The Nine Tailed Human

By -Ruby-Red-

9.2K 198 89

The leaf village was Naruto's home. He loved it and everyone in it, but unfortunately they didn't return the... More

Fairy Tale, A New Life
3 Months Later, The Council
Mother? Daughter?
Author Note

Life in the Wild, The Meeting

2.8K 56 7
By -Ruby-Red-

Ten years ago in the kingdom of Fiore there emerged rumours of a haunted forest.
High up in Steppe Pass mountains there is a small, dense forest that runs for about four square kilometres.

A long time ago campers, wood cutters and young lovers would venture up to spend a night or two and enjoy the peace and quite the forest provided.

But one night a young couple had come running down the mountains that housed the forest and reached the town that sat at its base.
Once inside the safety of the village they had babbled on about demons and monsters appearing in yellow flashes, it was obvious the couple was extremely frightened.

A mob had gathered together, the strongest men and women in the village had taken up arms and marched up into the forest to investigate.

That night a ear splitting roar was heard all around the kingdom but for the mob that had formed it was much worse.

In the forest they had found the source of the disturbance, among the pitch black two eyes glowed a malevolent red colour with a large ginning mouth full of razor sharp teeth below.

The villagers had fled back home screaming and hollering all the way and closed all gates and shut up their houses, fearfully waiting for the wrath of the demon they had disturbed.

Hours were spent whimpering and waiting, eventually the sun lazily crawled into the sky. As morning came so did a sense of safety and comfort.

The village elders had quickly called a town meeting and it had been decided to leave the forest undisturbed seeing as the demon would leave them alone as long as they left it alone.

Ten years passed and still the forest lay dormant and the story of the red eyed demon became a story told to children around a camp fire or as a bed time story.

Present time, Magnolia

It was an average day in the fairy tale Guild Hall. Everyone was either brawling or drinking away the day while others headed out on missions or returned from them.

Sitting at a table towards the back we're three of the most beautiful women in Fiore. The Demoness, Mirajane. The Titania, Erza. And The Spirit Master, Lucy. The three women were as deadly as they were beautiful.

There was one thing that spelled certain disaster within the guild. And that was when the three were bored. And right know they were bored silly.

"I'm bored let's go hit something", Lucy whined .

"There's nothing and to do and no one is brave enough to spar with us", Erza said.

"We should check the mission board there may be something their for us to do", Mira suggested helpfully.

Chorusing their agreement the three stood up and walked up the stairs towards the second floor and the S-class mission board. When they go there they only saw one mission.

Mission: Investigate forest area, demon activity reports. Search the forest and slay the demon if there is one.

Reward: 1,000,000 jewels

Seeing the reward they instantly agreed to embark upon this mission so they set out to their homes to gather supplies and food.

Five hours later they had reached the town the mission came from and headed for the mayors office to report their arrival.

Entering the mayors office they weren't impressed or surprised to see an overweight middle aged man who had started to bald.

"Ah you three lovely ladies must be from the guild we sent to for help. Please come in make yourself comfortable", the fat man said, his eyes roaming over their bodies.

"Oi eyes up here pervert", the angry red head of the group said and when the mayor dragged his gaze upwards he paled in fright. All three women were glaring at him with a deathly aura surrounding them.

"E-e-er yeah let's get on with the meeting shall we. This town is situated at the base of the Steppe Pass mountains. In a valley high up in the mountains there is a forest and we believe that is where the demon is living. A few years ago a mob went up to the valley to rid us of the demon but there they found the giant eyes and teeth of the demon waiting for them." The portly man stuttered our wanting to be rid of the three possible causes for his death.

The three girls merely huffed before leaving, muttering about pervy old men. Said man let out a sigh of relief once they were gone.

The three girls had been walking for a few hours as they had just made it up the mountain and were now entering the valley.

The first thought they had was how beautiful the valley looked from their position.

"Hey look over there!", Erza spoke, "there's smoke rising that must be a fire".

"Well then let's go check it out and get our reward."

With that the three dashed off down the valley and towards the source of the smoke, all of them completely silent as to not let the demon know of their arrival.

Holding her hand up Lucy and Mira stopped behind Erza. The three were crouched on a branch above a clearing and were looking down.

What they saw below was shocking. It was a small camp with a large bonfire going in the middle. A large Elephant Koi fish was sat above the fire slowly turning on a spit.

But the wasn't the cause for their shock, no it was the being sitting at the fire and spinning the fish that shocked them.

There was a blonde haired boy who looked about a year younger then them sitting there. At first glance he just looked like a normal boy but then they took notice of the nine furry tails waving happily behind him along with the point fur covered ears.

A human with fox tails, this must be the demon, they all thought together. Slowly then moved towards the ground as silently as possible while creeping closer to the boy.

