Sweet Pea | Tension

By wiscoqueen1848

48.8K 798 53

|Look for the girl with the broken smile| *Spin-off of Riverdale storyline-- there will be the same character... More

The Overlook
Riverdale High
20 Questions
Unexpected Vistors
The Letdown
Never Again
The Tradition
Sweet Pea

Up to Speed

6.3K 94 13
By wiscoqueen1848

AN: Sweet Pea is only in this part a little, this is a background to make you under Lizzie's past. Also, there will be dialog but again, this is just background.

Ever since Lizzie was a little girl, her mom, Michelle Miner, told her that her birth father had died. She would tell stories as Lizzie was laying in bed of a nobleman, a man who would fight for the right thing, and a man that only wanted to keep the peace.  A man that had short beautiful black hair, flowing gracefully to the back of his head. He had a rugged beard, that would probably have piercings of white sticking out now. He was a leader to his people, and respected, but one day, people that didn't like her dad and his people, decided it was time to end the peace and ended up killing the entire group, including the leader, her dad. Lizzie had always wanted to know more about her dad and wanted to see what he looked like, besides the painting she had of him in her head, but one day, when she was about 11, her mom came home with a man that would end up being her new dad. A man, named Luke Tyler, that would abuse her and a man that one day, would kill her mother.

At first, it was all unicorn and rainbows. Luke became her dad, she was able to put a face to the name "dad", and she liked it.  She became close with him and trusted him, just like her mom, because she didn't have a reason not to.  Luke was a powerful man, living California, long from their home in New York.  He brought them to California and made it their home, he introduced them to this expensive lifestyle that gave them everything they needed.  Michelle and Lizzie were doing fine in New York, Michelle was working a desk job that provided just enough for her and her daughter to live their lives happily, but this was an upgrade in all aspects of their life, or so they thought. 

Not long after moving to California, Luke forced Michelle and Lizzie to change their names to match his.  He wanted to show his ownership of them, he especially didn't want any other men or boys looking at them like they could take them from him. He became possessive of Michelle and would get angry when he didn't know where she went. He didn't allow Michelle to work, so she would volunteer at different places, such as humane societies, and local food pantries to make herself useful. 

About 2 years into their marriage, is when Luke started to abuse Michelle. Their house was so big, that Lizzie never knew about it until later in life, but Luke would brand Michelle from their fireplace in their room when she was sleeping or when she would come in late from a night volunteering, which caused Michelle to turn to alcohol. Michelle would drink all day and all night because her husband made enough for her to enjoy it whenever she wanted. Michelle then began involving herself with a local gang, called the Solo Angeles, to hurt Michelle, he secretly offered to pay for whatever drugs and or alcohol the gang wanted as long as they kept Michelle on a tight leash, knowing he could no longer control Michelle, he turned to Lizzie.

Lizzie started dating in the 7th grade, it was nothing serious. Holding hands, going to the beach together, and other innocent dates, but Luke didn't like that she was pursuing boys, and without his permission.  The day after he found out about her boyfriend, who happened to be the son of the local gang leader, he took Lizzie into his bedroom and choked her until she fell unconscious. Lizzie woke up in a local hospital with her mom and Luke sitting on each side of her, when she asked what happened Luke quickly responded and told her that her boyfriend had strangled her, because of his gang roots.

The abuse only increased from there, but it was hidden well. Luke would slay her in the same spot until she bled, or suffocate her with a pillow, or kick her in the ribs or legs, just enough that she was in terrible pain but she was able to hide it.  One day she tried to run away, back to New York, when she was about 15, but Luke's gang caught her and brought her home, and that's when he burned her, just like he did to her mother.


Lizzie's mom was killed by her step dad on October 17th, 2017, leaving a beautiful broken girl an orphan at the age of 16.  As soon as Michelle was dead, Luke kicked her out.  He wanted nothing to do with her and said that she was close enough to being an adult and that she needed to act like it if she ever wanted to come home. But she didn't.  

