Lone Wolf || Tyrion Lannister

By AngelicTrickster

291K 8.1K 1.5K

Her hair was kissed by fire, but ice ran through her veins. Poised was her demeanor, hidden was a mighty howl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Important Notice
Important Notice

Chapter Forty Two

4.4K 129 26
By AngelicTrickster


While it was not something Anari had expected, she was actually quite glad to see a familiar face when she arrived at such a new location. Anari had never been this far away from home. Never been this far south. "I see that you have made friends." Lord Varys noted, glancing at the wolves, seeing the familiar direwolf standing next to her.

"Thanks to you," Anari smiled. Had she not trusted him the way she did, Anari probably wouldn't be here.

"Come," he smiled. "I'm sure you would like to be inside," Varys said, gesturing for her to follow him. The wolves followed close behind Anari, taking note of what must be Dothraki guards that walked in front of Varys. "I must say, it is a pleasure to see you, my lady. I was saddened when I learned of your death."

"It seems as though everyone knows of my near death," Anari said as they began walking up steps.

"Of course," Varys replied. "People knew of what you did in King's Landing, why would news of your death be any different?"

"I suppose that is true." Anari nodded. They walked up the steps in relatively comfortable silence before Anari built up the courage to ask the question that has been weighing on her since she began her journey. "How is he taking it?" She asked him.

"Of whom do you speak?" Varys asked in return, though he already had an idea as to who she was talking about.

"Tyrion," Anari replied. "And Jon."

"Lord Tyrion..." Varys trailed off. "He's not taking it as well as he is trying to portray." He replied. "As for Lord Snow, I don't know him very well. But I don't think he has been taking it well either. If I am correct, it was Lord Snow who informed Tyrion about your demise."

"I see," Anari replied, feeling her heart drop. She didn't want them to feel such sadness and despair. That was never Anari's intent, but, in truth, Anari didn't give herself enough credit. She happened to leave a very strong impression on everyone she met.

In being as kind and open-minded as she was, Anari allowed herself to meet new people and experience new things. Like the situation with the Hound. Anari had probably the first person to ever actually try and hold a genuine conversation with him and not be afraid.

It just went to show that if one gives kindness, fairness, and politeness, they shall receive a little in return. Though, with that being said, Anari also left an impression with her passion and ambition. Her goal since Illyn Payne took her father's head was to protect Sansa, and Anari had proved exactly what lengths she was willing to go to do it.

"I hope I can help, then." She said softly.

"I believe you will." Varys nodded with a small smile. As they walked, Anari noted that she didn't see any dragons flying around. Though perhaps they just didn't feel like flying right now. Soon enough, they arrived at the castle. Varys lead Anari and her wolves to the throne room where he told her to wait.

"Set," Anari said to her wolves. They all obeyed, sitting and waiting for another order. Anari looked around the room as she waited, noting how simple and plain it was. Though, looking at the throne, Anari realized that what she saw in the flames had truly shown her Dragonstone.

The beach Anari landed on had been vaguely familiar to her. Something really wanted Anari there, and her only hope was that she wouldn't be turned away. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest as her stomach twisted in knots. She was nervous, she was so nervous. All she ever wanted was to see her family again, and now that she was here, Anari felt as if she was going to burst.

It's been years since she saw Jon, and it's been a long time since she's seen Tyrion. Both men were people she loved and cared for, people she knew would fill a void that's been within her heart since parting with them. She hoped, she hoped she'd see Jon again some day.

The last she saw of him, he was going to the Wall to be part of the Night's Watch. While she parted on good terms with him, Anari was sure the years had changed him. They had certainly changed her. And of course, Anari had parted with Tyrion. Though, their parting was more emotional.

It was so sudden, they were forced apart because he wanted to keep her safe. Anari remembered crying as she pleaded for him to run with her. Oh, how different things would have been had Tyrion gone with her. No doubt he and Lord Baelish would not get along. And Aunt Lyse certainly would not have been pleased to have Tyrion back in her halls.

As much as Anari hated to think it, perhaps it really was for the best that he wasn't with her. Though, that didn't mean it didn't hurt her to leave him in a place where he had a high chance of dying. But, now she was in Dragonstone. Anari was going to see them both, and finally have a piece of herself back.

