
By prantikawrites

18.8K 2.1K 2.2K

Highest Rank - #68 SF *BOOK TWO OF THE OPERATION EVOLUTIANS TRILOGY* Two Years Can Change Everything. After b... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight

Chapter Forty-Five

248 37 31
By prantikawrites

I fingered the object while sitting in bed in the dark room. Exhaustion filled my bones but I couldn't sleep without knowing why I received this from... from my mother. She probably didn't think I would notice but I saw her slip it in my pocket as she led my in the office.

It felt like a watch. It looked like a watch. But I knew it wasn't one; she wouldn't have slipped it in my pocket if it was just a watch.

There was a cover over where the time would've been. I flipped it open and immediately, a hologram appeared in front of me. I dropped the object on the bed, startled, and the image disappeared.

I grabbed it again, flipping it open. The hologram image appeared again and this time, I could see what it actually was about.

An image of me was staring back, my indigo eyes seeming tense and serious. I wasn't smiling, adding to the seriousness. My hair was down, resting on my shoulders, a few strands covering my eyes.

I don't remember taking the photo.

Underneath the picture was some basic information:


I gulped. What was this? A digital, portable file on me or something? Why do I have it now?

The hologram changed, moving the image on me to one side. A list of words appeared in front of me, the title of the list: ABILITIES.

The list went on and on, naming abilities I've never even heard of, let alone knew I had. It scared me - realizing I had all of these abilities. Most people didn't even know human beings could have supernatural powers, yet here I am being able to conjure so many of them. This was said to only belong in fantasy and sci-fi books. How is the Institute capable of all this?

As the list slows down, I notice something: a small x next to some of the list items. As if the hologram was a screen, I placed my finger on one of the small x's. Above it, a small information box appeared, with the word DEACTIVATED.

"Deactivated?" I muttered to myself. "Why would they deactivate abilities?"

And then the wheels in my brain started turning. If I could see what's deactivate, could I possibly... get rid of my powers?

I scrolled back to the top of the hologram list, finding the abilities that weren't deactivated. Hm... which isn't that important?

I click one, the option coming up immediately.

YES        NO

My finger hovered over the word YES, ready to get rid of the power. That is, until I heard a knock from the door, followed by a "Lauren, are you awake?"

I flipped the cover of the projector down, slipping the watch-thing underneath my covers. I wasn't going to let anyone see it yet. "Come in," I say, stiffing a yawn.

Jessica entered the room, flicking the lights on. "You still aren't asleep yet? You seemed exhausted when you walked in the palace."

"You were there?" I asked, sinking into the pillows placed behind me.

"I was around," She said, taking a seat on the foot of the bed. "Now Lauren, I know you can be stupid but I didn't know you could be that stupid. What in the world were you thinking?"

"I just wanted to-"

She cut me off. "Has dating Cole got to you? Has it messed up your brain that much. You could've gotten him killed."

"I had to get his sister and Sofia back..." I started saying in a small voice.

"You should've had backup," Jessica said sternly. "And I don't just mean a boy who could tackle a bunch of others on the football field. Someone with powers. You don't know what you could've faced there. You nearly drained all your energy trying to get passed that barrier."

"It was weaker after you blew it apart-"

"I could've come with you, I have experience," Jessica said. "I'm your family, I'd be willing to help you. And Sofia and Laura too - they're just innocent kids, I'd be happy to bring them back home."

"You don't understand, Jess-"

"No, Lauren." Jessica stands up and looks down at me. "I don't think you understand how important it is for you to stay out of the Institute's grasps. And going back to the building where it all started doesn't help the cause-"

"Jessica, you don't get to decide what I do with my life," I tell her, my voice rising. "It was my choice, I'm going to face the consequences."

Jessica looks to the door. "Do you know what's happening downstairs? I know you can hear that far, Lauren. Uncle Jake - your father thinks that Cole was the one that dragged you to the Institute. He thinks it was Cole's idea."

"But it wasn't," I said in a heartbeat. "I dragged Cole-"

"Your dad isn't buying it," Jessica said.

"But-" I tried climbing out of bed, but Jessica stopped me.

"Lauren, you're going to pass out at any minute," She said. "You stay here, I'll try to convince Uncle Jake not to punish him or get too mad. Rest."

"Jessica," I said before she was able to leave the room. "Jessica, what am I doing? Am I okay?"

She shrugged. "I don't know, Lauren. Only you know, right?"

She leaves the room, turning off the lights and shutting the door behind her. Once she's gone, I reach under the sheets for the watch-thing. Flipping the cover back open, I realized that the screen I was on was slightly altered.

YES          NO

I bit my lip, considering the question. What if I can't get them back?

But you wanted to be a normal since this all started, Lauren.

YES         NO

I couldn't lose my powers... I have to stop this first... whatever "this" was.

-- : --


Dad was standing with his arms crossed in front of me the day after I woke up... which was nearly three days after the incident at the Institute. The barrier really did take up a lot of my energy.

"It was my idea," I said once again. "I swear, he didn't suggest it. I was just being stupid... again."

"He didn't put you in any harm?" Dad asked me.

I shook my head. "It was all me. I put both of us in harm, really."

There was a tense silence in the air. The only sound was the clock ticking in the background.

"I can still... date him, right?" I asked in a small voice.

Dad looked at me funny, the look on his face saying something along the lines of Did-I-Even-Give-You-Permission-In-The-First-Place?

"You can," He said finally. "But no more funny business, okay Lauren? You're not going to be doing anything stupid or risky like that again, okay?"

I nodded. "I promise I won't do anything like that again."

"Alright, good to know," Dad said. "Now, get going or you'll be late for school." He slid my lunch across the kitchen counter. "I'll see you right after school."

"Okay, Dad," I said. Being grounded and being stuck at home wasn't all that fun, but was understandable. At least I still got to keep my phone with me. I grabbed my bag off the floor and packed my lunch, heading out the door.

When I was minutes away from the school, someone sneaked up on my from behind. I jumped when they touched my shoulders, only to see that it was Aidan who caught up to me.

"Hey, you're alive," Aidan said, a grin on his face.

"Yeah, I guess I am," I said back. "It felt nice sleeping for three days straight."

"Does this mean, like, you don't have to sleep for the next three nights?" Aidan asked, acting stupid. "I mean, why doesn't the world work like that? It would be helpful for exams."

I groaned at the thought of final exams happening later on in the month. Of course, I knew I'd be fine, with enhanced intelligence and all, but there was a ton of homework left to do and I had to help Alyssa study.

"Anyway..." Aidan said, turning away from that dreadful topic. "The spring formal is soon."

"That what?" I asked, confused.

"Oh, it's just a formal dance held in, well, spring," He explained. "There's food and music and dancing and stuff."

"Oh," I said as we turned a corner into the busy school yard. "Is it mandatory?"

"Oh, come on, Lauren," Aidan said. "You have to come. We'll have fun. Plus, if Cole asks you to the dance, you kinda half to go. If you don't wanna seem like a bad girlfriend."

"Does he even want to be my boyfriend at this point?" I asked him, or mostly me. "I mean, I cleared up everything with my dad but..."

"But he loves you, Lauren. That's not going to change," Aidan said.

I give him a small smile as the bell rang, signalling the start of the school day.

"I'll see you at lunch, okay?" Aidan said.

"Yeah, alright," I said, waving him goodbye.

The words spring formal kept echoing in my mind, and I didn't know why. I didn't want to go, especially after my past experiences at social events. But as Cole wraps an arm around my shoulder once he greets me in the halls, I have a feeling I have no choice.

-- : --

Three weeks later, after a ton of homework and a small twenty-second birthday celebration for Spencer, Cole comes to my house. He hasn't been around much lately, giving me the space I desperately needed. Yet, the lack of his company made me feel lonely.

"Do you want to go to the dance with me next week?" He asked when I first opened the front door. No 'hey' or 'how's it going?' Just one question.

I hesitated. "Yeah..." I said faintly. He looked unsure of my answer. "Yeah, yeah of course, Cole. Who else would I go with? Why are you asking me so early?"

"I just wanted to make sure..." He said.

I could tell things weren't going as smoothly as it was between us before. The trip to the Institute really had an impact on our relationship.

"I - I got you something," Cole said, reaching into his bag. He pulled out a small piece of jewelry from one of the pockets.

It was a bracelet - a thin, silver chain of red roses.

"It's beautiful," I say, examining the piece between my fingers.

"It was my mother's," He said in a small voice.

I looked up. "Then I can't have it." I attempted to give back the bracelet. Though I did manage to hand it to him, Cole immediately slipped the bracelet on my wrist, connecting the two ends.

"It's yours now. It looks really nice on you," He said. "So, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

I nodded, still looking down at the bracelet. "Thanks again."

He nodded in response, heading to his car which was parked on the side of the road. I watched him drive away.

Before closing the door, I examined the bracelet in the spring sunshine. There was something that itched in the back of my mind about it.

And then it hit me: the roses.

The blood red roses.

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