Random luck of the Universe

By ThinkingPeaches

29K 645 82

Armie and Timothee hit it off during the filming of CMBYN. A few months before Armie is set to do the play S... More

Never been in Love
Secret touches
Toddlers and Tiaras
Naked Weekend
That thing you love
Home for Christmas
Happy Birthday
Babies and Crema
I do

Daisies and Roses

1K 31 1
By ThinkingPeaches

They had traveled to New York, L.A, Greece, Rome and back to Crema in the 9 week production of their sequel. They emerced themselves back into the rolls of Oliver and Elio, rolls that truly never left them. On the final night in Crema filming had come to an end the day before Luca hosted a dinner at his home. Luca stood at the head of the table surrounded by the cast and crew.

"I have to say that over the course of the 10 years with the first film and now this one. I could never imagine doing these films without all of you, Timmy and Armie you both have blossomed. You found love in each other as Elio and Oliver and as yourselves. I bless you and your family with all of the best happiness in the world. Your children are so blessed to have you and the two that will be coming into the world soon will be even more blessed. They are coming into a world so full of love for them. I hope to work with the two of you again. I love you both." Luca spoke about everyone in the room, he was a free spirited man who saw love and perfection in everything.

They had been receiving updates,photos and videos of their girls progress. They had grown they were at 24 weeks and they had not done anything to prepare for arrival. Timmy and Armie had been buying anything that was pink, covered in roses or daisies. When he got home to the quiet house they knew they needed to start preparing.

"Do you think we should get one crib or two? Oh god we more room, we can't have three kids in one room." Timmy's mind was racing.

"We will need two and I know we need more room, I think we should turn the den into Harpers room until the babies get a little older. Then we can buy a new house,ok?" Armie wrapped Timmy in his arms.

"But the den is far from us."

"No it's not, we can have it redone, or do you just want to get a new house now?" Armie was willing to do whatever for Timmy, they did that a lot for each other.

"We are just renting this house, technically this is your bachelor pad. We need a family home." Timmy chuckled.

"Alright, I think we can afford it." Armie wasn't sure. Timmy rolled his eyes.

"Arms, I don't want to live in L.A, I want to live a little further from here, somewhere that we can fix up a house. We can pay half of what we would pay here, it will be a longer drive but you love to drive. If we live a half hour outside of L.A." Timmy was cut off by Armie.

"You already have one picked out don't you?"

"Maybe? Look I checked with my account and with the money I made on my last movie, we can pay cash for the house get even more off of it and have one less thing to worry about." He smiled.

"See this is why you are my better half you think ten steps ahead of me. I'm spontaneous and you are the one with the rational brain."

"I know." Timmy leaned down kissing Armie, breathing him in.

They had packed up the house and the moving truck had drove off to their new home. Armie couldn't believe it, he was going to be closer to his children and he was 4 weeks away from welcoming his twins. Life was amazing!

"You know we could just pay someone to unpack all of our stuff?" Armie said wrapping his arms around Timmy kissing the back of his neck as he was unpacking dishes in the kitchen.

"We could but do you want a stranger seeing all of your wholey underwear and sock collection that you refuse to throw away?" Timmy chuckled, Armie groaned and let go of Timmy walking away in a pout.

"Why do you shaming my comfy clothes? They are perfectly worn in." Armie huffed.

"I'm not shaming them I'm just pointing out that you might not want some to see them. I mean don't get me wrong I love it when you bend over after your workout and I see your balls falling out. Nothing turns me on even more!" Timmy was teasing him now.

"Fine I will throw them all away!" Armie stomped off pouting with his head thrown back.

"If I would have known making fun of his balls hanging out would have gotten him to toss them, I'd done that along time ago." Timmy whispered to himself.

They had all three rooms painted, Ford wanted this walls blue and green, Harper wanted all the Disney princess on her walls so Armie had found every Disney princess decal he could find put on her walls. And for the twins, they had found wallpaper the had bouquets of daisies and roses on it, they put it just on one wall where the cribs set and the rest of the room was painted a light sunshine yellow. The kids were coming over this weekend so Armie and Timmy quickly got the rooms together, the beds were up, the toys had been unpacked and the fridge was stocked. Which was always important in the Chalamet-Hammer house, because between Ford and Armie they went through all the food in a few days. Before the kids arrived Armie sat out on the patio in one of the pool chairs smoking, Timmy sat down in front of him.

"You know you are about to be a father of four, do you think you could give up the smoking?" Timmy asked very gently.

"It is my favorite thing to do, well one of my favorites anyways. You take away my food, my booze and my smokes what else do I have to live for?" Armie jokes.

"Your kids, me? What other reason do you need?" Timmy laid his head in Armies lap, picking at the imaginary lint on his shorts.

"Babe, I use an e-cig most of the time, I socially drink and I try to eat as healthy as possible. Me giving up all of that would be like you giving up your music playlists."

"I get it, but I just want you to live forever."

"Well take away those things and you won't be able to stand me." Armie laughed.

They had begun visiting the doctors office once a week, so close to the due date they didn't, the surrogates husband was all up for Timmy and Armie taking her to appointments. After all she was carrying their babies. Armie asked her once how she felt about handing the babies over them after she gave birth. She told him she doesn't think of the babies as hers, she's never referred to them as hers. She always references them as Armie and Timmy's babies. Even if someone asks her, she always says no I'm a surrogate. She said it was the best way to not become attached, she loves them but she loves them as you do a friends child. All Armie could do was hug her, he knew they picked her for a reason.

