
By Its_happywave

4.6K 164 3

[FINISHED ON DECEMBER 8, 2018] Being a goofy man, Dave didn't expect that he will actually had an awful break... More

From The End of The Road
The Fighters
The Foo
Foo Fighters
This Is A Call
Do You Even Remember?
Ain't It The Life
Mom's Wisdom
There's Nothing Left to Lose
Around The World
Around The Word - 2
Around The World - 3
Off The Map
Off The Map - 2
Tired Of You
All My Life
In Blum
The One
New Story
I Will Be
Stranger Things Have Happened
Alone + Easy Target
One By One
All My Life
Pals and Else
I'm In The Sky Tonight
Done, Done
Up For Another
What Happened at Slane?
Come Alive
Cold Day In The Sun
Best of You
Miss The Misery
I Should've Known

Around The World - 4

68 4 0
By Its_happywave

Michigan, 2000

I can't believe I actually like this girl. She's a bassist, a good one. We met at one of the show. At a festival. I mean, I knew her since she was in Hole, but never actually talk casually or something. But I met her again when she's now with the Pumpkins and she did actually talk with me.

Melissa is such a sweet girl, and I didn't believe she said yes when I asked her on a date. Geez, finally I can get away from Aubrey. "You're ready?" I get her from a shop and take her on a walk. Since we don't have much to do before the show, we decided to go to some places.

"How's the Peppers?" We're holding hands while we have sandwich on other hands. "They're good. Funny guys. You know what's funny? Their drummer, Chad is a prank master. He knew exactly a drummer can't go anywhere while playing, guess what? He dropped a hell of m&ms to Taylor. Me and Taylor are planning to take a revenge of course."
"Already find one?"
"No, not yet. But we will do it on a show where they recording for Off The Map. That will be epic." She giggles on my idea, that's really cute of her. "I think you should give another twist. It will be a recorded proof."
"Right. I think I will ask Taylor about that. He usually full of ridiculous ideas." We laugh at that together. "Well, talking about Taylor. I once saw his girlfriend, she seems like a nice girl."

From all topics, here we are again. Talking about Aubrey. But since she ask, I can't avoid it. "Umm, yeah. She's nice. Why?"
"Nothing, just thinking if we can be friends. Like, it will be funny because you're friends with Taylor and then I friends with his girlfriend." I'm kinda surprised, she's using girlfriend analogy. "Wait, did you just referred yourself as my..."
"If you don't want it, that's fine." She smiles to me. Holy! There's no way I say no to her. "No! I mean, yes of course I want it. I'm just... surprised." I scratched my neck and she hold my hand tighter. "How's the idea?"
"About me and Taylor's girl? Get along together?"
"Eh? Sure! Why...why not?"

Seattle, 2008

Here I am, with Taylor. We're on the way to the cabin and I let Taylor drive. He insisted to, right after seeing my sleep-less eyes. Guess he knows I didn't have much sleep last night. Behind the wheel, he see my box on the dashboard. "Ah, that box. You got it from your mom last night?"
"Yeah. She heard about our trip and told me to bring this with me."
"Right. A closure. Sure."
"I know... Hey dude, I know you heard this many times but... I feel sorry man. About your relationship with her."
"I told you. It wasn't about you and..."
"But still... I was.. trying to get her once. And you have any right to be angry at that time."
"Dave, come on. It was years ago. I did angry, but let's just get over it. Okay?" He grab my shoulder and gives me a pat.

We're not really sure if we go to a correct direction. The road is different now. We can't spot the same sign. Both of us was never been here for years. "You remember where the 'no trespassing' sign?" We stop for awhile, trying to remember where the park ended. "It should be around here. This is the tree." I noticed a big tree that once had a sign on it. "Right. Let's see if this turn is the right one." Taylor is the first to lift the portal and walk passed it. I follow him from behind.

Michigan, 2000

"Taylor, Aubrey, this is Melissa. Melissa, this is Taylor and Aubrey." I bring her backstage, introduce her to everyone. "Yeah, I know her. She's with the Pumpkins." Taylor remember her. "Oh, please tell me you're dating." He quickly grab Aubrey's arms and kiss her. "Look at them honey! Dave is getting a date!"
"So funny Hawkins. You think you're the one who could?" I smirks, getting one of my victory look on him. But not only that, I'm kinda waiting for any response from Aubrey. I didn't know what I'm expecting. Any signs of jealousy maybe? What the fuck am I doing?

"Well. Congratulations then!" Yeah, right. She's smiling wide instead. Great. I should've known. "Yeah. Thanks Aubrey."
"Oh, by the way, we should hang out together sometimes. Like girls day out or something." Melissa can get along easily, I guess. She has no doubt to ask Aubrey out. "That's good. I agree, you should go out sometime." Taylor says to her. "Sure. I'd love to. You know when these boys play a show, I got bored at backstage. Glad that finally I meet another girl around."

"So....maybe we can go to a double date too?" Taylor smirks to Aubrey, waiting for her opinions. "Pleaseee?"
"Alright, alright. But only if they agree too." She looks to me and Melissa. "What you guys think?"
"Umm. Me? I... I'm okay. Melissa?"
"Sure! That will be fun." And there is Nate, sitting alone, listening to our conversation. "How about me?"

Aubrey go to him and pich both his cheeks, "Ah come on Nate! Don't be so sad. You can join us if you want. Right?" She bats an eye to us. "Eh, sure! If he doesn't mind." Me and Taylor nodded. "Yeah, but I suggest you to find a date too." He giggles and Aubrey quickly pinch his arm. "Don't be a jerk."
"Okay, okay. Just... kidding... But seriously Nate, it will..."
"Taylor!" She's now running around the room just to chase him.

"They're cute." Melissa points out Taylor and Aubrey, running towards each other. "Yeah, right. They are."
"I bet they will have such a cute baby together." I almost choked, it gives me chills. "Eh? Yeah. Absolutely."

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