20 years (Hogwarts reunion)

By slytherinxpride

39.5K 748 142

20 years. One day, Harry Potter woke up to a tapping sound on the window and he sees and owl with a letter. H... More

Chapter 1 - The Letter
Chapter 2 - The arrival
Characters - The new generation
Looks - The New Generation
Chapter 4 - Others
Chapter 5 - The reveal
Harry and Draco's House
Ginny and Blaise's house
Hermione and her husband's house
I was tagged by ...

Chapter 3 - Preparation

3.2K 66 6
By slytherinxpride

Harry and Draco were nervous. They had been waiting for news from their kids but they had not heard from their twins yet since their arrival at Hogwarts.

As they settled once again in Britain, both adults were working from home as they waited for their job transfers to be accepted. Draco was waiting for a response from the Paediatrics Department at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. On the other hand, Harry was waiting for a response from Britain's Ministry of Magic.

Before going crazy because of worry, the married couple decided to do some work to distract themselves. Waiting for a letter from Athena and Scorpius was excruciating, Harry and Draco were not able to fully concentrate on their respective work. Finally, they put their worries aside and were able to get many things done in their separate offices.

Following their productivity, Draco decided to cook a fantastic dinner for himself and Harry. The husbands settled down on the couch of the sitting room with a glass of wine each and their meals. They talked and kissed as they ate.

Suddenly, they heard a noise coming from the wide windows that were showing the sunset. Two owls were approaching the manor and both had a letter attached to their leg. Harry opened the window to let Athena's beautiful snowy old and Scorpius's ravishing pitch black owl.

As they each took a letter to read, feelings of relief and happiness took over. Draco and Harry were very happy and relieved to receive a letter from both of their kids. As they both read the two letter, they learned that they were enjoying their time at Hogwarts.

Apparently, after the excitement over their last names died down, they did not receive a lot of questions. It seemed as though the other students were afraid to ask or they simply had a healthy respect for Athena and Scorpius's privacy.

Both parents had a weight lifted of their shoulders when they were told that their children were okay and that they were not overwhelmed by invading questions or too much unnecessary attention.

Dear Dad and Papa,

From my arrival to this day, my time at Hogwarts has been wonderful.

Other students from all houses began to ask me and Scorpius plenty of questions about our family after the feast. However, I always stay really vague in my answers. People finally stopped asking violating questions because they understood that they were not going to get an answer from either of us.

Also, I am very happy to say that I was sorted into Slytherin. I was hoping for Ravenclaw but I realized that I was more suited for the snake house. People were very shocked at my sorting that it almost made me proud. You would have laughed at the way their jaws dropped. The student body did eventually get over their shock. Scorp wanted to tell you about his own sorting himself. I respected his wishes but I think you can guess his house.

While on the train, I made plenty of new friends because Scorpius and I met a group of four students that were our age. Their names are Rose and Hugo Weasley (Gryffindor), Molly Zabini (Slytherin) and Ela Longbottom (Hufflepuff). As you can guess, I am closer to Molly because she is in my house. We are also in the same dorm room. Tomorrow, Rose, Ela, Molly and I are going to shop for our dresses for the reunion. I really love it here.

I am really looking forward to seeing you guys again at the reunion.

Love, Athena.

After Athena's letter, Draco and Harry read Scorpius's.

Hey Fathers,

I have been at Hogwarts for four days now and I really enjoy it here.

Athena and I were welcomed very warmly by the other students, especially the ones in our houses. I

am assuming that Athena told you about the friends we made on the train. Hugo is a year older than me but we are very close. I also developed a great friendship with Rose, Hugo's sister. She is in my year and they are both in the same house as me.

As you are aware of the Weasley Tradition and of their constant Gryffindor sorting, you can have guessed that I was sorting into the house of the lion. It was not surprising for the students and the professors that a Potter was sorted into Gryffindor. I am having the best time with Thea at Hogwarts.

I love you and I will be happy to see you at the reunion.

Sincerely, Scorpius.

