Quicksand ¤ Jughead Jones

Por lucidprofanities

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"You trap me in, and I can't escape. It's like this quicksand you created to drive me insane, but the worst i... Más

Cast // Playlist
1- First Day Drama
2-Make ups
3-Releasing stressful thoughts
4-Past in Present
5- Disappointment
6-Bitter words spoken
7- Surprises
8- Rage
9- A Quick Change of Emotions
11- Team-up gone wrong
12- Blushes
13- Outbursts
14- Recognizing Feelings
15- Departure
18- Beyond Repair
19- Cruel World
20- Unbelievable Facts
21- The Beginning of Chaos
22- Utter Havoc
23- Night to Disaster
24- Anatomy of a Murder
25- A Change Of Heart?

17- Slipping Away

2.9K 75 43
Por lucidprofanities


There was something in her chest that Lauren Davis felt. It was described as 'Heartbreak' from her friend Veronica, but this couldn't be heartbreak. Heartbreak was merely a psychological term that gave a title to a feeling but surely what Lauren felt couldn't be as small and painless as Heartbreak?

If this is what Heartbreak felt like, Lauren was yet to discover real pain. Sure, she had felt immense pain earlier in her life, too many times, in fact. But in this exact moment, it seemed like there was no comparison needed when it came to this kind of pain. It was something else. 

Lauren didn't want to sit around and hope she would get her heart fixed by the boy she was so lost with, instead she decided to get over it, she had other things to worry about, other than her heart being played with. To her, right now, her heart wasn't the most important.

Others would argue that your heart made you the person you are, that your life was useless without your heart. However, Lauren disagreed, sure it was the organ of life, one you're dead without but emotionally it simply made her weak, it made her re-think her decisions and lose confidence, she didn't want that. Lauren was absolutely done with actin upon her feelings. She just wanted to shut down.

So instead of swallowing herself in self-loathing, Lauren put on her warmest coat and made her way to the rest of her, somewhat, friends and made sure she was tagging along with Veronica and Kevin instead of Jughead, Betty, Archie and Valerie, who found herself somehow sucked into the groups problems as if she were their own. 

"So how's the cold war at home?" Kevin asked barely engrossed in what the trio were doing, he stared at the device in his hand, expecting it to give clear instructions where to go. 

"Ugh, horrible." Veronica groaned, narrowing her eyes as she stepped on a twig, scratching her boot heels. "Look, I hate fighting with my mom but until she is ready to admit and to own that she forged my name to help her illicit trysting with Fred Andrews. I can't blink, Kevin. She needs to make the next move." 

"And what if she doesn't?" Lauren questions with raised brows, her giving Kevin a pointed look as he struggled with the compass. Finally she grabs it from his hands and holds it right, the boy staring at her sheepishly. 

Veronica rolls her eyes at the two's childish games, still not believing that Lauren had agreed to come when she was upset about a certain relationship, nevertheless she smirked at the question. "Back in New York, whenever I needed to blow off steam or force my mother's hand, I'd go out on a bender, dancing with my fave celebrity gal-pal, my best gay, an awkward slash nerdy bestie, along with some dim-witted, sexy, disposable arm candy. That's Josie, Kevin and of course you-" 

Lauren salutes her in response, Kevin letting out a small gasp and putting his hand on his heart graciously. "Honored, both of us, I'm sure."

Veronica continued with a grin, "I figured you would need this," Her statement was obviously directed towards Lauren who gave her a grimace. 

"Thoughtful." Lauren noted, making a gesture for her to continue. 

"And usually, I go for some arm candy but since you're my unsocial bestie for the restie, I'm going to generously offer a specific Mantle, for you." Veronica said brightly her grin widening as she turned to look at Reggie who stared into his phone camera and wiped his face. 

Veronica and Kevin both snickered as Lauren stared at Reggie being himself, she had stopped walking and was now watching him with a small smile, the Asian boy finally found her gaze, putting his phone down to give her the purest smile he could muster up and sent it her way, not forgetting to shoot her a wink. 

Veronica and Kevin give her a teasing smile as she shook her head and blushed deeply, a little bit of her pain from earlier being restored as she chose to ignore her feelings. Veronica smirked at Kevin. "See." 

Lauren rolls her eyes at the immaturity in her playful tone, now walking beside the girl again as she struggled to keep her feet far away from mud. 

"Do you want to invite Betty?" Kevin announced, turning to face Veronica. "She could probably use a distraction right now." 

Before Lauren could nod in agreement, Veronica countered back as she stared behind Kevin with her jaw dropped and her eyes wide. "I think she might be a tad busy." 

Lauren turned to look at what Veronica had been gazing at, her eyes falling onto the Blossom family as they marched towards the crowd of teenagers, along with the redheaded family walked cheerleader of the high school who were followed by the Sheriff and his officers, the former standing slightly ashamed as Lauren shook her head at him. 

Drama was following the steps of Alice Cooper as her and Hal Inwardly gasp and groan in an unimpressive way, them stopping in their tracks, the former Cooper stepped forward ready to speak on the behalf of her family. 