"So how are we feeling, dad's nervous, excited, have you prepare?" The doctor asked Armie and Timmy.
"All of the above." Armie responded.

"Well great because these little girls are running out of room and she is already a two centimeters dilated." The doctor smiled.

"What!" Timmy and Armie said in sequence.

"Well with twins it's a little more difficult to gage when they are coming, but she's at 35 weeks. Have you been feeling extra discomfort and pressure?" She asks the surrogate.

"Yeah but I thought it was because I'm the size of a house." She responded with a chuckled

"Well, I suggests that you dad's either stay close to your phone because it maybe tonight or tomorrow that you are going to get a call to come to the hospital. Congratulations you two I will be seeing you soon."

Timmy paced the living room, he was making Armie nervous.

"Would you please sit down, when she goes to the hospital we will be the first call." Armie tried to calm him down.

"Yes, I know that but we could get a call at anytime. Do we have the hospital bags packed?"

"Babe, we have three bags packed waiting by the door. We have babysitters on standby if we get a call tonight while Harper and Ford are here. Just enjoy this, it maybe our last night, in a somewhat quiet and calm house." Armie reached out his hand to Timmy, he took it and nestled into Armie side.

After the kids were put to bed, Armie and Timmy laid cuddled next to each other watch I love New York.

"I honestly don't know how you watch this crap and how I get sucked into it." Armie grumbles

"It's reality tv, it's always trashy. Beside you don't have to watch it, there's a tv in the living room."

"Yeah but I'm already comfortable, I'm not moving. You know we could do something else?" Armie winked at Timmy, rolling over kissing him.

"I thought you were to comfortable and didn't want to move?"

"Well if I play my cards right I won't have to move. You could always think of it as an early birthday present to me" Armie chuckled a deep tone.

"Oh right your birthday is in two weeks, going to be the big 34, mmm I can't wait until you become a silver fox." Timmy moaned.

Timmy's phone began vibrating, he was to consumed by Armies lips to break the kiss. Reaching for his phone, Armie moved his lips down Timmy's chest. Timmy answers the phone, his voice was deep from passion.

"Hello?" Timmy's eyes were closed, it could have been the queen of England calling him and he wouldn't of care. Armie started pulling back the sheets.

"Timmy? Hey I'm at the hospital, in labor dilated at 7 centimeters. You and Armie need to get here quick." She grunted into the phone, Timmy shot up nearly kneeing Armie in the chin.

"Oh shit, ok we will be there as quick as possible!"Timmy hangs up the phone.

"What?" Armie asks in a panic.

"Call Nick tell him to get his ass over here to watch the kids. Cuz babe our gorgeous babies are on their way into the world!" Armie jumps off the bed, pure excitement running through his body. He quickly called Nick, Timmy got dressed in a hurry. Rushing to the front door grabbing all the bags, tossing them in the truck. Before Nick got there Armie and Timmy kissed the kids goodbye. They waiting in the truck until Nick pulled in the driveway.

At 3:45 am on August 17th Rose Ambella Chalamet Hammer was born at 6lbs 1 oz, blonde hair, blue eyes and perfect. She was immediately put onto Armies chest for skin to skin after she was cleaned off.

"Look at her, she's perfect. Timmy we have a beautiful baby girl." Armie looked to Timmy neither could see each other through the tears in their eyes. Before they could calm down from her birth.

Two minutes later at 3:47 am, Daisy Marvella Chalamet Hammer was born 5lbs 10oz, blonde hair, green eyes and perfect. She didn't cry as loud as her sister, she was put onto Timmy's bare chest. They laid side by side facing each other, tentatively looking at each baby girl. The girls had stopped crying, the nurses had checked each baby. Armie looked up remembering that his and Timmy's mom where in the room. They had been taking picture of the moments, Armie had a feeling his mother had been the one doing all of the capturing of the moments.

Armie and Timmy lay on the bed in the room next door one arm wedge behind the others back so they could be as close as possible. While holding each baby, it was 7 in the morning and Nick was bringing the kids up to meet their sisters.

"Daisy and Rose, welcome to the world. Daddy and I have been waiting for you for a long time. Your big sister and brother have been waiting to meet you too. Daddy and I promise you all the love you could ever ask for." Timmy kissed Roses small little chubby cheek, pulling Daisy up to kiss hers as well.

"Babe we did it, and I know we can do this. I love you." Armie kisses Timmy with the last ounce of energy that he had. He nestled his head on Timmy's shoulder, linking his fingers with Timmy's so that Daisy and Roses feet were touching. Timmy was on cloud nine, he was officially a dad. He couldn't fit anymore love in his heart for fear it might burst. There was a knock on the door, Harper and Ford burst in the door. Nick lifted both kids in the bed so they could inspect their new siblings.

"Be careful Ford, be gentle." Armie softly spoke to his son. Armie had all four of his babies in his arms and the love of his life beaming with love holding his hand. Armie had no words for what he felt other than full, his heart was full of love for these beautiful souls that he loved and protected.

"I love this Timo."

"I love this to Arms."

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