She never knew her father and her mother immediately stopped telling her about him once Luke came into the picture, except 5 days leading up to her death.  She gave her four letters, one for her to read on her way back to New York, one for her when she gets there, one for her birth dad, and one for her once she was settled into some place called Riverdale.

The first letter had enough money for a one-way bus ticket and enough money for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and snacks during the trip there, it also listed a bank account number on it. Her mom told her that she had been saving money for her ever since she was born, and ever since she married Luke she was able to put a lot of money into it so she should be okay for a while. It had a ring in it too. It was a golden ring, that fits perfectly on her right ring finger as if her mom got it sized just for her. It had small golden fingers stretching up ever so slightly up the stone, which was made of a beautiful subtle green stone, called green amethyst.  The letter told her to hold on to the ring for her dear life because it will provide her refuge when she needs it most.  The last part of the letter told her the most shocking story of her entire life, "My dear Elizabeth, I'm sorry I have had to lie to you about this all these years, but your father is not dead. He is well alive, you must go to him, he knows about you. I told him not to come find you, I got pregnant with you in high school, but the ring has meaning for him too. I'm sorry my princess, forgive me. Love, Momma".

As she was on her way to the bus stop, she ditched her phone and anything that could tie her to her life in California, she left with the money she took from her bank, and the 4 letters her mom gave her. She didn't have time to cry about her mom because she knew she had to get away.  She didn't dare sleep on the way to New York because she was worried she'd see Luke and he would take her somewhere.  The second she got into Riverdale she opened her mother's second letter. Her mother told her to go a strange place called the Whyte Wyrm, she told her daughter that she would be scared going in because of the group that patron the bar, but she was to walk in, ask for a man named  Forsythe Pendleton Jones II, and give him the letter.  She also attached a picture of the man, which made her tear up a little, but she knew this wasn't the time or place, so she cleaned up her tears.

She did just as her mom said. As she pushed open the doors to the bizarrely named bar, she saw heads turn and look at her.  She was dressed up nicely with an oversized tan sweater that had a silky look to it, a solid white statement necklace, high waisted dark wash jeans with three buttons leading to the top, and a pair of black leather and snakeskin Gucci flats, along with her beige Gucci backpack hanging off her shoulder. As she walked deeper into the bar, she made eye contact with a boy that looked a lot older than he was, he was about 6'2", with raven-haired, he had bangs that perfectly fell on the right side of his forehead, resting just above his eyes. He had big brown eyes, she could tell he had an athletic building, he held his arms crossed his body making his muscles show through his jacket just how big they were, and his lips pursed out, he clenched his jaw together, which made his face muscles show for just a moment before saying, "You Northsiders need to learn how to stay on your side",  as he walked towards her. Before he could meet her, they both stopped in their tracks when they hear someone say, "Stand down, Sweet Pea".  

The boy obeyed, which made her turn to see who could control this angry boy. When she saw the man, her heart sank, it was him.  She stared at him for a while until he said, "Can I help you, Princess?", she heard the raven-haired boy laugh behind her. "I'm looking for FP Jones", he nodded, signaling that that was him. She got out the letter, and gave it to him, "This is yours", the man knew almost instantly what was happening. As he read the short letter, Lizzie looked around the bar.  Everyone was watching intensely to see what the man's next moves would be. He looked up at her, and then down at her hand.  "Can I see the ring", he said, she nodded yes, and lifted her arm so he could see it.  He sighed and looked as if he would cry but said, "She's dead?", Lizzie nodded, tears filling her eyes. She heard a voice of a young man, dressed in the same jacket everyone in the bar had. "Dad?" He was a pretty boy, if you will, he had a crowned beanie, covering his dark black hair, he looked confused at the man then at her.  FP finally said, "Jug, this is your sister, Lizzie Tyler", he said, "Tyler- Jones", she corrected him almost automatically. Both men stared at her as they tried to figure out what was happening, Lizzie looked at him tears rolling down her face.

"What now?" She said looking at her newly found father, and stepbrother.

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