Slowly but surely, the shards that had been broken within her were being replaced. Her time in King's Landing had taken so much out of her. Because Anari was defending Sansa with everything she had, each punishment ripped a piece of her away. 

Had Anari stayed any longer, no doubt she would eventually fade.

The wait seemed to stretch on for a while, and it didn't help her nerves. Though, after a moment, with her back towards the door, Varys had gone through, she heard footsteps. Anari took a deep breath, reigning in her courage as she turned to face whoever approached her.


As soon as Varys left her, he quickly walked to Tyrion's room. Varys wasn't one to feel much excitement, but he was very pleased with this piece of information. When he had seen the ship coming forward, Varys was quiet about it.

He didn't alert anyone, really, except for a few of the Dothraki guards to join him to the beaches to greet whoever was coming. Never, did Varys expect to see Anari Stark. Considering he had been told she was dead, he didn't think it was within the realm of possibility.

Clearly, he, and everyone else was wrong. Varys was very curious as to what exactly happened to her, but he knew to save that conversation for later. He knew who she'd want to see and who would want to see her. It was a shame that Jon has already been long gone, and Daenerys had just recently left to go help him.

Soon enough, he was at Tyrion's door. Varys knocked a few times before he entered, once he did he found Tyrion sitting in a chair near the fire, staring into the flames. Tyrion had a lot on his mind as of late, as so much has happened in what feels like a short amount of time.

Unfortunately, most of the news they had heard seemed to be bad. But finally, there was some good news. With that in mind, Varys walked further into the room. "My Lord," he said, which gained Tyrion's reluctant attention.

"What is it?" He asked. "Have we lost something else?" He asked sarcastically. Tyrion was starting to think that everything they had built was starting to crumble. If Daenerys didn't return, then they'd all be lost. As much as Tyrion wanted to help Jon, wanted to ensure he returned back safely, Tyrion knew it was a risk everyone who joined understood.

Daenerys had been impulsive to go after Jon, if she and the dragons were lost, they were doomed. In response to his attitude, Varys merely smiled.

"Someone is here to see you."

"Whoever could be here to see me?" Tyrion asked, his brows furrowed. Why would anyone visit at a time like this anyway?

"Come find out for yourself, my Lord." Varys smiled. Tyrion gave him a quizzical look, but Varys didn't give anything away. Varys wasn't going to tell him who was here to see him. Besides, Tyrion wouldn't believe him anyway. Sighing slightly, Tyrion stood up and set his goblet down. He followed Varys to the throne room, trying to figure out who this was.

Tyrionbriefly thought that perhaps it was Daenerys. Though, why would Varys be so secretive about it if that were the case? As he got closer, Tyrion noted that Varys gestured for him to walk the rest of the way alone. As much as Varys wanted to see this, he knew that they'd want to be alone. Though, without Varys walking the rest of the way with him, it made Tyrion suspicious as to who could be there to see him. 

Could it be Jaime or Bronn? Though, Jaime was ruled out quickly. Why in the seven hells would Jaime risk coming there? Surely if anyone found out, the news would reach Cersei, and if the news reached Cersei, no doubt she'd be furious. Possibly furious enough to call for Jaime's head. From what Varys has relayed, this war has not been kind to Cersei. She was only becoming more insane as time went on.

Bronn might if he thought it was in his interest. But the more he thought of it, the more unsatisfied Tyrion was with that thought. Why, why would anyone want to see him, and why was Varys being so secretive about it?

Tyrion got his answer as he walked forward cautiously and saw a figure standing in the throne room. They were covered in a dark grey cloak and had their hood over their head, their back to him. Tyrion was so focused on the figure that he didn't take note of the wolves in the room. Seeming to hear him enter, the figure turned around to face him.

Tyrion felt his heart stop.

No... it couldn't be. This must be some trick, some cruel trick. It simply was not possible, he was dreaming, he must be dreaming. However, Tyrion watched as Anari offered a small smile as she toyed with her fingers, a clear sign that she was nervous.

"It can't be," Tyrion said softly, his voice quiet. He didn't know what else to say, what to do.

"It is," Anari replied, her voice just as quiet as she swallowed the lump that began to form in her throat. Anari looked Tyrion over, noting that he looked healthy and strong. Perhaps a bit tired and stressed, but for the most part, he looked okay.

Tyrion, unable to stay away, started to move closer. As he did, Anari moved closer as well, her heart beating rapidly. Both of them were nervous, not believing that this was real. They both waited for something to happen, to be woken up from yet another blissful dream, to have this all be some sort of joke.

But they were not asleep, nor was someone playing a sick joke on them. With only a moment's hesitation, Anari knelt down as Tyrion practically ran to embrace her. Anari trembled as she felt tears sting her eyes. They held each other tightly, Tyrion on the verge of tears himself.

Oh, it felt so good to be in each other's arms again. Neither of them thought they'd see the other again. Especially not Tyrion, as he thought she was dead. But he was so glad she wasn't. Tyrion could feel Anari trembling, and he merely tightened his hold in return. "Tyrion." She whispered lightly, which nearly made him fall apart.

He didn't think he'd ever hear her say his name again.

Finally, when they pulled back, Anari cupped his face, her eyes scanning him. He didn't care if she saw his tears as he scanned her face as well. She looked good too, she looked healthy. Her beautiful face had a scar down her cheek, but other than that, she was unblemished. "You're here," Tyrion breathed.

"I'm here." Anari smiled tearfully. Unable to help it, Tyrion brought his thumb up to wipe a stray tear away.

"You're alive." He said in disbelief.

"Yes," Anari laughed. They embraced again, tightly, before Anari rose. She sniffed and wiped away the tears that fell. "I've come here to help where I can."

"Daenerys isn't here," Tyrion replied, clearing his throat slightly as he too calmed down. "She rode out to help your brother." Anari nodded, having noted the absence of the dragons. "Come, we'll talk in private." Tyrion offered her his hand, which she took without hesitation, which caused him to smile in return. He went to lead her away when Anari paused.

"My wolves," Anari said. "Where can they go for now?" Tyrion finally took notice of the wolf pack and direwolf sitting near Anari.

"Is that... is that a direwolf?" He asked, which got Anari to smirk.

"It's my direwolf Shadow. I've raised her since she was a pup." Anari replied. "I found her and she introduced me to her friends. Is there somewhere they can go? Kennels maybe?"

Tyrion nodded in return, having a place in mind that would house the beasts. He took Anari and the wolves to a small kennel area he had found not too long ago. After Anari secured the wolves, she Tyrion and Shadow moved to Tyrion's room so they could speak in private.

Once in his chambers, the pair sat down. Tyrion poured each of them a goblet of wine, an awkward silence following soon after. Anari glanced around the room, seeing how bare it was. It was a definite change from his room in King's Landing.

In fact, the slight awkwardness reminded her of their wedding night. Once she had finished looking around the room, Anari took a small sip of wine before meeting Tyrion's eyes once more. She wasn't surprised to see him already looking at her.

Of course, he would, considering he was told she was dead. But Anari was very much real, and she was glad to be there and with him again. Before she could speak, Tyrion finally broke the silence. "How did you get here?" He asked. "What... what happened to you?"

Anari took a deep breath before letting out a deep sigh. "A lot of things happened," Anari replied. "When Sansa and I left King's Landing, the entire thing was organized by Lord Baelish."

"Littlefinger?" Tyrion asked, slightly surprised. "Why would he rescue you?"

"At first I thought it was because he still loved my mother, but he did it because he wanted the North," Anari replied, being honest. She had nothing to hide from him. Besides, now that she was back with Tyrion, she wanted him to know everything. He had a right as her husband anyway. "He took us to the Eyrie where we'd be safe for a time. But my aunt was a jealous woman, and she thought Lord Baelish felt something for me."

Tyrion knew of how mad Lysa was, having experienced it first hand. Though, he was sure that the time had not helped with that. Hearing that Littlefinger was interested in Anari made him frown. "Did he?" Tyrion asked. "Does he?" He didn't think he was the jealous type, but hearing that Littlefinger of all people had an interest in Anari, it did not sit well with him.

