Woo-Bins sister? Ji-hoos love...

By Bts1998

21K 485 45

Her mother put them in hiding to avoid trouble from her boyfriends and her daughter fathers wife. She has bee... More

Jan-Di and shopping
Soo-Mi's Home
Deep Down
Red Card
A Kiss to Forgive but Not Forget
A kiss to forgive but not forget Part. 2
Your dating HIM?!
I love you
Vacation (part 1)
Vacation (part 2)

I'm Who?

1.5K 45 4
By Bts1998

After I agreed with the curly haired boy, he introduced me to his...group.

"So you already know jihoo, I'm jun-pyo. This is-"

"Hello beautiful, I'm Yi-Jung." The boy with straight cropped black hair said, kissing my hand. I lightly blushed from such contact. The boy, Yi-Jung looked at me, then at his friend beside,then back at me.

"Is it just me, or do they resemble each other?"

"Woo-bin, stand next to her." Jun-pyo said, staring at us. The guy with reddish black hair stood next to me while jihoo, Yi-Jung and jun-pyo looked at us. Jun-pyo opened his mouth.

"Holy shit! I see what you mean now. That is....just weird. Now I really want to find out about her father's family."

"We can't be related you guys, there hasn't been a female Song in 40 something years." Woo-bin said.

Timeskip-end of the day
"Bye jandi! Have fun at the pool" I waved to my friend and started to walk off until a motorcycle came up and stopped me. The rider opened the helmet to reveal jihoo. He handed me a helmet and I sighed. I'm just gonna assume jun-pyo asked to to take me to meet them. I have never ridden on a motorcycle before, but I always thought they were cool. Jihoo noticed, since I just sat there. He turned slightly, grabbed my hands, and made me wrap them around his stomach.

"Hold on" he said and we were off.

Where he stopped at is a federal building for law stuff. He parked and I let ago and got off. He walked beside me and directed us to jun-pyo.

On the top floor stood all the F4 members, and myself. In jun-pyos hand is an envelope. He smiled and opened it. When he did, he dropped his smile and the paper and just looked at me.

"Yi-Jung is right. They are related."

Woo-bin, walked over and picked up the paper. His eyes widened and looked at me. He walked over, and handed me the paper. I took it and looked down.

Song Soo-Mi
Kang Soo-Ha

Song Woo-Min

Song Woo-bin

Other Names

Grade level

Busan,Seoul, Hong Kong, Tokoyo, Paris, Las Angles

Holy Shit.

"Your....my......sister? Your younger by a year.....oh my God." Woo-bin started pacing back and forth. I just dropped to where I was on the ground. I took my phone out and called my mom.

"Yes dear?"

"When the hell were you going to tell me about my father?!"

"Honey your father is nobody-"

"Don't say that, because I know who he is. I know that I have a....a brother. Who is right in front me." I started crying slowly.

"Alight I tell you guys what you need to know. Tell me where you are."

"Top floor, federal building"

I closed my phone.

"Ah dad, you might want to come to the federal building top floor. It's pretty damn important."

3rd POV

15 minutes later. The doors opened to see her mom, and Woo-bins father. When his father greeted them, he was in shock of the girl in front of him. She looks so much like his him and his son.

Then he realized who she was. The child that was a mistake.

After the mom, with some help from the dad, explained everything that happened 17 years ago, the daughter never looked more mad. The two parents were confused.

"I had a brother....a BROTHER. A FATHER. And this whole damn time,all my life, I haven't had that one father figure or brotherly figure. How long was I supposed to wait. Why do I have to suffer because of something you two did? If you ran away to hide the fact that you had an affair, shouldn't you have dated someone so that I could have a father figure?"

The two parents looked down. The girl, even though she never met her father till today, definitely had a way with her words, just like her father.

"I hate you....both of you." She said with venom and ran out. The mom gasped and started crying, her face buried in her hands. The dad brought her into his arms, trying to calm his old friend, but also mother of his child. Woo-bin, seeing how they acted with each other realized that they were friends before any of this happened. But right now, his....sister need him. But what does he know about her? Nothing.
Jihoo already left to go bring her back.

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