Jasmine: Uhhhh how about not tell him!
Bella: You don't realize the danger you've put him in. The Volturi will kill anyone who  knows about us.
Jacob: No, I didn't tell him about you. Just me. I only said you were different.
Edward: And that we have a niece who we adopted.
Jasmine: I mean, seriously, Jake, he's not just gonna let that go. I should just smack you upside the head. Maybe that might bring you back to your senses.
Edward: Did you consider the physical pain he'll put Bella through? It'll be like sticking a white hot branding iron down her throat. That's assuming she can control her thirst.
Jasmine: Ugh I can already imagine.
Jacob: Look, Charlie's been in hell. And I know you'll be much happier with him in your life.
Edward: Jacob, don't try and pretend you're only doing this for anyone but yourself.
Jacob: I'm also doing this for Jasmine.
Jasmine: Seriously, Jake, you're not fooling nobody.
Jacob: Sorry you feel that way because he'll be here in 10 minutes.
All: WHAT?!

At The Beginning *Benjamin Love*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora