The Hidden

By RavenWNight

370 97 17

The future, where a great war generations ago nearly destroyed the human race with disease and famine gave wa... More

Supply Run
The Crew
The Premonition
Thoughts of the past and future
The Hunt
The Talk
What does this mean?
What Have You Done?
Drowning in Memories
On the Road
The Ruins
A Safe Place

The Boy

13 2 0
By RavenWNight

     Since everyone who is attacked has some sort of mental scarring (no matter what they say), the quicker I do this, the better off he will be. I kneel by the crown of his head. Placing my hands on either side, I take a deep calming breath, clearing my mind and closing my eyes. I focus on the flow of energy within me and connect it to the boy in front of me. I go into an almost meditative state. Once our energies have connected, I move my right hand and place it over his Ajna chakra. I dive deep into his mind. Deeper than I intended. I watch his entire live play out before. His sister being stillborn. His best friend having to leave because she is one of us. Him never being accepted because of his sympathy for us. Being disowned by not only his parents but his whole town. Being chased out of the only home he had ever known. Getting caught stealing food and getting beaten for it. Nursing his wounds when he gets jumped by a group of people yelling horrible things at him. Stumbling around the forest with barely treated wounds. Hearing people's voices getting closer and trying to get away. I start doing what I can, but this is a big project. Well, at least I have somewhere to start. 

    It feels like no time is passing, but I know that the girls are worried. It has been a long time since anyone in the village has projected their mind into another, and they almost didn't make it back. It doesn't help that they were much more experienced than me, but I have one thing that they didn't. My girls. I'm sure they are watching over my body and trying to control the situation as much as possible. I wonder how they are handling things out there. I can feel that his mind is getting ready to fully awake. I have to get out of here quickly. I think about rejoining my body and only that. All other thought is pushed from my mind. I close my eyes. I feel energy pooling around me. I shoot downwards. 

     I don't scream. I don't even make a sound. I don't dare open my eyes. I fall for what seems to be forever. I suddenly slam into something. Sitting on the ground, I don't move for a few seconds. Slowly, I open my eyes. I remove my hands from their places on his head. I lean back as to not scare him when he opens his eyes. They creep open slowly and groggily. They widen when see me. "Hi. It's okay. I want to help. I'm not going to hurt you. My friends want to help as well. We are not like the ones who hurt you." I say to him, softly, in a kind tone of voice. I cause an orchid to grow. He gasps. "Wow." He whispered. We lock eyes. His eyes must be the bluest eyes I have ever seen. They're gorgeous. They go perfectly with his butterscotch hair. "My name is Spencer. Spencer Schuyler. You Are?" "Anastasia Monza, but people called me Ana." "So, what are you doing out here?" "My group and I are going to build our new village. We still have a ways to go to get to the where we will build. These are three of the people traveling with me, Jezebel, Ruby, and Jade." Heys chorused from the girls. "Come on lets get you back to our camp to clean you up and get you some clothes that aren't shredded." Spencer looked like he was about to protest. "I'm not taking no for an answer." He sighed and got up. Jade and I helped him walk to where we made camp. We talk between us while Bel and Ruby walk a few paces behind us. I glace at them. They look like they're planning something. I wonder what. Mmmm. 

When we get back to the ruins, I see Eric walking around. He seems to be looking for something or maybe someone. "Hey Eric," I yell. He looks in my direction. He jogs over, eyeing Spencer. "Hi, Ana. Where were you, and who is he?" He points over to Spencer, who is talking quietly with Bel and the twins near where they slept last night. "The girls and I went on a walk and found him, hurt, in the middle of the woods. We healed him. His name is Spencer. I saw his whole life. It was terrible. I'm going to talk to the council about letting him join us." I sigh, thinking about what I saw while healing him. "Why would you do that? I mean, he's healed now. can't he survive on his own now?" Eric questions. "Well, I guess he could, but I don't see why he would have to. No one deserves to be alone. Why are you acting this way? What's gotten into you? You never seemed to have a problem with others joining us before." I stare at him, wondering why he is acting so differently. "It doesn't matter. I'm going to go talk to the council. You should just at least talk to him before condemning him to a life alone. The Eric I know would never do a thing like that." I cut him off as he opens his mouth. I search his face, trying to look for a reason for this sudden change. "Maybe you should think for a minute. You can't take in everyone who has had something horrible happen to them. You can't ease your guilt by helping everyone you see!" He says, raising his voice in anger. I step back in shock. Eric has never acted this way before. "Fine. Fine. I can't help everyone. I know I can't, but I at least have to try. I thought you knew me better than that. I'm not helping him to ease the guilt about what happened to my family. Nothing will ever be able to do that. Until you figure out what your issue is, don't talk to me. Maybe it's just the stress, but you are way out of line. Leave me alone." I turn and walk away to find the council, trying to hold back tears. How dare he say that to me. He knows how guilty I feel about their deaths. I was right there. I could have done something to help them. I should have. 

                                                                         Eric's pov

After waking up in the strange ruined building, I help Mom cook something for Ivy to eat. Then I go to find Ana. I look in the building she walked into last night. She wasn't there. I walk around looking for her. After a while, I hear her call my name. I turn to her. I smile upon seeing her, but I realize she isn't alone. A boy I've never seen before is while her. I jog over to her as he walks over to Bel and the twins. "Hi, Ana. Where were you, and who is that?" I ask, pointing over to where the boy is talking to the girls. "The girls and I went on a walk and found him, hurt, in the middle of the woods. We healed him. His name is Spencer. I saw his whole life. It was terrible. I'm going to talk to the council about letting him join us." She sighs. She looks sad but also intrigued by this boy. I have to stop this before I lose my chance to tell her. "Why would you do that? I mean, he's healed now. can't he survive on his own now?" I question. "Well, I guess he could, but I don't see why he would have to. No one deserves to be alone. Why are you acting this way? What's gotten into you? You never seemed to have a problem with others joining us before." She stares at me. I go to answer her, but she cuts me off before I can say anything. "It doesn't matter. I'm going to go talk to the council. You should just at least talk to him before condemning him to a life alone. The Eric I know would never do a thing like that." She says, her eyes roving over my face looking for something. "Maybe you should think for a minute. You can't take in everyone who has had something horrible happen to them. You can't ease your guilt by helping everyone you see!" I say, raising my voice in anger. She steps back. "Fine. Fine. I can't help everyone. I know I can't, but I at least have to try. I thought you knew me better than that. I'm not helping him to ease the guilt about what happened to my family. Nothing will ever be able to do that. Until you figure out what your issue is, don't talk to me. Maybe it's just the stress, but you are way out of line. Leave me alone." She turns and walks away from me. My face falls in despair. What have I done? I know how she feels about the raid that killed her family. How could I have thrown that in her face when she was only trying to help someone? I was only worried about how this boy, Spencer, could infer with my plans for telling Ana about my love for her. Now I've ruined it. How will I ever get Ana to forgive me?  

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