I Don't do Chic-flicks (Dean...

By BookLoverCoco

433K 10.2K 2.2K

(DeanXReader) Your a hunter. Well on the side, but full time yourown a bar that's on the side of a road in th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36(A/N)
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41(A/N)
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
NEW!! Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49- Broken Promise

Chapter 3

18.9K 439 98
By BookLoverCoco

My head was pounding like a hammer on nails. When I opened my eyes, I wasn't in my familiar room. No I was in someone's else's room, I think. I sit up slowly, studying my surroundings. I was on a twin size bed, with a wooden bed frame and that was about it. The room was bland and colorless. There was a small lamp next to me, and a closet on my far right. I slowly got up, and made my way towards the door, out into a grey hallway. It was long, and there were so many doors. Where the fuck am I?

I heard muffled voices to my right and quickly made a beeline towards them, hoping they were more friendly then the men or vampires I encountered last night. I walk into a huge room, covered in beautiful books, and a large wooden table in the middle that has to be centuries old. I peek around another corner and see Sam and Dean.

"She should be awake by now." Dean grumbles, in a cornered tone? He's concerned for me? "Don't worry dean she'll wake up, she hit her head pretty hard." Sam reassures him. I step in the kitchen, but none of them seem to notice. Sam's diggin into a salad while doing so work on his laptop and Dean.....I think he's making out with his pie.
"Hey." I finally speak up, making them snap their heads up at me. "Hey your awake." Sam smiles. "You feel okay?" He asks, pulling out a chair between him and Dean. I take a seat,"I think so. My head is pounding but it'll pass." I chuckle weakly. "We're sorry about the bar.." Dean says after a moment of silence. I give him a weak smile, feeling my heart sink as I remember the bar in flames. "It was my fault. It was the only way I could get out of that tight spot." I sigh. There was silence again. I didn't mind it, I mean what else can you say after your home goes up in flames. "So those vamps.....what did they want?" Sam asks. I shrug and trace circles on the metallic table,"I don't know. They said I knew something that was very valuable to them." "And you don't know what you know? That's helpful." Dean scoffs, shoving pie down his throat. I roll my eyes and sigh standing up,"Look, can you guys just call me a cab so I can get out of your hairs. I'm not dragging my crap into your lives." Sam and Dean look up at me, a smirk plastered on Dean's face and a concerned look on Sam's. "We'd like to help y/n, I mean you helped us with our case, besides it's kinda too late to turn back now." I sigh and rub my hand down my face,"I don't need people getting hurt over me." Dean's smirk grows, and he stands up with his empty plate in hand,"Sweetheart, you'd be surprised about the crap we've been through.. We're Winchesters. Trust me. We can handle it. Now no more chic-flick moments, your staying, we're helping, now sit down and eat some damn pie." I laugh and shake my head,"Alright 'Winchesters'". Dean passes me a plate which I gladly accept, and i plop a piece of pie on my plate. "Great, let's get to work." Sam smiles while dean joins me in shoveling down some cherry pie.

As Sam is scrolling through his lap top, after telling him everything I remember  about the guys. I sit in silence. Puzzles. Winchester. I knew that name. But where?
       "You okay?" Dean asks snapping me out of my trance. "John.....John Winchester that's where I knew that name from!!!!!! You guys related or something?" I ask. "Uh yeah he was our dad." Sam replies. "Wow, imagine that, John having two boys." I chuckle, finishing off my beer. "You knew him?" Dean asks, also finishing off his beer before he stands up to get us 3 new ones. "He's the one that brought me to Ellen. I tried stealing from his car, he said he liked my spunk, I had no home, my family was dead, and I was stealing to survive and a day later I was at Ellen's and Jo's and they took me in. I owe him everything." I smile softly, I remember everything as if it was yesterday. "Yeah well, everywhere we go it seems the old man was helping somebody." Dean chuckles slightly while taking a swing of his beer. I began to study his features. He had a small gruff grow, a nicely shaped jaw, his eyes showed that he's been through a lot but than there was that green glow that probably drove girls crazy. His lips were plump, I bet they'd feel great against my- "Hey y/n did you notice any tattoos on the blonde guy?" Sam asks, snapping me out of my trance. I noticed Dean was smirking, so I guess he caught me starring. My cheeks heated up slightly and I cleared my throat,"Um no- wait yes on his hand it looked like a compass." I inform Sam, paying attention to our work and not the green eyed man next to me. Focus y/n. "Are you sure you don't remember anything y/n?" Sam asks, he was slightly frustrated. I can't blame him though, we haven't found any leads. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to retrace my steps. But nothing out of the ordinary stood out. "Nothing....I'll try harder but for now I don't remember." "It's okay, I know your trying. I think we should all call it a night." Sam smiles before standing up and closing his laptop. "Night Sam." I smile up at him, also standing up. "Night y/n. Night Dean." Sam than exits the kitchen. "Night Dean." "Night sweetheart." He smirks. I smile slightly, making my way down the long and confusing hallway.

Finally, I find my room and slip out of my jeans. I'm gonna have to get new clothes tomorrow. I crawl into bed, under the blankets and sigh. My life has changed so rapidly. If I had a normal life I'd probably be freaking out, but instead this almost felt so casual. I close my eyes, and slowly fall into a deep sleep.

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