"Alice Cooper, where is she? Where is Polly?" 

Lauren almost scoffed out loud at Penelope's bitter question, she was glaring at the older blonde who blinked at her in response. Lauren admitted it was a dumb question to ask when almost half of the teenagers in Riverdale High were swarmed around the area, obviously searching for a specific person or object.

"You think if I knew that I would be out here with these mosquitoes?" Alice retorted, flinging her arms around to move the insects.

"Face facts, mommy dearest," Cheryl piped up. "Polly killed Jason." 

Everyone was focused on the Blossom-Cooper interaction that was taking place, some people taking out their phones to record and mess around, others weighing in options like Nancy Drew herself. Clifford Blossom decided to speak up, voicing his own thoughts. "She escaped from the asylum once, who's to say she didn't before, say the day Jason was murdered?" 

Finally, Lauren released the scoff she was holding in, a jab to her stomach making her scowl at the person who did it, that being Veronica, Lauren rolled her eyes once more, feeling some sort of discomfort as shady Clifford landed his gaze on her after her sharp noise. 

"The noose is tightening around your murdering daughter's neck. I know it, Sheriff Keller knows it." Penelope gritted out. 

Sheriff Keller lifted his head, interrupting the women from continuing. "Hold on, now." 

Nonetheless, Penelope continued. "And I promise you, when we find her, and we will, the entire town of Riverdale will know, too." 

The silence in the air was enough for Lauren to huff out, that out-take of her breathe now at the center of attention, stares falling on her, the girl shrugging innocently "What?"

All the people that had gathered around the fighting families were now told to leave as a press conference was to be held by Alice, one Lauren didn't bother to go to. Arms snaked around her waist as she tried to follow Veronica and Kevin away from the natural habitat, but Reggie's hands stopped her from doing so. 

"So," Reggie started turning Lauren around, a small shriek left her lips at the pace of the spin. "Are you going with Veronica?" 

It was hard for the girl to bite back her surprise, the brunette lashes fluttering as she blinked furiously. "She already told you?" 

Reggie causally shrugged his shoulders, fixing his hair quickly. "She texted me, specifically mentioning you were going." 

Lauren hummed, pursing her lips as she stared at the back of Veronica's retreating figure, she could practically sense the smirk on her face, despite the girls back facing her. "Yeah, I'll go." 

"What?" To say that Reggie was shocked would be an understatement, his eyebrows shot up in surprise, leaving forward slightly. "Seriously, I had this whole thing planned out where I would convince you to go with a spectacular good looks and charming personality." 

"Of course." Lauren stated, crossing her arms over her shoulders. "Charming..." 

Reggie ignored her comment, waving his hand dismissively. "You do know it's a club right? Alcohol provided." 

Lauren raised her eyebrows in amusement, giving him a small nudge, nodding her head sarcastically. "I'm not a nun, Reggie." 

"Hard to tell." 

Lauren slapped his arm at his remark, giving him a playful glare as she let her eyes wonder off to blonde and a beanie boy, holding hands and talking quietly. Lauren let her smile slip off her face, her happy exterior deflating before she cleared her throat. "Do you want me to drop you?" 

"You drive?" 

"It's a funny story actually..." 

Reggie gave her an eager look. "Please, do tell." 


"I don't want Polly to runaway again." Betty explained, coming to a final conclusion as she rubbed her palms together. "But if she can't live at home, then... I don't know, I can rent her an apartment."

"She can stay with me." Lauren piped up, sitting straighter on the soft sofa, her hot chocolate in hand. "I live alone anyway, it would be nice actually-" 

Betty stopped her, shaking her head vigorously,a smile still on her face. "Lauren I can't let you do that, you've already been through so much, she would be such a burden on you-" 

Veronica stopped her this time. "No, Betty, I agree, Polly needs doctors and vitamins, I can chime in and help Lauren and together we can-" 

"What she needs is her family." Cheryl chimed in, putting a hand on her waist. "Betty, I would like to speak with you in privately, please."

Lauren and Veronica both sighed as Betty gave them a smile before grabbing her bag and following Cheryl into an empty classroom, the two discussing plans for the evening. 


It seemed that dancing around with sweaty bodies in a tight space was exactly what Lauren needed. Lauren was breathless as she danced with Veronica's moving body pressed in front of her, shaking to the song that was playing, Reggie behind her, a smile on his face. Lauren could feel herself dripping in sweat as she moved her hips to the beat of the song, her sequence dress moving up, it already being short. 

Due to her being heavily intoxicated, she didn't mind as her short dress rode up her thigh, her brown hair pressed against her forehead, her head moving swiftly, the rhythm of the dance dragged her body as if she was a puppet in the hand of the puppeteer, her hair flipped around her as she was suddenly moving with Kevin, him holding his hand out and dancing with her. 

It was great to feel herself slip away to the music, it was like all her worries flowed out of her like a balloon, the smile she had on her face never leaving, it permanently pasted on her mouth as her body moved around with all her friends. She was probably the most intoxicated out of her friends, with Kevin not having a sip of alcohol taking the responsibility to chaperone for the night. 