Draco and Harry were delighted that Athena and Scorpius were pleasantly settled at Hogwarts. The married couple now had no anxious feelings about the reunion. They were going to be going and they were going to hold their heads high. They were proud of their little family but they were even prouder of their children.

The parents finished obsessing of their kids's letter. Draco and Harry were still unpacking and rearranging Malfoy Manor. Despite having magic, it was very long to unpack everything but they did a good job and they were eventually finished. Tomorrow was the 20 Year Reunion. They were still slightly nervous but Athena and Scorpius's letters brought them confidence as they calmed down and stopped stressing.

Draco and Harry were glad and sad to go back to Hogwarts because their old school holds both a lot of good and bad memories. Even with the bad memories, Hogwarts was always going to be their home my home. Draco was ready to face the world and Harry was ready to introduce his family to the world.

Far away, in Scotland and unknown to her parents, Athena was having similar thoughts about the reunion. The reunion was in two days and it was when the big reveal of her family was going to happen.

She was justifiably a little scared because she knew of her papa's role during the war. The female twin knew that her father was a good man. However, she was not naive enough to think that everyone had forgiven him for his actions. Athena was afraid of people's judgement. Scorpius and her knew that the public would judge him for who he used to be and not for who he was now.

Despite those thoughts nagging in the back of her mind, she spent a lot of her time reading and studying in the library. Molly and her had formed a solid friendship. They had similar personalities. The major difference was that Athena was shy and Molly was very confident and outgoing.

Rose, Ela, Molly and Athena went shopping in Hogsmeade to find the perfect dress for the 20th reunion.

Athena found a beautiful one. It was a striking dark blue gown that made her eyes pop and her hair glow. In reality, it was a plain and simple design but it looked magnificent on her. The young girl truly felt beautiful as she tried it on. Athena was going to wear the dress with a diamond necklace, sapphire earrings, a simple and light face of makeup and her hair was going to be in half-up ponytail. It was one of her favorite hairstyles. Finally, she went for silver heeled sandals.

Molly bought an extravagant black dress. It was a more complicated design then Athena's. She was going to wear it with ruby earrings and a silver snake bracelet. Molly wore more makeup then Athena but she still kept it simple. Her hair was going to be intricately braided. Molly decided to wear simple shoes. She bought black pumps for the night of the reunion.

Rose bought a light blue dress that made her hair color pop. She wore gold earrings and a pearl necklace. She chose to wear open toed heels like Athena's but in beige to accentuate the light blue of her dress. Rose curled her red hair into silky curls that framed her face and made her look even more delicate and beautiful then usual.

Ela bought a beautiful Burgundy dress. She wore it with a bronze choker necklace and matching earrings. Her dark hair was put into a braided bun. She wore bronze heels that matched her jewelry. Her makeup was simple and almost unnoticeable.

The girls were going to the reunion together and they were going to look amazing. Athena was very excited to see her parents tomorrow. She was hoping that everything was going to go smootly.

Scorpius and Hugo were coming with them at the reunion.

Scorpius was very excited for the reunion tomorrow. He was honestly just going to see his parents. He was also going to wait and watch everybody's reaction when they were going to learn about the identity of his other parent. It was promising to be hilarious to see their surprise. Scorpius was looking forward to that.

Besides Hugo and Scorpius had become good friends despite their age difference. Scorpius was also close to two other boys in his year. Their names were Fred and George Finnigan-Thomas. They were twins like Scorpius and his sister.

They bonded because of their love for pranks and Quidditch. Scorpius, the twins and Hugo always went flying and they were constantly pulling pranks on the other Gryffindors. Athena was always studying but Scorpius was always on the Quidditch pitch.

The boys became incredibly close in only 1 week. They went shopping for suits in Hogsmeade for the reunion. They were going as friends with Athena and the other girls.

Scorpius and Athena were having a great time at Hogwarts. They had made good friends and it was amazing. After all the shopping, the group fell into a restful sleep for the reunion tomorrow.

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