Me and You

By Malish23

38.8K 1.2K 341

Hyungwon was the nerd but what his classmates didn't expect for him to turn so charming. Wonho (The playboy)... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Not update
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 6

2.8K 77 35
By Malish23

Hyungwon pov

Minhyuk: ''Hyungwon sorry but I won't be taking you home today cuz I have a date with Tao and it's our anniversary since we got together''

Hyungwon: ''It's OK I still need to do the project at home''

Minhyuk: ''OK, but you don't have your car and the apartment is far, want me to call your driver''

Hyungwon: ''NO Minhyuk if you do that they will see the symbol on the car and the other students may want to give me special treatment and then they'll start regreting everything and then I won't have my own privacy don't you remember that all of my cars have the damn symbol on it besides Wonho will take me since hes my partner''

Minhyuk: ''Um well OK but will you be OK cuz I can cancel the date''

Hyungwon: ''It's OK he won't do more than the big bruise in my fucking neck oh and don't you remember that I have my bodyguard''

Minhyuk: ''That's true, well bye try not to get that mother father up your ass''

Hyungwon: ''The only thing going up you ass is your fucking Ferrari oh and Tao too''

Minhyuk: ''Haha yeah whatever well bye I need to get dressed up then Tao has to pick me up bye''

Hyungwon: ''Bye''

Wonho pov

I see Hyungwon get closer to the Ferrari kid and then I get this felling like I want to punch the kid for making Hyungwon laugh a lot and then I hear his name from Hyungwons mouth.

Wonho: ''So his name is Minhyuk, wait isn't that Taos boyfriend ooh I get it Minhyuk is Hyungwons best friend since they always hang out but I wonder do they live together because I always see them go home together maybe I'll just ask Hyungwon later''

Wonho: ''Hyungwon let's go''

Hyungwon: ''Ok, bye Minhyuk''

Minhyuk: ''Bye, oh before y'all go can I speak with Wonho''

Hyungwon: ''OK?''

Wonho: ''OK, Hyungwon just go to my car it 2 cars away''

Hyungwon: ''This one?''

Wonho: ''yeah''

Hyungwon: ''OK, is it unlocked?''

Wonho: ''duh''

'Hyungwon rolls his eyes '

Minhyuk: ''Sooooo Wonho do you have any strange intentions with Hyungwon?''

Wonho: ''How do you know''

Minhyuk: ''Do something to him and I swear that I'll crush your life and don't you dare mess with me, you don't know what his family is able to do, you don't even know how important that kid is, so if you dare and hurt him I'll torture your life and other people too''

Wonho: ''ok I got it overprotective mother hm''

Hyungwon pov

Wonho drives to my apartment while I was giving directions and then he played this song that had a great beat at least I liked it then he changed it to another one, as always I liked it too.

This song is from xxxtentacion and the name is moonlight if you liked it and want to listen to it.

This group was disbande and their name is BTL (yes like BTS but no theirs mean beyon the limit)

20 minutes later

As we get to my apartment Wonhos mouth wide open.

Wonho: ''Is this your house?''

Hyungwon: "My apartment"

Wonho: "How much do you pay for this apartment"

Hyungwon: "Like $10,500 a month why?"

Wonho: "BRO I pay $5,500 a month for our apartment this is like a fricking mansion"

Hyungwon: "Well for me it feels like a house"

Wonho: "huh? Wait what so how rich are you like richer than me or just rich as me? "

Hyungwon: "Like how much rich are you?"

Wonho:My parents own S.E.P. industries and our school"

Hyungwon: "Ummm let's see then I'm richer than you"

Wonho: "Like what does your parents own?"

Hyungwon: "Sorry can't tell you"

Wonho: "please please please please please please please please please please tellllll meeeeeee"

Hyungwon: "No wonho only when I'm ready to trust you"

Wonho: "You can trust me and if you don't tell me I will BOTHER you and we won't be done with the project please please please please please please please c'mon you CAN trust me"

Hyungwon: "Ok ok so-"

Hyungwon starts to run

Wonho: "Hyungwon get back here I'm not going to chase you everywhere in this huge apartment"

Wonho pov

Well I'll have to chase him, hes just like a little kid that's what I like about him wait what am I thinking it's just a bet.

