Forever is only a matter of t...

By darkwingedprincess

40.4K 1.1K 105

What happens when the 13 years old Laura who was abused by her father her whole life meets Demi Lovato? Will... More

Soon it's goodbye. (A demi lovato adoption fanfic)
Could this really be?
Oh no...
Glee? Or more?
Where have you gone?
Tell me why..
I won't leave you.
Some good family time.
For the love of a daughter.
Breakfast struggles but Mama.
Mrs. Rivera
Some good family time.
Marissa day.
Telling the Fam.
I need to fix this.
The beginning of an end.
Trashed rooms and many tears.
It wasn't the right time.
I just need to breathe.
The Ellen Show
xFactor. PoV switch.
"It has to be."
Birthday and phone calls
Quick A/N
Phone calls
Family love and doorbell demons


1.5K 38 7
By darkwingedprincess

Demi PoV

"What's the matter?"

"My daughter collapsed."

"Calm down. Who are you and where are you? And does she still have a pulse?"

"I'm Demetria Lovato and we are in the park. On the bridge in the park. And lemme check soon."

I checked her pulse.

"She still has some. But it isn't strong."

"We'll send you an ambulance. Stay calm. It'll be there soon."

The line went dead.

"The ambulance will be here soon."

I sat on the ground next to Laura. I put the lifeless body on my lap. Her heart was still beating and she was still breathing. That must be good. The ambulance arrived. They put Laura on a litter and put her in the car.

"Are you family?"

"Yes I am her mother."

"Then you are allowed to ride on the ambulance."

"Naya? Could you come to the hospital? My car is in the parking lot at the gates of the park. Here, the keys. See you there. And thank you. I love you."

I got into the ambulance and texted Marissa.


'Riss? Can you come to the hospital? We found Laura. Explaining later. C u. Ly.'

Laura PoV

I was screaming and screaming. I hit Naya and tried to get out of her grip. Then Demi arrived. She sat down next to me.

"Laura. Match my breathing. Calm down."

Then she started singing. She sang fix a heart. I love that song. I started to calm down. Then I realised I was still sitting on Nayas lap. I didn't want to talk to her. I started panicking again and jumped up. Demi came, hugged me and sang nightingale to me. Demi wanted to know why I did it and Naya explained. She explained everything. After she finished she started crying. I cried too. We were all crying. I don't know why but I felt sorry for Naya. I went and hugged her. She hugged me back and Demi came hugging too. We were like a little family. Then my heart started racing, I felt my knees get weak and everything around me went black.

Demi PoV

"She'll wake up soon. Then you can go talk to her. It wasn't something bad. She passed out from exhaustion. But make sure she gets some rest and that she eats and drinks."

"Sure. Should I take her back here if something like that happens again?"

"It would be better."

"I got up and went into Lauras room. She laid there and looked so peaceful.

It's all my fault. I shouldn't have gone out with Naya. I took Lauras hand.

"I am so sorry babygirl. Please wake up."

She took my hand and opened her eyes. Then she started crying.

"Hey baby. Don't cry. Everything's fine. I'm here."

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry."

"Yes I have. You would be better off without me. I should be dead right now. I'm so sorry."

Then it hit me. She wasn't sorry for running away and trying to commit suicide. she was sorry for failing.

"Baby? Look at me."

I took her chin and made her look at me.

"I love you. You arr my daughter. My little girl. And I don't want to lose you. I love you and I'm so sorry I picked Naya over you. It'll never happen again ok? I promise. But please promise me you'll talk to me to me when something happened or you don't feel well. Please promise you'll never run away again. I was so worried. Please never do it again. It'll kill me."

I cried and sat Laura on my lap.

"I promise I won't ever do ut again. And I'll talk to you. "

"Naya is waiting outside with Marissa. Can I get them in here or don't you want to see them?"

"Marissa? Your best friend?"

"Yes. How do you know her?"

"Lovatic you know.."

"Oh ok. So can they come in?"

"Is Marissa nice? And will she like me?

"She will. She helped me look for you. She doesn't know you but she cared. So. I guess she'll like you."

"Ok. She can come in. But first I want to talk to Naya. Alone."

"Ok. But be nice. Naya did nothing wrong."

"Don't worry. I just wanna talk to her about something."

"Ok. I'll go out and get her."

I walked out of thr room

"She is awake and feels better. Marissa, she's ok with meeting you. But first she wants to talk to Naya."

I turned around to face Naya.

"N? She wants to talk to you first. I don't know about what. she said she wanted to talk to you about something. But be nice please. She's so fragile."

"I'll be careful. It'll be alright. I'll get you when we finish talking.

Wow. it was so hard to write this. And sorry it took so long. My life is just a mess rn. I am getting worse everyday and I tried to commit today.But whatever. Hope you liked the chapter. See you later.:)

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