
By Its_happywave

4.6K 164 3

[FINISHED ON DECEMBER 8, 2018] Being a goofy man, Dave didn't expect that he will actually had an awful break... More

From The End of The Road
The Fighters
The Foo
Foo Fighters
This Is A Call
Do You Even Remember?
Ain't It The Life
Mom's Wisdom
There's Nothing Left to Lose
Around The World
Around The Word - 2
Around The World - 4
Off The Map
Off The Map - 2
Tired Of You
All My Life
In Blum
The One
New Story
I Will Be
Stranger Things Have Happened
Alone + Easy Target
One By One
All My Life
Pals and Else
I'm In The Sky Tonight
Done, Done
Up For Another
What Happened at Slane?
Come Alive
Cold Day In The Sun
Best of You
Miss The Misery
I Should've Known

Around The World - 3

74 4 0
By Its_happywave

Vancouver, 2000

"You guys see her? You?" Taylor is panic all day. He couldn't find Aubrey anywhere and it drive us crazy too. Nate keep telling people to find her. "Where the last time you see her?" This is the third time I ask him this question because I just have no idea anymore. "Can you not fucking ask the same question Dave? Just fucking find her."
"Oh sorry Taylor. Since it's your girlfriend but yet WE all need to burned out too."
"If you guys won't fucking help. That's fine!" We're all pissed, Nate too. He just won't add another gasoline and honestly he's being mature. "Can you two shut the fuck up and do whatever you can to find her? Geez!" He step between me and Taylor so we don't have another fight. "Say sorry. Both of you!" He grab Taylor's and my back and forced us to facing each other. Then we shake each other's hand like a teenage boy.

"Now we separate okay? It will be more effective." He adds, and then we all go to different direction.

We didn't see her since the moment we get on stage. When we got back to our dressing room, she wasn't there. I have no idea where she was going or with who. There's no way she's with John too. He's pretty much on stage after we go down from it.

I got a feeling that she's inside bathroom again, but I can't just breaking into it. It's woman's bathroom. I don't wanna looked like a perv. "Aubrey? You're here?" I peak into it, looking around and not sure if there's anyone in there. I push myself into, now fully step inside the bathroom. Carefully knocked at the door. First one is empty, second one locked, thrid one empty, and so does the forth. I go back to second one and knock once again. "Hey Aubrey. Is that you?"

Just as I thought I can't be more stupid, I go down on my knees try to take a look from the door gap. "If I got trouble because of this, I will literally beat Taylor." I say to myself. A woman might comes out and slap me right now and I don't care. "Aubrey?" It's so hard to look through the gap, it's impossible. I nearly surrender and go out when suddenly I got another idea. A crazy one. Climbing up the door and take a look. Yeah, that's the idea.

And so, I did. I climbed, hoping no one will ever catch me like this. Foo Fighters frontman is on the risk right now. "What the fuck am I doing with my life." It takes me half a minute to climb it and all I can see is her. Leaning on bathroom's wall. I jumped in and roll my eyes. "God. You're sleeping?" I almost lost it but luckily I didn't. "Hey! Wake up." I shake her body. "Come on. Not funny." I got scared when she's not waking up. "Hey. I'm serious. Wake up." Then I realized her face is full of sweat again. But still normal temperature. I think she's passed out from heat or something.

I quickly put her on my back and run from the bathroom to first aid room. Before I can even reach the room, I hear she's talking to me. "Dave stop. Let me sit." I stop running and put her on a chair. "How do you feel?"
"Light headed. But I'm fine."
"Come on. Fine? You were passed out inside a fucking bathroom. If I didn't crazy enough to climb the door, no one's gonna find you." It really pissed me off that she actually think like it was nothing. "I know. I'm sorry. But I'm just tired. Nothing more."
"No shit, I'm gonna..."
"No. Don't tell him. Please?" She grab my hand right before I go to find Taylor. I surrender and then going on my knees. "He must be worry about you. Me too. And Nate."
"Thanks. I appreciate that. But please, I don't wanna screw Taylor's mind with unnecessary things. He will overreacting." I sigh, I can't believe I actually approved her request. "Alright. But next time you passed out inside bathroom again, I will sure telling him about it."

Before we decide to go back to dressing room, I bought a bottle of water for her. Let her to get her energy first. "Better?"
"Yeah. Thanks a lot."
"Don't thank me. You owe me something."
"Alright. What's you gonna ask?" Hell, if you ask me, I wanna say it's you. "Nope. Nevermind. You're not gonna able to give that either."
"Oh, Dave. Come on what is it?"
"Really? Just forget that. I was just joking around." I forced a smile on my face, makes it less suspicious. "Come on. If you able to walk again, we need to find Taylor and Nate. They're looking for you too."

Just like what I suspected, Nate already giving up. It's only Taylor who doesn't come back to dressing room again. Nate is kinda off when he see Aubrey. "Where the fuck were you? We're all burned out after the show."
"She's passed out in the bathroom."
"Sssh Dave!" She quickly cover my mouth, but I know Nate already heard that. "What? How? What are you doing there? Oh my..."
"Don't tell Taylor please? This Dave guy won't shut up, please not you too." She begged to Nate and he looked like doesn't wanna put another problem either. "Alright. I won't. But I can't say the same thing about Dave." After Nate said that, she turned to me, looking sharp and pointing her finger at my face. "I swear I'm gonna rip off your guitar of you tell him."
"Hell no! Not my guitar. I won't tell him okay? We're good?"
"We're good."

"You looked like need a rest, better you go to the bed at the back room. I will tell Taylor to go back here." Nate then stand up and leaving just two of us. "He's right. You better take a sleep."
"Okay. Thanks." She smiles and left.  Something just doesn't seems right. I mean, she's kinda got some 'not-well' events so often. Plus what I saw from John's face last time. I feel like she's hiding something. From all of us but John. Or maybe John just accidentally found out and she didn't have any intention to tell anyone.

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