"I don't know," Anari replied, she wasn't exactly sure. While she knew he had a lust for her, she wasn't sure exactly where his feelings resided. Was it simply lust, the power her name commanded or was it lust and love? Anari would probably never really know for sure. "He kept saying he did, and he kept trying to... It doesn't matter." Anari dismissed.

He didn't need to know that part of her story. After all, it was bad enough to go through it and to play along. Anari always felt repulsed whenever Lord Baelish was near. And she especially felt as though she'd be sick the few times he kissed her. While Anari wanted to be honest with Tyrion, this was a detail she'd spare him of knowing.

"My aunt tried to murder me." Even after all this time, Anari was still affected by what had happened. Her own family, while crazed, had tried to kill her. Never before had Anari thought someone who shared her blood would be one of the people who tried to kill her.

Tyrion could tell that Anari was affected by what had happened. Considering he knew Anari to not drink much, she reached for her goblet and took another sip. Though, he could understand why she'd be so upset. Considering who her family was and how close they were, of course, it would be a shock to have someone who shared her blood to try and kill her. It was different for him, considering Cersei had been trying to kill him practically his whole life.

Taking a breath, Anari continued. "She forced me to look down the Moon Door, she cursed me and said vile things before Lord Baelish saved me." Anai hated that she still owed him for that, but what he was most likely to ask was not something she would give him.

While Tyrion didn't particularly like Littlefinger and now had even more incentive not to like him. Though, he did find himself thankful for him, if only for a moment. The two didn't really get along well in the past, and Tyrion couldn't really see them getting along now.

Especially now Tyrion is aware that Lord Baelish has some sort of feelings for his wife. Now, Tyrion wasn't a particularly jealous person, but he didn't like sharing all that much. Especially because he was in love with Anari and cared deeply for her, he had something to lose.

Tyrion already thought he lost her once, he didn't know if he could take it should he lose her again. Especially if he lost her to another man. Which was why, now that he had her, he would do everything in his power to keep her. He was never going to let her go again.


"After that, he tried to take us to Winterfell with the intent to sell one of us off to the Boltons." Like Tywin, Lord Baelish was trying to sell them off like they were brood mares. To buy their way back into their own home. It was terrible, and the treatment Sansa had to endure while Anari was away... it ate her up inside. She should have been there, she should have protected her. 

Had Anari been there for Sansa, she would have killed Ramsay where he stood. And he wouldn't have even seen it coming.

Blinking, Anari refocused on the conversation and continued telling her story. Tyrion was quiet as she explained what she had gone through. How she and Sansa wanted to see Winterfell from a distance, but as they were going back, they were ambushed. She told him how she tried to protect her sister but was injured very badly while doing so.

"He slashed my back, it wasn't too deep, but it was enough to slow me down," Anari said. "The man kept screaming his name, saying we were trespassing on his land. That it no longer belonged to the Knights of the Vale, but to..." Anari trailed off for a moment as she tried to recall his name. "Shagga, son of Dolf?"

Hearing that, Tyrion couldn't help the incredulous chuckle from escaping his lips. Of all the people for Anari to run into on her journey's Shagga was not one of them Tyrion would have suspected. Anari frowned when he laughed, and seeing the look on her face, Tyrion stopped.

"I'm sorry," he said softly. "I didn't mean to laugh, it's just that I know the man who did this to you."

"You do?" Anari questioned, her eyes widening slightly.

"When your mother arrested me and brought me to the Eyrie, I got out of it by having Bronn win a trial by combat. On our way back, we encountered some of the Hill Tribesmen. In exchange for safe passage, I offered them the Vale of Arryn." He replied. "Not my brightest plan, they seemed to take my promise seriously."

"I'm inclined to agree," Anari replied. "Considering what happened." She let out a soft breath, thinking back on that day. Truly, she had never been more terrified. Even during the riot, Anari wasn't as scared as she was that day. She was so close to death that day. "I truly thought I was going to die when I was wounded further."

"I'm very glad you didn't," Tyrion said softly. Oh, had she not survived, had she not come here... Tyrion didn't know what he would have done with himself. Losing Anari was one of his worst fears, and it very nearly came true. But she was okay, she was with him at last, and there was no way he was ever letting her go.

