I Am Percy

By Eclipse_Rose

166K 5.4K 2.2K

"Well? What did he sign?" "He said 'Well jacka$$? What do you f**king want?'" --------------------- Percy jus... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
C H A P T E R 2 0
Keep an eye out

Chapter Eleven

6.5K 220 94
By Eclipse_Rose

"Percy! We're home!" Sally's voice echos throughout the house and she glances in the direction of the stairs way to see her son moving down the stairs.

His movements were sluggish, he was paler than usual, his eyes look slightly sunken in, not to mention the dark circles and bags under his eyes, and well, you get the picture.

But Sally doesn't think that he had trouble sleeping or that he was sick. Oh no, she said something far different.

"Have you been doing drugs?" 


Matt was a little concerned. No one had seen Percy all day, and now here he was, half way through detention and still no Percy.

"Ok, has anyone seen Mr. Jackson at all?" Mr. Winchester's sharp voice stated Matt's thoughts out loud. 

"We saw him Saturday at the beach!" Annabeth informs and Dean sighs. 

"Has anyone seen him recently?" Dean repeats, that was when Mr. Blofis ran in.

"Has anyone seen Percy? My wife called, he isn't at home!" He states in a panicked manor. Mr. Winchester and Dean ran over to him.

"When did you see him last?" Dean questions and Mr. Blofis mumbles a little before answering.

"Last time I saw him was when I dropped him off for school." He replies.

"Great! Then let's start there."


"Why did you put my name on the king piece?" Derek asks Jesse as he moves his knight to take on of Derek's pawns.

"Because you are my king." Jesse replies like the answer was obvious. Well it wasn't obvious to Derek, but he was touched by that.

"Well doesn't that make you my queen?" He asks his love, then takes the pen they were using to keep score and writes on his queen piece, 'Jesse'. He looks up again to see Jesse covering his face with his hands and blushing. 

"Why are you blushing my Queen?" Derek teasingly, but lovingly, asks and Jesse throws a pillow at him.

"You know why!" He pouts and turns away from Derek. In turn Derek abandons the chess board and goes over to where Jesse is sitting on the blanket and pillow mess.

"Don't ignore me!" Derek whines childishly while rubbing his head on Jesse's shoulder. Jesse just blushed harder, then he just gives up and laughs.

"You really are a wolf aren't you?" Jesse giggles and scratches Derek behind the ear, Derek stops rubbing his head on Jesse's shoulder and just rests in there.

"That feels nice." He mumbles and Jesse giggles again, then stops.

"Why did you stop?" 

"Because look at that view!" Jesse marvels as he gets up and stands at the edge of the building, Derek smiles at his cuteness. He watches as Jesse looks over the edge and marvels.

Derek brought him to their usual spot on the top of a tall abandoned building that overlooked a lot of the beach. Jesse loves it here and Derek knows that, he also knows that Jesse was having trouble sleeping , so as soon as Paul dropped him off at school, Derek texted him and picked him up.

And now we're here.

"Thank you for taking me here Der." His love says walking over to him.

"No problem love." He replies, opening his arms out wide so Jesse can collapse into his embrace. And that's exactly what Jesse does.

"How are you feeling Queen?" Derek softly asks as he runs a hand threw Jesse's hair. Well, Percy's hair, but no matter the identity, he was always going to be his Jesse.

"I feel better now." Jesse sighs, happily content with where he was. And he was looking much better than that morning to be honest as well.

His movements weren't so sluggish anymore, he regained a little color, his eyes weren't so sunken in, the bags and dark circles under his eyes were faded till it looked like they weren't even there, and well you get the picture.

"You seem better now. Not as sick." Derek softly tells the boy, who buries his head farther into Derek's side.

"Just kiss me King!" Jesse yelps, making Derek laugh.

"As you wish." He whispers softly.

"But dance with me first." Derek hums and gets up, he helps his Queen up before wrapping his arms around Jesse's waist and he moves to an invisible tune.

"You're so cheesy." Jesse chuckles and leans into his chest. Jesse grabs one of Derek's hands and they slow dance to the crashing of waves against the shore.

"Now will you kiss me?" Jesse shyly questions, Derek lovingly looks at him and removes his hand from Jesse's to grab his chin lightly.

"As you wish." Derek purrs and tilts Jesse's chin up.

I think you get what happened next...fine...

Derek presses his lips gently to Jesse's, for a gentle kiss.


Annabeth couldn't believe it. She, Leo, Thalia, and Will just witnessed Percy kiss a guy.

"What just happened?" Annabeth asks, clearly stunned. Thalia just stands there with confusion written on her face, while Leo and Will had pride written on their faces.

"He moved on!" Leo exclaims and Annabeth turns to him in disgust.

"Onto what? A whore?" Annabeth spat, non of them could see the other man's face but judging by the strong, muscular build and broad shoulders the man had to be older, Annabeth guesses by two years and both boys look at her with hate.

"No you homophobic bitch!" Will spits back, surprising both Annabeth and Thalia. Leo started to physically smoke.

"I'm not homopho-" Annabeth starts but is quickly cut off by Leo pointing at her.

"Yes you are! Like I haven't seen you with some of those other campers glare at the gay, bi, trans, or anyone like that in camp!" He hisses and pokes her in the shoulder.

"Calm down idiot!" Thalia bites and Will grabs Leo's shoulder.

"Lets leave, they're not worth it." Will tells Leo and he casts one last hateful look at the girls before following Will away.  


 He was walking home. Probably not the smartest, but Derek had to go meet his uncle and Jesse didn't mind walking home.

But Jesse felt something, like someone was watching him. And that made him walk faster. But whatever or whoever was following him sped up as well.

"Percy." A hollow wind blew past his ears. That's when Jesse figured something out, 'That's not wind, that a voice!' and he panicked. 

"Who are you." As much as Jesse wants to seem brave, his voice had betrayed him and quivered in response to his fear. He made his way between the alleyway of two buildings and turned to face the stalker.

"Y-you." He stutters falling tripping backwards trying to get away from the figure.

"Me." She whispers, red hair floating around her pale face shadowing all of her features. Only one thing stood out. 

Her glowing, ice cold, soulless blue eyes.


Matt got paired up with Sera and Dean. Both sent him harsh glances at some points, but once he told them that he wants to start over with Percy, they weren't so cruel. Quite understanding actually. Anyway, the three where walking around downtown Manhattan trying to find Percy.

'What's that noise?' A small voice in the back of Matt's mind asks, he almost didn't hear it either. It was a soft whimper, it was so soft that Matt strained to hear where it was coming from.

"Help me." Was the whimper. Just over and over. It was such a heartbreaking noise, so while Sera was talking to Dean, Matt ran to the alleyway he heard the whimper.

"Matt!" He heard Dean call after him, but Matt just ran to the entrance. He felt sick from the sight he saw. 

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