They stopped and held their breaths as the boys tails suddenly went rigid and his ears perked up. Looking around the boy quickly stood up and sniffed the air before letting out a low and dangerous growl.

"I know your there, come out now before I hunt you down and tear out your throats", the boy growled out.

Not wanting to anger the blonde the three girls quickly stepped out of their cover before putting their hands up in placating manner.

"Hello there my names Mirajane, this is Erza and Lucy. We were wondering if you are the only one that lived in this forest?".

"Of course I'm the only one, all those other tailless demons destroyed the trees and polluted the forest", he growled out.

The easily angered red head the spoke up, "who the hell are you calling a demon. Your the demon pal and were here to remove it from the villagers forest".

A large growl tore itself from his throat as he jumped backwards and into a crouched fighting stance, his hands crossed in an x with his fingers making claws that faced outwards.

"So more tailless demons coming to kill me eh. I'll make quick work of you before going back to my dinner. Maybe then the stupid villagers will leave me in peace".

A thought suddenly struck Lucy, "wait hold on everyone", she spoke.

"Lucy what's going on?"

"Yeah Lucy I want to pound this fox boy already"

"Just let me talk to him first, I have an idea", she stated as she slowly walked towards the boy. "Easy there I don't want to hurt you", she said softly as she watched him tense up and growl slightly. "Tell me what did you mean about the villagers leaving you alone?".

"Every couple of weeks they send fools up here to get rid of me. They only want me gone because there was a rumour of treasure here or so they said when I snuck into one of their village meetings".

"So you didn't attack and provoke them then? They seem to believe you are an evil menace", Lucy said.

Growling again the boy answered, "I just want to be left alone, there's no treasure up here I've already looked, the villagers just want to sate their greed. Menace my arse they always try to hunt me down and I never do anything in retaliation".

Lucy looked back at her teammates, she saw a look of understanding on their faces.

"You poor thing this is your home and they want to tear it apart for no good reason!", Mira said before she rushed the boy and wrapped him up in a hug.

"AHHH what is this why are you attacking me as well", the boy exclaimed.

"What! You mean you don't know what a hug is!?", Mira asked shocked.

"No I've lived alone as long as I can remember, I've never had anyone else", the boy said sadly.

A loving and understanding smile came on Mira's face. She slowly walked toward the boy again. "Here this won't hurt I promise. It's called a hug and a lot of people enjoy them".

The fox boy was slightly suspicious but allowed his head to be brought to her chest as her arms wrapped around him. "Here now put your arms around me", Mira instructed.

After doing so the boy stood there silently, marvelling the wonderful feeling of these so called hugs.

"How do you feel?", Mira asked softly.

"These hugs.... they make me feel.... safe and ah happy", he tried to explain.

The two let each other go, "yes that's what hugs do I'm glad you enjoyed it", Mira smiled.

The two other girls were also smiling at seeing this interaction.

Scratching his head the boy then gestured to the still cooking fish. "Umm would you like to stay for some dinner, it would be nice to not have to eat alone again?" He asked hopefully.

"A boy sitting alone in a rundown apartment eating two minute ramen. He played with the noodles with chopsticks as he sat in the darkened room, eating alone"

Shaking that random image from his head the boy looked back at the girls awaiting their answer.

He was not disappointed when all three girls nodded and sat down next to the fire. Twenty minutes later there were eating, laughing and talking.

"So you know our names but we never got yours. Would you mind telling us now?", Lucy asked.

"Um well the scroll I found told me my name was Naruto Uzumaki", the now named Naruto answered.

"Scroll? What scroll are you talking about?", Lucy asked again, she was always excited to hear about anything literature related.

Standing up Naruto walked toward an large tree. They noticed in was hollowed out and had a think handmade door with runes running all over it.

He disappeared in side it before returning a few seconds later. In his hands was a large red scroll with yellow edges. "From as far back as I can remember this scroll has been with me. It had a short letter telling me my
Name and what was in the scroll", Naruto told them. "It also has a few weapons and different types of Magic for me to learn", this shocked the girls, what type of Magic could it be.

"If you don't mind be asking what type of Magic is the scroll teaching you?", Erza asked.

"Well it says it's called Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu. There's also a thing called Kenjutsu", he said shocking them once more.

Wow This boy is learning things I've never even heard of

This is amazing who knew I would meet someone who knew such magic

He must be strong

Mira, Lucy and Erza thought respectively. They were all amazed and excited to meet someone with a type of Magic they had never heard of before.

"Tell me Naruto have you ever considered joining a Mages Guild?", Lucy asked the question they all wanted to know.

Naruto suddenly found the ground very interesting. "I.... ah don't think that would be the best idea, with me having these and all", he stated sadly, his tails waving behind him.