Wonho starts to chase Hyungwon

Hyungwon: "hehe"

Wonho: "Get back here"

I chase Hyungwon and he went into a room where he was rushing, I guess it's his room because he hasn't entered any other room and it was dark af even though he had a big window by the side of his bed with black curtains.

As I'm in there I don't stop and then fall into Hyungwon in his bed we look into each other's eyes for a moment then we separated, then I let out my thoughts which I wasn't supposed to because it'll make it worse but I wasn't thinking.

Wonho: "Y-your eyes are pretty"

Hyungwon: "T-thanks y-yours t-too"

Hyungwon blushing and Wonho too

Wonho: "So how are you richer than me please tell me I won't tell anyone I promise and when I promise I don't tell anyone"

Hyungwon: "Ok I'll tell you but first sit down over there in that chair"

Wonho: "Ok, WOW it's comfortable better than the one at home"

Hyungwon: "heh, well I'm richer than you because I'm the presidents child, my parents own a big hospital, they own the private school Suncheon Hyocheon High School (Yes it is a real private school in Korea) and They own the Ferrari company, oh and please don't tell ANYONE about me being all this because I don't want to be treated like a king I like to be treated like a normal person"

Wonho is Speachless

Wonho: "I-i don't know what to say

Hyungwon: "Then don't, so let's get started with the project"

Wonho pov

I didn't know Hyungwon was the presidents kid even worse they are filthy rich like I barely have one company then he has a hospital, a private school, presidents kid and Ferrari company I think I'll never be able to beat him and I thought he was less richer than me.

But if he wants to be treated like a normal person then why is he always treated like a nerd would, hm now that I think it why is Shownu always around him and never does anything but why, ugh Shownu every time you find someone treating him like that do something your always there I can't let them harm my little nerdy turtle- WHAT AM I SAYING.

Wonho: "Hyungwon why is always Shownu around you when you get hit and never does anything"

Hyungwon: "Well because I ask him not to when he actually wants to help me"

Wonho: "Wait you tell him not to help you but he's not even your friend, wait what is he to you"

Hyungwon: "Well my bodyguard and my adopted brother, he may come home any second now, if youre asking why he stays here its because I love him like brotherly love and we protect each other when we are in trouble, mostly he protects me and I don't want to lose him because he's the only one that has been there for me. Though my parents are there for me too Shownu is the only one who loves me the most and I love him too like a real brother"

Wonho: "oohh this is sad"

I went up to Hyungwon and tried to make him laugh by tickling him to the ground making him laugh super cute, I couldn't resist it he was so cute that I even tickled him more hearing a bam on the door but ignore it.

Shownu pov

As I enter the apartment i can hear Hyungwon laughing maybe a video he's watching but then I hear a name.


Oh shit maybe he's doing something bad I better help him, he's like my little brother and I know that the bet that Wonho and us did would get this far in only 1 day, oooh we should have not made that bet what if he gets hurt, I won't let Wonho hurt his big heart he has and let it shrink.

Third person pic

Shownu runs up the stairs and kicks the door open to see Wonho on top of Hyungwon then pushes him off.

Wonho was surprised that Shownu kicked something open.

Wonho pov

I heard something kick the door then push me hard and I see Shownu super mad while wrapping Hyungwon in his arms, I guess that how much he loves him to be breaking bones if someone hurts him.

I then see Hyungwon grabbing his chest hard because he got a panick attack when Shownu kicked the door then i see Shownu hugging him then kisses his forehead calming Hyungwon down.

Wonho: "Um what just happened? I'm so confused"

Hyungwon: "Shown-nu I th-think y-you got th-the wron-g i-dea h-he was j-just tick-ckling m-me t-too make me s-smile"

Shownu: "But still, father said too protect each other and right now I'm sorry for giving you a panic attack"

Hyungwon: "Yeah but you already know how to calm me down"

Shownu: "Wonho can I talk too you for a sec"

Wonho: "Damn why is everybody tourtoring me, I'm just here to do a damn project but ok"

In the kitchen

Shownu: "Wonho I don't want to do the bet anymore I'm out of it I can't see my little brother hurt after you dump him so can we cancel it and I'll give each one of you $300"

Wonho: "Tell Kihyun if I was the one that made the bet I would have canceled it because I'm in love with Hyungwon"

Shownu: "Ok- wait WHAT"

Wonho: "yep just try to convince kihyun"

Shownu: "Ok"

Quick story about Shownu and Hyungwon

When Hyungwon was small he always wanted a littlebrother or big brother but he couldn't so one day they found a kid by the garbage can bout 6 years and Hyungwon was 5 years.