"I am too," Anari replied, her lips twitching in a small smile. "The thought of leaving my sister alone in such a world as this, of leaving you..." She trailed off for a moment before continuing. "And of breaking my promise." She added.

"What promise?" Tyrion asked curiously. Anari hesitated on telling him, but she knew he needed to know. It would be unfair to keep this from him. So, moving closer to him, Anari took his hands in hers as she smiled softly.

"I promised that I would do my best to give our son the life he deserved." She said softly. Tyrion paused as he processed what he was just told. He must have heard her wrong, she didn't say what he thought she did... did she?

"Our... we have a son?" He asked, wanting to make sure.

"Yes," Anari replied. "His name is Mykal."

Tyrion had a son, a child... he was a father. Though, one question immediately came to mind, unable to help it. "Is he... how tall..." He had trouble asking if he was a dwarf like this father, but Anari seemed to understand.

"No," she said quietly. "He's already close to your height. But it wouldn't matter to me if he was a dwarf, he'd still be my son and I'd love him just as I love his father." She stated firmly, knowing what he was worried about.

Never, would Anari look down on her child. It didn't matter how tall they were or how smart they were. Anari would always love them because they were part of her, her own flesh and blood. As she looked at him, Anari couldn't help but smile.

"He has your eyes." She said softly, which earned her a hopeful look in return.

"He does?" Tyrion asked.

"Yes," Anari smiled. "He's so beautiful, Tyrion." She continued, tears coming to her eyes as she told him about their son. "He's already so brave, he promised to look after my sisters and a friend of mine."

"Brave like his mother," Tyrion smirked lightly, causing Anari to grin.

"And smart like his father." She replied. "He's learning so fast." She told him all about Mykal, wanting him to know how his son's life was progressing. "He wanted to come with me, you know." Anari continued. "But I knew it would be too dangerous to bring him here, but I made Idan and my sisters promise to look after him."

"Idan?" Tyrion questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"He's the man who helped save our lives," Anari replied. "He let us live with him before I went to Winterfell. And he's the only person I trust when it comes to our son." She explained. "Idan has a son of his own, and the boys get along very well, so I know Mykal is well taken care of. I wouldn't have come if I wasn't sure."

If he ever got the chance to meet him, then Tyrion would have to express just how thankful and grateful he was to this man. He protected his wife and son when he couldn't, that was a debt he doubted he'd be able to pay. "I trust your judgment." Tyrion smiled, which Anari replied with another smile.

"Tell me what happened to you," Anari said. "You heard my story, let me hear yours." Tyrion went on to explain what had happened to him, how he was put on trial for Joffrey's murder before he demanded a trial by combat.

"Oberyn Martell was my champion."

"Oberyn?" Anari asked, surprised. "He faced off the Mountain?" Tyrion nodded in return. Though, he needn't tell her about Oberyn's reasoning for defending Tyrion, as Anari already had an idea. The Mountain was the one who murdered his sister and her children. Of course, he'd want to get justice for their deaths. "Did he win?"

While Anari didn't know much about the man, she had heard some people talking about how deadly and skilled Oberyn Martell was. Tyrion merely gave a half, sad, smirk at her question. "To a degree," he answered. "His spear was poisoned, every wound he gave Ser Gregor was considered a killing strike. But in the end, when the Mountain was on his back, he got arrogant. With the last bit of strength he had, the Mountain killed him."

Anari was slightly sad to hear that. While she only had one conversation with him, Anari knew that he meant what he said when he told her she'd find safety in Dorne. He was yet another person who tried to help her and those she cared about and died for it.

It really wasn't fair. Continuing on, Tyrion told her of how he was smuggled out of King's Landing thanks to Jaime and Varys. He then told her how he killed Shae and Tywin.

Killing Tywin, Anari could understand. She had wanted that man dead for a while herself, especially since he thought he could just sell Sansa off like she was some prized cow. She was slightly grateful, though, as if he hadn't, then she most likely wouldn't have realized she loved Tyrion the way that she did.

But killing Shae? What had she done to cause him to do that? There must have been a reason. "When I sent her away, she must not have actually gone," Tyrion said. "When I was making my escape, I found her in my father's bed. She was sleeping with him. When she awoke, she tried to kill me."