Josie, Veronica and Kevin had retreated, taking seats on couches that were out against a bar, despite them being exhausted, Reggie and Lauren continued to dance together, them loving the company the were in. 

For a moment they stared into each other, both coming to a slow stop, staring into each others eyes, not caring for a moment, they just wanted to stay in each others warmth, Lauren smiled at him, the alcohol definitely making her slightly over-confident.

 Lauren brought her hand up to his face, her thumb running over his bottom lip before pulling him into a passionate kiss, hollers erupt, loud as the sound of the music tried to drown it out, obviously it was her friends who were whistling and clapping but she didn't have a care in the world at the moment and nothing could possibly stop her from pulling out of the lip-lock.

 Reggie was smirking and if Lauren wasn't completely hammered she would have slapped him playfully for being cocky but at the moment she didn't do anything, simply tasting the alcohol in his own mouth. Lauren's soft hand had not left his face as Reggie's arms fall to her waist. 

Finally they left smirking at each other before Reggie dragged a stumbling Lauren, leading her to the seats her friends were seated in. 

The trio were laughing when Reggie and Lauren took a seat, Lauren resting her, now aching, head on the boys , his chest puffing out as he laughed along with the others. 

"I wish I could leave my body sometimes, leave Riverdale, leave everything." Veronica said to her, sipping on her drink. 

"Preach!" Lauren exclaimed a little too loud, causing Reggie to wince making her frown, apologizing repeatedly. 

"Is any of this helping?" Kevin questioned, his voice calm as he chuckled at Lauren who's head fell back on Reggie's chest. "Going out, going Black Swan any of it?"

Suddenly everyone's attention was now on the raven-haired girl her expression growing solemn. "When my dad got arrested, the police, the lawyers, the judge, the court, they took everything from us. Our houses, our cars, our club memberships, our yacht, even, I'm not kidding, the clothes of your backs. Anyway, my mom sat me on the edge of my canopy bed and she told me not to cry. Because there was one thing in this world that no one could ever take from me." 

"Your trust fund?" Reggie guessed lazily, Lauren nudging him in his ribs. 

"My name, Reggie." Veronica replied, giving him a side eyed look. "Which after telling me no one could ever take it, that is exactly what she did. Like it meant nothing, like I was nothing." 

It grew quiet in the friend circle, not awkward but quiet as Lauren leaped over to embrace Veronica who sighed, a breathy laugh leaving her face, she rubbed circles soothingly on her back before collapsing comfortably on the girl. "I think we both forget how much we both have in common, Ronnie."

Veronica looked at her in confusion for a second before realization snapped into her and her eyes fall in empathy, her side-hugging her. 

"Wow, you stole my girl, Ms.Lodge." Reggie announced, everyone now looking at him as he attempted to joke, Veronica cracked a smile. 

"Looks like you have competition, Reginald." 

A worker from the club walked up to the tired group, them practically falling asleep on the sofas. "I'm sorry Ms.Lodge but your card has been declined." 

Veronica tucked her hair behind hear, a smile present on her face. "Really? And let me guess, it's been reported stolen."

Lauren reclined slightly, Reggie sitting up straight, Lauren putting her head on his lap as the man answered, impressed. "It has, actually.We're supposed to call the cops." 

Lauren hummed, Reggie playing with her soft hair. "Yeah, call the cops, we'll gladly tell them how old we are. It's illegal after all." 

Josie clapped her hands together. "Or I could call my mom, the mayor." 

The man impatiently stared at the teens, glaring at all of their responses. 

"This should cover it." Veronica faux smiled, handing him cash and swapping it for the card. The man left almost immediately, a giggle leaving Lauren's mouth causing Reggie's smile to widen. 

"Veronica did your mom just cut you off?" Kevin asked, his jaw dropping in shock. 

"Yes she did." Veronica answered, rather proudly. 

Reggie raised his eyebrows. "That's a good thing?" 

"Oh Reggie," Veronica sighed softly, grinning at her friends brightly, pulling her coat on. "This is how we Lodge women roll, We feint, we parry, we approach, we retreat. We're like a cobra and a mongoose dancing. She blinked which means, I suspect, that Hermione Lodge is ready to negotiate." 


With a killer hangover, Lauren couldn't miss more school, but when she got back, she was in for a surprise, she was walking to meet up with Jughead when he was being followed by the Sheriff who stopped in front of her, he gave her a stern look before grabbing her arms. 

"Hey, What the Hell?" Lauren exclaimed as Kevin's father grabbed her by the arms, roughly, him pulling her alone with Jughead. 

"Lauren you are a suspected murderer for Jason Blossom." 

Gif is Lauren being all cute and dancing around... 

Hello, hi, how are you? Wow, I updated, what a surprise. 

I knew I was gonna update again, but this soon, even I didn't know. Anyway, what do you think will happen in the next chapter??? This Chapter was so intense I can't even. 

Also I updated a playlist with the cast, you guys should check it out, I'm sure you will like it. 

I hope you enjoyed and just make sure you're ready for the next chapter because it will be a hard one for sureee.

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