The Boy Next Door

By Xxelizabeth18Xx

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•THIS STORY HAS MANY MISTAKES• •All copyrights reserved• We both head upstairs to the restroom that's right... More



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By Xxelizabeth18Xx

A few weeks past after we went to the beach house. I guess I was right people were saying that Jackson had ask Jessica out. I mean maybe there lying but I don't know. I haven't really been speaking to Jackson not because I don't like him because he's being distant. I'll try to talk but he'll be like I gonna go. I mean I always have Caden and Aria right?. Anyways Alex had asked Aria out and she said yes. But on the same day Cole had ask me out. I know what?! And of course I said yes how could I not. Cole was nice and sweet and handsome really handsome. Him and I have been spending a lot of time together so I guess he thought that meant something.

"Aria! We really don't have to" I say

"Yes we do..I want to see how he acts around you" She says looking though my closest

"Uhh Fine But I swear if you say anything embarrassing about me" I say pointing at her

"I won't I won't..but come her I want you to wear this" she saying

I get up and and head to my closest. I see Aria holding up a black dress.

"You want me to wear this" I ask

"Yes...I'm gonna be wearing a dress as well." She says

I grab the dress and go into my restroom. Today Cole and I, And Aria and Alex are going on a double date. Aria had come to my house the same day the boys asked us out and said  we oh we have to have a double date and I was ok with that. Once I was done changing we both did our makeup and hair together. I had put my hair in a cute low bun and she had left her hair down. We both did our makeup similar.

My outfit

My hair

My makeup

Once we were done getting dressed we both headed downstairs.

"Oh my" My mother gasped

"Y'all look so beautiful" my mother says with a smile

"Aw Thanks Ms.Jones" Aria says

"Thanks Mom...oh wait I forgot something in my car I'll be right back" I say and headed out the door

I needed to get my purse I didn't fell like carrying my phone the whole time plus I was bringing my wallet.

"Ah gotcha" I say and get out of the back seat.

I look behind and see Jackson. Yay great I'm so happy I'm seeing him right now..can you tell I'm being Sarcastic. Is it noticeable.

"Jackson hi" I say

"Why do you look so dressed up?" He ask

"Um well I'm actually going on a date" I say

"For real,   With who?" He ask

"With Cole and Alex and Aria it's a double date" I say

"Coles asked you out" he says

"Yeah he asked me out a few days ago"
"Do you like Cole?"
"Um I mean yeah I guess"

"Oh so you like Me, Caden and Cole.."

"Now when did I ever say I liked you"

He stayed quiet

"That's What I thought" I say and walk pass him to go to my house. While I'm walking pass him he grabs my arm



"You look beautiful"

Then all of a sudden
"CARTER WHERES ARIA?" I see Alex walking towards us

"Hey Jackson" he says Jackson let's go and gives him a hug.
Then I see Cole

"Wow" Cole says to me
I smile and look down

"You look absolutely amazing" Cole says

"Thanks don't look so bad yourself" I say

"Let me to get Aria I'll be right back" I say and go inside to get aria.

"Come On Aira lets go!" I say

"Have fun sweetie" my mother calls out

"I will bye" I say

A few minutes pass and we arrive at a restaurant I've never been to

"Wow...this looks expensive Cole" I say in shock

"Come On" He day and grabs my hand

"Table for two" He says

Wait what?

"What about Aria and Alex?"
"There getting there own table"

"Oh ok"

Once the lady gets us a table we sit. Cole day on one side and I sat on the other.

"You've been here before" I ask

"Yeah a few times with my parents" he says

"Oh that's nice"

"You? Have you ever been here?" He ask

"Um no..I don't really go out and eat to much..Well ever since my father passed" I say

"Oh I'm sorry" he says

"Yeah me to" I say and look down at our menus

What can I get for y'all this evening" A male says

"Can we get 2 glasses of water and 2 plates of your stakes medium well" he says

He looks towards my way and nod.

"Holy-'' Cole says looking at the entrance of the restaurant

"What" I look back and see Jackson and Jessica. My heart drop when I say them holding hands

"Wow" I say

"They make a good looking couple yeah"
"There a couple?" I ask
"No but they look cute together"
"Yeah they do"

A few minutes pass and Cole and I are just talking and laughing. Coles actually a pretty funny guy. I kept glancing over to Jackson table, Every time I looked his eyes were already on me. He probably just brought Jessica to get me jealous I bet. Well he thought wrong...I think.

"Everything alright Carter?" Cole says bringing be back to reality

"What yeah" I say

A few more minutes pass and the food comes out. The food was absolutely amazing. I wish I had the money to come here all the time. And of course Cole payed I try to slid my card the guys hand but Cole saw and said he's paying no matter what. We were just about to leave when I remembered that Alex and Aria had come with us to

"Wait what about Alex and Aria?" I say and look back

"Oh they left already" Cole says
I nod and we both head out. We had small talk in the car about his family and how his brother lives in France. He told me that one day he hopes he'll see him again. I've always wished to have a sibling but I guess once my parents had me they said NO MORE KIDS I mean yeah having kids is hard. I mean I shouldn't know but I'm a child and I know I was hard to raise me.

"Well I hope we can do this again some time" he says I look out the window and realize we made it back to my house

"Oh yeah it was fun" I say and open the door

"Goodbye Carter" he says

"Goodnight Cole" I say and close the door

"So you had a fun time with Cole" Jackson says behind me. I turn back to see he was still in his suit he had worn out with Jessica

"You had fun with Jessica" I say

"I asked you first" he says getting closer to me

"I don't have to answer if I don't want to now if you'll please excuse me I wanna go inside my house."

"No..why in the hell did you go on a date with Cole"

"Because I can...why in the hell did you go on a date with Jessica?"

"Because I can" He says

"Well than that solves it" I say and try to walk passed him but he grabs me by the waist and pulls me towards him.

"Carter please don't go out with Cole" he says

"Why not"

"Because...I want you to be mine" he says and with that he smashes his lips into him. At first I saw shocked but soon gave in.

"I'm cold"
"Ok princess let me get you inside" he says while chuckling.

I stop mid way while we were walking towards my house
"Why did you take Jessica out?" I ask

"Because I wanted to get you jealous" he says

"I knew it!" I say

"Oh so you were jealous"
"Yes you were"
"Oh shut it" I say and lightly hit his arm.

Once we made it to my door I got out of his grip.

"Goodnight Jackson" I say and give him a kiss on the cheek

"Goodnight princess" he says and returns the kiss back on my cheek.

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