"Nonsense Master Makarov is the kindest old man you'll ever meet. He lets anyone join and treats all his members like his own children. I'm sure he would let you join and then you can make friends and not be alone anymore", Erza told him.

Hearing the description of the old man another strange image appeared in his head.

"A aged man sat at a desk in room that looked like an office. He wore red and white robes with a weird hat on his head. The hat was squared shaped with one of the corners facing forwards. A strange symbol was drawn on the edge. The old man wore a kind and happy expression on his face as he gazed upon someone"

Naruto shook this image from his head as well and returned to the conversation.

"I'll think about it, it's getting pretty late we should sleep", he told them avoiding the question. They all gave him looks telling him they knew what he was trying to do.

He stood up and walked to the fire before putting his hands in a weird hand sign. The girls watched him, interested to see if this was his magic.

"Wind Style: Gentle Breeze", he spoke before breathing out a small amount of wind, enough to blow out the fire. The three girls just sat their amazed.

"Well follow me to my house and I'll show you were you can sleep", he said walking toward the tree once more. They followed him and found out the tree was actually an entrance to an underground burrow lit by light runes.

There was a large table with four chairs, a two couches with one being and two seater and the other a three seater. In front of the couches was a cabinet with a Lacrima Tv on it. On the other side of the underground area was a large bed. It looked large enough to hold five people easily.

"Well home sweet home I guess, most of this stuff i ahh .... borrowed from the villagers", he said scratching his head, embarrassed.

The girls merely chuckled. "Well you three can have a bed. The couch will be fine for me", Naruto stayed before stripping to his boxers and lying down on the couch, his tails curling around him.

The girls then, making sure Naruto wasn't peaking, changed into their pyjamas. Then the three crawled into Naruto's bed before falling asleep.

The next morning the girls woke up to a the smell of cooking meat and another delicious scent. Following their noses they exited the burrow and found Naruto cooking bacon, sausage, eggs and a rabbit stew on the fire. There was also a lot of coffee cooking on the side.

"Morning guys, I ducked down to the village before to get some food you might like. I'm
Not the best cook but enjoy!", Naruto told them.

"Thanks Naruto"

"Smells great"

"Your a wonderful cook"

The girls praised him, Naruto laughed while scratching his head sheepishly. After breakfast was completed and the girls got ready to leave before Naruto walked out of the burrow. A back was on his back with is large scroll tied beneath it. He was wearing a a grey long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up to just below his elbows. He wore black boots with his baggy black pants tucked into them and a red sash tied around his waist.

The girls couldn't help but admire how good he looked, but were also confused as to why he was packed like he was leaving.

"So from the bag and scroll on your back I take it that your coming with us to the guild?", Erza quickly figured out.

"Ahh yeah if you guys will let me I'd love to come with you.... and not be alone anymore", he whispered the last part to himself but the girls still heard him.

"Great! Everybody will love you I'm sure of it!", Mira exclaimed happily.

The four then set off down the mountain, it was a much quicker trip as Naruto knew the fastest way down to the bottom.

Once the reached the outskirts of the village Erza suddenly stopped.

"Erza what's going on?", Lucy asked confused.

"What are we gonna do about Naruto, if the villagers see his tails they will know he's the demon", She said.

The girls eyes widened in realisation.

"It's no big deal, I can transform into a smaller form so I won't be recognised", Naruto informed them.

The girls could merely watch as he was enveloped in a cloud of smoke. When it cleared Mira squealed and glomped Naruto's new form.

"Omg omg omg your so cute!!", Mira squealed while squishing a small, extremely cute fox with nine tails into her chest.

Naruto merely yipped before settling into her arms. Lucy and Erza watched on in jealousy.
Not long later the group had received their payment and were on the train back to Magnolia.

Mira and Lucy sat next to each other while Erza sat across Mira and the still fox formed Naruto lay sleeping on the empty seat next to Erza.

The three girls chatted and watched Naruto sleep before each taking turns to hold him on their lap and pet his fur.

Naruto just sleep on enjoying their ministrations before he was woken by a loud, automated voice.

"The train is now arriving in Magnolia Town"



New story and this is the first chapter obviously. Don't give a fuck if you don't like it because if you don't like it but still read it then your a dumbass, plain and simple.

On to other matters I had a new story idea and it was a DBZ fanfic. The idea is that after Goku attains the mastered ultra instinct then everyone is a little afraid of him. He returns back to earth after the tournament to find Chichi had moved on with another guy. Bring to nice to get angry Goku merely accepted what happened and moved out. Everyone but him got their happy ending but him so with feelings on hurt and betrayal from his so called friends he leaves earth and goes deep into space.

Time progressed and the tale of the Super Saiyan that surpassed the gods and became one in his own right was told to children and passed around the galaxy. Eventually Goku is found in his isolation by three other saiyans and one of them is a hard headed beauty who won't take no for an answer.

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