Anari knew how much he cared for her. He may not have loved Shae like he thought he did, but it was obvious that he grew to genuinely care for the woman. Anari liked her as well, but she couldn't help but be glad that she was away from Tyrion and taken care of.

Anari thought it petty that she chose to testify against Tyrion just because he didn't love her, and because he was trying to save her life. To be so far gone into her own emotions that she was willing to kill Tyrion... Anari liked to think she would have defended Tyrion from Shae. While the woman was her friend for a time, it was clear Shae held no well wishes towards her.

Anari listened as Tyrion continued, telling her how he was kidnapped from Volantis and went on a journey to get to Mereen where he met Daenerys. "It was a long journey, thought I was going to go mad at some points," he admitted. "Though, there was one thought, one single thought that kept me sane. That... that gave me hope."

He was a little embarrassed to admit it, but Tyrion wanted to tell her. "What thought was that?" Anari asked softly.

"It was the thought of seeing you again," he said softly. Anari's cheeks colored lightly, but a smile spread across her lips. He thought of her too, he was her reasoning for surviving what she did, and she was his reason. "I promised myself, should Daenerys get to Westeros, I'd find you."

Anari felt tears well again. She had promised to find him as well, and by some miracle, Anari was there. Tyrion had said he loved her on the beach, but Anari had no idea that the mere thought of seeing her again would give him such hope. Though, Anari felt the same way. The thought of him being out there somewhere always gave Anari hope.

Anari squeezed Tyrion's hand, not having let go once she had hold of it. "I promised myself that I'd find you, I promised Mykal that I'd find you one day." 

"And now you're here." Tyrion smiled.

"And now I'm here." Anari grinned. Tyrion squeezed her hand back and pressed a chaste kiss to it. "Tell me about Daenerys," Anari said, taking a breath to keep herself in check. "What is she like?" Anari wanted to know more about her, wanted to get a better idea of who she was.

Considering they needed her help, Anari wanted to be more prepared for when she actually meets her. Tyrion offered a small smile before he, too, took a breath to steady himself. Both of them were feeling so many emotions at once, but they both knew that they'd have more time to spend together later.

They needed to focus. "She has a temper," Tyrion admitted. Daenerys had a habit of wanting to react more so than think things through. However, one of the things Tyrion did like about her, was that she was open to suggestions if she was convinced there were other routes to take. "But I actually believe she has a good heart." Tyrion continued. "If given the right counsel, and if she listens to it, she will be a good ruler."

That was reassuring to hear. It was good to know that she wasn't mad like her father. And Anari had no doubt that Tyrion was doing his best to give her the advice she needed. She hoped that she could be of help as well. In any way, she could. "I trust your judge of character," Anari repeated what he said to her which caused him to laugh. It was good to hear him laugh again, and Anari couldn't help but join him.

The awkward air between them dissipated with their laughter. Tyrion missed Anari's smile. He pictured her smile often while he was away from her. He pictured it when he needed that bit of reassurance. Anari missed Tyrion's smile as well. It was a relief and balm, almost, to be with each other again after so long.

Though, one question bothered Anari as they spoke of Daenerys and Jon. "Where is she?" She asked. Not only did she notice the absence of the dragons, but Anari was certain she would have already met her if she was there. "Where is Jon? I thought they'd be here."

"They would have," Tyrion nodded. "But Jon went on a mission beyond the Wall and he sent a raven. Daenerys went to aid him." Tyrion gave the abridged version. He didn't want to worry Anari that her brother may be in danger and that he advised Daenerys not to go.

Anari's brows came together in concern, Bran was right. And if Jon was going beyond the Wall, then that could only mean that he was doing something related to the White Walkers. Anari only hoped that Jon was okay and that he'd return soon.

Seeing her concern, Tyrion squeezed her hand. This was why he didn't tell her the whole of it. "They'll be okay," Tyrion said softly. "She took the dragons, what can anyone do to them, really?" He asked with a small smile. Anari returned it after thinking it over. He was right, who could harm them?