Hyungwon asked his father if he could keep him and his father said if he only behaves in the house.

Kid Shownu: "I promise to protect and not fight with...?

Kid Hyungwon: "Hyungwon my name is Hyungwon what is yours"

Kid Shownu: "My name is Shownu and I promise to protect and not fight with Hyungwon"

Kid Hyungwon: "Daddy can he be my brother?"

Father: "Well we will have to get the adoption papers but ok as long as you two protect each other and don't fight ok?

Both kids: "ok"

Kid Hyungwon: "Yay I get a big brother thank you daddy"

Hyungwon grabs Shownus hand then go home and lets Shownu take a shower then the whole family eats.

Mother: "Where did you say you found him?"

Father: "By the garbage can sleeping"

Mother: "Aw poor thing he must've been hungry and tired, but don't worry Shownu this is your new home we are your new family we won't do the same thing like the others did you can call me mom ok"

Shownu: "Ok"

Hyungwon: "Mommy can I show big brother to his room"

Mother: "of course but when you are done eating we want you two to grow big and strong"

Hyungwon: "Ok, oh momma can we get a dog"

Mother: "of course"

When they got their dog he was barely a baby pup so the kids were gentle with him until he grew up the parents noticed that the dog was a wolf so they decided to get rid of it but the kids didn't want to because they loved him so much so the parents decided to train the wolf to protect them and the house.

They trained the wolf but he still had the childish side to be gentle with the kids when they played like normal dogs and the parents thought that he was female but as the wolf grew up more they figured out that he was a male and he grew up strong like if he was the leader of the pack .

As time passes and both kids are 16 and 15, Shownu works out every day so he could protect Hyungwon because he didn't want to break a promise he did, one day Shownu brought Hyungwon to the gym (they had a gym in their house because Shownu asked his parents and he was too uncomfortable to go to a gym) then Hyungwon only worked out 3 days in a week while Shownu works out everyday for 4 hours .

One day they had to get rid of the gym so they could build another room since they were getting a new worker, Shownu was sad but his parents gave him and Hyungwon an application to another gym which was public.

It was their day to work out so they put the direction to the gym and when they got there Hyungwon and Shownu where nervous.

At that time Hyungwon didn't need glasses so he was cute like in the present time, he's still cute with glasses too but people don't notice the cuteness, I'm so sad.

As they enter the gym girls where freaking out because Shownu had muscles that popped out of his sleaveless shirt when he started to work out and the girls could see his abs because his shirt kept on rising up .

When Hyungwon started to work he was working on his abs then on his arm and leg muscles but not a lot then he started to lift weights up and his abs were showing then he showed Shownu how he has improved on his abs then the girls where getting nosebleeds, the cause of those nosebleeds was Hyungwon and Shownu when they laughed together or worked out.

When the guys saw Hyungwon they were thinking 'how can some one be so hot, handsome and cute at the same time i wish i was him' then one guy was thinking something bad 'hm maybe I should be his personal trainer let's see how much he can handel' so he walked up to Hyungwon.

Random guy: "Hey do you need help?"

Other guys: "Damn he's fast, hes making his move now dammit"

Hyungwon: "No thanks"

Random guy: "C'mon helping won't affect you"

Hyungwon: "no thank you"

Random guy: "C'mon let me help you"

Shownu: "He said no can't you hear him"

Random guy: "Who the hell told you to speak"

Shownu: "If he doesn't want help then don't help him"

Random guy: "Hey what is he to you"

Hyungwon: "My brother"

Shownu: "If you don't back up of him I'll beat you up and he doesn't want that kind of relationships"

Random guy: "And how old are you huh"

Shownu: "16"

Random guy: "It's fine I won't hurt him, let me just help you"

Shownu: "He said NO"

Shownu starts to punch the other guy and he got of him before he got kicked out.

Random guy: "His his punches are like rock, when did you start to work out"

Shownu: "When I was 14 and don't you ever touch him"

As they left everyone saw that the car had a symbol and a driver inside while they looked at the symbol they were in shock and started to respect them everyday but Hyungwon asked them to treat them like normal people because he didn't like it so they started to do what he said, treat him like a normal person.

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