"You're right," Anari nodded. "Alright," she said softly. Now that they had sorted through the personal matters, Anari felt it was time to get further into the reason she was there. To help, offer advice should it be needed. "I suppose, considering you're Hand of the Queen, that I can discuss this with you." She teased softly, which earned a smirk in return. "Not only am I here to show you that I'm very much alive, but I'm here to also help you all in any way that I can. If that means providing advice or just by simply keeping things smooth."

Tyrion couldn't help but smile at his wife. Of course, she would provide help, her very presence was a balm that soothed him. Tyrion was certain it would be the same for Jon should he return. "Anything you can do to help would be appreciated." He replied, which earned a small smile in return. Anari went to speak when Varys came into the room.

"I'm so sorry to disturb you both," he said, a genuinely apologetic look on his face. Varys didn't wish to disturb this much needed moment, but he knew both of them would want to hear of this. "But Our Queen and Lord Snow have returned."

Anari lit up at the prospect of seeing Jon again. It had been far too long, and she missed him dearly. Just like reuniting with her sisters and Bran, Anari couldn't wait to see Jon again. Tyrion nodded, and the two rose. However, as they made their way to the throne room, Tyrion couldn't help but reach out to gently take hold of Anari's hand once again.

In return, she gently squeezed his before turning back to the room, Anari softly summoned Shadow to follow behind to keep guard over her. Not only would Anari be seeing Jon again, she'd also be meeting the Dragon Queen for the first time.

Anari hoped all things went well.


Arya had been shadowing and following Lord Baelish for quite a while now. She noticed that not only did he have spies in Winterfell, but that he seemed to be shadowing and following Idan. Arya didn't like that Lord Baelish was taking an interest in Idan.

That put Mykal in danger, and Arya was not going to let anything happen to her nephew. Which was why she made it a point to follow Lord Baelish to see what he was up too. It concerned her as to what the raven scroll said as she watched Lord Baelish and Maester Wolkin exchange it.

Arya followed Lord Baelish to his room, waiting in the hall for him to leave. Once he did, Arya unlocked the door and went inside. After searching for a bit Arya found it. When she read it, Arya couldn't help but narrow her eyes a little. Rolling up the scroll, she left the room and relocked the door, unaware that Lord Baelish was watching, smirking from the shadows.

However, what both Arya and Lord Baelish failed to see was the thin piece of parchment attached to the first one. This contained Anari's letter, both a warning and reassurance to Robb and their mother. When Arya confronted Sansa about it, Sansa let out an exasperated breath. "This is what Anari warned us about," she said. "Lord Baelish is trying to split us apart, he knows we're stronger together."

"And that you're easier to manipulate," Arya said, looking unapologetic about her jab. Arya wasn't familiar with Lord Baelish, and because he watched her spar with Brienne, he knew she was dangerous. That she was wild and had a skeptical mind. Arya was a threat, Sansa, Sansa he knew. Sansa, he could scare and manipulate and whisper his lies.

"If he's been following Idan around, then he must suspect something about him," Sansa said, ignoring her. "It's possible he's suspicious about the boys." Sansa didn't like the idea of Anari's son, her nephew, being in potential danger.

Putting their differences aside, the two sisters figured out the reasoning behind what Lord Baelish was doing. Dividing them, pitting them against one another. That couldn't happen, they couldn't let that happen. They couldn't afford to be fighting each other when there was a much larger battle coming.

Once they had settled down a bit and came to better terms, Arya finally noticed something she didn't before. A thin sheet of parchment was carefully attached to Sansa's letter. With furrowed brows, Arya carefully removed it so she could read it.

"What's that?" Sansa questioned. Arya had a small smile on her face as she read the letter aloud.

"Lion's words from a wolf's mouth, safety low, but not lost." Arya looked up to Sansa, unable to hide her pride and amusement. "Anari slipped her own message alongside yours."

Sansa couldn't help but smile as well. Of course she did, of course, Anari would find a way to get word to mother and Robb to let them know that they were okay and that the contents of Sansa's letter were not her own words, but Cersei's.

"Maester Luwin must have made sure that it wouldn't be easy to see her letter," Sansa said. With this new information, the sisters decided to put a plan into motion. The tricky part was, making sure that Lord Baelish didn't catch on. And, unfortunately, that was not easy. Especially when he had a plan of his own. 

One he would execute very soon.

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